
Package contains the basis for the PET ensemble based structure.

  2Package contains the basis for the PET ensemble based structure.
  5# External imports
  6import csv  # For reading Comma Separated Values files
  7import os  # OS level tools
  8import sys  # System-specific parameters and functions
  9from copy import deepcopy, copy  # Copy functions. (deepcopy let us copy mutable items)
 10from shutil import rmtree  # rmtree for removing folders
 11import numpy as np  # Misc. numerical tools
 12import pickle  # To save and load information
 13from glob import glob
 14import datetime as dt
 15from tqdm.auto import tqdm
 16from p_tqdm import p_map
 17import logging
 18from geostat.decomp import Cholesky  # Making realizations
 20# Internal imports
 21from pipt.misc_tools import cov_regularization
 22from pipt.misc_tools import wavelet_tools as wt
 23from misc import read_input_csv as rcsv
 24from misc.system_tools.environ_var import OpenBlasSingleThread  # Single threaded OpenBLAS runs
 27class Ensemble:
 28    """
 29    Class for organizing misc. variables and simulator for an ensemble-based inversion run. Here, the forecast step
 30    and prediction runs are performed. General methods that are useful in various ensemble loops have also been
 31    implemented here.
 32    """
 34    def __init__(self, keys_en, sim, redund_sim=None):
 35        """
 36        Class extends the ReadInitFile class. First the PIPT init. file is passed to the parent class for reading and
 37        parsing. Rest of the initialization uses the keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class to set up observed,
 38        predicted data and data variance dictionaries. Also, the simulator to be used in forecast and/or predictions is
 39        initialized with keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class. Lastly, the initial ensemble is generated (if
 40        it has not been inputted), and some saving of variables can be done chosen in PIPT init. file.
 42        Parameter
 43        ---------
 44        init_file : str
 45                    path to input file containing initiallization values
 46        """
 47        # Internalize PET dictionary
 48        self.keys_en = keys_en
 49        self.sim = sim
 50        self.sim.redund_sim = redund_sim
 51        self.pred_data = None
 53        # Auxilliary input to the simulator - can be used e.g.,
 54        # to allow for different models when optimizing.
 55        self.aux_input = None
 57        # Setup logger
 58        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
 59                            filename='pet_logger.log',
 60                            filemode='w',
 61                            format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s : %(message)s',
 62                            datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
 63        self.logger = logging.getLogger('PET')
 65        # Check if folder contains any En_ files, and remove them!
 66        for folder in glob('En_*'):
 67            try:
 68                if len(folder.split('_')) == 2:
 69                    int(folder.split('_')[1])
 70                    rmtree(folder)
 71            except:
 72                pass
 74        # Save name for (potential) pickle dump/load
 75        self.pickle_restart_file = 'emergency_dump'
 77        # initiallize the restart. Standard is no restart
 78        self.restart = False
 80        # If it is a restart run, we do not need to initialize anything, only load the self info. that exists in the
 81        # pickle save file. If it is not a restart run, we initialize everything below.
 82        if 'restart' in self.keys_en and self.keys_en['restart'] == 'yes':
 83            # Initiate a restart run
 84            self.logger.info('\033[92m--- Restart run initiated! ---\033[92m')
 85            # Check if the pickle save file exists in folder
 86            try:
 87                assert (self.pickle_restart_file in [
 88                        f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)])
 89            except AssertionError as err:
 90                self.logger.exception('The restart file "{0}" does not exist in folder. Cannot restart!'.format(
 91                    self.pickle_restart_file))
 92                raise err
 94            # Load restart file
 95            self.load()
 97            # Ensure that restart switch is ON since the error may not have happened during a restart run
 98            self.restart = True
100        # Init. various variables/lists/dicts. needed in ensemble run
101        else:
102            # delete potential restart files to avoid any problems
103            if self.pickle_restart_file in [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]:
104                os.remove(self.pickle_restart_file)
106            # initialize sim limit
107            if 'sim_limit' in self.keys_en:
108                self.sim_limit = self.keys_en['sim_limit']
109            else:
110                self.sim_limit = float('inf')
112            # bool that can be used to supress tqdm output (useful when testing code)
113            if 'disable_tqdm' in self.keys_en:
114                self.disable_tqdm = self.keys_en['disable_tqdm']
115            else:
116                self.disable_tqdm = False
118            # extract information that is given for the prior model
119            self._ext_prior_info()
121            # Calculate initial ensemble if IMPORTSTATICVAR has not been given in init. file.
122            # Prior info. on state variables must be given by PRIOR_<STATICVAR-name> keyword.
123            if 'importstaticvar' not in self.keys_en:
124                self.ne = int(self.keys_en['ne'])
126                # Output = self.state, self.cov_prior
127                self.gen_init_ensemble()
129            else:
130                # State variable imported as a Numpy save file
131                tmp_load = np.load(self.keys_en['importstaticvar'], allow_pickle=True)
133                # We assume that the user has saved the state dict. as **state (effectively saved all keys in state
134                # individually).
135                self.state = {key: val for key, val in tmp_load.items()}
137                # Find the number of ensemble members from state variable
138                tmp_ne = []
139                for tmp_state in self.state.keys():
140                    tmp_ne.extend([self.state[tmp_state].shape[1]])
141                if max(tmp_ne) != min(tmp_ne):
142                    print('\033[1;33mInput states have different ensemble size\033[1;m')
143                    sys.exit(1)
144                self.ne = min(tmp_ne)
145        self._ext_ml_info()
147    def _ext_ml_info(self):
148        '''
149        Extract the info needed for ML simulations. Note if the ML keyword is not in keys_en we initialize
150        such that we only have one level -- the high fidelity one
151        '''
153        if 'multilevel' in self.keys_en:
154            # parse
155            self.multilevel = {}
156            for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*self.keys_en['multilevel']))[0]):
157                if opt == 'levels':
158                    self.multilevel['levels'] = [elem for elem in range(
159                        int(self.keys_en['multilevel'][i][1]))]
160                if opt == 'en_size':
161                    self.multilevel['ne'] = [range(int(el))
162                                             for el in self.keys_en['multilevel'][i][1]]
164    def _ext_prior_info(self):
165        """
166        Extract prior information on STATE from keyword(s) PRIOR_<STATE entries>.
167        """
168        # Parse prior info on each state entered in STATE.
169        # Store names given in STATE
170        if not isinstance(self.keys_en['state'], list):  # Single string
171            state_names = [self.keys_en['state']]
172        else:  # List
173            state_names = self.keys_en['state']
175        # Check if PRIOR_<state names> exists for each entry in STATE
176        for name in state_names:
177            assert 'prior_' + name in self.keys_en, \
178                'PRIOR_{0} is missing! This keyword is needed to make initial ensemble for {0} entered in ' \
179                'STATE'.format(name.upper())
181        # Init. prior info variable
182        self.prior_info = {keys: None for keys in state_names}
184        # Loop over each prior keyword and make an initial. ensemble for each state in STATE,
185        # which is subsequently stored in the state dictionary. If 3D grid dimensions are inputted, information for
186        # each layer must be inputted, else the single information will be copied to all layers.
187        grid_dim = np.array([0, 0])
188        for name in state_names:
189            # initiallize an empty dictionary inside the dictionary.
190            self.prior_info[name] = {}
191            # List the option names inputted in prior keyword
192            # opt_list = list(zip(*self.keys_da['prior_'+name]))
193            mean = None
194            self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean
195            vario = [None]
196            self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario
197            aniso = [None]
198            self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso
199            angle = [None]
200            self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle
201            corr_length = [None]
202            self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length
203            self.prior_info[name]['nx'] = self.prior_info[name]['ny'] = self.prior_info[name]['nz'] = None
205            # Extract info. from the prior keyword
206            for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*self.keys_en['prior_' + name]))[0]):
207                if opt == 'vario':  # Variogram model
208                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
209                        vario = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
210                    else:
211                        vario = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
212                elif opt == 'mean':  # Mean
213                    mean = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
214                elif opt == 'var':  # Variance
215                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
216                        variance = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
217                    else:
218                        variance = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
219                elif opt == 'aniso':  # Anisotropy factor
220                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
221                        aniso = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
222                    else:
223                        aniso = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
224                elif opt == 'angle':  # Anisotropy angle
225                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
226                        angle = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
227                    else:
228                        angle = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
229                elif opt == 'range':  # Correlation length
230                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
231                        corr_length = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
232                    else:
233                        corr_length = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
234                elif opt == 'grid':  # Grid dimensions
235                    grid_dim = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
236                elif opt == 'limits':  # Truncation values
237                    limits = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1:]
238                elif opt == 'active':  # Number of active cells (single number)
239                    active = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
241            # Check if mean needs to be loaded, or if loaded
242            if type(mean) is str:
243                assert mean.endswith('.npz'), 'File name does not end with \'.npz\'!'
244                load_file = np.load(mean)
245                assert len(load_file.files) == 1, \
246                    'More than one variable located in {0}. Only the mean vector can be stored in the .npz file!' \
247                    .format(mean)
248                mean = load_file[load_file.files[0]]
249            else:  # Single number inputted, make it a list if not already
250                if not isinstance(mean, list):
251                    mean = [mean]
253            # Check if limits exists
254            try:
255                limits
256            except NameError:
257                limits = None
259            # check if active exists
260            try:
261                active
262            except NameError:
263                active = None
265            # Extract x- and y-dim
266            nx = int(grid_dim[0])
267            ny = int(grid_dim[1])
269            # Check if 3D grid inputted. If so, we check if info. has been given on all layers. In the case it has
270            # not been given, we just copy the info. given.
271            if len(grid_dim) == 3 and grid_dim[2] > 1:  # 3D
272                nz = int(grid_dim[2])
274                # Check mean when values have been inputted directly (not when mean has been loaded)
275                if isinstance(mean, list) and len(mean) < nz:
276                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
277                    assert len(mean) == 1, \
278                        'Information from MEAN has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
279                        .format(len(mean), nz)
281                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
282                    print(
283                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for MEAN will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
284                    self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean * nz
286                else:
287                    self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean
289                # Check variogram model
290                if len(vario) < nz:
291                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
292                    assert len(vario) == 1, \
293                        'Information from VARIO has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
294                        .format(len(vario), nz)
296                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
297                    print(
298                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for VARIO will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
299                    self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario * nz
301                else:
302                    self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario
304                # Variance
305                if len(variance) < nz:
306                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
307                    assert len(variance) == 1, \
308                        'Information from VAR has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
309                        .format(len(variance), nz)
311                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
312                    print(
313                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for VAR will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
314                    self.prior_info[name]['variance'] = variance * nz
316                else:
317                    self.prior_info[name]['variance'] = variance
319                # Aniso factor
320                if len(aniso) < nz:
321                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
322                    assert len(aniso) == 1, \
323                        'Information from ANISO has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
324                        .format(len(aniso), nz)
326                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
327                    print(
328                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for ANISO will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
329                    self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso * nz
331                else:
332                    self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso
334                # Aniso factor
335                if len(angle) < nz:
336                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
337                    assert len(angle) == 1, \
338                        'Information from ANGLE has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
339                        .format(len(angle), nz)
341                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
342                    print(
343                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for ANGLE will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
344                    self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle * nz
346                else:
347                    self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle
349                # Corr. length
350                if len(corr_length) < nz:
351                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
352                    assert len(corr_length) == 1, \
353                        'Information from RANGE has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
354                        .format(len(corr_length), nz)
356                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
357                    print(
358                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for RANGE will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
359                    self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length * nz
361                else:
362                    self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length
364                # Limits, if exists
365                if limits is not None:
366                    if isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) < nz or \
367                            not isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) < 2 * nz:
368                        # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
369                        assert (isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) == 1), \
370                            'Information from LIMITS has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
371                            .format(len(limits), nz)
372                        assert (not isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) == 2), \
373                            'Information from LIMITS has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
374                            .format(len(limits) / 2, nz)
376                        # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
377                        print(
378                            '\033[1;33mSingle entry for RANGE will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
379                        self.prior_info[name]['limits'] = [limits] * nz
381            else:  # 2D grid only, or optimization case
382                nz = 1
383                self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean
384                self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario
385                self.prior_info[name]['variance'] = variance
386                self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso
387                self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle
388                self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length
389                if limits is not None:
390                    self.prior_info[name]['limits'] = limits
391                if active is not None:
392                    self.prior_info[name]['active'] = active
394            self.prior_info[name]['nx'] = nx
395            self.prior_info[name]['ny'] = ny
396            self.prior_info[name]['nz'] = nz
398        # Loop over keys and input
400    def gen_init_ensemble(self):
401        """
402        Generate the initial ensemble of (joint) state vectors using the GeoStat class in the "geostat" package.
403        TODO: Merge this function with the perturbation function _gen_state_ensemble in popt.
404        """
405        # Initialize GeoStat class
406        init_en = Cholesky()
408        # (Re)initialize state variable as dictionary
409        self.state = {}
410        self.cov_prior = {}
412        for name in self.prior_info:
413            # Init. indices to pick out correct mean vector for each layer
414            ind_end = 0
416            # Extract info.
417            nz = self.prior_info[name]['nz']
418            mean = self.prior_info[name]['mean']
419            nx = self.prior_info[name]['nx']
420            ny = self.prior_info[name]['ny']
421            if nx == ny == 0:  # assume ensemble will be generated elsewhere if dimensions are zero
422                break
423            variance = self.prior_info[name]['variance']
424            corr_length = self.prior_info[name]['corr_length']
425            aniso = self.prior_info[name]['aniso']
426            vario = self.prior_info[name]['vario']
427            angle = self.prior_info[name]['angle']
428            if 'limits' in self.prior_info[name]:
429                limits = self.prior_info[name]['limits']
430            else:
431                limits = None
433            # Loop over nz to make layers of 2D priors
434            for i in range(self.prior_info[name]['nz']):
435                # If mean is scalar, no covariance matrix is needed
436                if type(self.prior_info[name]['mean']).__module__ == 'numpy':
437                    # Generate covariance matrix
438                    cov = init_en.gen_cov2d(
439                        nx, ny, variance[i], corr_length[i], aniso[i], angle[i], vario[i])
440                else:
441                    cov = np.array(variance[i])
443                # Pick out the mean vector for the current layer
444                ind_start = ind_end
445                ind_end = int((i + 1) * (len(mean) / nz))
446                mean_layer = mean[ind_start:ind_end]
448                # Generate realizations. If LIMITS have been entered, they must be taken account for here
449                if limits is None:
450                    real = init_en.gen_real(mean_layer, cov, self.ne)
451                else:
452                    real = init_en.gen_real(mean_layer, cov, self.ne, {
453                                            'upper': limits[i][1], 'lower': limits[i][0]})
455                # Stack realizations for each layer
456                if i == 0:
457                    real_out = real
458                else:
459                    real_out = np.vstack((real_out, real))
461            # Store realizations in dictionary with name given in STATICVAR
462            self.state[name] = real_out
464            # Store the covariance matrix
465            self.cov_prior[name] = cov
467        # Save the ensemble for later inspection
468        np.savez('prior.npz', **self.state)
470    def get_list_assim_steps(self):
471        """
472        Returns list of assimilation steps. Useful in a 'loop'-script.
474        Returns
475        -------
476        list_assim : list
477                     List of total assimilation steps.
478        """
479        # Get list of assim. steps. from ASSIMINDEX
480        list_assim = list(range(len(self.keys_da['assimindex'])))
482        # If it is a restart run, we only list the assimilation steps we have not done
483        if self.restart is True:
484            # List simulations we already have done. Do this by checking pred_data.
485            # OBS: Minus 1 here do to the aborted simulation is also not None.
486            sim_done = list(
487                range(len([ind for ind, p in enumerate(self.pred_data) if p is not None]) - 1))
489            # Update list of assim. steps by removing simulations we have done
490            list_assim = [ind for ind in list_assim if ind not in sim_done]
492        # Return tot. assim. steps
493        return list_assim
495    def calc_prediction(self, input_state=None, save_prediction=None):
496        """
497        Method for making predictions using the state variable. Will output the simulator response for all report steps
498        and all data values provided to the simulator.
500        Parameters
501        ----------
502        input_state:
503            Use an input state instead of internal state (stored in self) to run predictions
504        save_prediction:
505            Save the predictions as a <save_prediction>.npz file (numpy compressed file)
507        Returns
508        -------
509        prediction:
510            List of dictionaries with keys equal to data types (in DATATYPE),
511            containing the responses at each time step given in PREDICTION.
513        """
515        if hasattr(self, 'multilevel'):
516            success = self.calc_ml_prediction(input_state)
517        else:
518            # Number of parallel runs
519            if 'parallel' in self.sim.input_dict:
520                no_tot_run = int(self.sim.input_dict['parallel'])
521            else:
522                no_tot_run = 1
523            self.pred_data = []
525            # for level in self.multilevel['level']: #
526            # Setup forward simulator and redundant simulator at the correct fidelity
527            if self.sim.redund_sim is not None:
528                self.sim.redund_sim.setup_fwd_run()
529            self.sim.setup_fwd_run(redund_sim=self.sim.redund_sim)
531            # Ensure that we put all the states in a list
532            list_state = [deepcopy({}) for _ in range(self.ne)]
533            for i in range(self.ne):
534                if input_state is None:
535                    for key in self.state.keys():
536                        if self.state[key].ndim == 1:
537                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key])
538                        elif self.state[key].ndim == 2:
539                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key][:, i])
540                        # elif self.state[key].ndim == 3:
541                        #     list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key][level,:, i])
542                else:
543                    for key in self.state.keys():
544                        if input_state[key].ndim == 1:
545                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key])
546                        elif input_state[key].ndim == 2:
547                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key][:, i])
548                        # elif input_state[key].ndim == 3:
549                        #     list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key][:,:, i])
550                if self.aux_input is not None:  # several models are used
551                    list_state[i]['aux_input'] = self.aux_input[i]
553            # Index list of ensemble members
554            list_member_index = list(range(self.ne))
556            if no_tot_run==1: # if not in parallel we use regular loop
557                en_pred = [self.sim.run_fwd_sim(state, member_index) for state, member_index in
558                           tqdm(zip(list_state, list_member_index), total=len(list_state))]
559            else: # Run prediction in parallel using p_map
560                en_pred = p_map(self.sim.run_fwd_sim, list_state,
561                                list_member_index, num_cpus=no_tot_run, disable=self.disable_tqdm)
563            # List successful runs and crashes
564            list_crash = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is False]
565            list_success = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is not False]
566            success = True
568            # Dump all information and print error if all runs have crashed
569            if not list_success:
570                self.save()
571                success = False
572                if len(list_crash) > 1:
573                    print(
574                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
575                    self.logger.info(
576                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
577                    sys.exit(1)
578                return success
580            # Check crashed runs
581            if list_crash:
582                # Replace crashed runs with (random) successful runs. If there are more crashed runs than successful once,
583                # we draw with replacement.
584                if len(list_crash) < len(list_success):
585                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
586                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=False)
587                else:
588                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
589                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=True)
591                # Insert the replaced runs in prediction list
592                for indx, el in enumerate(copy_member):
593                    print(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by ensemble member '
594                          f'{el}! ---\033[92m')
595                    self.logger.info(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by '
596                                     f'ensemble member {el}! ---\033[92m')
597                    for key in self.state.keys():
598                        if self.state[key].ndim > 1:
599                            self.state[key][:, list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(
600                                self.state[key][:, el])
601                    en_pred[list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(en_pred[el])
603            # Convert ensemble specific result into pred_data, and filter for NONE data
604            self.pred_data.extend([{typ: np.concatenate(tuple((el[ind][typ][:, np.newaxis]) for el in en_pred), axis=1)
605                                    if any(elem is not None for elem in tuple((el[ind][typ]) for el in en_pred))
606                                    else None for typ in en_pred[0][0].keys()} for ind in range(len(en_pred[0]))])
608        # some predicted data might need to be adjusted (e.g. scaled or compressed if it is 4D seis data). Do not
609        # include this here.
611        # Store results if needed
612        if save_prediction is not None:
613            np.savez(f'{save_prediction}.npz', **{'pred_data': self.pred_data})
615        return success
617    def save(self):
618        """
619        We use pickle to dump all the information we have in 'self'. Can be used, e.g., if some error has occurred.
621        Changelog
622        ---------
623        - ST 28/2-17
624        """
625        # Open save file and dump all info. in self
626        with open(self.pickle_restart_file, 'wb') as f:
627            pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, protocol=4)
629    def load(self):
630        """
631        Load a pickled file and save all info. in self.
633        Changelog
634        ---------
635        - ST 28/2-17
636        """
637        # Open file and read with pickle
638        with open(self.pickle_restart_file, 'rb') as f:
639            tmp_load = pickle.load(f)
641        # Save in 'self'
642        self.__dict__.update(tmp_load)
644    def calc_ml_prediction(self, input_state=None):
645        """
646        Function for running the simulator over several levels. We assume that it is sufficient to provide the level
647        integer to the setup of the forward run. This will initiate the correct simulator fidelity.
648        The function then runs the set of state through the different simulator fidelities.
650        Parameters
651        ----------
652        input_state:
653            If simulation is run stand-alone one can input any state.
654        """
656        no_tot_run = int(self.sim.input_dict['parallel'])
657        ml_pred_data = []
659        for level in tqdm(self.multilevel['levels'], desc='Fidelity level', position=1):
660            # Setup forward simulator and redundant simulator at the correct fidelity
661            if self.sim.redund_sim is not None:
662                self.sim.redund_sim.setup_fwd_run(level=level)
663            self.sim.setup_fwd_run(level=level)
664            ml_ne = self.multilevel['ne'][level]
665            # Ensure that we put all the states in a list
666            list_state = [deepcopy({}) for _ in ml_ne]
667            for i in ml_ne:
668                if input_state is None:
669                    for key in self.state[level].keys():
670                        if self.state[level][key].ndim == 1:
671                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[level][key])
672                        elif self.state[level][key].ndim == 2:
673                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[level][key][:, i])
674                else:
675                    for key in self.state.keys():
676                        if input_state[level][key].ndim == 1:
677                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[level][key])
678                        elif input_state[level][key].ndim == 2:
679                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[level][key][:, i])
680                if self.aux_input is not None:  # several models are used
681                    list_state[i]['aux_input'] = self.aux_input[i]
683            # Index list of ensemble members
684            list_member_index = list(ml_ne)
686            # Run prediction in parallel using p_map
687            en_pred = p_map(self.sim.run_fwd_sim, list_state,
688                            list_member_index, num_cpus=no_tot_run, disable=self.disable_tqdm)
690            # List successful runs and crashes
691            list_crash = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is False]
692            list_success = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is not False]
693            success = True
695            # Dump all information and print error if all runs have crashed
696            if not list_success:
697                self.save()
698                success = False
699                if len(list_crash) > 1:
700                    print(
701                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
702                    self.logger.info(
703                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
704                    sys.exit(1)
705                return success
707            # Check crashed runs
708            if list_crash:
709                # Replace crashed runs with (random) successful runs. If there are more crashed runs than successful once,
710                # we draw with replacement.
711                if len(list_crash) < len(list_success):
712                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
713                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=False)
714                else:
715                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
716                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=True)
718                # Insert the replaced runs in prediction list
719                for indx, el in enumerate(copy_member):
720                    print(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by ensemble member '
721                          f'{el}! ---\033[92m')
722                    self.logger.info(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by '
723                                     f'ensemble member {el}! ---\033[92m')
724                    for key in self.state[level].keys():
725                        self.state[level][key][:, list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(
726                            self.state[level][key][:, el])
727                    en_pred[list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(en_pred[el])
729            # Convert ensemble specific result into pred_data, and filter for NONE data
730            ml_pred_data.append([{typ: np.concatenate(tuple((el[ind][typ][:, np.newaxis]) for el in en_pred), axis=1)
731                                  if any(elem is not None for elem in tuple((el[ind][typ]) for el in en_pred))
732                                  else None for typ in en_pred[0][0].keys()} for ind in range(len(en_pred[0]))])
734        # loop over time instance first, and the level instance.
735        self.pred_data = np.array(ml_pred_data).T.tolist()
737        self.treat_modeling_error(self.iteration)
739        return success
class Ensemble:
 28class Ensemble:
 29    """
 30    Class for organizing misc. variables and simulator for an ensemble-based inversion run. Here, the forecast step
 31    and prediction runs are performed. General methods that are useful in various ensemble loops have also been
 32    implemented here.
 33    """
 35    def __init__(self, keys_en, sim, redund_sim=None):
 36        """
 37        Class extends the ReadInitFile class. First the PIPT init. file is passed to the parent class for reading and
 38        parsing. Rest of the initialization uses the keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class to set up observed,
 39        predicted data and data variance dictionaries. Also, the simulator to be used in forecast and/or predictions is
 40        initialized with keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class. Lastly, the initial ensemble is generated (if
 41        it has not been inputted), and some saving of variables can be done chosen in PIPT init. file.
 43        Parameter
 44        ---------
 45        init_file : str
 46                    path to input file containing initiallization values
 47        """
 48        # Internalize PET dictionary
 49        self.keys_en = keys_en
 50        self.sim = sim
 51        self.sim.redund_sim = redund_sim
 52        self.pred_data = None
 54        # Auxilliary input to the simulator - can be used e.g.,
 55        # to allow for different models when optimizing.
 56        self.aux_input = None
 58        # Setup logger
 59        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
 60                            filename='pet_logger.log',
 61                            filemode='w',
 62                            format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s : %(message)s',
 63                            datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
 64        self.logger = logging.getLogger('PET')
 66        # Check if folder contains any En_ files, and remove them!
 67        for folder in glob('En_*'):
 68            try:
 69                if len(folder.split('_')) == 2:
 70                    int(folder.split('_')[1])
 71                    rmtree(folder)
 72            except:
 73                pass
 75        # Save name for (potential) pickle dump/load
 76        self.pickle_restart_file = 'emergency_dump'
 78        # initiallize the restart. Standard is no restart
 79        self.restart = False
 81        # If it is a restart run, we do not need to initialize anything, only load the self info. that exists in the
 82        # pickle save file. If it is not a restart run, we initialize everything below.
 83        if 'restart' in self.keys_en and self.keys_en['restart'] == 'yes':
 84            # Initiate a restart run
 85            self.logger.info('\033[92m--- Restart run initiated! ---\033[92m')
 86            # Check if the pickle save file exists in folder
 87            try:
 88                assert (self.pickle_restart_file in [
 89                        f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)])
 90            except AssertionError as err:
 91                self.logger.exception('The restart file "{0}" does not exist in folder. Cannot restart!'.format(
 92                    self.pickle_restart_file))
 93                raise err
 95            # Load restart file
 96            self.load()
 98            # Ensure that restart switch is ON since the error may not have happened during a restart run
 99            self.restart = True
101        # Init. various variables/lists/dicts. needed in ensemble run
102        else:
103            # delete potential restart files to avoid any problems
104            if self.pickle_restart_file in [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]:
105                os.remove(self.pickle_restart_file)
107            # initialize sim limit
108            if 'sim_limit' in self.keys_en:
109                self.sim_limit = self.keys_en['sim_limit']
110            else:
111                self.sim_limit = float('inf')
113            # bool that can be used to supress tqdm output (useful when testing code)
114            if 'disable_tqdm' in self.keys_en:
115                self.disable_tqdm = self.keys_en['disable_tqdm']
116            else:
117                self.disable_tqdm = False
119            # extract information that is given for the prior model
120            self._ext_prior_info()
122            # Calculate initial ensemble if IMPORTSTATICVAR has not been given in init. file.
123            # Prior info. on state variables must be given by PRIOR_<STATICVAR-name> keyword.
124            if 'importstaticvar' not in self.keys_en:
125                self.ne = int(self.keys_en['ne'])
127                # Output = self.state, self.cov_prior
128                self.gen_init_ensemble()
130            else:
131                # State variable imported as a Numpy save file
132                tmp_load = np.load(self.keys_en['importstaticvar'], allow_pickle=True)
134                # We assume that the user has saved the state dict. as **state (effectively saved all keys in state
135                # individually).
136                self.state = {key: val for key, val in tmp_load.items()}
138                # Find the number of ensemble members from state variable
139                tmp_ne = []
140                for tmp_state in self.state.keys():
141                    tmp_ne.extend([self.state[tmp_state].shape[1]])
142                if max(tmp_ne) != min(tmp_ne):
143                    print('\033[1;33mInput states have different ensemble size\033[1;m')
144                    sys.exit(1)
145                self.ne = min(tmp_ne)
146        self._ext_ml_info()
148    def _ext_ml_info(self):
149        '''
150        Extract the info needed for ML simulations. Note if the ML keyword is not in keys_en we initialize
151        such that we only have one level -- the high fidelity one
152        '''
154        if 'multilevel' in self.keys_en:
155            # parse
156            self.multilevel = {}
157            for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*self.keys_en['multilevel']))[0]):
158                if opt == 'levels':
159                    self.multilevel['levels'] = [elem for elem in range(
160                        int(self.keys_en['multilevel'][i][1]))]
161                if opt == 'en_size':
162                    self.multilevel['ne'] = [range(int(el))
163                                             for el in self.keys_en['multilevel'][i][1]]
165    def _ext_prior_info(self):
166        """
167        Extract prior information on STATE from keyword(s) PRIOR_<STATE entries>.
168        """
169        # Parse prior info on each state entered in STATE.
170        # Store names given in STATE
171        if not isinstance(self.keys_en['state'], list):  # Single string
172            state_names = [self.keys_en['state']]
173        else:  # List
174            state_names = self.keys_en['state']
176        # Check if PRIOR_<state names> exists for each entry in STATE
177        for name in state_names:
178            assert 'prior_' + name in self.keys_en, \
179                'PRIOR_{0} is missing! This keyword is needed to make initial ensemble for {0} entered in ' \
180                'STATE'.format(name.upper())
182        # Init. prior info variable
183        self.prior_info = {keys: None for keys in state_names}
185        # Loop over each prior keyword and make an initial. ensemble for each state in STATE,
186        # which is subsequently stored in the state dictionary. If 3D grid dimensions are inputted, information for
187        # each layer must be inputted, else the single information will be copied to all layers.
188        grid_dim = np.array([0, 0])
189        for name in state_names:
190            # initiallize an empty dictionary inside the dictionary.
191            self.prior_info[name] = {}
192            # List the option names inputted in prior keyword
193            # opt_list = list(zip(*self.keys_da['prior_'+name]))
194            mean = None
195            self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean
196            vario = [None]
197            self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario
198            aniso = [None]
199            self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso
200            angle = [None]
201            self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle
202            corr_length = [None]
203            self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length
204            self.prior_info[name]['nx'] = self.prior_info[name]['ny'] = self.prior_info[name]['nz'] = None
206            # Extract info. from the prior keyword
207            for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*self.keys_en['prior_' + name]))[0]):
208                if opt == 'vario':  # Variogram model
209                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
210                        vario = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
211                    else:
212                        vario = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
213                elif opt == 'mean':  # Mean
214                    mean = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
215                elif opt == 'var':  # Variance
216                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
217                        variance = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
218                    else:
219                        variance = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
220                elif opt == 'aniso':  # Anisotropy factor
221                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
222                        aniso = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
223                    else:
224                        aniso = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
225                elif opt == 'angle':  # Anisotropy angle
226                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
227                        angle = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
228                    else:
229                        angle = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
230                elif opt == 'range':  # Correlation length
231                    if not isinstance(self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1], list):
232                        corr_length = [self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]]
233                    else:
234                        corr_length = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
235                elif opt == 'grid':  # Grid dimensions
236                    grid_dim = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
237                elif opt == 'limits':  # Truncation values
238                    limits = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1:]
239                elif opt == 'active':  # Number of active cells (single number)
240                    active = self.keys_en['prior_' + name][i][1]
242            # Check if mean needs to be loaded, or if loaded
243            if type(mean) is str:
244                assert mean.endswith('.npz'), 'File name does not end with \'.npz\'!'
245                load_file = np.load(mean)
246                assert len(load_file.files) == 1, \
247                    'More than one variable located in {0}. Only the mean vector can be stored in the .npz file!' \
248                    .format(mean)
249                mean = load_file[load_file.files[0]]
250            else:  # Single number inputted, make it a list if not already
251                if not isinstance(mean, list):
252                    mean = [mean]
254            # Check if limits exists
255            try:
256                limits
257            except NameError:
258                limits = None
260            # check if active exists
261            try:
262                active
263            except NameError:
264                active = None
266            # Extract x- and y-dim
267            nx = int(grid_dim[0])
268            ny = int(grid_dim[1])
270            # Check if 3D grid inputted. If so, we check if info. has been given on all layers. In the case it has
271            # not been given, we just copy the info. given.
272            if len(grid_dim) == 3 and grid_dim[2] > 1:  # 3D
273                nz = int(grid_dim[2])
275                # Check mean when values have been inputted directly (not when mean has been loaded)
276                if isinstance(mean, list) and len(mean) < nz:
277                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
278                    assert len(mean) == 1, \
279                        'Information from MEAN has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
280                        .format(len(mean), nz)
282                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
283                    print(
284                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for MEAN will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
285                    self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean * nz
287                else:
288                    self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean
290                # Check variogram model
291                if len(vario) < nz:
292                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
293                    assert len(vario) == 1, \
294                        'Information from VARIO has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
295                        .format(len(vario), nz)
297                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
298                    print(
299                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for VARIO will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
300                    self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario * nz
302                else:
303                    self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario
305                # Variance
306                if len(variance) < nz:
307                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
308                    assert len(variance) == 1, \
309                        'Information from VAR has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
310                        .format(len(variance), nz)
312                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
313                    print(
314                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for VAR will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
315                    self.prior_info[name]['variance'] = variance * nz
317                else:
318                    self.prior_info[name]['variance'] = variance
320                # Aniso factor
321                if len(aniso) < nz:
322                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
323                    assert len(aniso) == 1, \
324                        'Information from ANISO has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
325                        .format(len(aniso), nz)
327                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
328                    print(
329                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for ANISO will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
330                    self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso * nz
332                else:
333                    self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso
335                # Aniso factor
336                if len(angle) < nz:
337                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
338                    assert len(angle) == 1, \
339                        'Information from ANGLE has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
340                        .format(len(angle), nz)
342                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
343                    print(
344                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for ANGLE will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
345                    self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle * nz
347                else:
348                    self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle
350                # Corr. length
351                if len(corr_length) < nz:
352                    # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
353                    assert len(corr_length) == 1, \
354                        'Information from RANGE has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
355                        .format(len(corr_length), nz)
357                    # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
358                    print(
359                        '\033[1;33mSingle entry for RANGE will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
360                    self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length * nz
362                else:
363                    self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length
365                # Limits, if exists
366                if limits is not None:
367                    if isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) < nz or \
368                            not isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) < 2 * nz:
369                        # Check if it is more than one entry and give error
370                        assert (isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) == 1), \
371                            'Information from LIMITS has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
372                            .format(len(limits), nz)
373                        assert (not isinstance(limits[0], list) and len(limits) == 2), \
374                            'Information from LIMITS has been given for {0} layers, whereas {1} is needed!' \
375                            .format(len(limits) / 2, nz)
377                        # Only 1 entry; copy this to all layers
378                        print(
379                            '\033[1;33mSingle entry for RANGE will be copied to all {0} layers\033[1;m'.format(nz))
380                        self.prior_info[name]['limits'] = [limits] * nz
382            else:  # 2D grid only, or optimization case
383                nz = 1
384                self.prior_info[name]['mean'] = mean
385                self.prior_info[name]['vario'] = vario
386                self.prior_info[name]['variance'] = variance
387                self.prior_info[name]['aniso'] = aniso
388                self.prior_info[name]['angle'] = angle
389                self.prior_info[name]['corr_length'] = corr_length
390                if limits is not None:
391                    self.prior_info[name]['limits'] = limits
392                if active is not None:
393                    self.prior_info[name]['active'] = active
395            self.prior_info[name]['nx'] = nx
396            self.prior_info[name]['ny'] = ny
397            self.prior_info[name]['nz'] = nz
399        # Loop over keys and input
401    def gen_init_ensemble(self):
402        """
403        Generate the initial ensemble of (joint) state vectors using the GeoStat class in the "geostat" package.
404        TODO: Merge this function with the perturbation function _gen_state_ensemble in popt.
405        """
406        # Initialize GeoStat class
407        init_en = Cholesky()
409        # (Re)initialize state variable as dictionary
410        self.state = {}
411        self.cov_prior = {}
413        for name in self.prior_info:
414            # Init. indices to pick out correct mean vector for each layer
415            ind_end = 0
417            # Extract info.
418            nz = self.prior_info[name]['nz']
419            mean = self.prior_info[name]['mean']
420            nx = self.prior_info[name]['nx']
421            ny = self.prior_info[name]['ny']
422            if nx == ny == 0:  # assume ensemble will be generated elsewhere if dimensions are zero
423                break
424            variance = self.prior_info[name]['variance']
425            corr_length = self.prior_info[name]['corr_length']
426            aniso = self.prior_info[name]['aniso']
427            vario = self.prior_info[name]['vario']
428            angle = self.prior_info[name]['angle']
429            if 'limits' in self.prior_info[name]:
430                limits = self.prior_info[name]['limits']
431            else:
432                limits = None
434            # Loop over nz to make layers of 2D priors
435            for i in range(self.prior_info[name]['nz']):
436                # If mean is scalar, no covariance matrix is needed
437                if type(self.prior_info[name]['mean']).__module__ == 'numpy':
438                    # Generate covariance matrix
439                    cov = init_en.gen_cov2d(
440                        nx, ny, variance[i], corr_length[i], aniso[i], angle[i], vario[i])
441                else:
442                    cov = np.array(variance[i])
444                # Pick out the mean vector for the current layer
445                ind_start = ind_end
446                ind_end = int((i + 1) * (len(mean) / nz))
447                mean_layer = mean[ind_start:ind_end]
449                # Generate realizations. If LIMITS have been entered, they must be taken account for here
450                if limits is None:
451                    real = init_en.gen_real(mean_layer, cov, self.ne)
452                else:
453                    real = init_en.gen_real(mean_layer, cov, self.ne, {
454                                            'upper': limits[i][1], 'lower': limits[i][0]})
456                # Stack realizations for each layer
457                if i == 0:
458                    real_out = real
459                else:
460                    real_out = np.vstack((real_out, real))
462            # Store realizations in dictionary with name given in STATICVAR
463            self.state[name] = real_out
465            # Store the covariance matrix
466            self.cov_prior[name] = cov
468        # Save the ensemble for later inspection
469        np.savez('prior.npz', **self.state)
471    def get_list_assim_steps(self):
472        """
473        Returns list of assimilation steps. Useful in a 'loop'-script.
475        Returns
476        -------
477        list_assim : list
478                     List of total assimilation steps.
479        """
480        # Get list of assim. steps. from ASSIMINDEX
481        list_assim = list(range(len(self.keys_da['assimindex'])))
483        # If it is a restart run, we only list the assimilation steps we have not done
484        if self.restart is True:
485            # List simulations we already have done. Do this by checking pred_data.
486            # OBS: Minus 1 here do to the aborted simulation is also not None.
487            sim_done = list(
488                range(len([ind for ind, p in enumerate(self.pred_data) if p is not None]) - 1))
490            # Update list of assim. steps by removing simulations we have done
491            list_assim = [ind for ind in list_assim if ind not in sim_done]
493        # Return tot. assim. steps
494        return list_assim
496    def calc_prediction(self, input_state=None, save_prediction=None):
497        """
498        Method for making predictions using the state variable. Will output the simulator response for all report steps
499        and all data values provided to the simulator.
501        Parameters
502        ----------
503        input_state:
504            Use an input state instead of internal state (stored in self) to run predictions
505        save_prediction:
506            Save the predictions as a <save_prediction>.npz file (numpy compressed file)
508        Returns
509        -------
510        prediction:
511            List of dictionaries with keys equal to data types (in DATATYPE),
512            containing the responses at each time step given in PREDICTION.
514        """
516        if hasattr(self, 'multilevel'):
517            success = self.calc_ml_prediction(input_state)
518        else:
519            # Number of parallel runs
520            if 'parallel' in self.sim.input_dict:
521                no_tot_run = int(self.sim.input_dict['parallel'])
522            else:
523                no_tot_run = 1
524            self.pred_data = []
526            # for level in self.multilevel['level']: #
527            # Setup forward simulator and redundant simulator at the correct fidelity
528            if self.sim.redund_sim is not None:
529                self.sim.redund_sim.setup_fwd_run()
530            self.sim.setup_fwd_run(redund_sim=self.sim.redund_sim)
532            # Ensure that we put all the states in a list
533            list_state = [deepcopy({}) for _ in range(self.ne)]
534            for i in range(self.ne):
535                if input_state is None:
536                    for key in self.state.keys():
537                        if self.state[key].ndim == 1:
538                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key])
539                        elif self.state[key].ndim == 2:
540                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key][:, i])
541                        # elif self.state[key].ndim == 3:
542                        #     list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key][level,:, i])
543                else:
544                    for key in self.state.keys():
545                        if input_state[key].ndim == 1:
546                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key])
547                        elif input_state[key].ndim == 2:
548                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key][:, i])
549                        # elif input_state[key].ndim == 3:
550                        #     list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key][:,:, i])
551                if self.aux_input is not None:  # several models are used
552                    list_state[i]['aux_input'] = self.aux_input[i]
554            # Index list of ensemble members
555            list_member_index = list(range(self.ne))
557            if no_tot_run==1: # if not in parallel we use regular loop
558                en_pred = [self.sim.run_fwd_sim(state, member_index) for state, member_index in
559                           tqdm(zip(list_state, list_member_index), total=len(list_state))]
560            else: # Run prediction in parallel using p_map
561                en_pred = p_map(self.sim.run_fwd_sim, list_state,
562                                list_member_index, num_cpus=no_tot_run, disable=self.disable_tqdm)
564            # List successful runs and crashes
565            list_crash = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is False]
566            list_success = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is not False]
567            success = True
569            # Dump all information and print error if all runs have crashed
570            if not list_success:
571                self.save()
572                success = False
573                if len(list_crash) > 1:
574                    print(
575                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
576                    self.logger.info(
577                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
578                    sys.exit(1)
579                return success
581            # Check crashed runs
582            if list_crash:
583                # Replace crashed runs with (random) successful runs. If there are more crashed runs than successful once,
584                # we draw with replacement.
585                if len(list_crash) < len(list_success):
586                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
587                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=False)
588                else:
589                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
590                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=True)
592                # Insert the replaced runs in prediction list
593                for indx, el in enumerate(copy_member):
594                    print(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by ensemble member '
595                          f'{el}! ---\033[92m')
596                    self.logger.info(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by '
597                                     f'ensemble member {el}! ---\033[92m')
598                    for key in self.state.keys():
599                        if self.state[key].ndim > 1:
600                            self.state[key][:, list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(
601                                self.state[key][:, el])
602                    en_pred[list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(en_pred[el])
604            # Convert ensemble specific result into pred_data, and filter for NONE data
605            self.pred_data.extend([{typ: np.concatenate(tuple((el[ind][typ][:, np.newaxis]) for el in en_pred), axis=1)
606                                    if any(elem is not None for elem in tuple((el[ind][typ]) for el in en_pred))
607                                    else None for typ in en_pred[0][0].keys()} for ind in range(len(en_pred[0]))])
609        # some predicted data might need to be adjusted (e.g. scaled or compressed if it is 4D seis data). Do not
610        # include this here.
612        # Store results if needed
613        if save_prediction is not None:
614            np.savez(f'{save_prediction}.npz', **{'pred_data': self.pred_data})
616        return success
618    def save(self):
619        """
620        We use pickle to dump all the information we have in 'self'. Can be used, e.g., if some error has occurred.
622        Changelog
623        ---------
624        - ST 28/2-17
625        """
626        # Open save file and dump all info. in self
627        with open(self.pickle_restart_file, 'wb') as f:
628            pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, protocol=4)
630    def load(self):
631        """
632        Load a pickled file and save all info. in self.
634        Changelog
635        ---------
636        - ST 28/2-17
637        """
638        # Open file and read with pickle
639        with open(self.pickle_restart_file, 'rb') as f:
640            tmp_load = pickle.load(f)
642        # Save in 'self'
643        self.__dict__.update(tmp_load)
645    def calc_ml_prediction(self, input_state=None):
646        """
647        Function for running the simulator over several levels. We assume that it is sufficient to provide the level
648        integer to the setup of the forward run. This will initiate the correct simulator fidelity.
649        The function then runs the set of state through the different simulator fidelities.
651        Parameters
652        ----------
653        input_state:
654            If simulation is run stand-alone one can input any state.
655        """
657        no_tot_run = int(self.sim.input_dict['parallel'])
658        ml_pred_data = []
660        for level in tqdm(self.multilevel['levels'], desc='Fidelity level', position=1):
661            # Setup forward simulator and redundant simulator at the correct fidelity
662            if self.sim.redund_sim is not None:
663                self.sim.redund_sim.setup_fwd_run(level=level)
664            self.sim.setup_fwd_run(level=level)
665            ml_ne = self.multilevel['ne'][level]
666            # Ensure that we put all the states in a list
667            list_state = [deepcopy({}) for _ in ml_ne]
668            for i in ml_ne:
669                if input_state is None:
670                    for key in self.state[level].keys():
671                        if self.state[level][key].ndim == 1:
672                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[level][key])
673                        elif self.state[level][key].ndim == 2:
674                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[level][key][:, i])
675                else:
676                    for key in self.state.keys():
677                        if input_state[level][key].ndim == 1:
678                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[level][key])
679                        elif input_state[level][key].ndim == 2:
680                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[level][key][:, i])
681                if self.aux_input is not None:  # several models are used
682                    list_state[i]['aux_input'] = self.aux_input[i]
684            # Index list of ensemble members
685            list_member_index = list(ml_ne)
687            # Run prediction in parallel using p_map
688            en_pred = p_map(self.sim.run_fwd_sim, list_state,
689                            list_member_index, num_cpus=no_tot_run, disable=self.disable_tqdm)
691            # List successful runs and crashes
692            list_crash = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is False]
693            list_success = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is not False]
694            success = True
696            # Dump all information and print error if all runs have crashed
697            if not list_success:
698                self.save()
699                success = False
700                if len(list_crash) > 1:
701                    print(
702                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
703                    self.logger.info(
704                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
705                    sys.exit(1)
706                return success
708            # Check crashed runs
709            if list_crash:
710                # Replace crashed runs with (random) successful runs. If there are more crashed runs than successful once,
711                # we draw with replacement.
712                if len(list_crash) < len(list_success):
713                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
714                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=False)
715                else:
716                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
717                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=True)
719                # Insert the replaced runs in prediction list
720                for indx, el in enumerate(copy_member):
721                    print(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by ensemble member '
722                          f'{el}! ---\033[92m')
723                    self.logger.info(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by '
724                                     f'ensemble member {el}! ---\033[92m')
725                    for key in self.state[level].keys():
726                        self.state[level][key][:, list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(
727                            self.state[level][key][:, el])
728                    en_pred[list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(en_pred[el])
730            # Convert ensemble specific result into pred_data, and filter for NONE data
731            ml_pred_data.append([{typ: np.concatenate(tuple((el[ind][typ][:, np.newaxis]) for el in en_pred), axis=1)
732                                  if any(elem is not None for elem in tuple((el[ind][typ]) for el in en_pred))
733                                  else None for typ in en_pred[0][0].keys()} for ind in range(len(en_pred[0]))])
735        # loop over time instance first, and the level instance.
736        self.pred_data = np.array(ml_pred_data).T.tolist()
738        self.treat_modeling_error(self.iteration)
740        return success

Class for organizing misc. variables and simulator for an ensemble-based inversion run. Here, the forecast step and prediction runs are performed. General methods that are useful in various ensemble loops have also been implemented here.

Ensemble(keys_en, sim, redund_sim=None)
 35    def __init__(self, keys_en, sim, redund_sim=None):
 36        """
 37        Class extends the ReadInitFile class. First the PIPT init. file is passed to the parent class for reading and
 38        parsing. Rest of the initialization uses the keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class to set up observed,
 39        predicted data and data variance dictionaries. Also, the simulator to be used in forecast and/or predictions is
 40        initialized with keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class. Lastly, the initial ensemble is generated (if
 41        it has not been inputted), and some saving of variables can be done chosen in PIPT init. file.
 43        Parameter
 44        ---------
 45        init_file : str
 46                    path to input file containing initiallization values
 47        """
 48        # Internalize PET dictionary
 49        self.keys_en = keys_en
 50        self.sim = sim
 51        self.sim.redund_sim = redund_sim
 52        self.pred_data = None
 54        # Auxilliary input to the simulator - can be used e.g.,
 55        # to allow for different models when optimizing.
 56        self.aux_input = None
 58        # Setup logger
 59        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
 60                            filename='pet_logger.log',
 61                            filemode='w',
 62                            format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s : %(message)s',
 63                            datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
 64        self.logger = logging.getLogger('PET')
 66        # Check if folder contains any En_ files, and remove them!
 67        for folder in glob('En_*'):
 68            try:
 69                if len(folder.split('_')) == 2:
 70                    int(folder.split('_')[1])
 71                    rmtree(folder)
 72            except:
 73                pass
 75        # Save name for (potential) pickle dump/load
 76        self.pickle_restart_file = 'emergency_dump'
 78        # initiallize the restart. Standard is no restart
 79        self.restart = False
 81        # If it is a restart run, we do not need to initialize anything, only load the self info. that exists in the
 82        # pickle save file. If it is not a restart run, we initialize everything below.
 83        if 'restart' in self.keys_en and self.keys_en['restart'] == 'yes':
 84            # Initiate a restart run
 85            self.logger.info('\033[92m--- Restart run initiated! ---\033[92m')
 86            # Check if the pickle save file exists in folder
 87            try:
 88                assert (self.pickle_restart_file in [
 89                        f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)])
 90            except AssertionError as err:
 91                self.logger.exception('The restart file "{0}" does not exist in folder. Cannot restart!'.format(
 92                    self.pickle_restart_file))
 93                raise err
 95            # Load restart file
 96            self.load()
 98            # Ensure that restart switch is ON since the error may not have happened during a restart run
 99            self.restart = True
101        # Init. various variables/lists/dicts. needed in ensemble run
102        else:
103            # delete potential restart files to avoid any problems
104            if self.pickle_restart_file in [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]:
105                os.remove(self.pickle_restart_file)
107            # initialize sim limit
108            if 'sim_limit' in self.keys_en:
109                self.sim_limit = self.keys_en['sim_limit']
110            else:
111                self.sim_limit = float('inf')
113            # bool that can be used to supress tqdm output (useful when testing code)
114            if 'disable_tqdm' in self.keys_en:
115                self.disable_tqdm = self.keys_en['disable_tqdm']
116            else:
117                self.disable_tqdm = False
119            # extract information that is given for the prior model
120            self._ext_prior_info()
122            # Calculate initial ensemble if IMPORTSTATICVAR has not been given in init. file.
123            # Prior info. on state variables must be given by PRIOR_<STATICVAR-name> keyword.
124            if 'importstaticvar' not in self.keys_en:
125                self.ne = int(self.keys_en['ne'])
127                # Output = self.state, self.cov_prior
128                self.gen_init_ensemble()
130            else:
131                # State variable imported as a Numpy save file
132                tmp_load = np.load(self.keys_en['importstaticvar'], allow_pickle=True)
134                # We assume that the user has saved the state dict. as **state (effectively saved all keys in state
135                # individually).
136                self.state = {key: val for key, val in tmp_load.items()}
138                # Find the number of ensemble members from state variable
139                tmp_ne = []
140                for tmp_state in self.state.keys():
141                    tmp_ne.extend([self.state[tmp_state].shape[1]])
142                if max(tmp_ne) != min(tmp_ne):
143                    print('\033[1;33mInput states have different ensemble size\033[1;m')
144                    sys.exit(1)
145                self.ne = min(tmp_ne)
146        self._ext_ml_info()

Class extends the ReadInitFile class. First the PIPT init. file is passed to the parent class for reading and parsing. Rest of the initialization uses the keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class to set up observed, predicted data and data variance dictionaries. Also, the simulator to be used in forecast and/or predictions is initialized with keywords parsed in ReadInitFile (parent) class. Lastly, the initial ensemble is generated (if it has not been inputted), and some saving of variables can be done chosen in PIPT init. file.


init_file : str path to input file containing initiallization values

def gen_init_ensemble(self):
401    def gen_init_ensemble(self):
402        """
403        Generate the initial ensemble of (joint) state vectors using the GeoStat class in the "geostat" package.
404        TODO: Merge this function with the perturbation function _gen_state_ensemble in popt.
405        """
406        # Initialize GeoStat class
407        init_en = Cholesky()
409        # (Re)initialize state variable as dictionary
410        self.state = {}
411        self.cov_prior = {}
413        for name in self.prior_info:
414            # Init. indices to pick out correct mean vector for each layer
415            ind_end = 0
417            # Extract info.
418            nz = self.prior_info[name]['nz']
419            mean = self.prior_info[name]['mean']
420            nx = self.prior_info[name]['nx']
421            ny = self.prior_info[name]['ny']
422            if nx == ny == 0:  # assume ensemble will be generated elsewhere if dimensions are zero
423                break
424            variance = self.prior_info[name]['variance']
425            corr_length = self.prior_info[name]['corr_length']
426            aniso = self.prior_info[name]['aniso']
427            vario = self.prior_info[name]['vario']
428            angle = self.prior_info[name]['angle']
429            if 'limits' in self.prior_info[name]:
430                limits = self.prior_info[name]['limits']
431            else:
432                limits = None
434            # Loop over nz to make layers of 2D priors
435            for i in range(self.prior_info[name]['nz']):
436                # If mean is scalar, no covariance matrix is needed
437                if type(self.prior_info[name]['mean']).__module__ == 'numpy':
438                    # Generate covariance matrix
439                    cov = init_en.gen_cov2d(
440                        nx, ny, variance[i], corr_length[i], aniso[i], angle[i], vario[i])
441                else:
442                    cov = np.array(variance[i])
444                # Pick out the mean vector for the current layer
445                ind_start = ind_end
446                ind_end = int((i + 1) * (len(mean) / nz))
447                mean_layer = mean[ind_start:ind_end]
449                # Generate realizations. If LIMITS have been entered, they must be taken account for here
450                if limits is None:
451                    real = init_en.gen_real(mean_layer, cov, self.ne)
452                else:
453                    real = init_en.gen_real(mean_layer, cov, self.ne, {
454                                            'upper': limits[i][1], 'lower': limits[i][0]})
456                # Stack realizations for each layer
457                if i == 0:
458                    real_out = real
459                else:
460                    real_out = np.vstack((real_out, real))
462            # Store realizations in dictionary with name given in STATICVAR
463            self.state[name] = real_out
465            # Store the covariance matrix
466            self.cov_prior[name] = cov
468        # Save the ensemble for later inspection
469        np.savez('prior.npz', **self.state)

Generate the initial ensemble of (joint) state vectors using the GeoStat class in the "geostat" package. TODO: Merge this function with the perturbation function _gen_state_ensemble in popt.

def get_list_assim_steps(self):
471    def get_list_assim_steps(self):
472        """
473        Returns list of assimilation steps. Useful in a 'loop'-script.
475        Returns
476        -------
477        list_assim : list
478                     List of total assimilation steps.
479        """
480        # Get list of assim. steps. from ASSIMINDEX
481        list_assim = list(range(len(self.keys_da['assimindex'])))
483        # If it is a restart run, we only list the assimilation steps we have not done
484        if self.restart is True:
485            # List simulations we already have done. Do this by checking pred_data.
486            # OBS: Minus 1 here do to the aborted simulation is also not None.
487            sim_done = list(
488                range(len([ind for ind, p in enumerate(self.pred_data) if p is not None]) - 1))
490            # Update list of assim. steps by removing simulations we have done
491            list_assim = [ind for ind in list_assim if ind not in sim_done]
493        # Return tot. assim. steps
494        return list_assim

Returns list of assimilation steps. Useful in a 'loop'-script.

  • list_assim (list): List of total assimilation steps.
def calc_prediction(self, input_state=None, save_prediction=None):
496    def calc_prediction(self, input_state=None, save_prediction=None):
497        """
498        Method for making predictions using the state variable. Will output the simulator response for all report steps
499        and all data values provided to the simulator.
501        Parameters
502        ----------
503        input_state:
504            Use an input state instead of internal state (stored in self) to run predictions
505        save_prediction:
506            Save the predictions as a <save_prediction>.npz file (numpy compressed file)
508        Returns
509        -------
510        prediction:
511            List of dictionaries with keys equal to data types (in DATATYPE),
512            containing the responses at each time step given in PREDICTION.
514        """
516        if hasattr(self, 'multilevel'):
517            success = self.calc_ml_prediction(input_state)
518        else:
519            # Number of parallel runs
520            if 'parallel' in self.sim.input_dict:
521                no_tot_run = int(self.sim.input_dict['parallel'])
522            else:
523                no_tot_run = 1
524            self.pred_data = []
526            # for level in self.multilevel['level']: #
527            # Setup forward simulator and redundant simulator at the correct fidelity
528            if self.sim.redund_sim is not None:
529                self.sim.redund_sim.setup_fwd_run()
530            self.sim.setup_fwd_run(redund_sim=self.sim.redund_sim)
532            # Ensure that we put all the states in a list
533            list_state = [deepcopy({}) for _ in range(self.ne)]
534            for i in range(self.ne):
535                if input_state is None:
536                    for key in self.state.keys():
537                        if self.state[key].ndim == 1:
538                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key])
539                        elif self.state[key].ndim == 2:
540                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key][:, i])
541                        # elif self.state[key].ndim == 3:
542                        #     list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[key][level,:, i])
543                else:
544                    for key in self.state.keys():
545                        if input_state[key].ndim == 1:
546                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key])
547                        elif input_state[key].ndim == 2:
548                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key][:, i])
549                        # elif input_state[key].ndim == 3:
550                        #     list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[key][:,:, i])
551                if self.aux_input is not None:  # several models are used
552                    list_state[i]['aux_input'] = self.aux_input[i]
554            # Index list of ensemble members
555            list_member_index = list(range(self.ne))
557            if no_tot_run==1: # if not in parallel we use regular loop
558                en_pred = [self.sim.run_fwd_sim(state, member_index) for state, member_index in
559                           tqdm(zip(list_state, list_member_index), total=len(list_state))]
560            else: # Run prediction in parallel using p_map
561                en_pred = p_map(self.sim.run_fwd_sim, list_state,
562                                list_member_index, num_cpus=no_tot_run, disable=self.disable_tqdm)
564            # List successful runs and crashes
565            list_crash = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is False]
566            list_success = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is not False]
567            success = True
569            # Dump all information and print error if all runs have crashed
570            if not list_success:
571                self.save()
572                success = False
573                if len(list_crash) > 1:
574                    print(
575                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
576                    self.logger.info(
577                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
578                    sys.exit(1)
579                return success
581            # Check crashed runs
582            if list_crash:
583                # Replace crashed runs with (random) successful runs. If there are more crashed runs than successful once,
584                # we draw with replacement.
585                if len(list_crash) < len(list_success):
586                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
587                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=False)
588                else:
589                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
590                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=True)
592                # Insert the replaced runs in prediction list
593                for indx, el in enumerate(copy_member):
594                    print(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by ensemble member '
595                          f'{el}! ---\033[92m')
596                    self.logger.info(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by '
597                                     f'ensemble member {el}! ---\033[92m')
598                    for key in self.state.keys():
599                        if self.state[key].ndim > 1:
600                            self.state[key][:, list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(
601                                self.state[key][:, el])
602                    en_pred[list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(en_pred[el])
604            # Convert ensemble specific result into pred_data, and filter for NONE data
605            self.pred_data.extend([{typ: np.concatenate(tuple((el[ind][typ][:, np.newaxis]) for el in en_pred), axis=1)
606                                    if any(elem is not None for elem in tuple((el[ind][typ]) for el in en_pred))
607                                    else None for typ in en_pred[0][0].keys()} for ind in range(len(en_pred[0]))])
609        # some predicted data might need to be adjusted (e.g. scaled or compressed if it is 4D seis data). Do not
610        # include this here.
612        # Store results if needed
613        if save_prediction is not None:
614            np.savez(f'{save_prediction}.npz', **{'pred_data': self.pred_data})
616        return success

Method for making predictions using the state variable. Will output the simulator response for all report steps and all data values provided to the simulator.

  • input_state:: Use an input state instead of internal state (stored in self) to run predictions
  • save_prediction:: Save the predictions as a .npz file (numpy compressed file)
  • prediction:: List of dictionaries with keys equal to data types (in DATATYPE), containing the responses at each time step given in PREDICTION.
def save(self):
618    def save(self):
619        """
620        We use pickle to dump all the information we have in 'self'. Can be used, e.g., if some error has occurred.
622        Changelog
623        ---------
624        - ST 28/2-17
625        """
626        # Open save file and dump all info. in self
627        with open(self.pickle_restart_file, 'wb') as f:
628            pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f, protocol=4)

We use pickle to dump all the information we have in 'self'. Can be used, e.g., if some error has occurred.

  • ST 28/2-17
def load(self):
630    def load(self):
631        """
632        Load a pickled file and save all info. in self.
634        Changelog
635        ---------
636        - ST 28/2-17
637        """
638        # Open file and read with pickle
639        with open(self.pickle_restart_file, 'rb') as f:
640            tmp_load = pickle.load(f)
642        # Save in 'self'
643        self.__dict__.update(tmp_load)

Load a pickled file and save all info. in self.

  • ST 28/2-17
def calc_ml_prediction(self, input_state=None):
645    def calc_ml_prediction(self, input_state=None):
646        """
647        Function for running the simulator over several levels. We assume that it is sufficient to provide the level
648        integer to the setup of the forward run. This will initiate the correct simulator fidelity.
649        The function then runs the set of state through the different simulator fidelities.
651        Parameters
652        ----------
653        input_state:
654            If simulation is run stand-alone one can input any state.
655        """
657        no_tot_run = int(self.sim.input_dict['parallel'])
658        ml_pred_data = []
660        for level in tqdm(self.multilevel['levels'], desc='Fidelity level', position=1):
661            # Setup forward simulator and redundant simulator at the correct fidelity
662            if self.sim.redund_sim is not None:
663                self.sim.redund_sim.setup_fwd_run(level=level)
664            self.sim.setup_fwd_run(level=level)
665            ml_ne = self.multilevel['ne'][level]
666            # Ensure that we put all the states in a list
667            list_state = [deepcopy({}) for _ in ml_ne]
668            for i in ml_ne:
669                if input_state is None:
670                    for key in self.state[level].keys():
671                        if self.state[level][key].ndim == 1:
672                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[level][key])
673                        elif self.state[level][key].ndim == 2:
674                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(self.state[level][key][:, i])
675                else:
676                    for key in self.state.keys():
677                        if input_state[level][key].ndim == 1:
678                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[level][key])
679                        elif input_state[level][key].ndim == 2:
680                            list_state[i][key] = deepcopy(input_state[level][key][:, i])
681                if self.aux_input is not None:  # several models are used
682                    list_state[i]['aux_input'] = self.aux_input[i]
684            # Index list of ensemble members
685            list_member_index = list(ml_ne)
687            # Run prediction in parallel using p_map
688            en_pred = p_map(self.sim.run_fwd_sim, list_state,
689                            list_member_index, num_cpus=no_tot_run, disable=self.disable_tqdm)
691            # List successful runs and crashes
692            list_crash = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is False]
693            list_success = [indx for indx, el in enumerate(en_pred) if el is not False]
694            success = True
696            # Dump all information and print error if all runs have crashed
697            if not list_success:
698                self.save()
699                success = False
700                if len(list_crash) > 1:
701                    print(
702                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
703                    self.logger.info(
704                        '\n\033[1;31mERROR: All started simulations has failed! We dump all information and exit!\033[1;m')
705                    sys.exit(1)
706                return success
708            # Check crashed runs
709            if list_crash:
710                # Replace crashed runs with (random) successful runs. If there are more crashed runs than successful once,
711                # we draw with replacement.
712                if len(list_crash) < len(list_success):
713                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
714                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=False)
715                else:
716                    copy_member = np.random.choice(
717                        list_success, size=len(list_crash), replace=True)
719                # Insert the replaced runs in prediction list
720                for indx, el in enumerate(copy_member):
721                    print(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by ensemble member '
722                          f'{el}! ---\033[92m')
723                    self.logger.info(f'\033[92m--- Ensemble member {list_crash[indx]} failed, has been replaced by '
724                                     f'ensemble member {el}! ---\033[92m')
725                    for key in self.state[level].keys():
726                        self.state[level][key][:, list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(
727                            self.state[level][key][:, el])
728                    en_pred[list_crash[indx]] = deepcopy(en_pred[el])
730            # Convert ensemble specific result into pred_data, and filter for NONE data
731            ml_pred_data.append([{typ: np.concatenate(tuple((el[ind][typ][:, np.newaxis]) for el in en_pred), axis=1)
732                                  if any(elem is not None for elem in tuple((el[ind][typ]) for el in en_pred))
733                                  else None for typ in en_pred[0][0].keys()} for ind in range(len(en_pred[0]))])
735        # loop over time instance first, and the level instance.
736        self.pred_data = np.array(ml_pred_data).T.tolist()
738        self.treat_modeling_error(self.iteration)
740        return success

Function for running the simulator over several levels. We assume that it is sufficient to provide the level integer to the setup of the forward run. This will initiate the correct simulator fidelity. The function then runs the set of state through the different simulator fidelities.

  • input_state:: If simulation is run stand-alone one can input any state.