
Extract a sector from an existing cornerpoint grid.

  2Extract a sector from an existing cornerpoint grid.
  4import argparse
  5import collections
  6import logging
  7import numpy
  8import re
  9import sys
 11import misc.grid as pyr
 12import misc.grdecl as grdecl
 15# add a valid log in case we are not run through the main program which
 16# sets up one for us
 17log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 20# three consecutive integers, separated by comma, and perhaps some spaces
 21# thrown in for readability, optionally enclosed in parenthesis
 22tuple_format = re.compile(r'\(?([0-9]+)\ *\,\ *([0-9]+)\ *\,\ *([0-9]+)\)?')
 25def parse_tuple(corner):
 26    """\
 27    Parse a parenthesized tuple into three constituent coordinates.
 29    :param corner:  Coordinate specification on the format "(i1,j1,k1)"
 30    :type  corner:  str
 31    :returns:       The parsed tuple, converted into zero-based coordinates
 32                    and in Python-matrix order: (k, j, i)
 33    :rtype  :       (int, int, int)
 34    """
 35    # let the regular expression engine parse the string
 36    match = re.match(tuple_format, corner.strip())
 38    # if the string matched, then we know that each of the sub-groups can be
 39    # parsed into strings successfully. group 0 is the entire string, so we
 40    # get natural numbering into the parenthesized expressions. subtract one
 41    # to get zero-based coordinates
 42    if match:
 43        i = int(match.group(1)) - 1
 44        j = int(match.group(2)) - 1
 45        k = int(match.group(3)) - 1
 46        return (k, j, i)
 47    # if we didn't got any valid string, then return a bottom value
 48    else:
 49        return None
 52def sort_tuples(corner, opposite):
 53    """\
 54    :param corner:    Coordinates of one corner
 55    :type  corner:    (int, int, int)
 56    :param opposite:  Coordinates of the opposite corner
 57    :type  opposite:  (int, int, int)
 58    :returns:         The two tuples, but with coordinates interchanged so that
 59                      one corner is always in the lower, left, back and the
 60                      other is in the upper, right, front
 61    :rtype:           ((int, int, int), (int, int, int))
 62    """
 63    # pick out the most extreme variant in either direction, into each its own
 64    # variable; this may be the same as the input or not, but at least we know
 65    # for sure when we return from this method
 66    least = (min(corner[0], opposite[0]),
 67             min(corner[1], opposite[1]),
 68             min(corner[2], opposite[2]))
 69    most = (max(corner[0], opposite[0]),
 70            max(corner[1], opposite[1]),
 71            max(corner[2], opposite[2]))
 72    return (least, most)
 75def extract_dimens(least, most):
 76    """\
 77    Build a new dimension tuple for a submodel
 79    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
 80    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
 81    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
 82    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
 83    :returns:      Dimensions of the submodel
 84    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((3,))
 85    """
 86    # split the corners into constituents
 87    k1, j1, i1 = least
 88    k2, j2, i2 = most
 90    # make an array out of the cartesian distance of the two corners
 91    sector_dimens = numpy.array([i2-i1+1, j2-j1+1, k2-k1+1], dtype=numpy.int32)
 92    return sector_dimens
 95def extract_coord(coord, least, most):
 96    """\
 97    Extract the coordinate pillars for a submodel
 99    :param coord:  Coordinate pillars for the entire grid
100    :type  coord:  numpy.ndarray((nj+1, ni+1, 2, 3))
101    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
102    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
103    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
104    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
105    :returns:      Coordinate pilars for the submodel
106    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((j2-j1+2, i2-i1+2, 2, 3))
107    """
108    # split the corners into constituents
109    k1, j1, i1 = least
110    k2, j2, i2 = most
112    # add one to get the pillar on the other side of the element, so that
113    # we include the last element, add one more since Python indexing is
114    # end-exclusive
115    sector_coord = coord[j1:(j2+2), i1:(i2+2), :, :]
116    return sector_coord
119def extract_zcorn(zcorn, least, most):
120    """\
121    Extract the hinge depth values for a submodel
123    :param zcorn:  Hinge depth values for the entire grid
124    :type  zcorn:  numpy.ndarray((nk, 2, nj, 2, ni, 2))
125    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
126    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
127    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
128    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
129    :returns:      Hinge depth values for the submodel
130    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((k2-k1+1, 2, j2-j1+1, 2, i2-i1+1))
131    """
132    # split the corners into constituents
133    k1, j1, i1 = least
134    k2, j2, i2 = most
136    # add one since Python-indexing is end-exclusive, and we want to include
137    # the element in the opposite corner. all eight hinges are returned for
138    # each element (we only select in every other dimension)
139    sector_zcorn = zcorn[k1:(k2+1), :, j1:(j2+1), :, i1:(i2+1), :]
140    return sector_zcorn
143def extract_cell_prop(prop, least, most):
144    """\
145    Extract the property values for a submodel
147    :param prop:   Property values for each cell in the the entire grid
148    :type  prop:   numpy.ndarray((nk, nj, ni))
149    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
150    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
151    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
152    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
153    :returns:      Property values for each cell in the submodel
154    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((k2-k1+1, j2-j1+1, i2-i1+1))
155    """
156    # split the corners into constituents
157    k1, j1, i1 = least
158    k2, j2, i2 = most
160    # add one since Python-indexing is end-exclusive, and we want to include
161    # the element in the opposite corner.
162    sector_prop = prop[k1:(k2+1), j1:(j2+1), i1:(i2+1)]
163    return sector_prop
166def extract_grid(grid, least, most):
167    """\
168    Extract a submodel from a full grid
170    :param grid:   Attributes of the full grid, like COORD, ZCORN, ACTNUM
171    :type  grid:   dict
172    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
173    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
174    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
175    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
176    :returns:      Attributes of the sector model
177    :rtype:        dict
178    """
179    # create a new grid and fill extract standard properties
180    sector = collections.OrderedDict()
181    sector['DIMENS'] = extract_dimens(least, most)
182    sector['COORD'] = extract_coord(grid['COORD'], least, most)
183    sector['ZCORN'] = extract_zcorn(grid['ZCORN'], least, most)
184    sector['ACTNUM'] = extract_cell_prop(grid['ACTNUM'], least, most)
186    # then extract all extra cell properties, such as PORO, PERMX that
187    # may have been added
188    for prop_name in grid:
189        # ignore the standard properties; they have already been converted
190        # by specialized methods above
191        prop_upper = prop_name.upper()
192        std_prop = ((prop_upper == 'DIMENS') or (prop_upper == 'COORD') or
193                    (prop_upper == 'ZCORN') or (prop_upper == 'ACTNUM'))
194        # use the generic method to convert this property
195        if not std_prop:
196            sector[prop_name] = extract_cell_prop(grid[prop_name], least, most)
198    return sector
201def main(*args):
202    """Read a data file to see if it parses OK."""
203    # setup simple logging where we prefix each line with a letter code
204    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
205                        format="%(levelname).1s: %(message).76s")
207    # parse command-line arguments
208    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
209    parser.add_argument("infile", metavar="infile.grdecl", help="Input model")
210    parser.add_argument("outfile", metavar="outfile",
211                        help="Output sector model")
212    parser.add_argument("first", metavar="i1,j1,k1", type=parse_tuple,
213                        help="A corner of the sector model (one-based)")
214    parser.add_argument("last", metavar="i2,j2,k2", type=parse_tuple,
215                        help="The opposite corner of the sector (one-based)")
216    parser.add_argument("--dialect", choices=['ecl', 'cmg'], default='ecl')
217    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true')
218    parser.add_argument("--quiet", action='store_true')
219    cmd_args = parser.parse_args(*args)
221    # adjust the verbosity of the program
222    if cmd_args.verbose:
223        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
224    if cmd_args.quiet:
225        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
227    # read the input file
228    log.info('Reading full grid')
229    grid = pyr.read_grid(cmd_args.infile)
231    # get the two opposite corners that defines the submodel
232    log.info('Determining scope of sector model')
233    least, most = sort_tuples(cmd_args.first, cmd_args.last)
234    log.info('Sector model is (%d, %d, %d)-(%d, %d, %d)',
235             least[2]+1, least[1]+1, least[0]+1,
236             most[2]+1, most[1]+1, most[0]+1)
238    # extract the data for the submodel into a new grid
239    log.info('Extracting sector model from full grid')
240    submodel = extract_grid(grid, least, most)
242    # write this grid to output
243    log.info('Writing sector model to disk')
244    grdecl.write(cmd_args.outfile, submodel, cmd_args.dialect,
245                 multi_file=True)
248# if this module is called as a standalone program, then pass all the
249# arguments, except the program name
250if __name__ == "__main__":
251    main(sys.argv[1:])
log = <Logger misc.grid.sector (WARNING)>
tuple_format = re.compile('\\(?([0-9]+)\\ *\\,\\ *([0-9]+)\\ *\\,\\ *([0-9]+)\\)?')
def parse_tuple(corner):
26def parse_tuple(corner):
27    """\
28    Parse a parenthesized tuple into three constituent coordinates.
30    :param corner:  Coordinate specification on the format "(i1,j1,k1)"
31    :type  corner:  str
32    :returns:       The parsed tuple, converted into zero-based coordinates
33                    and in Python-matrix order: (k, j, i)
34    :rtype  :       (int, int, int)
35    """
36    # let the regular expression engine parse the string
37    match = re.match(tuple_format, corner.strip())
39    # if the string matched, then we know that each of the sub-groups can be
40    # parsed into strings successfully. group 0 is the entire string, so we
41    # get natural numbering into the parenthesized expressions. subtract one
42    # to get zero-based coordinates
43    if match:
44        i = int(match.group(1)) - 1
45        j = int(match.group(2)) - 1
46        k = int(match.group(3)) - 1
47        return (k, j, i)
48    # if we didn't got any valid string, then return a bottom value
49    else:
50        return None

Parse a parenthesized tuple into three constituent coordinates.

  • corner: Coordinate specification on the format "(i1,j1,k1)" :returns: The parsed tuple, converted into zero-based coordinates and in Python-matrix order: (k, j, i)
def sort_tuples(corner, opposite):
53def sort_tuples(corner, opposite):
54    """\
55    :param corner:    Coordinates of one corner
56    :type  corner:    (int, int, int)
57    :param opposite:  Coordinates of the opposite corner
58    :type  opposite:  (int, int, int)
59    :returns:         The two tuples, but with coordinates interchanged so that
60                      one corner is always in the lower, left, back and the
61                      other is in the upper, right, front
62    :rtype:           ((int, int, int), (int, int, int))
63    """
64    # pick out the most extreme variant in either direction, into each its own
65    # variable; this may be the same as the input or not, but at least we know
66    # for sure when we return from this method
67    least = (min(corner[0], opposite[0]),
68             min(corner[1], opposite[1]),
69             min(corner[2], opposite[2]))
70    most = (max(corner[0], opposite[0]),
71            max(corner[1], opposite[1]),
72            max(corner[2], opposite[2]))
73    return (least, most)
  • corner: Coordinates of one corner
  • opposite: Coordinates of the opposite corner :returns: The two tuples, but with coordinates interchanged so that one corner is always in the lower, left, back and the other is in the upper, right, front
def extract_dimens(least, most):
76def extract_dimens(least, most):
77    """\
78    Build a new dimension tuple for a submodel
80    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
81    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
82    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
83    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
84    :returns:      Dimensions of the submodel
85    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((3,))
86    """
87    # split the corners into constituents
88    k1, j1, i1 = least
89    k2, j2, i2 = most
91    # make an array out of the cartesian distance of the two corners
92    sector_dimens = numpy.array([i2-i1+1, j2-j1+1, k2-k1+1], dtype=numpy.int32)
93    return sector_dimens

Build a new dimension tuple for a submodel

  • least: Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
  • most: Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2) :returns: Dimensions of the submodel
def extract_coord(coord, least, most):
 96def extract_coord(coord, least, most):
 97    """\
 98    Extract the coordinate pillars for a submodel
100    :param coord:  Coordinate pillars for the entire grid
101    :type  coord:  numpy.ndarray((nj+1, ni+1, 2, 3))
102    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
103    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
104    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
105    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
106    :returns:      Coordinate pilars for the submodel
107    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((j2-j1+2, i2-i1+2, 2, 3))
108    """
109    # split the corners into constituents
110    k1, j1, i1 = least
111    k2, j2, i2 = most
113    # add one to get the pillar on the other side of the element, so that
114    # we include the last element, add one more since Python indexing is
115    # end-exclusive
116    sector_coord = coord[j1:(j2+2), i1:(i2+2), :, :]
117    return sector_coord

Extract the coordinate pillars for a submodel

  • coord: Coordinate pillars for the entire grid
  • least: Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
  • most: Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2) :returns: Coordinate pilars for the submodel
def extract_zcorn(zcorn, least, most):
120def extract_zcorn(zcorn, least, most):
121    """\
122    Extract the hinge depth values for a submodel
124    :param zcorn:  Hinge depth values for the entire grid
125    :type  zcorn:  numpy.ndarray((nk, 2, nj, 2, ni, 2))
126    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
127    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
128    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
129    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
130    :returns:      Hinge depth values for the submodel
131    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((k2-k1+1, 2, j2-j1+1, 2, i2-i1+1))
132    """
133    # split the corners into constituents
134    k1, j1, i1 = least
135    k2, j2, i2 = most
137    # add one since Python-indexing is end-exclusive, and we want to include
138    # the element in the opposite corner. all eight hinges are returned for
139    # each element (we only select in every other dimension)
140    sector_zcorn = zcorn[k1:(k2+1), :, j1:(j2+1), :, i1:(i2+1), :]
141    return sector_zcorn

Extract the hinge depth values for a submodel

  • zcorn: Hinge depth values for the entire grid
  • least: Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
  • most: Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2) :returns: Hinge depth values for the submodel
def extract_cell_prop(prop, least, most):
144def extract_cell_prop(prop, least, most):
145    """\
146    Extract the property values for a submodel
148    :param prop:   Property values for each cell in the the entire grid
149    :type  prop:   numpy.ndarray((nk, nj, ni))
150    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
151    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
152    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
153    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
154    :returns:      Property values for each cell in the submodel
155    :rtype:        numpy.ndarray((k2-k1+1, j2-j1+1, i2-i1+1))
156    """
157    # split the corners into constituents
158    k1, j1, i1 = least
159    k2, j2, i2 = most
161    # add one since Python-indexing is end-exclusive, and we want to include
162    # the element in the opposite corner.
163    sector_prop = prop[k1:(k2+1), j1:(j2+1), i1:(i2+1)]
164    return sector_prop

Extract the property values for a submodel

  • prop: Property values for each cell in the the entire grid
  • least: Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
  • most: Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2) :returns: Property values for each cell in the submodel
def extract_grid(grid, least, most):
167def extract_grid(grid, least, most):
168    """\
169    Extract a submodel from a full grid
171    :param grid:   Attributes of the full grid, like COORD, ZCORN, ACTNUM
172    :type  grid:   dict
173    :param least:  Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
174    :type  least:  (int, int, int)
175    :param most:   Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2)
176    :type  most:   (int, int, int)
177    :returns:      Attributes of the sector model
178    :rtype:        dict
179    """
180    # create a new grid and fill extract standard properties
181    sector = collections.OrderedDict()
182    sector['DIMENS'] = extract_dimens(least, most)
183    sector['COORD'] = extract_coord(grid['COORD'], least, most)
184    sector['ZCORN'] = extract_zcorn(grid['ZCORN'], least, most)
185    sector['ACTNUM'] = extract_cell_prop(grid['ACTNUM'], least, most)
187    # then extract all extra cell properties, such as PORO, PERMX that
188    # may have been added
189    for prop_name in grid:
190        # ignore the standard properties; they have already been converted
191        # by specialized methods above
192        prop_upper = prop_name.upper()
193        std_prop = ((prop_upper == 'DIMENS') or (prop_upper == 'COORD') or
194                    (prop_upper == 'ZCORN') or (prop_upper == 'ACTNUM'))
195        # use the generic method to convert this property
196        if not std_prop:
197            sector[prop_name] = extract_cell_prop(grid[prop_name], least, most)
199    return sector

Extract a submodel from a full grid

  • grid: Attributes of the full grid, like COORD, ZCORN, ACTNUM
  • least: Lower, left-most, back corner of submodel, (k1, j1, i1)
  • most: Upper, right-most, front corner of submodel, (k2, j2, i2) :returns: Attributes of the sector model
def main(*args):
202def main(*args):
203    """Read a data file to see if it parses OK."""
204    # setup simple logging where we prefix each line with a letter code
205    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
206                        format="%(levelname).1s: %(message).76s")
208    # parse command-line arguments
209    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
210    parser.add_argument("infile", metavar="infile.grdecl", help="Input model")
211    parser.add_argument("outfile", metavar="outfile",
212                        help="Output sector model")
213    parser.add_argument("first", metavar="i1,j1,k1", type=parse_tuple,
214                        help="A corner of the sector model (one-based)")
215    parser.add_argument("last", metavar="i2,j2,k2", type=parse_tuple,
216                        help="The opposite corner of the sector (one-based)")
217    parser.add_argument("--dialect", choices=['ecl', 'cmg'], default='ecl')
218    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true')
219    parser.add_argument("--quiet", action='store_true')
220    cmd_args = parser.parse_args(*args)
222    # adjust the verbosity of the program
223    if cmd_args.verbose:
224        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
225    if cmd_args.quiet:
226        logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
228    # read the input file
229    log.info('Reading full grid')
230    grid = pyr.read_grid(cmd_args.infile)
232    # get the two opposite corners that defines the submodel
233    log.info('Determining scope of sector model')
234    least, most = sort_tuples(cmd_args.first, cmd_args.last)
235    log.info('Sector model is (%d, %d, %d)-(%d, %d, %d)',
236             least[2]+1, least[1]+1, least[0]+1,
237             most[2]+1, most[1]+1, most[0]+1)
239    # extract the data for the submodel into a new grid
240    log.info('Extracting sector model from full grid')
241    submodel = extract_grid(grid, least, most)
243    # write this grid to output
244    log.info('Writing sector model to disk')
245    grdecl.write(cmd_args.outfile, submodel, cmd_args.dialect,
246                 multi_file=True)

Read a data file to see if it parses OK.