
Read Schlumberger Eclipse grid input files.

>>> import pyresito.io.grdecl as grdecl
>>> grid = grdecl.read ("FOO")
   1# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
   2"""Read Schlumberger Eclipse grid input files.
   4>>> import pyresito.io.grdecl as grdecl
   5>>> grid = grdecl.read ("FOO")
   7from __future__ import division
   8import argparse
   9import codecs  # pylint: disable=unused-import
  10import collections as col
  11import contextlib as ctx
  12import logging
  13import math
  14import mmap
  15import numpy
  16import numpy.ma
  17import os
  18import os.path
  19import re
  20from six.moves import range  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, import-error
  21import six
  22import sys
  25# even though the memoryview api exists in Python 2, the regular expression
  26# engine cannot use it, so we must keep the old buffer interface around, too
  27if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
  28    def membuf(mem, bgn, end):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  29        return buffer(mem, bgn, end - bgn)
  32    def membuf(mem, bgn, end):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  33        return memoryview(mem)[bgn: end]
  36# there is a bug in the interaction between int() and memoryview in
  37# Python 3: it attempts to interpret the entire buffer instead of just
  38# the subset are indexed. this is solved by casting it to a bytebuffer
  39# before conversion, so no string decoding needs to take place
  40if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
  41    def conv_atoi(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  42        return int(buf)
  44    def conv_atof(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  45        return float(buf)
  48    def conv_atoi(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  49        return int(bytes(buf))
  51    def conv_atof(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  52        return float(bytes(buf))
  55# file on disk is read as single bytes, whereas text in memory is of the string
  56# type. these helper functions convert between the two, in Python 2 there is no
  57# difference between the types
  58if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
  59    def enc(text):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  60        return text
  62    def dec(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  63        return buf
  66    def enc(text):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  67        return codecs.utf_8_encode(text)[0]
  69    def dec(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
  70        return codecs.utf_8_decode(buf)[0]
  73# add a valid log in case we are not run through the main program which
  74# sets up one for us
  75log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  79class GrdEclError (Exception):
  80    """Exception thrown if invalid syntax is encountered."""
  82    def __init__(self, path, pos, message):
  83        line, column = pos
  84        # include the filename if any was specified. only print the name,
  85        # not the entire path, since this may be a very long string
  86        fmt = ("in \"{0}\" " if path is not None else "") + "at ({1},{2}): {3}"
  87        basename = (os.path.basename(path) if path else "")
  88        super(GrdEclError, self).__init__(
  89            fmt.format(basename, line, column, message))
  92# pylint: disable=invalid-name
  93# tokens that exists in Eclipse grid files:
  95# whitespace is everything that is between other tokens; I've put comments
  96# into this class so that they can appear inside the data tables (e.g. for
  97# headings and dividers); it shouldn't add much to the processing time since
  98# they can be decided with very little look-ahead
  99whitespace = re.compile(enc(r'[\ \t]+|--[^\r]*'))
 101# newlines need to be their own tokens since we are going to update the
 102# position counter at each such occurrence (source files are better viewed
 103# as (line, column) rather than byte offset)
 104newline = re.compile(enc(r'\r?\n'))
 106# cardinals are integer numbers that describe sizes, e.g. the number of
 107# rows in a spatial direction
 108cardinal = re.compile(enc(r'[0-9]+'))
 110# multiple cardinals prefixed with an optional repeat count
 111multint = re.compile(enc(r'([0-9]+\*)?([0-9]+)'))
 113# single floating-point number without any count. coordinates are described
 114# using this type, since there is no meaning in defining a repeat count that
 115# goes across both x and y-coordinates.
 116_digs = r'([0-9]?\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)([eEdD][-+]?[0-9]+)?'
 118# properties that are imported from other sources may also have NaN written
 119# in cells where the value doesn't apply; Petrel will understand this, but
 120# Eclipse won't.
 121_nan = r'[nN][aA][nN]'
 123# regular expression that accepts both NaNs and single numbers
 124_anumb = r'-?(' + _nan + r'|' + _digs + r')'
 125single = re.compile(enc(_anumb))
 127# floating-point numbers. the bulk of the data will be tokens of this type.
 128# first group is the repeat count, the sign is optional, then comes two
 129# subgroups: either the integer part or the fractional part of the number
 130# can be omitted, but not both. third group is the exponent, allowing for
 131# Fortran-style single precision indicator
 132number = re.compile(enc(r'([0-9]+\*)?(' + _anumb + r')'))
 134# most records ends with a slash; this is used as a guard token to ensure
 135# that we are parsing the file correctly
 136endrec = re.compile(enc(r'/'))
 138# a flag is encoded as zero or one, with an optional repeat count. this
 139# type of lexeme is used to parse the ACTNUM property.
 140flag = re.compile(enc(r'([0-9]+\*)?([01])'))
 142# keywords are section headers. they are really only supposed to be 8
 143# characters but Petrel will write longer names for custom attributes
 144keyword = re.compile(enc(r'[a-zA-Z_]+'))
 146# filenames are used to include; either we specify more or less anything
 147# as long as it is between quotes (notably including forward slashes!), or
 148# it can be something that resembles a sensible MS-DOS name (including
 149# colons and back-slashes!)
 150filename = re.compile(enc(r'(\'[^\']*\')|([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\:\\\ ]+)'))
 153class _Lexer (object):
 154    """View the input file as a stream of tokens"""
 156    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
 157    def __init__(self, filename, mem):
 158        """Lex a given input file with an opened memory mapping."""
 160        super(_Lexer, self).__init__()
 162        # line number is one-based, and we start at the first line
 163        self.lineno = 1
 165        # this is the file offset of the first character on the current
 166        # line. we use this to determine the column number (it is not
 167        # updated whenever we read something, but rather generated on demand)
 168        self.startofs = 0
 170        # this is the position of where we last found a token; we store the
 171        # offset into the file, and can find the column from that
 172        self.last_pos = 0
 174        # use the memory-mapping of the file as if it was a string buffer
 175        self.mem = mem
 177        # when viewed as a byte-buffer/string memory mapped files always
 178        # "start" at the beginning of the file, regardless of the cursor.
 179        # we therefore maintain a separate buffer object that points into
 180        # the current position in the file. the reason that we bother to
 181        # use the position at all is in case it signals to the os where
 182        # to put the memory window of the file
 183        self.buf = membuf(self.mem, self.mem.tell(), self.mem.size())
 185        # save a reference to the filename for use in error messages
 186        self.path = filename
 188    def close(self):
 189        """Clean up internal memory buffer usage"""
 190        self.buf = None
 191        self.mem = None
 193    def _advance(self, length):
 194        """Advance the current position of the file by length bytes. length
 195        is commonly the length of the last read token.
 196        """
 197        self.mem.seek(length, os.SEEK_CUR)
 198        self.buf = membuf(self.mem, self.mem.tell(), self.mem.size())
 200    def skip_blanks(self):
 201        """Skip one or more blank tokens, updating the counter as we go.
 202        """
 203        done = False
 204        while not done:
 205            match = re.match(whitespace, self.buf)
 206            if match:
 207                # advance the stream to skip over the whitespace
 208                self._advance(match.end() - match.start())
 209            else:
 210                # maybe it wasn't blank whitespace, but rather a newline?
 211                match = re.match(newline, self.buf)
 213                if match:
 214                    # still skip this token
 215                    self._advance(match.end() - match.start())
 217                    # but now also update the line counter
 218                    self.lineno = self.lineno + 1
 219                    self.startofs = self.mem.tell()
 220                else:
 221                    # it is a legitimate token, return for further processing;
 222                    # the memory stream will not have advanced, so the token
 223                    # is still at the beginning of the stream buffer
 224                    done = True
 226    def pos(self):
 227        """Return the current position in the file as (line, column)"""
 228        # we have the line counter available; the column counter is
 229        # available from looking how far we have progressed since the
 230        # last linebreak. we return the position of the last token,
 231        # which may not be visible to the parser (can be converted to number)
 232        return (self.lineno, self.last_pos - self.startofs + 1)
 234    def expect(self, lexeme):
 235        """Expect a certain type of lexeme, e.g. keyword, to appear as the
 236        next non-whitespace token in the stream.
 237        """
 238        # skip any blanks in front of the wanted token
 239        self.skip_blanks()
 241        # next token is going to be at this position
 242        self.last_pos = self.mem.tell()
 244        # attempt to match the lexeme in question
 245        match = re.match(lexeme, self.buf)
 247        if match:
 248            # read off the token that was matched into a separate string
 249            token = match.group(0)
 251            # update the buffer pointer to the new position
 252            self._advance(match.end() - match.start())
 254            return token
 255        else:
 256            return None
 258    def expect_count(self, lexeme):
 259        """Expect a production where the first group is an optional repeat
 260        count. The function returns a tuple where the first item is the value
 261        and the second one is the repeat count.
 262        """
 263        # skip any blanks in front of the wanted token
 264        self.skip_blanks()
 266        # next token is going to be at this position
 267        self.last_pos = self.mem.tell()
 269        # attempt to match the lexeme
 270        match = re.match(lexeme, self.buf)
 272        if match:
 273            # if the count group is not present, then set count to be 1
 274            if match.group(1) is None:
 275                count = 1
 276            else:
 277                count = conv_atoi(match.group(1)[:-1])
 279            # the value is the second group, capturing the rest of the token
 280            value = match.group(2)
 282            # update the buffer pointer to the new position
 283            self._advance(match.end() - match.start())
 285            return (count, value)
 286        else:
 287            return (0, None)
 289    def expect_str(self, lexeme):
 290        """Expect a text token."""
 291        txt = self.expect(lexeme)
 292        return (None if txt is None else dec(txt))
 294    def expect_filename(self):
 295        """Expect a filename."""
 296        name = self.expect(filename)
 297        # specification of filenames allow spaces at the beginning and the
 298        # end. since the slash is not part of the filename but rather and
 299        # end record, it is natural to separate them with a space. to avoid
 300        # an overly complex regular expression, we do the trimming here
 301        return (None if name is None else dec(name).strip().strip("\'"))
 303    def expect_enum(self, keywords, kind):
 304        """Expect a keyword in a given set, or throw error if not found"""
 305        token = self.expect_str(keyword)
 306        if not token:
 307            raise GrdEclError(self.path, self.pos(),
 308                              "Expected keyword for {0}".format(kind))
 309        if token not in keywords:
 310            raise GrdEclError(self.path, self.pos(),
 311                              "Unsupported {0} \"{1}\"".format(kind, token))
 312        return token
 314    def expect_single(self):
 315        """Expect a single floating point number"""
 316        token = self.expect(single)
 317        if not token:
 318            raise GrdEclError(self.path, self.pos(),
 319                              "Expected floating-point number")
 320        return float(token)
 322    def expect_cardinal(self):
 323        """Expect a single cardinal number"""
 324        token = self.expect(cardinal)
 325        if not token:
 326            raise GrdEclError(self.path, self.pos(),
 327                              "Expected positive, integer number")
 328        return conv_atoi(token)
 330    def expect_multi_card(self):
 331        """Expect multiple cardinal numbers"""
 332        # use scanning routine which takes care of the optional count with star
 333        # in front of our own lexeme
 334        count, value = self.expect_count(multint)
 336        # convert the string itself to our integral type afterwards
 337        return (count, numpy.int32(value))
 339    def expect_numbers(self):
 340        """Expect a floating-point number with an optional repeat count"""
 341        count, value = self.expect_count(number)
 342        # convert to byte buffer to be able to search and modify it
 343        value = bytearray(value)
 345        # check if we are using the Fortran-style exponent, and it that
 346        # case replace it with something our runtime understands
 347        ndx = value.find(b'd')
 348        if ndx != -1:
 349            value[ndx] = b'e'
 350        else:
 351            ndx = value.find(b'D')
 352            if ndx != -1:
 353                value[ndx] = b'e'
 355        return (count, numpy.float64(value))
 357    def expect_bools(self):
 358        """Expect boolean flags with an optional repeat count"""
 359        count, value = self.expect_count(flag)
 360        # if we don't convert to int first and then to bool, the conversion
 361        # will always yield a value of True!
 362        return (count, bool)
 364    def at_eof(self):
 365        """Check if the lexer has progressed to the end of the stream"""
 366        return self.mem.tell() == self.mem.size()
 369class _FileMapPair (object):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
 370    """An open file with an associated memory-mapping"""
 372    def __init__(self, path):
 373        """Open file and mapping from a path specification"""
 375        # must open files as binary on Windows NT, or they are automagically
 376        # converted into carriage-return/newline! also, by declaring that we
 377        # are reading the file sequentially, the fs cache can optimize.
 378        # pylint: disable=no-member
 379        flags = os.O_BINARY | os.O_SEQUENTIAL if os.name == 'nt' else 0
 380        self.file_handle = os.open(path, os.O_RDONLY | flags)
 382        # tell the operating system that we intend to read the file in one go
 383        if (sys.platform.startswith('linux') and
 384                sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 3)):
 385            os.posix_fadvise(self.file_handle, 0, 0, os.POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL)
 387        # attempt to create a memory-mapping of the file; if this doesn't
 388        # succeed, then close the underlaying file as well
 389        try:
 390            self.map_obj = mmap.mmap(self.file_handle, 0,
 391                                     access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
 392        except Exception:
 393            os.close(self.file_handle)
 394            raise
 396    def close(self):
 397        """Close both the file and the memory mapping"""
 398        try:
 399            self.map_obj.close()
 400        finally:
 401            os.close(self.file_handle)
 404class _OwningLexer (_Lexer):
 405    """Lexer that owns exclusively the underlaying memory map"""
 407    def __init__(self, path):
 408        # first attempt to open the file and map it; if this is successful,
 409        # then create a lexer using the memory-map (and keep the file object
 410        # in ourself). if the lexer could not be created, then make sure that
 411        # the file doesn't leak
 412        self.fmp = _FileMapPair(path)
 413        try:
 414            super(_OwningLexer, self).__init__(path, self.fmp.map_obj)
 415        except Exception:
 416            self.fmp.close()
 417            raise
 419    def close(self):
 420        """Clean up all resources associated with the lexer"""
 422        # let the superclass clear its internal references first, and then
 423        # make sure that the underlaying OS handles are closed afterwards
 424        try:
 425            super(_OwningLexer, self).close()
 426        finally:
 427            self.fmp.close()
 430# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, invalid-name
 431def _axes_rot(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
 432    """Rotation matrix and offset vector for axes mapping.
 434    :returns:  (A, b) such that each point x in coordinate array should be
 435               rotated with A(x-b)+b
 436    """
 437    # y axis vector
 438    v1_x = x1 - x2
 439    v1_y = y1 - y2
 440    v1_len = math.sqrt(v1_x * v1_x + v1_y * v1_y)
 441    ey_x = v1_x / v1_len
 442    ey_y = v1_y / v1_len
 444    # x axis vector
 445    v3_x = x3 - x2
 446    v3_y = y3 - y2
 447    v3_len = math.sqrt(v3_x * v3_x + v3_y * v3_y)
 448    ex_x = v3_x / v3_len
 449    ex_y = v3_y / v3_len
 451    # define transformation; each point x in COORD array is rotated A(x-b)+b
 452    A = numpy.array([[ex_x, ey_x, 0.],
 453                     [ex_y, ey_y, 0.],
 454                     [0.,   0.,   1.]], dtype=numpy.float64)
 455    b = numpy.array([x2, y2, 0], dtype=numpy.float64)
 457    return (A, b)
 460# pylint: disable=invalid-name
 461def _no_rot():
 462    """Rotation matrix and offset vector if there is no axes mapping."""
 463    A = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0.],
 464                     [0., 1., 0.],
 465                     [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=numpy.float64)
 466    b = numpy.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype=numpy.float64)
 467    return (A, b)
 470# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-few-public-methods
 471class _Parser (object):
 472    """Read sections usually exported by Petrel from an Eclipse cornerpoint grid
 473    file.
 474    """
 476    def __init__(self, filename, mem):
 477        super(_Parser, self).__init__()
 479        # these sections have their own productions, because they need special
 480        # treatment or give side-effects
 481        self.prod = {}
 482        self.prod['GRID'] = self._ignore
 483        self.prod['PINCH'] = self._pinch
 484        self.prod['NOECHO'] = self._ignore
 485        self.prod['MAPUNITS'] = self._mapunits
 486        self.prod['MAPAXES'] = self._mapaxes
 487        self.prod['GRIDUNIT'] = self._gridunit
 488        self.prod['SPECGRID'] = self._specgrid
 489        self.prod['COORDSYS'] = self._coordsys
 490        self.prod['COORD'] = self._coord
 491        self.prod['ZCORN'] = self._zcorn
 492        self.prod['ACTNUM'] = self._actnum
 493        self.prod['ECHO'] = self._ignore
 494        self.prod['INCLUDE'] = self._include
 495        self.prod['DIMENS'] = self._dimens
 497        # this list contains the keywords that are all readable in the same way
 498        self.cell_sections = [x for x in _SECTIONS.keys()
 499                              if _SECTIONS[x]['cell']]
 501        # if no rotation matrix is defined, then use identity
 502        self.rot_A, self.rot_b = _no_rot()
 504        # this class does the interpretation of the bytes on disk
 505        self.lex = _Lexer(filename, mem)
 507        # each section is read into a dictionary object
 508        self.section = dict()
 510        # before we have read anything, we don't know the dimensions of
 511        # the grid
 512        self.ni = None
 513        self.nj = None
 514        self.nk = None
 516        # if we have inactive cells, this attribute tells us where they are
 517        # so that we can create a masked array
 518        self.mask = None
 520        # if partial files are opened, then the old lexers are pushed onto
 521        # this stack while the new file is parsed. when the new file is
 522        # finished, then parsing resumes from the top of this stack
 523        self.lexer_stack = []
 525    def close(self):
 526        """Clean up internal memory buffer usage"""
 527        # if we were interrupted while we were in the middle of a parse,
 528        # then it might be that there are several opened sub-files that must
 529        # be closed. normally this loop should be empty.
 530        while len(self.lexer_stack):
 531            self.lexer_stack.pop().close()
 533        self.lex.close()
 534        self.lex = None
 536    def _include(self):
 537        """Continue parsing a fragment file at this point"""
 538        # read the file name from the keyword stream
 539        name = self.lex.expect_filename()
 540        if not name:
 541            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 542                              ("Include statements must be followed by "
 543                               "a file name"))
 544        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 546        # included files should be read relative to the file that refer to
 547        # them, not to any arbitrary current directory of the process.
 548        fullname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
 549            self.lex.path), name))
 551        log.info('Reading from file "%s"', name)
 552        # put the current lexer on hold, and put a new lexer in its place so
 553        # that parsing continues from the new file
 554        self.lexer_stack.append(self.lex)
 555        self.lex = _OwningLexer(fullname)
 557    def _ignore(self):
 558        """Ignore this single keyword"""
 559        pass
 561    def _pinch(self):
 562        """Production for PINCH keyword"""
 563        # this is just a processing flag that is set; nothing more to read
 564        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 566    def _mapunits(self):
 567        """Production for MAPUNITS keyword"""
 568        # read the keyword for units specified. currently, only specifying
 569        # metres directly is supported. alternatively, a different unit should
 570        # be looked up here in a dictionary and a scaling factor set
 571        self.lex.expect_enum(['METRES'], "unit")
 572        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 574    def _mapaxes(self):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
 575        """Production for MAPAXES keyword"""
 576        # a point on the Y axis
 577        x1 = self.lex.expect_single()
 578        y1 = self.lex.expect_single()
 580        # origin
 581        x2 = self.lex.expect_single()
 582        y2 = self.lex.expect_single()
 584        # a point on the X axis
 585        x3 = self.lex.expect_single()
 586        y3 = self.lex.expect_single()
 588        # even though data is fixed-length, it needs a record terminator
 589        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 591        self.rot_A, self.rot_b = _axes_rot(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
 593    def _gridunit(self):
 594        """Production for GRIDUNIT keyword"""
 595        self.lex.expect_enum(["METRES"], "unit")
 597        # map flag is optional
 598        token = self.lex.expect_str(keyword)
 599        if token:
 600            if token != "MAP":
 601                raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 602                                  ("Expected flag MAP or nothing, "
 603                                   "not \"{0}\"").format(token))
 604        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 606    def _specgrid(self):
 607        """Production for the SPECGRID keyword"""
 608        # grid dimensions; we read this directly into the object fields
 609        # since we need these to allocate memory later
 610        self.ni = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 611        self.nj = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 612        self.nk = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 614        # also add this as if we had read the DIMENS keyword
 615        self.section['DIMENS'] = numpy.array([self.ni, self.nj, self.nk],
 616                                             dtype=numpy.int32)
 618        # number of reservoirs are not used in Eclipse, but are in the API
 619        numres = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 620        if numres != 1:
 621            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 622                              "Expected only one reservoir, but got {0:d}",
 623                              numres)
 625        # radial coordinates are not supported yet
 626        token = self.lex.expect_str(keyword)
 627        if token:
 628            if token != "F":
 629                raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 630                                  ("Expected F for Cartesian coordinates "
 631                                   "but got \"{0}\"").format(token))
 632        # end-of-record sentinel in case any tokens are defaulted
 633        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 635    def _dimens(self):
 636        """Production for the DIMENS keyword"""
 637        ni = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 638        nj = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 639        nk = self.lex.expect_cardinal()
 640        self.section['DIMENS'] = numpy.array([ni, nj, nk],
 641                                             dtype=numpy.int32)
 643        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 645    def _coordsys(self):
 646        """Production for the COORDSYS keyword"""
 647        # we are reading only one grid, so we don't really have any notion
 648        # about where this is going to end up in the total reservoir.
 649        self.lex.expect_cardinal()  # k_lower =
 650        self.lex.expect_cardinal()  # k_upper =
 651        # there can be more arguments to this keyword, but Petrel will only
 652        # write the first two
 653        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 655    def _coord(self):
 656        """Production for the COORD keyword"""
 657        # check that we actually know how many numbers to read
 658        if 'DIMENS' not in self.section:
 659            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 660                              "COORD section must come after SPECGRID")
 662        # each column/row of cells have a pillar on either side, meaning
 663        # that there is an extra one at each end, and there is a top and
 664        # a bottom coordinate for every pillar
 665        num_coord = (self.ni + 1) * (self.nj + 1) * 2
 667        # allocate memory
 668        coord = numpy.empty((num_coord, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
 670        # read three and three numbers, making out a coordinate. we take
 671        # care not to allocate any extra memory in this loop
 672        vec = numpy.empty((3, ), dtype=numpy.float64)
 673        for i in range(num_coord):
 674            # read coordinate specified in file, into intermediate vector
 675            vec[0] = self.lex.expect_single()  # x
 676            vec[1] = self.lex.expect_single()  # y
 677            vec[2] = self.lex.expect_single()  # z
 679            # rotate according to map axes, and assign into global grid
 680            vec -= self.rot_b
 681            numpy.dot(self.rot_A, vec, out=coord[i, :])
 682            coord[i, :] += self.rot_b
 684        # after we're done reading, then rearrange the grid so that is
 685        # is no longer a list of coordinates, but rather a true grid
 686        self.section['COORD'] = numpy.reshape(
 687            coord, (self.nj + 1, self.ni + 1, 2, 3))
 689        # after all the coordinates are read, we expect the sentinel token
 690        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 692    def _zcorn(self):
 693        """Production for the ZCORN keyword"""
 694        # check that we actually know how many numbers to read
 695        if 'DIMENS' not in self.section:
 696            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 697                              "ZCORN section must come after SPECGRID")
 699        # allocate memory
 700        num_zcorn = self.nk * self.nj * self.ni * 2 * 2 * 2
 701        zcorn = numpy.empty((num_zcorn, ), dtype=numpy.float64)
 703        # read numbers from file; each read may potentially fill a different
 704        # length of the array
 705        num_read = 0
 706        while num_read < num_zcorn:
 707            count, value = self.lex.expect_numbers()
 708            zcorn[num_read: num_read+count] = value
 709            num_read += count
 711        # verify that we got exactly the number of corners we wanted
 712        if num_read > num_zcorn:
 713            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 714                              "Expected {0:d} numbers, but got {1:d}".format(
 715                num_zcorn, num_read))
 717        # reformat the data into a natural kji/bfr hypercube
 718        self.section['ZCORN'] = numpy.reshape(
 719            zcorn, (self.nk, 2, self.nj, 2, self.ni, 2))
 721        # after all the data, there should be a sentinel slash
 722        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 724    def _actnum(self):
 725        """Production for the ACTNUM keyword"""
 726        # check that we actually know how many numbers to read
 727        if 'DIMENS' not in self.section:
 728            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 729                              "ACTNUM section must come after SPECGRID")
 731        # allocate memory
 732        num_cells = self.nk * self.nj * self.ni
 733        actnum = numpy.empty((num_cells, ), dtype=bool)
 735        # read numbers from file; each read may potentially fill a different
 736        # length of the array
 737        num_read = 0
 738        while num_read < num_cells:
 739            count, value = self.lex.expect_bools()
 740            actnum[num_read: num_read+count] = value
 741            num_read += count
 743        # verify that we got exactly the number of corners we wanted
 744        if num_read > num_cells:
 745            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 746                              "Expected {0:d} numbers, but got {1:d}".format(
 747                num_cells, num_read))
 749        # if not all cells were specified, the rest should be marked as
 750        # inactive
 751        if num_read < num_cells:
 752            actnum[num_read:] = False
 754        # reformat the data into a natural kji/bfr hypercube
 755        self.section['ACTNUM'] = numpy.reshape(
 756            actnum, (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni))
 758        # mask is simply the opposite of the active flag
 759        self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.section['ACTNUM'])
 761        # after all the data, there should be a sentinel slash
 762        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 764    def _celldata(self, kw):
 765        """Production for the keywords that load data per cell"""
 766        # check that we actually know how many numbers to read
 767        if 'DIMENS' not in self.section:
 768            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 769                              "{0} section must come after SPECGRID".format(
 770                kw))
 772        # check if this keyword is registered with a known type
 773        typ = _kw_dtype(kw)
 775        # allocate memory
 776        num_cells = self.nk * self.nj * self.ni
 777        data = numpy.empty((num_cells, ), dtype=typ)
 779        # read numbers from file; each read may potentially fill a different
 780        # length of the array. use an almost identical type of loop for
 781        # integers and floating-point, but avoid using test inside the loop
 782        # or polymorphism through function pointer, to ease optimization
 783        num_read = 0
 784        if numpy.issubdtype(typ, numpy.integer):
 785            while num_read < num_cells:
 786                count, value = self.lex.expect_multi_card()
 787                data[num_read: num_read+count] = value
 788                num_read += count
 789        else:
 790            while num_read < num_cells:
 791                count, value = self.lex.expect_numbers()
 792                data[num_read: num_read+count] = value
 793                num_read += count
 795        # verify that we got exactly the number of corners we wanted
 796        if num_read > num_cells:
 797            raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 798                              "Expected {0:d} numbers, but got {1:d}".format(
 799                num_cells, num_read))
 801        # reformat the data into a natural kji/bfr hypercube
 802        data = numpy.reshape(data, (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni))
 803        if self.mask is not None:
 804            # integral data is mostly category indices; -1 tends to be an
 805            # over-all good enough value to use for that purpose, but Petrel
 806            # won't understand it if we are reading the file back in.
 807            if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.integer):
 808                data[self.mask] = 0
 809            else:
 810                data[self.mask] = numpy.nan
 811            self.section[kw] = numpy.ma.array(data=data,
 812                                              dtype=data.dtype,
 813                                              mask=self.mask)
 814        else:
 815            self.section[kw] = data
 817        # after all the data, there should be a sentinel slash
 818        self.lex.expect(endrec)
 820    def parse(self):
 821        """Parse the entire file"""
 822        # read all sections of the file
 823        while True:
 824            # read a keyword first
 825            kw = self.lex.expect_str(keyword)
 827            # check here, after we have read the keyword, for end-of-file
 828            # since it may be that the function above skip some blanks
 829            # at the end without ever returning a keyword
 830            if self.lex.at_eof():
 831                # if there are any nested files open, then close this file
 832                # and continue reading from the previous one
 833                if len(self.lexer_stack):
 834                    self.lex.close()
 835                    self.lex = self.lexer_stack.pop()
 836                    log.info('Resume reading from "%s"', self.lex.path)
 837                    continue
 838                else:
 839                    break
 841            # if this is a recognizable keyword, then call its handler
 842            # function; otherwise raise an error about the keyword
 843            if kw:
 844                if kw in self.prod:
 845                    log.info("Reading keyword %s", kw)
 846                    self.prod[kw]()
 847                elif kw in self.cell_sections:
 848                    log.info("Reading keyword %s", kw)
 849                    self._celldata(kw)
 850                else:
 851                    raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 852                                      "Unknown keyword \"{0}\"".format(kw))
 853            else:
 854                raise GrdEclError(self.lex.path, self.lex.pos(),
 855                                  "Expected keyword here")
 857        return self.section
 860_GEN_BGN = b'-- Generated [\r\n'
 861_GEN_END = b'-- Generated ]\r\n'
 864def _parse_meta(mem):
 865    """Parse the file headers for properties that are put there by the
 866    generator and that can give hints as to how to most efficiently
 867    process the file.
 869    :param mem: Opened memory-map for the main input file.
 870    :type mem:  mmap.mmap
 871    :returns:   Properties that are set in the header of the data file,
 872                and the number of bytes that can be skipped to avoid
 873                processing this header again (it will be in comments)
 874    :rtype:     (dict, int)
 875    """
 876    # dictionary that will receive parsed headers, if any
 877    props = col.OrderedDict()
 879    # in case of an early exit by the below test, we don't want the client
 880    # to skip anything (there is no header)
 881    nxt = 0
 883    # if the very first line is a special header, then start reading
 884    # the properties from the beginning of the file
 885    if mem.find(_GEN_BGN, 0, len(_GEN_BGN)) != -1:
 886        # skip the initial indicator, go straight to the first property
 887        pos = len(_GEN_BGN)
 888        while True:
 889            # pos is the position where the current property starts, and
 890            # nxt is the position where the next property starts (everything
 891            # in between those two belongs to this particular property).
 892            # add one so that we get the byte that is after the newline.
 893            nxt = mem.find(b'\n', pos) + 1
 895            # if we cannot find the end of the property (file wrap-around),
 896            # then just claim the file as exhausted
 897            if nxt == 0:
 898                nxt = mem.size()
 899                break
 901            # if this property is the end marker, then stop processing
 902            if mem.find(_GEN_END, pos, nxt) != -1:
 903                break
 904            else:
 905                # two first three bytes are comment hyphens ("-- "), and the
 906                # last two bytes are the newline ("\r\n"). read the tokens
 907                # that are inside these brackets
 908                fst = pos + 3
 909                lst = nxt - 2
 911                # find the colon if this is a named property, and use that
 912                # colon to parse the line into a key and a value. if there
 913                # is no value, then interpret this as a kind of directive
 914                delim = mem.find(b':', fst, lst)
 915                if delim != -1:
 916                    key = dec(mem[fst: delim]).rstrip()
 917                    value = dec(mem[delim + 2: lst])
 918                else:
 919                    key = dec(mem[fst: lst])
 920                    value = None
 922                # assign the values found to the output set
 923                props[key] = value
 925                # move to processing the next line
 926                pos = nxt
 928    # return the properties that were found, or empty dictionary if not
 929    # a generated file
 930    return (props, nxt)
 933# known sections that can be in a datafile, and whether they have any
 934# associated data with them (should be read until a final slash or not)
 935# result refers to whether this section should be read as part of the
 936# final result or not. cell refers to whether this is a (regular) cell
 937# property (with format nk*nj*ni)
 938_SECTIONS = {
 939    'PINCH':      {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 940    'ECHO':       {'slashed': False, 'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 941    'MAPUNITS':   {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 942    'MAPAXES':    {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 943    'GRIDUNIT':   {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 944    'SPECGRID':   {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 945    'COORDSYS':   {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 946    'COORD':      {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 947    'ZCORN':      {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 948    'ACTNUM':     {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 949    'PORO':       {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 950    'PERMX':      {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 951    'PERMY':      {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 952    'PERMZ':      {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 953    'TRANSX':     {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 954    'TRANSY':     {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 955    'NOECHO':     {'slashed': False, 'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 956    'GRID':       {'slashed': False, 'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 957    'INCLUDE':    {'slashed': True,  'result': False, 'cell': False, },
 958    'NTG':        {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 959    'SWATINIT':   {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 960    'SWCR':       {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 961    'EQLNUM':     {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 962    'FIPNUM':     {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 963    # for properties that are not used by Eclipse, Petrel doesn't care
 964    # about the eight character limit, but just writes the full name
 965    'BULKVOLUME':          {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 966    'ELEVATIONGENERAL':    {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True, },
 967    'FACIES':              {'slashed': True,  'result': True,  'cell': True,
 968                            'dtype':   numpy.int32},
 972def _kw_dtype(kw):
 973    """Data type of a keyword, if specified in the section of known keywords"""
 974    # thanks to boolean short-circuiting, we can test for the presence of the
 975    # keyword in the section list and whether it has the dtype property in the
 976    # same expression. if it isn't there, then the default are floating point
 977    if kw in _SECTIONS and 'dtype' in _SECTIONS[kw]:
 978        return _SECTIONS[kw]['dtype']
 979    else:
 980        return numpy.float64
 983def _fast_index(path, mem, skip=0):
 984    # lookup table that will be returned
 985    index = {}
 987    # don't associate keywords in the main file with a particular file,
 988    # since we already have the memory-mapping open, but extract the
 989    # directory of the path so we can read included files from there
 990    base_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(path))
 991    _fast_index_mem(base_dir, None, mem, skip, index)
 993    # return the lookup table to caller after the file is processed
 994    return index
 997def _fast_index_file(base_dir, fname, index):
 998    # full path and name of the file to be included
 999    fullfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_dir, fname))
1001    # it might be that the included file is in a sub-dir, in which case
1002    # further files included should be read from that directory too
1003    new_dir = os.path.dirname(fullfile)
1005    # open a new memory buffer for this file, and index it into the existing
1006    # section list, associating keywords with this file
1007    with ctx.closing(_FileMapPair(fullfile)) as fmp:
1008        _fast_index_mem(new_dir, fullfile, fmp.map_obj, 0, index)
1011def _fast_index_mem(base_dir, fname, mem, skip, index):
1012    """
1013    :param base_dir: Directory from which included files will be read
1014    :type base_dir:  str
1015    :param fname:    Filename associated with the memory-mapping
1016    :type fname:     str
1017    :param mem:      Memory-mapping of the file that should be indexed.
1018    :type mem:       mmap.mmap
1019    :param skip:     Number of bytes that should be skipped at the beginning of
1020                     the file.
1021    :type skip:      int
1022    :param index:    Lookup table of the (recognized) keywords in the file and
1023                     their position. The position is a pair of the address of
1024                     the first data byte (which may be a whitespace), and of
1025                     the ending slash, which can be seen as the end-point of
1026                     the data, exclusive (i.e. you don't read that slash). If
1027                     the last item in the tuple is not None, then it is in
1028                     another file than the main file.
1029    :type index:     Dictionary [str, (int, int, str)]
1030    """
1031    # build an index of keywords found in the file
1032    cur_pos = skip
1034    # read the entire file to end
1035    while cur_pos < mem.size():
1037        # skip lines that are comments or empty lines
1038        if (mem.find(b'-', cur_pos, cur_pos + 1) == cur_pos or
1039                mem.find(b'\r', cur_pos, cur_pos + 1) == cur_pos):
1040            cur_pos = mem.find(b'\n', cur_pos) + 1
1041            continue
1043        # next bytes are a keyword; all keywords are written with a padding
1044        # up to a comments that says that this keyword is written by Petrel
1045        space_pos = mem.find(b' ', cur_pos)
1047        # read the keyword itself; this identifies the section
1048        kw = dec(mem[cur_pos: space_pos])
1050        # skip the rest of this line
1051        cur_pos = mem.find(b'\n', cur_pos) + 1
1053        # if the keyword has associated data, then figure out where in the file
1054        # that section is
1055        if _SECTIONS[kw]['slashed']:
1057            # sometimes the keyword has another name in Petrel, but an entry
1058            # is generated in the .grdecl based on its type. the name in
1059            # Petrel is then added in a comment right below the keyword. here
1060            # we simply skip those comments
1061            if (mem.find(b'-', cur_pos, cur_pos + 1) == cur_pos and
1062                    mem.find(b'-', cur_pos + 1, cur_pos + 2) == cur_pos + 1):
1063                cur_pos = mem.find(b'\n', cur_pos) + 1
1065            # include statements is a special-case: the associated data
1066            # is not in this file
1067            if kw == 'INCLUDE':
1068                # filename is always in single quotes at the first data line
1069                start_pos = cur_pos + 1
1070                end_pos = mem.find(b'\'', start_pos)
1071                fname = dec(mem[start_pos: end_pos])
1072                log.info('Indexing file: "%s"', fname)
1074                # index the included file recursively. we don't keep that
1075                # file open, because it just contains a single keyword which
1076                # is only read at most one time later
1077                _fast_index_file(base_dir, fname, index)
1079                # advance past the slash that ends the inclusion statement
1080                cur_pos = mem.find(b'/', end_pos) + 1
1082            else:
1083                # range of the data that is associated with the keyword
1084                start_pos = cur_pos
1085                end_pos = mem.find(b'/', cur_pos)
1086                cur_pos = end_pos + 1
1088        # no associated data, simply return a blank tuple
1089        else:
1090            start_pos = 0
1091            end_pos = 0
1093        # make an entry of this keyword in the lookup table
1094        if kw != 'INCLUDE':
1095            index[kw] = (start_pos, end_pos, fname)
1098# definition of special characters that can be compared directly to the
1099# contents of the memory-map. notice that this is the inverse of the
1100# six.byte2int function that is used further below when manipulating a
1101# bytearray copy.
1102if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
1103    _SP = b' '
1104    _NL = b'\n'
1106    _SP = ord(b' ')
1107    _NL = ord(b'\n')
1110def _tokenize(mem, bgn, end):
1111    """Read tokens from the data part of a section.
1113    :param mem:  Memory-mapping of the file the section should be read from.
1114    :type mem:   mmap.mmap
1115    :param bgn:  Offset of the first byte that is part of the section.
1116    :type bgn:   int
1117    :param end:  Offset of the first next byte that is *not* part of the
1118                 section (end range, exclusive).
1119    :type end:   int
1120    :returns:    List of ranges for each token.
1121    :rtype:      Generator [(int, int)]
1122    """
1123    # current position we are looking at
1124    cur = bgn
1126    # tokenize while there is any tokens left in the stream
1127    while cur < end:
1129        # skip all leading whitespace
1130        while (cur < end) and ((mem[cur] == _SP) or (mem[cur] == _NL)):
1131            cur = cur + 1
1133        # the token begin at the first non-whitespace character
1134        fst = cur
1136        while (cur < end) and ((mem[cur] != _SP) and (mem[cur] != _NL)):
1137            cur = cur + 1
1139        # token ends at the next whitespace encountered
1140        lst = cur
1142        # generate this token, if it is non-empty
1143        if fst < lst:
1144            yield (fst, lst)
1147def _decode(mem, fst, lst, typ):
1148    """Decode a token into a value.
1150    :param mem:  Memory-mapping of the file we are reading from.
1151    :type mem:   mmap.mmap
1152    :param fst:  Offset into the file of the start of the token.
1153    :type fst:   int
1154    :param lst:  Offset into the file of one past the last byte of the token.
1155    :type lst:   int
1156    :param typ:  Conversion routine for the value
1157    :type typ:   str -> Any
1158    :returns:    The value that is decoded, and the repeat count of that value.
1159    :rtype:      (int, Any)
1160    """
1161    # is a repeat count specified?
1162    asterisk = mem.find(b'*', fst, lst)
1164    # no repeat count, just one single value
1165    if asterisk == -1:
1166        count = 1
1167        value = typ(mem[fst: lst])
1169    # repeat count specified, must decode separately
1170    else:
1171        count = int(mem[fst: asterisk])
1172        value = typ(mem[asterisk+1: lst])
1174    return (count, value)
1177def _read_array(mem, bgn, end, dims, typ):
1178    """Read a section as a typed matrix.
1180    :param mem:  Memory-mapping of the file the section should be read from.
1181    :type mem:   mmap.mmap
1182    :param bgn:  Offset of the first byte that is part of the section.
1183    :type bgn:   int
1184    :param end:  Offset of the first next byte that is *not* part of the
1185                 section (end range, exclusive).
1186    :type end:   int
1187    :param dims: Tuple consisting of final dimensions for the array
1188    :type dims:  List [int]
1189    :param typ:  Conversion routine for the value
1190    :type typ:   str -> Any
1191    :returns:    Array of values read from the file
1192    :type:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`, shape = dims, dtype = typ
1193    """
1194    # allocate the memory of the array first
1195    total = int(numpy.product(dims))
1196    data = numpy.empty((total, ), dtype=typ)
1198    # index that we are currently going to assign the next token to
1199    ofs = 0
1201    # process all tokens found in the stream
1202    for fst, lst in _tokenize(mem, bgn, end):
1203        # look for asterisk and get the repeat count
1204        count, value = _decode(mem, fst, lst, typ)
1206        # assign a number of items in batch using the repeat count
1207        data[ofs: ofs+count] = value
1209        # increment the counter to where the next token should start
1210        ofs = ofs + count
1212    # if the latter part of the array is zero, then Petrel won't bother
1213    # to write it
1214    data[ofs: total] = 0
1216    # reshape into proper grid before returning
1217    return numpy.reshape(data, dims)
1220# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
1221def _read_section(sec_name, dims, typ, mem, sec_tbl):
1222    """Read a section from file, if it is present.
1224    :param sec_name: Name of the section to be read
1225    :type sec_name:  str
1226    :param dims:     Tuple consisting of final dimensions for the array
1227    :type dims:      List [int]
1228    :param typ:      Conversion routine for the value
1229    :type typ:       str -> Any
1230    :param mem:      Memory-mapping of the file the section should be read
1231                     from.
1232    :type mem:       mmap.mmap
1233    :param sec_tbl:  Lookup table for each section, in the file
1234    :type sec_tbl:   Dict [str, (int, int)]
1235    """
1236    log.info("Reading keyword %s", sec_name)
1238    # get the address of the subsection in memory
1239    bgn, end, fname = sec_tbl[sec_name]
1241    # if it is from another file, and not from the memory-map of the main
1242    # file, then it must be opened and data read from there. however, we
1243    # don't keep it open, because it probably only contain a single property
1244    # and will never be read again.
1245    if fname is not None:
1246        with ctx.closing(_FileMapPair(fname)) as fmp:
1247            data = _read_array(fmp.map_obj, bgn, end, dims, typ)
1248    else:
1249        data = _read_array(mem, bgn, end, dims, typ)
1250    return data
1253def _sec_mat(mem, sec_tbl, sec_name, dtype, usecols):
1254    """Read a data section matrix for a keyword.
1256    :param mem:      Memory-mapping of the file the section should be read
1257                     from.
1258    :type mem:       mmap.mmap
1259    :param sec_tbl:  Lookup table for each section, in the file
1260    :type sec_tbl:   Dict [str, (int, int)]
1261    :param sec_name: Name of the section to be read
1262    :type sec_name:  str
1263    :param dtype:    Expected NumPy data type of the values in the section
1264    :param usecols:  Columns that should be read. Use None to read a freely
1265                     formatted section.
1266    """
1267    # get the address of the section within the file
1268    bgn, end, fname = sec_tbl[sec_name]
1270    # if it is from another file, and not from the memory-map of the main
1271    # file, then it must be opened and data read from there. however, we
1272    # don't keep it open, because it probably only contain a single property
1273    # and will never be read again.
1274    if fname is not None:
1275        with ctx.closing(_FileMapPair(fname)) as fmp:
1276            data = _sec_mat_mem(fmp.map_obj, bgn, end, dtype, usecols)
1277    else:
1278        data = _sec_mat_mem(mem, bgn, end, dtype, usecols)
1280    return data
1283def _sec_mat_mem(mem, bgn, end, dtype, usecols):
1284    # create view of the section that just includes the numbers
1285    buf = bytearray(membuf(mem, bgn, end))
1287    # if free format stream, we must copy it into memory and remove all the
1288    # newline, since Petrel is obviously not able to keep a consistent number
1289    # of column on each line.
1290    if usecols is None:
1291        _strip_newline(buf)
1293    # let the library do the heavy lifting of this section; it is just an
1294    # array without any special formatting (anymore)
1295    with ctx.closing(six.BytesIO(buf)) as src:
1296        data = numpy.loadtxt(src, dtype=dtype, usecols=usecols)
1298    return data
1301def _read_specgrid(mem, sec_tbl):
1302    """Read the grid dimensions.
1304    :param mem:      Memory-mapping of the file the section should be read
1305                     from.
1306    :type mem:       mmap.mmap
1307    :param sec_tbl:  Lookup table for each section, in the file
1308    :type sec_tbl:   Dict [str, (int, int)]
1309    """
1310    # read the first three numbers from the section
1311    log.info("Reading keyword SPECGRID")
1312    spec = _sec_mat(mem, sec_tbl, 'SPECGRID', numpy.int32, (0, 1, 2))
1314    # reverse the dimensions (since the i axis varies fastest), before
1315    # assigning it to the target dictionary
1316    return spec[::-1]
1319_CR = six.byte2int(b'\r')
1320_LF = six.byte2int(b'\n')
1321_WS = six.byte2int(b' ')
1324def _strip_newline(data):
1325    """Replace newlines with regular whitespace. This allows us to read an
1326    array with a known total number of arrays, but where we don't know how
1327    many column are formatted on each line.
1328    """
1329    # according to Guido van Rossum, in-place bytearray operations are "rare",
1330    # so it is OK for the bytearray to reuse string methods that return a copy.
1331    # hopefully, this implementation is straight-forward enough so that it can
1332    # be optimized into something that use less time than having to allocate a
1333    # string copy for every line.
1334    for i in range(len(data)):
1335        if (data[i] == _CR) or (data[i] == _LF):
1336            data[i] = _WS
1339def _axes_map(mem, section_index):
1340    """Rotation matrix and offset vector for axes mapping.
1342    :returns:  (A, b) such that each point x in coordinate array should be
1343               rotated with A(x-b)+b
1344    """
1345    # if a mapping is specified in the file, then use this, otherwise
1346    # return a unit mapping, so that we can proceed along the same code path
1347    if 'MAPAXES' in section_index:
1348        vec = _read_section('MAPAXES', (3, 2),
1349                            numpy.float64, mem, section_index)
1350        A, b = _axes_rot(vec[0, 0], vec[0, 1],
1351                         vec[1, 0], vec[1, 1],
1352                         vec[2, 0], vec[2, 1])
1353    else:
1354        A, b = _no_rot()
1356    return (A, b)
1359def _read_coord(dims, mem, sec_tbl, A, b):
1360    """Read pillar coordinates.
1362    :param mem:      Memory-mapping of the file the section should be read
1363                     from.
1364    :type mem:       mmap.mmap
1365    :param sec_tbl:  Lookup table for each section, in the file
1366    :type sec_tbl:   Dict [str, (int, int)]
1367    :param A:        Rotation matrix
1368    :param b:        Rotation offset
1369    """
1370    # extract dimensions of the table into more sensible local names
1371    num_j = dims[1]
1372    num_i = dims[2]
1374    # pillar coordinates don't have any repeated values, so they are always
1375    # written with 'un-starred' floats.
1376    log.info("Reading keyword COORD")
1377    coord = _sec_mat(mem, sec_tbl, 'COORD', numpy.float64, None)
1379    # reformat the section into the correct format
1380    coord = numpy.reshape(coord, (num_j + 1, num_i + 1, 2, 3))
1382    # rotate the coordinate pillars
1383    coord -= b
1384    numpy.dot(coord, A)
1385    coord += b
1387    # pillar coordinates can now be assigned into output structure
1388    return coord
1391def _zcorn_dims(dims):
1392    """Dimensions for the ZCORN array, given grid dimensions"""
1393    return (dims[0], 2, dims[1], 2, dims[2], 2)
1396# include statements in a wrapper file written by us look like this:
1397_INCL_STMT = re.compile(enc(r'INCLUDE\ *\n\'(.*)\'\n/.*\n'), re.MULTILINE)
1400def read(filename):
1401    """Read an Eclipse input grid into a dictionary.
1402    """
1403    # get the canonical path of the file to read
1404    path = os.path.expanduser(filename)
1406    # open the file and create a memory-mapping so that we can read
1407    # the input file as if it was a string buffer
1408    with ctx.closing(_FileMapPair(path)) as fmp:
1409        mem = fmp.map_obj
1411        # determine first if there are a header section at the top
1412        # of the file. if there is, the start reading after it
1413        props, skip = _parse_meta(mem)
1414        mem.seek(skip, os.SEEK_SET)
1416        # notice that there is an optimization opportunity since
1417        # Petrel only uses a subset of the format
1418        if ('Exported by' in props and
1419                props['Exported by'].startswith('PyReSiTo (multi) v1.0')):
1420            log.info("File is PyReSiTo multi-file")
1422            grid = _read_multi(path, mem)
1424        elif ('Exported by' in props and
1425              props['Exported by'].startswith('Petrel')):
1426            log.info("File is exported by Petrel")
1427            grid = {}
1428            section_index = _fast_index(path, mem, skip)
1430            # specgrid is special because it must be read before everything
1431            # else, so that we know how to read other sections
1432            dims = _read_specgrid(mem, section_index)
1433            grid['DIMENS'] = dims[::-1]
1435            # coord is special because we need to possibly rotate it
1436            A, b = _axes_map(mem, section_index)
1437            grid['COORD'] = _read_coord(dims, mem, section_index, A, b)
1439            # actnum is special because we need it to set the mask
1440            grid['ACTNUM'] = _read_section('ACTNUM', dims, numpy.int32,
1441                                           mem, section_index).astype(
1442                numpy.bool)
1443            mask = numpy.logical_not(grid['ACTNUM'])
1445            # zcorn is special because it has a different format (and
1446            # cannot have inactive elements)
1447            grid['ZCORN'] = _read_section('ZCORN', _zcorn_dims(dims),
1448                                          numpy.float64, mem,
1449                                          section_index)
1451            # read general cell properties that are marked as result
1452            # properties, from the file
1453            for kw in section_index:
1454                props = _SECTIONS[kw]
1455                if props['result']:
1456                    # read the data that is stored in the file
1457                    data = _read_section(kw, dims, _kw_dtype(kw), mem,
1458                                         section_index)
1460                    # create an array where the inactive region is masked
1461                    # out (won't appear on plots, in statistics etc.)
1462                    grid[kw] = numpy.ma.array(data=data, mask=mask)
1464        # use the regular, but slower parser
1465        else:
1466            with ctx.closing(_Parser(path, mem)) as parser:
1467                grid = parser.parse()
1469    return grid
1472def _read_multi(wrapper_name, mem):
1473    """
1474    :param wrapper_name:  Name of the file containing the inclusion wrapper.
1475                          This file is only interesting because the name of
1476                          the dimensions file is constructed based on it.
1477    :type wrapper_name:   str
1478    :param mem:           Handle to memory-mapping of the wrapper file.
1479    :type mem:            mmap.mmap
1480    """
1481    log.info("Reading wrapper for include statements")
1482    # parse the entire buffer for inclusion clauses
1483    buf = membuf(mem, 0, mem.size())
1484    files = [dec(match.group(1))
1485             for match in re.finditer(_INCL_STMT, buf)]
1486    buf = None
1488    # strip off the extension of the filename. this stem is then
1489    # recombined to get the name of the dimension file, which is
1490    # not included by the wrapper but is part of the exported files
1491    stem, _ = os.path.splitext(wrapper_name)
1493    dim_name = '{0}_dimens.grdecl'.format(stem)
1494    log.info("Reading grid dimensions from \"%s\"", dim_name)
1495    ni, nj, nk = [int(x) for x in numpy.loadtxt(
1496        dim_name, dtype=numpy.int32, skiprows=1, comments='/')]
1497    log.info("Grid has dimensions %d x %d x %d", ni, nj, nk)
1499    # shape of the data properties; notice that the order of the dimensions
1500    # is reversed (in Python) compared to the way they are stored in the file
1501    dims = [nk, nj, ni]
1503    # read the active flag from file
1504    act_name = '{0}_actnum.grdecl'.format(stem)
1505    log.info("Reading cell activeness from \"%s\"", act_name)
1506    actnum = numpy.reshape(numpy.loadtxt(
1507        act_name, dtype=numpy.bool, skiprows=1, comments='/'),
1508        (nk, nj, ni))
1510    coord_name = '{0}_coord.grdecl'.format(stem)
1511    log.info("Reading pillar coordinates from \"%s\"", coord_name)
1512    coord = numpy.reshape(numpy.loadtxt(
1513        coord_name, dtype=numpy.float, skiprows=1, comments='/'),
1514        (nj + 1, ni + 1, 2, 3))
1516    zcorn_name = '{0}_zcorn.grdecl'.format(stem)
1517    log.info("Reading corner depths from \"%s\"", zcorn_name)
1518    zcorn = numpy.reshape(numpy.loadtxt(
1519        zcorn_name, dtype=numpy.float, skiprows=1, comments='/'),
1520        (nk, 2, nj, 2, ni, 2))
1522    # create the embryonic grid containing at least the format
1523    grid = {'DIMENS': [ni, nj, nk],
1524            'COORD':  coord,
1525            'ZCORN':  zcorn,
1526            'ACTNUM': actnum,
1527            }
1529    # remove the known properties from the list that is already loaded
1530    for prop in ['actnum', 'coord', 'zcorn']:
1531        filename = '{0}_{1}.grdecl'.format(os.path.basename(stem), prop)
1532        if filename in files:
1533            files.remove(filename)
1535    # read each extra property from its own file
1536    stem_dir = os.path.dirname(stem)
1537    for filename in files:
1538        _read_multi_prop(os.path.join(stem_dir, filename), dims, grid)
1540    return grid
1543def _read_multi_prop(filename, dims, grid):
1544    """
1545    :param filename:  Name of the file containing the property.
1546    :type filename:   str
1547    :param dims:      Dimensions of the grid
1548    :type dims:       List [int]
1549    :param grid:      Structure that will receive the property.
1550    :type grid:       dict
1551    """
1552    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
1553        # read the name of the property from the first line of the file
1554        propname = codecs.ascii_decode(fileobj.readline())[0][:-1].strip()
1555        log.info("Reading keyword %s from \"%s\"", propname, filename)
1557        # rest of the file contains the property
1558        data = numpy.loadtxt(fileobj, comments='/',
1559                             dtype=_kw_dtype(propname))
1561    # reformat the property to contain the right shape
1562    grid[propname] = numpy.reshape(data, dims)
1565# rules on how to reformat some keywords; the rule is expressed as a function
1566# taking the actual data and then returning a tuple which is the new shape that
1567# can be passed to the reshape function. if a keyword is not in this list, then
1568# it will be written with a single entry on each line.
1570    'COORD': lambda ni, nj, nk: ((nj + 1) * (ni + 1), (2 * 3)),
1574# formats for keywords that have known value domains
1576    'COORD':   '%8.2f',
1577    'ZCORN':   '%7.2f',
1578    'ACTNUM':  '%d',
1582def _write_kw(fileobj, propname, values, lookup, dimens):
1583    """Write a section for a single keyword to an already open file.
1585    :param fileobj:   Where to serialize the data
1586    :param propname:  Name of the property from the grid to write
1587    :param values:    Array with the values themselves
1588    :param lookup:    Mapping of properties to identfier string used in file
1589    :param dimens:    Dimensions of the grid, (ni, nj, nk)
1590    """
1591    # structure of the values: if we can make a fixed number of columns,
1592    # then we attempt to do so, otherwise we just write everything as a
1593    # long stream (faster to load, when there are no exceptions)
1594    if propname in _SPECIAL_SHAPE:
1595        shape = _SPECIAL_SHAPE[propname](*dimens)
1596    else:
1597        shape = (numpy.prod(values.shape), 1)
1599    # make sure we get an appropriate number of digits on the keywords that
1600    # are known to us
1601    if propname in _SPECIAL_FORMAT:
1602        fmt = _SPECIAL_FORMAT[propname]
1603    else:
1604        # print integral types without inappropriate fraction digits
1605        if numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.integer):
1606            fmt = '%d'
1607        else:
1608            fmt = '%11.6f'
1610    # write the keyword itself, on its own line
1611    fileobj.write(enc('{0:<8s}\n'.format(lookup(propname))))
1613    # replace NaN values (which we typically use to trap access to inactive
1614    # blocks) with zero (which Petrel uses a placeholder for inactive blocks)
1615    zero = 0 if numpy.issubdtype(values.dtype, numpy.integer) else 0.
1616    data = numpy.reshape(numpy.copy(numpy.ma.getdata(values)), shape)
1617    data[numpy.isnan(data)] = zero
1619    # data array itself; NumPy does the job for us
1620    numpy.savetxt(fileobj, data, fmt=fmt, delimiter='\t')
1622    # end of field for most fields in the loaded grid file
1623    fileobj.write(enc('{0:s}\n'.format(lookup('/'))))
1626def _write_meta(fileobj, subtype):
1627    """Write a header which enable us to recognize our own files later."""
1628    fileobj.write(_GEN_BGN)
1629    fileobj.write(enc(
1630        '-- Exported by: PyReSiTo ({0}) v1.0\r\n'.format(subtype)))
1631    fileobj.write(_GEN_END)
1634def _write_dimens_ecl(fileobj, dimens):
1635    """Write grid dimensions to an Eclipse wrapper file."""
1636    fileobj.write(enc('SPECGRID\n{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} 1 F\n/\n'.format(
1637        *dimens)))
1640def _write_dimens_ext(fileobj, dimens, lookup):
1641    """Write grid dimensions to a new external grid file."""
1642    # decode grid dimensions since we cannot expand inline in formatting tuple
1643    ni, nj, nk = dimens
1645    # write the keyword containg the
1646    fileobj.write(enc('{0:<8s}\n{1:d} {2:d} {3:d}\n{4:s}\n'.format(
1647        lookup('DIMENS'), ni, nj, nk, lookup('/'))))
1650# these keywords are written in the beginning of the file in this order,
1651# and then the rest of any properties we have stuffed into the grid object
1652# follows after.
1656def _write_multi(path, base, grid, lookup, dialect):
1657    """
1658    :param path:     Path to all files that are generated
1659    :param base:     Prefix for all the files that are generated
1660    :param grid:     Dictionary of properties
1661    :param lookup:   Lookup function for keyword strings
1662    :param dialect:  Simulator that the file is intended for
1663    """
1664    log.info('Writing multiple files')
1665    stem = os.path.join(path, base)
1667    # the size is written into a separate file, so it can be loaded from there
1668    dimens = grid['DIMENS']
1669    log.info('Grid size is %d x %d x %d', *dimens)
1670    log.info('Writing keyword DIMENS')
1671    with open('{0}_dimens.grdecl'.format(stem), 'wb') as fileobj:
1672        _write_dimens_ext(fileobj, dimens, lookup)
1674    # size is also written directly into the wrapper file, and not included
1675    with open('{0}.grdecl'.format(stem), 'wb') as wrapper:
1676        # header first
1677        log.info('Writing wrapper heading')
1678        _write_meta(wrapper, 'multi')
1680        # internal dimensioning is written specially with other keywords
1681        log.info('Writing size of grid')
1682        if dialect == 'ecl':
1683            _write_dimens_ecl(wrapper, dimens)
1684        else:
1685            assert False
1687        # start with all the predefined leading keywords, and then write the
1688        # rest of them in alphabetical order
1689        order = ([x for x in grid if x in _LEADING] +
1690                 sorted([x for x in grid if x not in _LEADING + ['DIMENS']]))
1692        # all other keywords than the size is written to each their own file;
1693        # use bytes formatted files since NumPy requires this to dump matrix
1694        for kw in order:
1695            log.info('Writing keyword %s', kw.upper())
1696            filename = '{0}_{1}.grdecl'.format(stem, kw.lower())
1697            with open(filename, 'wb') as fileobj:
1698                _write_kw(fileobj, kw, grid[kw], lookup, dimens)
1700            # write an include statement in the wrapper file; it is customary
1701            # to write only a relative filename and not a full path
1702            wrapper.write(
1703                enc('\n{0:<8s}\n\'{1:s}_{2:s}.grdecl\'\n{3:s}\n'.format(
1704                    lookup('INCLUDE'), base, kw.lower(), lookup('/'))))
1707def _write_single(path, base, grid, lookup, dialect):
1708    """
1709    :param path:     Path to all files that are generated
1710    :param base:     Prefix for all the files that are generated
1711    :param grid:     Dictionary of properties
1712    :param lookup:   Lookup function for keyword strings
1713    :param dialect:  Simulator that the file is intended for
1714    """
1715    log.info('Writing Single files')
1716    stem = os.path.join(path, base)
1717    dimens = grid['DIMENS']
1719    # size is also written directly into the file,
1720    with open('{0}.grdecl'.format(stem), 'wb') as fileobj:
1721        # header first
1722        log.info('Writing wrapper heading')
1723        _write_meta(fileobj, 'single')
1725        # internal dimensioning is written specially with other keywords
1726        log.info('Writing size of grid')
1727        if dialect == 'ecl':
1728            _write_dimens_ecl(fileobj, dimens)
1729        else:
1730            assert False
1731        #
1732        # log.info('Grid size is %d x %d x %d', *dimens)
1733        # log.info('Writing keyword DIMENS')
1734        # _write_dimens_ext(fileobj, dimens, lookup)
1736        # start with all the predefined leading keywords, and then write the
1737        # rest of them in alphabetical order
1738        order = ([x for x in grid if x in _LEADING] +
1739                 sorted([x for x in grid if x not in _LEADING + ['DIMENS']]))
1741        # all other keywords than the size is written to the file;
1742        # use bytes formatted files since NumPy requires this to dump matrix
1743        for kw in order:
1744            log.info('Writing keyword %s', kw.upper())
1745            _write_kw(fileobj, kw, grid[kw], lookup, dimens)
1748# a dialect contain the strings that are written for each keyword in the case
1749# that they are not the same as the property name. the end-of-field marker has
1750# been coded as a keyword with the symbol '/', as in Eclipse.
1751_DIALECT = {
1752    'ecl': {},
1753    'cmg': {
1754        'DIMENS':   'CORNER',
1755        'ACTNUM':   'NULL',
1756        'PORO':     'POR',
1757        'PERMX':    'PERMI',
1758        'PERMY':    'PERMJ',
1759        'PERMZ':    'PERMK',
1760        'MULTX':    'TRANSI',
1761        'MULTY':    'TRANSJ',
1762        'FIPNUM':   'ISECTOR',
1763        'NTG':      'NETGROSS',
1764        'EQLNUM':   'ITYPE',
1765        'SWATINIT': 'SWINIT ALL',
1766        '/':        ''
1767    }
1771def write(filename, grid, dialect='ecl', multi_file=True):
1772    """Write a grid to corner-point text format, formatted in such a way
1773    that it can easily be read again.
1775    :param filename:    Name of the filename containing a wrapper for all
1776                        the properties. This will also serve as the stem for
1777                        all individual property files.
1778    :type filename:     str
1779    :param grid:        Grid object containing values for all properties.
1780    :type grid:         dict
1781    :param dialect:     Name of the simulator that we are writing files for.
1782                        Currently, this must be 'ecl'.
1783    :type dialect:      str
1784    :param multi_file:  Write properties in separate files, instead of putting
1785                        everything in one large file.
1786    :type multi_file:   bool
1787    """
1788    # inner helper function that curries the dialect, and returns the keyword
1789    # from the translation dictionary if present, otherwise return unmodified.
1790    # this function is passed to all the other, and is used to lookup the
1791    # correct string to write for each keyword.
1792    trans_dict = _DIALECT[dialect]
1794    def _lookup(kw):
1795        return trans_dict[kw] if kw in trans_dict else kw
1797    # dismantle the filename into various parts; we are going to use the
1798    # relative filenames in the wrapper file
1799    path, base = os.path.split(filename)
1800    base, _ = os.path.splitext(base)
1802    # delegate to specialized routine, that directs writing of individual
1803    # properties to either each their file, or one common file
1804    if multi_file:
1805        _write_multi(path, base, grid, _lookup, dialect)
1806    else:
1807        _write_single(path, base, grid, _lookup, dialect)
1810def _stretches(data):
1811    """\
1812    Identify stretches of data with equal values:
1814    :param data:  Array which is scanned for stretches of equal values
1815    :type  data:  :class:`numpy.array`
1816    :return:
1817    :rtype:       Generator[(int, Any)]
1818    """
1819    # picture cursors in between every number; this becomes the array of
1820    # numbers before and after every such cursor; looking backward and forwards
1821    before = data[0:-1]
1822    after = data[1:]
1824    # get a list of indices for the positions that change; add one since the
1825    # indices will be relative to the 'after' array, which is skewed one from
1826    # the original. we must add zero to this list, as the first element is
1827    # always new, but is never registered as such (nothing to differ from)
1828    changes = numpy.where(numpy.not_equal(before, after))[0] + 1
1829    changes = numpy.concatenate((numpy.array((0,), dtype=changes.dtype),
1830                                 changes))
1832    # changes is the start of each run; find the lengths of each run. here
1833    # we have the dual of the case above with the first item; the last item
1834    # runs until the end of the array, but there is no change after it so
1835    # we must register it manually
1836    length = numpy.diff(
1837        numpy.concatenate((changes, numpy.array((len(data),),
1838                                                dtype=changes.dtype))))
1840    # return a generator of every individual value and its associated
1841    # consecutive count in the stream
1842    for row, count in enumerate(length):
1843        yield (count, data[changes[row]])
1846def _write_compr_full(f_obj, data, fmt):
1847    """\
1848    Write a data field as a keyword that can be included into an already
1849    opened grid file, assuming a full data array.
1851    :param f_obj:  File-like object to write to
1852    :type  f_obj:  :class:`io.IOBase`
1853    :param data:   Data array to be written
1854    :type  data:   :class:`numpy.array`
1855    :param fmt:    Format of a single item, on the form used to specify
1856                   formats in the build-in routines, but without percent
1857                   or braces.
1858    :type fmt:     str
1859    """
1860    # format strings for writing a single value and multiple values,
1861    # respectively; we prepare these outside of the loop. as a special
1862    # case, we write nulls in a particularily short format
1863    single_fmt = '{{0:{0:s}}}\n'.format(fmt)
1864    multi_fmt = '{{0:d}}*{{1:{0:s}}}\n'.format(fmt)
1865    single_null = '0\n' if fmt[-1] == 'd' else '0.\n'
1866    multi_null = '{0:d}*0\n' if fmt[-1] == 'd' else '{0:d}*0.\n'
1868    # then write all the data in batch; length first, then the data,
1869    # using the data itself for criteria for what constitute a stretch
1870    for count, value in _stretches(data):
1871        if value:
1872            if count == 1:
1873                f_obj.write(enc(single_fmt.format(value)))
1874            else:
1875                f_obj.write(enc(multi_fmt.format(count, value)))
1876        else:
1877            if count == 1:
1878                f_obj.write(enc(single_null))
1879            else:
1880                f_obj.write(enc(multi_null.format(count)))
1883# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
1884def _write_compr_masked(f_obj, data, mask, fmt):
1885    """\
1886    Write a data field as a keyword that can be included into an already
1887    opened grid file, assuming a masked (sparse) data array.
1889    :param f_obj:  File-like object to write to
1890    :type  f_obj:  :class:`io.IOBase`
1891    :param data:   Data array to be written
1892    :type  data:   :class:`numpy.array`
1893    :param fmt:    Format of a single item, on the form used to specify
1894                   formats in the build-in routines, but without percent
1895                   or braces.
1896    :type fmt:     str
1897    """
1898    # format strings for writing a single value and multiple values. these
1899    # are the same as for the _write_compr_full routine, but we cannot make
1900    # them global variables since they depend on the format
1901    single_fmt = '{{0:{0:s}}}\n'.format(fmt)
1902    multi_fmt = '{{0:d}}*{{1:{0:s}}}\n'.format(fmt)
1903    single_null = '0\n' if fmt[-1] == 'd' else '0.\n'
1904    multi_null = '{0:d}*0\n' if fmt[-1] == 'd' else '{0:d}*0.\n'
1906    # Petrel reads these as masked values
1907    single_blank = 'NaN\n'
1908    multi_blank = '{0:d}*NaN\n'
1910    # we haven't written any values yet, so start reading from the beginning
1911    accum = 0
1913    # start out by enumerating stretches which is either masked, or unmasked
1914    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
1915    for count_subset, is_blank in _stretches(mask):
1917        # if we are to write a stretch of blank values, then we don't need
1918        # any formatting for the number, just the special mask value
1919        if is_blank:
1920            if count_subset == 1:
1921                f_obj.write(enc(single_blank))
1922            else:
1923                f_obj.write(enc(multi_blank.format(count_subset)))
1925        # if we have a subset with non-blanks, then process this subset as
1926        # if it were an array in itself, which enables us to compress long
1927        # stretches of equal values there, too
1928        else:
1929            # fast path
1930            if count_subset == 1:
1931                value = data[accum]
1932                if value:
1933                    f_obj.write(enc(single_fmt.format(value)))
1934                else:
1935                    f_obj.write(enc(single_null))
1937            # more than one value in the subset
1938            else:
1939                subset = data[accum:(accum+count_subset)]
1940                for count, value in _stretches(subset):
1941                    if value:
1942                        if count == 1:
1943                            f_obj.write(enc(single_fmt.format(value)))
1944                        else:
1945                            f_obj.write(enc(multi_fmt.format(count, value)))
1946                    else:
1947                        if count == 1:
1948                            f_obj.write(enc(single_null))
1949                        else:
1950                            f_obj.write(enc(multi_null.format(count)))
1952        # keep track of how many items we have written totally
1953        accum += count_subset
1956def _write_compr_any(f_obj, keyw, cube, fmt):
1957    """\
1958    Write a data field as a keyword that can be included into an already
1959    opened grid file.
1961    :param f_obj:  File-like object to write to
1962    :type  f_obj:  :class:`io.IOBase`
1963    :param keyw:   Name of the keyword to put in the header; this should
1964                   not be greater than eight characters
1965    :type  keyw:   str
1966    :param cube:   Data cube to be written
1967    :type  cube:   :class:`numpy.array`
1968    :param fmt:    Format of a single item, on the form used to specify
1969                   formats in the build-in routines, but without percent
1970                   or braces.
1971    :type fmt:     str
1972    """
1973    # write the keyword first, on its own line
1974    f_obj.write(enc('{0:8s}\n'.format(keyw.upper())))
1976    # if the data is sparse, i.e. not defined over the entire field,
1977    # then use a different writing algorithm, then if it's full
1978    if hasattr(cube, 'mask'):
1979        _write_compr_masked(f_obj, numpy.ravel(cube.data),
1980                            numpy.ravel(cube.mask), fmt)
1981    else:
1982        _write_compr_full(f_obj, numpy.ravel(cube), fmt)
1984    # write a single slash at the end to terminate the field
1985    f_obj.write(enc('/\n'))
1988def write_compressed(fname, keyw, cube, *, fmt="12.6e"):
1989    """\
1990    Write a data field as a keyword that can be included into a grid file.
1992    :param fname:  Path to the output file to write to
1993    :type  fname:  str
1994    :param keyw:   Name of the keyword to put in the header; this should
1995                   not be greater than eight characters
1996    :type  keyw:   str
1997    :param cube:   Data cube to be written
1998    :type  cube:   :class:`numpy.array`
1999    :param fmt:    Format of a single item, on the form used to specify
2000                   formats in the build-in routines, but without percent
2001                   or braces.
2002    :type fmt:     str
2003    """
2004    # if we specified a string, this is the path to the file, so open it
2005    # and start writing; otherwise, it is a file-like object that is already
2006    # opened, so just continue writing directly
2007    if isinstance(fname, str):
2008        with open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'wb') as f_obj:
2009            _write_compr_any(f_obj, keyw, cube, fmt=fmt)
2010    else:
2011        _write_compr_any(fname, keyw, cube, fmt=fmt)
2014def shape(grdecl):
2015    """\
2016    Get shape of field data cube.
2018    :param grdecl:  Corner-point grid structure
2019    :type  grdecl:  dict
2020    :return:        (num_k, num_j, num_i)
2021    :rtype:         (int, int, int)
2022    """
2023    return tuple(reversed(grdecl['DIMENS']))
2026def read_prop(fname, dims, typ=numpy.float64, prop=None, *, mask=None):
2027    """\
2028    Read a property from a text file into a dictionary. This is akin to
2029    Petrel's Import onto selection popup menu choice.
2031    :param fname:   File name to load property from. Currently, this must be
2032                    a file in the filesystem and cannot be a file-like object.
2033    :type  fname:   str
2034    :param dims:    Dimensions of the data cube, in a format compatible with
2035                    the return of the shape function, i.e. (nk, nj, ni)
2036    :type  dims:    (int, int, int)
2037    :param typ:     Data type of the data to be loaded
2038    :type  typ:     :class:`numpy.dtype`
2039    :param prop:    Dictionary where the keyword will be added. If this is
2040                    None, then a new dictionary will be created.
2041    :type  prop:    dict
2042    :param mask:    Existing mask for inactive elements; this will be
2043                    combined with the mask inherit in the data, if specified.
2044                    If you have loaded the grid, this should be the ACTNUM
2045                    field
2046    :type  mask:    Optional[:class:`numpy.ndarray`]
2047    :return:        Dictionary where the property being read is added as a key
2048    :rtype:         dict
2049    """
2050    # if output isn't given, then add to brand new dictionary
2051    if prop is None:
2052        prop = dict()
2054    # allocate memory
2055    num_cells = numpy.product(dims)
2056    data = numpy.empty((num_cells,), dtype=typ)
2058    # read raw array of values into memory first
2059    with ctx.closing(_OwningLexer(os.path.expanduser(fname))) as lex:
2061        # read the first keyword that appears in the file
2062        kw = dec(lex.expect(keyword))
2063        if not lex.at_eof():
2064            lex.expect(newline)
2066        # read numbers from file; each read may potentially fill a different
2067        # length of the array. use an almost identical type of loop for
2068        # integers and floating-point, but avoid using test inside the loop
2069        # or polymorphism through function pointer, to ease optimization
2070        num_read = 0
2071        if numpy.issubdtype(typ, numpy.integer):
2072            while num_read < num_cells:
2073                count, value = lex.expect_multi_card()
2074                data[num_read:(num_read+count)] = value
2075                num_read += count
2076        else:
2077            while num_read < num_cells:
2078                count, value = lex.expect_numbers()
2079                data[num_read:(num_read+count)] = value
2080                num_read += count
2082        # verify that we got exactly the number of corners we wanted
2083        if num_read > num_cells:
2084            raise GrdEclError(lex.path, lex.pos(),
2085                              "Expected {0:d} numbers, but got {1:d}".format(
2086                                  num_cells, num_read))
2088        # after all the data, there should be a sentinel slash
2089        lex.expect(endrec)
2091    # reformat the data into a natural kji/bfr hypercube
2092    data = numpy.reshape(data, dims)
2094    # inherit inactive cells by missing values in the file
2095    blanked = numpy.isnan(data)
2097    # if there is either specified a mask, or there is an inherit mask, then
2098    # we need to generate a masked array
2099    if (mask is not None) or numpy.any(blanked):
2100        # combine the two masks into one:
2101        if mask is not None:
2102            blanked = numpy.logical_or(blanked, mask)
2104        # update the values to not have anything where there is now a mask
2105        if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.integer):
2106            data[blanked] = 0
2107        else:
2108            data[blanked] = numpy.nan
2110        prop[kw] = numpy.ma.array(data=data, dtype=data.dtype,
2111                                  mask=blanked)
2113    # no mask at all, seems to be a full matrix
2114    else:
2115        prop[kw] = data
2117    return prop
2120def main(*args):
2121    """Read a data file to see if it parses OK."""
2122    # setup simple logging where we prefix each line with a letter code
2123    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
2124                        format="%(levelname).1s: %(message).76s")
2126    # parse command-line arguments
2127    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
2128    parser.add_argument("filename")
2129    parser.add_argument("output", type=str, nargs='?', default=None)
2130    parser.add_argument("--dialect", choices=['ecl'], default='ecl')
2131    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true')
2132    parser.add_argument("--quiet", action='store_true')
2133    cmd_args = parser.parse_args(*args)
2135    # adjust the verbosity of the program
2136    if cmd_args.verbose:
2137        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
2138    if cmd_args.quiet:
2139        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
2141    # process file
2142    grid = read(cmd_args.filename)
2144    # if an output file was specified, then write it
2145    if cmd_args.output is not None:
2146        write(cmd_args.output, grid, cmd_args.dialect, True)
2149# executable library
2150if __name__ == "__main__":
2151    main(sys.argv[1:])
log = <Logger misc.grdecl (WARNING)>
class GrdEclError(builtins.Exception):
80class GrdEclError (Exception):
81    """Exception thrown if invalid syntax is encountered."""
83    def __init__(self, path, pos, message):
84        line, column = pos
85        # include the filename if any was specified. only print the name,
86        # not the entire path, since this may be a very long string
87        fmt = ("in \"{0}\" " if path is not None else "") + "at ({1},{2}): {3}"
88        basename = (os.path.basename(path) if path else "")
89        super(GrdEclError, self).__init__(
90            fmt.format(basename, line, column, message))

Exception thrown if invalid syntax is encountered.

GrdEclError(path, pos, message)
83    def __init__(self, path, pos, message):
84        line, column = pos
85        # include the filename if any was specified. only print the name,
86        # not the entire path, since this may be a very long string
87        fmt = ("in \"{0}\" " if path is not None else "") + "at ({1},{2}): {3}"
88        basename = (os.path.basename(path) if path else "")
89        super(GrdEclError, self).__init__(
90            fmt.format(basename, line, column, message))
Inherited Members
whitespace = re.compile(b'[\\ \\t]+|--[^\\r]*')
newline = re.compile(b'\\r?\\n')
cardinal = re.compile(b'[0-9]+')
multint = re.compile(b'([0-9]+\\*)?([0-9]+)')
single = re.compile(b'-?([nN][aA][nN]|([0-9]?\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)([eEdD][-+]?[0-9]+)?)')
number = re.compile(b'([0-9]+\\*)?(-?([nN][aA][nN]|([0-9]?\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)([eEdD][-+]?[0-9]+)?))')
endrec = re.compile(b'/')
flag = re.compile(b'([0-9]+\\*)?([01])')
keyword = re.compile(b'[a-zA-Z_]+')
filename = re.compile(b"(\\'[^\\']*\\')|([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.\\:\\\\\\ ]+)")
def read(filename):
1401def read(filename):
1402    """Read an Eclipse input grid into a dictionary.
1403    """
1404    # get the canonical path of the file to read
1405    path = os.path.expanduser(filename)
1407    # open the file and create a memory-mapping so that we can read
1408    # the input file as if it was a string buffer
1409    with ctx.closing(_FileMapPair(path)) as fmp:
1410        mem = fmp.map_obj
1412        # determine first if there are a header section at the top
1413        # of the file. if there is, the start reading after it
1414        props, skip = _parse_meta(mem)
1415        mem.seek(skip, os.SEEK_SET)
1417        # notice that there is an optimization opportunity since
1418        # Petrel only uses a subset of the format
1419        if ('Exported by' in props and
1420                props['Exported by'].startswith('PyReSiTo (multi) v1.0')):
1421            log.info("File is PyReSiTo multi-file")
1423            grid = _read_multi(path, mem)
1425        elif ('Exported by' in props and
1426              props['Exported by'].startswith('Petrel')):
1427            log.info("File is exported by Petrel")
1428            grid = {}
1429            section_index = _fast_index(path, mem, skip)
1431            # specgrid is special because it must be read before everything
1432            # else, so that we know how to read other sections
1433            dims = _read_specgrid(mem, section_index)
1434            grid['DIMENS'] = dims[::-1]
1436            # coord is special because we need to possibly rotate it
1437            A, b = _axes_map(mem, section_index)
1438            grid['COORD'] = _read_coord(dims, mem, section_index, A, b)
1440            # actnum is special because we need it to set the mask
1441            grid['ACTNUM'] = _read_section('ACTNUM', dims, numpy.int32,
1442                                           mem, section_index).astype(
1443                numpy.bool)
1444            mask = numpy.logical_not(grid['ACTNUM'])
1446            # zcorn is special because it has a different format (and
1447            # cannot have inactive elements)
1448            grid['ZCORN'] = _read_section('ZCORN', _zcorn_dims(dims),
1449                                          numpy.float64, mem,
1450                                          section_index)
1452            # read general cell properties that are marked as result
1453            # properties, from the file
1454            for kw in section_index:
1455                props = _SECTIONS[kw]
1456                if props['result']:
1457                    # read the data that is stored in the file
1458                    data = _read_section(kw, dims, _kw_dtype(kw), mem,
1459                                         section_index)
1461                    # create an array where the inactive region is masked
1462                    # out (won't appear on plots, in statistics etc.)
1463                    grid[kw] = numpy.ma.array(data=data, mask=mask)
1465        # use the regular, but slower parser
1466        else:
1467            with ctx.closing(_Parser(path, mem)) as parser:
1468                grid = parser.parse()
1470    return grid

Read an Eclipse input grid into a dictionary.

def write(filename, grid, dialect='ecl', multi_file=True):
1772def write(filename, grid, dialect='ecl', multi_file=True):
1773    """Write a grid to corner-point text format, formatted in such a way
1774    that it can easily be read again.
1776    :param filename:    Name of the filename containing a wrapper for all
1777                        the properties. This will also serve as the stem for
1778                        all individual property files.
1779    :type filename:     str
1780    :param grid:        Grid object containing values for all properties.
1781    :type grid:         dict
1782    :param dialect:     Name of the simulator that we are writing files for.
1783                        Currently, this must be 'ecl'.
1784    :type dialect:      str
1785    :param multi_file:  Write properties in separate files, instead of putting
1786                        everything in one large file.
1787    :type multi_file:   bool
1788    """
1789    # inner helper function that curries the dialect, and returns the keyword
1790    # from the translation dictionary if present, otherwise return unmodified.
1791    # this function is passed to all the other, and is used to lookup the
1792    # correct string to write for each keyword.
1793    trans_dict = _DIALECT[dialect]
1795    def _lookup(kw):
1796        return trans_dict[kw] if kw in trans_dict else kw
1798    # dismantle the filename into various parts; we are going to use the
1799    # relative filenames in the wrapper file
1800    path, base = os.path.split(filename)
1801    base, _ = os.path.splitext(base)
1803    # delegate to specialized routine, that directs writing of individual
1804    # properties to either each their file, or one common file
1805    if multi_file:
1806        _write_multi(path, base, grid, _lookup, dialect)
1807    else:
1808        _write_single(path, base, grid, _lookup, dialect)

Write a grid to corner-point text format, formatted in such a way that it can easily be read again.

  • filename: Name of the filename containing a wrapper for all the properties. This will also serve as the stem for all individual property files.
  • grid: Grid object containing values for all properties.
  • dialect: Name of the simulator that we are writing files for. Currently, this must be 'ecl'.
  • multi_file: Write properties in separate files, instead of putting everything in one large file.
def write_compressed(fname, keyw, cube, *, fmt='12.6e'):
1989def write_compressed(fname, keyw, cube, *, fmt="12.6e"):
1990    """\
1991    Write a data field as a keyword that can be included into a grid file.
1993    :param fname:  Path to the output file to write to
1994    :type  fname:  str
1995    :param keyw:   Name of the keyword to put in the header; this should
1996                   not be greater than eight characters
1997    :type  keyw:   str
1998    :param cube:   Data cube to be written
1999    :type  cube:   :class:`numpy.array`
2000    :param fmt:    Format of a single item, on the form used to specify
2001                   formats in the build-in routines, but without percent
2002                   or braces.
2003    :type fmt:     str
2004    """
2005    # if we specified a string, this is the path to the file, so open it
2006    # and start writing; otherwise, it is a file-like object that is already
2007    # opened, so just continue writing directly
2008    if isinstance(fname, str):
2009        with open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'wb') as f_obj:
2010            _write_compr_any(f_obj, keyw, cube, fmt=fmt)
2011    else:
2012        _write_compr_any(fname, keyw, cube, fmt=fmt)

Write a data field as a keyword that can be included into a grid file.

  • fname: Path to the output file to write to
  • keyw: Name of the keyword to put in the header; this should not be greater than eight characters
  • cube: Data cube to be written
  • fmt: Format of a single item, on the form used to specify formats in the build-in routines, but without percent or braces.
def shape(grdecl):
2015def shape(grdecl):
2016    """\
2017    Get shape of field data cube.
2019    :param grdecl:  Corner-point grid structure
2020    :type  grdecl:  dict
2021    :return:        (num_k, num_j, num_i)
2022    :rtype:         (int, int, int)
2023    """
2024    return tuple(reversed(grdecl['DIMENS']))

Get shape of field data cube.

  • grdecl: Corner-point grid structure
    (num_k, num_j, num_i)
def read_prop(fname, dims, typ=<class 'numpy.float64'>, prop=None, *, mask=None):
2027def read_prop(fname, dims, typ=numpy.float64, prop=None, *, mask=None):
2028    """\
2029    Read a property from a text file into a dictionary. This is akin to
2030    Petrel's Import onto selection popup menu choice.
2032    :param fname:   File name to load property from. Currently, this must be
2033                    a file in the filesystem and cannot be a file-like object.
2034    :type  fname:   str
2035    :param dims:    Dimensions of the data cube, in a format compatible with
2036                    the return of the shape function, i.e. (nk, nj, ni)
2037    :type  dims:    (int, int, int)
2038    :param typ:     Data type of the data to be loaded
2039    :type  typ:     :class:`numpy.dtype`
2040    :param prop:    Dictionary where the keyword will be added. If this is
2041                    None, then a new dictionary will be created.
2042    :type  prop:    dict
2043    :param mask:    Existing mask for inactive elements; this will be
2044                    combined with the mask inherit in the data, if specified.
2045                    If you have loaded the grid, this should be the ACTNUM
2046                    field
2047    :type  mask:    Optional[:class:`numpy.ndarray`]
2048    :return:        Dictionary where the property being read is added as a key
2049    :rtype:         dict
2050    """
2051    # if output isn't given, then add to brand new dictionary
2052    if prop is None:
2053        prop = dict()
2055    # allocate memory
2056    num_cells = numpy.product(dims)
2057    data = numpy.empty((num_cells,), dtype=typ)
2059    # read raw array of values into memory first
2060    with ctx.closing(_OwningLexer(os.path.expanduser(fname))) as lex:
2062        # read the first keyword that appears in the file
2063        kw = dec(lex.expect(keyword))
2064        if not lex.at_eof():
2065            lex.expect(newline)
2067        # read numbers from file; each read may potentially fill a different
2068        # length of the array. use an almost identical type of loop for
2069        # integers and floating-point, but avoid using test inside the loop
2070        # or polymorphism through function pointer, to ease optimization
2071        num_read = 0
2072        if numpy.issubdtype(typ, numpy.integer):
2073            while num_read < num_cells:
2074                count, value = lex.expect_multi_card()
2075                data[num_read:(num_read+count)] = value
2076                num_read += count
2077        else:
2078            while num_read < num_cells:
2079                count, value = lex.expect_numbers()
2080                data[num_read:(num_read+count)] = value
2081                num_read += count
2083        # verify that we got exactly the number of corners we wanted
2084        if num_read > num_cells:
2085            raise GrdEclError(lex.path, lex.pos(),
2086                              "Expected {0:d} numbers, but got {1:d}".format(
2087                                  num_cells, num_read))
2089        # after all the data, there should be a sentinel slash
2090        lex.expect(endrec)
2092    # reformat the data into a natural kji/bfr hypercube
2093    data = numpy.reshape(data, dims)
2095    # inherit inactive cells by missing values in the file
2096    blanked = numpy.isnan(data)
2098    # if there is either specified a mask, or there is an inherit mask, then
2099    # we need to generate a masked array
2100    if (mask is not None) or numpy.any(blanked):
2101        # combine the two masks into one:
2102        if mask is not None:
2103            blanked = numpy.logical_or(blanked, mask)
2105        # update the values to not have anything where there is now a mask
2106        if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.integer):
2107            data[blanked] = 0
2108        else:
2109            data[blanked] = numpy.nan
2111        prop[kw] = numpy.ma.array(data=data, dtype=data.dtype,
2112                                  mask=blanked)
2114    # no mask at all, seems to be a full matrix
2115    else:
2116        prop[kw] = data
2118    return prop

Read a property from a text file into a dictionary. This is akin to Petrel's Import onto selection popup menu choice.

  • fname: File name to load property from. Currently, this must be a file in the filesystem and cannot be a file-like object.
  • dims: Dimensions of the data cube, in a format compatible with the return of the shape function, i.e. (nk, nj, ni)
  • typ: Data type of the data to be loaded
  • prop: Dictionary where the keyword will be added. If this is None, then a new dictionary will be created.
  • mask: Existing mask for inactive elements; this will be combined with the mask inherit in the data, if specified. If you have loaded the grid, this should be the ACTNUM field
    Dictionary where the property being read is added as a key
def main(*args):
2121def main(*args):
2122    """Read a data file to see if it parses OK."""
2123    # setup simple logging where we prefix each line with a letter code
2124    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
2125                        format="%(levelname).1s: %(message).76s")
2127    # parse command-line arguments
2128    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
2129    parser.add_argument("filename")
2130    parser.add_argument("output", type=str, nargs='?', default=None)
2131    parser.add_argument("--dialect", choices=['ecl'], default='ecl')
2132    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true')
2133    parser.add_argument("--quiet", action='store_true')
2134    cmd_args = parser.parse_args(*args)
2136    # adjust the verbosity of the program
2137    if cmd_args.verbose:
2138        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
2139    if cmd_args.quiet:
2140        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
2142    # process file
2143    grid = read(cmd_args.filename)
2145    # if an output file was specified, then write it
2146    if cmd_args.output is not None:
2147        write(cmd_args.output, grid, cmd_args.dialect, True)

Read a data file to see if it parses OK.

def membuf(mem, bgn, end):
33    def membuf(mem, bgn, end):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
34        return memoryview(mem)[bgn: end]
def conv_atoi(buf):
49    def conv_atoi(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
50        return int(bytes(buf))
def conv_atof(buf):
52    def conv_atof(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
53        return float(bytes(buf))
def enc(text):
67    def enc(text):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
68        return codecs.utf_8_encode(text)[0]
def dec(buf):
70    def dec(buf):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
71        return codecs.utf_8_decode(buf)[0]