
Instructions for developers.


Many python libraries use sphinx to generate docs via readthedocs (also hosts). This setup is too powerful (and therefore complicated) for our purposes. Instead, we use pdoc, run via GitHub Actions, as configured here.

dirs must contain file to be recognized by pdoc.

pdoc grabs the docstrings of modules/classes/functions, and renders them into pretty html. The resulting html is hosted with Github Pages.

The docstrings should be written using markdown syntax. In general, you should also try to reference other objects (if appropriate) by using backticks. And if you want to do it really well, you should follow the numpy style guide.

Run pdoc locally

To live preview your changes, do

pdoc -t docs/templates --docformat=numpy --math pipt popt misc ensemble simulator input_output docs/ docs/

This should open a browser window with the rendered html. You can also ctrl/cmd-click the printed localhost link, or simply copy-paste it into your browser.

If you want to reproduce errors that occur in CI, you'll want to include the option -o docs-generated. Since this actually generates html files, it will processes all of the files by default (without which you might not pick up on the error).

PS: it seems that the upstream pdoc does not report where parsing errors occur

(it simply quits with a traceback). We therefore use my (patnr) fork which

  • skips the markdown conversion for the erroneous docstring,
  • prints the specific docstring that causes issues.


The test suite is orchestrated using pytest. Both in CI and locally. I.e. you can run the tests simply by the command


It will discover all appropriately named tests in the source (see the tests dir).

Use (for example) pytest --doctest-modules to also run any example code within docstrings.

We should also soon make use of a config file (for example pyproject.toml) for pytest.

1"""Instructions for developers.
3.. include:: ./