
Scripts used for localization in the fwd_sim step of Bayes.

  • 28/6-16: Initialise major reconstruction of the covariance regularization script.

Main outline is:

  • make this a collection of support functions, not a class
  • initialization will be performed at the initialization of the ensemble class, not at the analysis step. This will return a dictionary of dictionaries, with a triple as key (data_type, assim_time, parameter). From this key the info for a unique localization function can be found as a new dictionary with keys: taper_func, position, anisotropi, range. This is, potentially, a substantial amount of data which should be imported as a npz file. For small cases, it can be defined in the init file in csv form:
  FIELD    10 10
  fb 2 2 1 5 1 0 WBHP PRO-1 10 PERMX,fb 7 7 1 5 1 0 WBHP PRO-2 10 PERMX,fb 5 5 1 5 1 0 WBHP INJ-1 10 PERMX
  (taper_func pos(x) pos(y) pos(z) range range(z) anisotropi(ratio) anisotropi(angel) data well assim_time parameter)
  • Generate functions that return the correct localization function.
  2Scripts used for localization in the fwd_sim step of Bayes.
  6- 28/6-16: Initialise major reconstruction of the covariance regularization script.
  8Main outline is:
  9- make this a collection of support functions, not a class
 10- initialization will be performed at the initialization of the ensemble class, not at the analysis step. This will
 11  return a dictionary of dictionaries, with a triple as key (data_type, assim_time, parameter). From this key the info
 12  for a unique localization function can be found as a new dictionary with keys:
 13  `taper_func`, `position`, `anisotropi`, `range`.
 14  This is, potentially, a substantial amount of data which should be imported
 15  as a npz file. For small cases, it can be defined in the init file in csv
 16  form:
 19      FIELD    10 10
 20      fb 2 2 1 5 1 0 WBHP PRO-1 10 PERMX,fb 7 7 1 5 1 0 WBHP PRO-2 10 PERMX,fb 5 5 1 5 1 0 WBHP INJ-1 10 PERMX
 21      (taper_func pos(x) pos(y) pos(z) range range(z) anisotropi(ratio) anisotropi(angel) data well assim_time parameter)
 23- Generate functions that return the correct localization function.
 26__author__ = 'kfo005'
 29import numpy as np
 30import scipy.linalg as linalg
 31from scipy.special import expit
 32import os
 33import pickle
 34import csv
 35import datetime as dt
 36from shutil import rmtree
 37from scipy import sparse
 38from scipy.spatial import distance
 40# internal import
 41import pipt.misc_tools.analysis_tools as at
 44class localization():
 45    #####
 46    # TODO: Check field dimensions, should always ensure that we can provide i ,j ,k (x, y, z)
 47    ###
 49    def __init__(self, parsed_info, assimIndex, data_typ, free_parameter, ne):
 50        """
 51        Format the parsed info from the input file, and generate the unique localization masks
 52        """
 53        # if the next element is a .p file (pickle), assume that this has been correctly formated and can be automatically
 54        # imported. NB: it is important that we use the pickle format since we have a dictionary containing dictionaries
 56        # to make this as robust as possible, we always try to load the file
 57        try:
 58            if parsed_info[1][0].upper() == 'AUTOADALOC':
 59                init_local = {}
 60                init_local['autoadaloc'] = True
 61                init_local['nstd'] = parsed_info[1][1]
 62                if parsed_info[2][0] == 'type':
 63                    init_local['type'] = parsed_info[2][1]
 64            elif parsed_info[1][0].upper() == 'LOCALANALYSIS':
 65                init_local = {}
 66                init_local['localanalysis'] = True
 67                for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*parsed_info))[0]):
 68                    if opt.lower() == 'type':
 69                        init_local['type'] = parsed_info[i][1]
 70                    if opt.lower() == 'range':
 71                        init_local['range'] = float(parsed_info[i][1])
 72            else:
 73                init_local = pickle.load(open(parsed_info[1][0], 'rb'))
 74        except:
 75            # no file could be loaded
 76            # initiallize the outer dictionary
 77            init_local = {}
 78            for time in assimIndex:
 79                for datum in data_typ:
 80                    for parameter in free_parameter:
 81                        init_local[(datum, time, parameter)] = {
 82                            'taper_func': None,
 83                            'position': None,
 84                            'anisotropi': None,
 85                            'range': None
 86                        }
 87            # insert the values that are defined
 88            # check if data are provided through a .csv file
 89            if parsed_info[1][0].endswith('.csv'):
 90                with open(parsed_info[1][0]) as csv_file:
 91                    # get all lines
 92                    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
 93                    info = [elem for elem in reader]
 94                # collapse
 95                info = [item for sublist in info for item in sublist]
 96            else:
 97                info = parsed_info[1][0].split(',')
 98            for elem in info:
 99                #
100                # If a predefined mask is to be imported the localization keyword must be
101                # [import filename.npz]
102                # where filename is the name of the .npz file to be uploaded.
103                tmp_info = elem.split()
105                # format the data and time elements
106                if len(tmp_info) == 11:  # data has only one name
107                    name = (tmp_info[8].lower(), float(tmp_info[9]), tmp_info[10].lower())
108                else:
109                    name = (tmp_info[8].lower() + ' ' + tmp_info[9].lower(),
110                            float(tmp_info[10]), tmp_info[11].lower())
112                # assert if the data to be localized actually exists
113                if name in init_local.keys():
115                    # input the correct info into the localization dictionary
116                    init_local[name]['taper_func'] = tmp_info[0]
117                    if tmp_info[0] == 'import':
118                        # if a predefined mask is to be imported, the name is the following element.
119                        init_local[name]['file'] = tmp_info[1]
120                    else:
121                        # the position can span over multiple cells, e.g., 55:100. Hence keep this input as a string
122                        init_local[name]['position'] = [
123                            [int(float(tmp_info[1])), int(float(tmp_info[2])), int(float(tmp_info[3]))]]
124                        init_local[name]['range'] = [int(tmp_info[4]), int(
125                            tmp_info[5])]  # the range is always an integer
126                        init_local[name]['anisotropi'] = [
127                            float(tmp_info[6]), float(tmp_info[7])]
129        # fist element of the parsed info is field size
130        assert parsed_info[0][0].upper() == 'FIELD'
131        init_local['field'] = [int(elem) for elem in parsed_info[0][1]]
133        # check if final parsed info is the actnum
134        try:
135            if parsed_info[2][0].upper() == 'ACTNUM':
136                assert parsed_info[2][1].endswith('.npz')  # this must be a .npz file!!
137                tmp_file = np.load(parsed_info[2][1])
138                init_local['actnum'] = tmp_file['actnum']
139            else:
140                init_local['actnum'] = None
141        except:
142            init_local['actnum'] = None
144        # generate the unique localization masks. Recall that the parameters: "taper_type", "anisotropi", and "range"
145        # gives a unique mask.
147        init_local['mask'] = {}
148        # loop over all localization info to ensure that all the masks have been generated
149        # Store masks with the key ('taper_function', 'anisotropi', 'range')
150        loc_mask_info = [(init_local[el]['taper_func'], init_local[el]['anisotropi'][0], init_local[el]
151                          ['anisotropi'][1], init_local[el]['range']) for el in init_local.keys() if len(el) == 3]
152        for test_key in loc_mask_info:
153            if not len(init_local['mask']):
154                if test_key[0] == 'region':
155                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
156                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3][0],
157                                   test_key[3][1], test_key[3][2])
158                    else:
159                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3])
160                    init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
161                                                                     anisotropi=[
162                                                                         test_key[1], test_key[2]],
163                                                                     loc_range=test_key[3],
164                                                                     field_size=init_local['field'],
165                                                                     ne=ne
166                                                                     )
167                else:
168                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
169                        new_key = (test_key[0], test_key[1],
170                                   test_key[2], test_key[3][0], test_key[3][1])
171                    else:
172                        new_key = test_key
173                    init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
174                                                                     anisotropi=[
175                                                                         test_key[1], test_key[2]],
176                                                                     loc_range=test_key[3][0],
177                                                                     field_size=init_local['field'],
178                                                                     ne=ne
179                                                                     )
180            else:
181                # if loc = region, anisotropi has no meaning.
182                if test_key[0] == 'region':
183                    # If region there are two options:
184                    # 1: file. Unique parameters ('region', filename)
185                    # 2: area. Unique parameters ('region', 'x', 'y','z')
186                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
187                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3][0],
188                                   test_key[3][1], test_key[3][2])
189                    else:
190                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3])
192                    if new_key not in init_local['mask']:
193                        # generate this mask
194                        init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
195                                                                         anisotropi=[
196                                                                             test_key[1], test_key[2]],
197                                                                         loc_range=test_key[3],
198                                                                         field_size=init_local['field'],
199                                                                         ne=ne
200                                                                         )
202                else:
203                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
204                        new_key = (test_key[0], test_key[1],
205                                   test_key[2], test_key[3][0], test_key[3][1])
206                    else:
207                        new_key = test_key
209                    if new_key not in init_local['mask']:
210                        # generate this mask
211                        init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
212                                                                         anisotropi=[
213                                                                             test_key[1], test_key[2]],
214                                                                         loc_range=test_key[3][0],
215                                                                         field_size=init_local['field'],
216                                                                         ne=ne
217                                                                         )
218        self.loc_info = init_local
220    def localize(self, curr_data, curr_time, curr_param, ne, prior_info, data_size):
221        # generate the full localization mask
222        # potentially: current_time, curr_param, and curr_data are lists. Must loop over:
223        # curr_time, curr_data and curr param to generate localization mask
224        # rho = n_m (size of total parameters) x n_d (size of all data)
226        loc = []
227        for time_count, time in enumerate(curr_time):
228            for count, data in enumerate(curr_data):
229                if data_size[time_count][count] > 0:
230                    tmp_loc = [[] for _ in range(data_size[time_count][count])]
231                    for param in curr_param:
232                        # Check if this parameter should be localized
233                        if (data, time, param) in self.loc_info:
234                            if not self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'] == 'region':
235                                if isinstance(self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'], list):
236                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
237                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
238                                                         ]['anisotropi'][0],
239                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
240                                                         ]['anisotropi'][1],
241                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][0],
242                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1])
243                                    mask = self._repos_locmask(self.loc_info['mask'][key],
244                                                               [[el[0], el[1], el[2]] for el in
245                                                                self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['position']],
246                                                               z_range=self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1])
247                                else:
248                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
249                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
250                                                         ]['anisotropi'][0],
251                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
252                                                         ]['anisotropi'][1],
253                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'])
254                                    mask = self._repos_locmask(self.loc_info['mask'][key],
255                                                               [[el[0], el[1]] for el in
256                                                                self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['position']])
257                                # if len(mask.shape) == 2: # this is field data
258                                #     # check that first axis is data, i.e., n_d X n_m
259                                #     if mask.shape[0] == data_size[time_count][count]:
260                                #         for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
261                                #             tmp_loc[i].append(mask[i, :])
262                                #         # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask)) if tmp_loc.size else mask # trick
263                                #     else:
264                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
265                                    tmp_loc[i].append(mask)
266                                    # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask.T)) if tmp_loc.size else mask.T
267                                # else:
268                                #     tmp_loc[0].append(mask)
269                                # tmp_loc = np.append(tmp_loc, mask)
270                                # np.savez('local_mask_upd/' + str(param) + ':' + str(time) + ':' + str(data).replace(' ', ':')
271                                #          + '.npz', loc=mask)
272                            elif self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'] == 'region':
273                                if isinstance(self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'], list):
274                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
275                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][0],
276                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1],
277                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][2])
278                                else:
279                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
280                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'])
282                                mask = self.loc_info['mask'][key]
283                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
284                                    tmp_loc[i].append(mask)
285                        else:
286                            # if no localization has been defined, assume that we do not update
287                            if data_size[time_count][count] > 1:
288                                # must make a field mask of zeros
289                                mask = np.zeros((data_size[time_count][count], prior_info[param]['nx'] *
290                                                 prior_info[param]['ny'] *
291                                                 prior_info[param]['nz']))
292                                # set the localization mask to zeros for this parameter
293                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
294                                    if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
295                                        tmp_loc[i].append(
296                                            mask[i, self.loc_info['actnum']])
297                                    else:
298                                        tmp_loc[i].append(mask[i, :])
299                                # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask)) if tmp_loc.size else mask
300                            else:
301                                mask = np.zeros(prior_info[param]['nx'] *
302                                                prior_info[param]['ny'] *
303                                                prior_info[param]['nz'])
304                                if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
305                                    tmp_loc[0].append(mask[self.loc_info['actnum']])
306                                else:
307                                    tmp_loc[0].append(mask)
308                    # if data_size[count] == 1:
309                    #     loc = np.append(loc, np.array([tmp_loc, ]).T, axis=1) if loc.size else np.array([tmp_loc, ]).T
310                    # elif data_size[count] > 1:
311                    #     loc = np.concatenate((loc, tmp_loc.T), axis=1) if loc.size else tmp_loc.T
312                    for el in tmp_loc:
313                        if len(el) > 1:
314                            loc.append(sparse.hstack(el))
315                        else:
316                            loc.append(sparse.csc_matrix(el))
317        return sparse.vstack(loc).transpose()
318        # return np.array(loc).T
320    def auto_ada_loc(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data, curr_param, **kwargs):
321        if 'prior_info' in kwargs:
322            prior_info = kwargs['prior_info']
323        else:
324            prior_info = {key: None for key in curr_param}
326        step = []
328        ne = pert_state.shape[1]
329        rp_index = np.random.permutation(ne)
330        shuffled_ensemble = pert_state[:, rp_index]
331        corr_mtx = self.get_corr_mtx(pert_state, proj_pred_data)
332        corr_mtx_shuffled = self.get_corr_mtx(shuffled_ensemble, proj_pred_data)
334        tapering_matrix = np.ones(corr_mtx.shape)
336        if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
337            num_active = np.sum(self.loc_info['actnum'])
338        else:
339            num_active = np.prod(self.loc_info['field'])
340        count = 0
341        for param in curr_param:
342            if param == 'NA':
343                num_active = tapering_matrix.shape[0]
344            else:
345                if 'active' in prior_info[param]:  # if this is defined
346                    num_active = int(prior_info[param]['active'])
347            prop_index = np.arange(num_active) + count
348            current_tapering = self.tapering_function(
349                corr_mtx[prop_index, :], corr_mtx_shuffled[prop_index, :])
350            tapering_matrix[prop_index, :] = current_tapering
351            count += num_active
352        step = np.dot(np.multiply(tapering_matrix, pert_state), proj_pred_data)
354        return step
356    def tapering_function(self, cf, cf_s):
358        nstd = 1
359        if self.loc_info['nstd'] is not None:
360            nstd = self.loc_info['nstd']
362        tc = np.zeros(cf.shape)
364        for i in range(cf.shape[1]):
365            current_cf = cf[:, i]
366            est_noise_std = np.median(np.absolute(cf_s[:, i]), axis=0) / 0.6745
367            cutoff_point = np.sqrt(2*np.log(np.prod(current_cf.shape))) * est_noise_std
368            cutoff_point = nstd * est_noise_std
369            if 'type' in self.loc_info and self.loc_info['type'] == 'soft':
370                current_tc = self.rational_function(1-np.absolute(current_cf),
371                                                    1 - cutoff_point)
372            elif 'type' in self.loc_info and self.loc_info['type'] == 'sigm':
373                current_tc = self.rational_function_sigmoid(np.absolute(current_cf),
374                                                            nstd)
375            else:  # default to hard thresholding
376                set_upper = np.where(np.absolute(current_cf) > cutoff_point)
377                current_tc = np.zeros(current_cf.shape)
378                current_tc[set_upper] = 1  # this is hard thresholding
379            tc[:, i] = current_tc.flatten()
381        return tc
383    def rational_function(self, dist, lc):
385        z = np.absolute(dist) / lc
386        index_1 = np.where(z <= 1)
387        index_2 = np.where(z <= 2)
388        index_12 = np.setdiff1d(index_2, index_1)
390        y = np.zeros(len(z))
392        y[index_1] = 1 - (np.power(z[index_1], 5) / 4) \
393            + (np.power(z[index_1], 4) / 2) \
394            + (5*np.power(z[index_1], 3) / 8) \
395            - (5*np.power(z[index_1], 2) / 3)
397        y[index_12] = (np.power(z[index_12], 5) / 12) \
398            - (np.power(z[index_12], 4) / 2) \
399            + (5 * np.power(z[index_12], 3) / 8) \
400            + (5 * np.power(z[index_12], 2) / 3) \
401            - 5*z[index_12] \
402            - np.divide(2, 3*z[index_12]) + 4
404        return y
406    def rational_function_sigmoid(self, dist, lc):
407        steepness = 50  # define how steep the transition is
408        y = expit((dist-(1-lc))*steepness)
410        return y
412    def get_corr_mtx(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data):
414        # compute correlation matrix
416        ne = pert_state.shape[1]
418        std_model = np.std(pert_state, axis=1)
419        std_model[std_model < 10 ** -6] = 10 ** -6
420        std_data = np.std(proj_pred_data, axis=1)
421        std_data[std_data < 10 ** -6] = 10 ** -6
422        # model_zero_spread_index = np.find(std_model<10**-6)
423        # data_zero_spread_index = np.find(std_data<10**-6)
425        C1 = np.mean(pert_state, axis=1)
426        A1 = np.outer(C1, np.ones(ne))
427        B1 = np.outer(std_model, np.ones(ne))
428        normalized_ensemble = np.divide((pert_state - A1), B1)
430        C2 = np.mean(proj_pred_data, axis=1)
431        A2 = np.outer(C2, np.ones(ne))
432        B2 = np.outer(std_data, np.ones(ne))
433        normalized_simData = np.divide((proj_pred_data - A2), B2)
435        corr_mtx = np.divide(
436            np.dot(normalized_ensemble, np.transpose(normalized_simData)), ne)
438        corr_mtx[std_model < 10 ** -6, :] = 0
439        corr_mtx[:, std_data < 10 ** -6] = 0
441        return corr_mtx
443    def _gen_loc_mask(self, taper_function=None, anisotropi=None, loc_range=None, field_size=None, ne=None):
445        # redesign the old _gen_loc_mask
447        if taper_function == 'gc':  # if the taper function is Gaspari-Kohn.
449            # rotation matrix
450            rotate = np.array([[np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)],
451                               [-np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)]])
452            # Scale matrix
453            scale = np.array([[1 / anisotropi[0], 0], [0, 1]])
455            # tot_range = [int(el) for el in np.dot(np.dot(scale, rotate), np.array([loc_range, loc_range]))]
456            tot_range = [int(el) for el in np.array([loc_range, loc_range])]
458            # preallocate a mask sufficiantly large
459            mask = np.zeros((2 * field_size[1], 2 * field_size[2]))  # 2D
461            center = [int(mask.shape[0] / 2), int(mask.shape[1] / 2)]
462            length = np.empty(2)
463            for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
464                for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
465                    # subtract 1 and switch element to make python and ecl equivalent
466                    length[0] = (center[0]) - i
467                    length[1] = (center[1]) - j
468                    lt = np.dot(np.dot(scale, rotate), length)
469                    # d = np.sqrt(np.sum(lt**2))
471                    # Gaspari-Chon
472                    ratio = np.sqrt((lt[0] / tot_range[0]) ** 2 +
473                                    (lt[1] / tot_range[1]) ** 2)
474                    h1 = ratio
475                    h2 = np.sqrt((lt[0] / (2 * tot_range[0])) ** 2 +
476                                 (lt[1] / (2 * tot_range[1])) ** 2)
478                    if ((h1 <= 1) & (h2 <= 1)):  # check that this layer should be localized
479                        mask[i, j] = (-1 / 4) * ratio ** 5 + (1 / 2) * ratio ** 4 + (5 / 8) * ratio ** 3 - \
480                                     (5 / 3) * ratio ** 2 + 1
481                    elif ((h1 > 1) & (h2 <= 1)):  # check that this layer should be localized
482                        mask[i, j] = (1 / 12) * ratio ** 5 - (1 / 2) * ratio ** 4 + (5 / 8) * ratio ** 3 + \
483                                     (5 / 3) * ratio ** 2 - 5 * \
484                            ratio + 4 - (2 / 3) * ratio ** (-1)
485                    elif (h1 > 1) & (h2 > 1):
486                        mask[i, j] = 0
487            # only return non-zero part
488            return mask[mask.nonzero()[0].min():mask.nonzero()[0].max() + 1,
489                        mask.nonzero()[1].min():mask.nonzero()[1].max() + 1]
491        # Taper function based on a covariance structure, as defined by eq (23) in "R.Furrer and
492        if taper_function == 'fb':
493            # T.Bengtsson, Estimation of high-dimensional prior and posterior covariance matrices
494            # in Kalman filter variants, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2007."
496            # rotation matrix
497            rotate = np.array([[np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)],
498                               [-np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)]])
499            # Scale matrix
500            scale = np.array([[1 / anisotropi[0], 0], [0, 1]])
502            # preallocate a mask sufficiantly large
503            mask = np.zeros((2 * field_size[1], 2 * field_size[2]))  # 2D
505            center = [int(mask.shape[0] / 2), int(mask.shape[1] / 2)]
506            length = np.empty(2)
508            # transform the position into values
509            for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
510                for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
511                    #
512                    length[0] = (center[0]) - i
513                    length[1] = (center[1]) - j
514                    lt = np.dot(np.dot(scale, rotate), length)
515                    # Calc the distance
516                    d = np.sqrt(np.sum(lt ** 2))
517                    # The fb function is now dependent on finding the covariance function. We use the same variogram
518                    # function as the prior, that is, a spherical model.
519                    # Todo: Include different variogram models
520                    tmp = 0
521                    if (d < loc_range):
522                        tmp = 1 - 1 * (1.5 * np.abs(d) / loc_range - .5 *
523                                       (d / loc_range) ** 3)
524                    # eq (23) of Furrer and Bengtsson
525                    tmp_mask = (ne * tmp ** 2) / ((tmp ** 2) * (ne + 1) + 1 ** 2)
526                    if mask[i, j] < tmp_mask:
527                        mask[i, j] = tmp_mask
529            return mask[mask.nonzero()[0].min():mask.nonzero()[0].max() + 1,
530                        mask.nonzero()[1].min():mask.nonzero()[1].max() + 1]
532        if taper_function == 'region':
533            # since this matrix always is field size, store as sparse
534            return np.ones(1)
536    def _repos_locmask(self, mask, data_pos, z_range=None):
537        # input:
538        # mask: The default localization mask. This has dimensions equal to its range. Note that all anisotropi is already
539        #       taken care of during the creation of the mask.
540        # grid_dim: tuple providing the dimensions of the grid.
541        # data_pos: List of tuple values (X,Y,Z) giving positioning of the data
543        grid_dim = self.loc_info['field']
544        if len(data_pos) > 1:  # if more than one position is defined for this data
545            loc_mask = np.zeros(grid_dim)
547            for data in data_pos:
548                loc_mask = np.maximum(loc_mask, self._repos_mask(mask, data))
549        elif len(data_pos) == 1:  # single position
550            loc_mask = self._repos_mask(mask, data_pos[0])
551        else:  # no data pos, i.e. this data should not update this parameter
552            loc_mask = np.zeros(grid_dim)
554        if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
555            if z_range == ':':
556                return loc_mask.flatten()[self.loc_info['actnum']]
557            else:
558                new_loc_mask = loc_mask[z_range, :, :]
559                new_actnum = self.loc_info['actnum'].reshape(grid_dim)[z_range, :, :]
560                return new_loc_mask.flatten()[new_actnum.flatten()]
561        else:
562            if z_range == ':':
563                return loc_mask.flatten()
564            else:
565                return loc_mask[z_range, :, :].flatten()
567    def _repos_mask(self, mask, data_pos):
568        grid_dim = self.loc_info['field'][1:]
569        mask_dimX = mask.shape[0]
570        mask_dimY = mask.shape[1]
572        # If the mask is placed sufficiently inside the grid, it only requires padding
574        if ((grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + mask_dimX / 2) > 0) and data_pos[1] - mask_dimX / 2 > 0) \
575                and (((grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + mask_dimY / 2) > 0)) and (data_pos[0] - mask_dimY / 2 > 0)):
576            # x padding
577            pad_x_l = data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2)
578            pad_x_r = grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
579            # y padding
580            pad_y_d = data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2)
581            pad_y_u = grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
583            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(
584                mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')
586        elif ((grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + mask_dimX / 2) > 0) and data_pos[1] - mask_dimX / 2 > 0) \
587                and not (((grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + mask_dimY / 2) > 0)) and (data_pos[0] - mask_dimY / 2 > 0)):
588            # x padding
589            pad_x_l = data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2)
590            pad_x_r = grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
592            pad_y_u = 0
593            # y padding
594            if data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2) <= 0:
595                pad_y_d = 0
596                pad_y_u = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
597                pos_y1 = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
598            else:
599                pad_y_d = grid_dim[1] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))
600                pos_y1 = 0
601            if grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))) <= 0:
602                pad_y_u = 0
603                pad_y_d += (data_pos[0] - grid_dim[1]) + 1
604                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1]
605            else:
606                pad_y_u += grid_dim[1] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
607                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1] + abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
609            # check if negative padding, if true the mask is larger than the field. Need to update the coordinates,
610            # and remove negative padding.
611            if pad_y_d < 0:
612                pad_y_d = 0
613                pos_y2 += pos_y1
614            if pos_y1 == pos_y2:
615                pos_y2 += 1
617            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')[
618                :, pos_y1:pos_y2]
620        elif not ((grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + mask_dimX / 2) > 0) and data_pos[1] - mask_dimX / 2 > 0) \
621                and (((grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + mask_dimY / 2) > 0)) and (data_pos[0] - mask_dimY / 2 > 0)):
622            # x padding
623            pad_x_r = 0
624            if data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2) <= 0:
625                pad_x_l = 0
626                pad_x_r = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
627                pos_x1 = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
628            else:
629                pad_x_l = grid_dim[0] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))
630                pos_x1 = 0
631            if grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))) <= 0:
632                pad_x_r = 0
633                pad_x_l += (data_pos[1] - grid_dim[0]) + 1
634                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0]
635            else:
636                pad_x_r += grid_dim[0] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
637                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0] + abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
638            # y padding
639            pad_y_d = data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2)
640            pad_y_u = grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
642            # check if negative padding, if true the mask is larger than the field. Need to update the coordinates,
643            # and remove negative padding.
644            if pad_x_l < 0:
645                pad_x_l = 0
646                pos_x2 += pos_x1
647            if pos_x1 == pos_x2:
648                pos_x2 += 1
650            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')[
651                pos_x1:pos_x2, :]
652        else:
653            pad_x_r = 0
654            pad_y_u = 0
656            if data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2) <= 0:
657                pad_x_l = 0
658                pad_x_r = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
659                pos_x1 = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
660            else:
661                pad_x_l = grid_dim[0] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))
662                pos_x1 = 0
663            if grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))) <= 0:
664                pad_x_r = 0
665                pad_x_l += (data_pos[1] - grid_dim[0]) + 1
666                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0]
667            else:
668                pad_x_r += grid_dim[0] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
669                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0] + abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
671            # y padding
672            if data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2) <= 0:
673                pad_y_d = 0
674                pad_y_u = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
675                pos_y1 = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
676            else:
677                pad_y_d = grid_dim[1] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))
678                pos_y1 = 0
679            if grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))) <= 0:
680                pad_y_u = 0
681                pad_y_d += (data_pos[0] - grid_dim[1]) + 1
682                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1]
683            else:
684                pad_y_u += grid_dim[1] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
685                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1] + abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
687            # check if negative padding, if true the mask is larger than the field. Need to update the coordinates,
688            # and remove negative padding.
689            if pad_y_d < 0:
690                pad_y_d = 0
691                pos_y2 += pos_y1
692            if pad_x_l < 0:
693                pad_x_l = 0
694                pos_x2 += pos_x1
695            if pos_x1 == pos_x2:
696                pos_x2 += 1
697            if pos_y1 == pos_y2:
698                pos_y2 += 1
699            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')[
700                pos_x1:pos_x2, pos_y1:pos_y2]
702        loc_mask = np.zeros(self.loc_info['field'])
703        loc_mask[data_pos[2], :, :] = loc_2d_mask
704        return loc_mask
707def _calc_distance(data_pos, index_unique, current_data_list, assim_index, obs_data, pred_data, param_pos):
708    """
709    Calculate the distance between data and parameters.
711    Parameters
712    ----------
713    data_pos : dict
714        Dictionary containing the position of the data.
716    index_unique : bool
717        Boolean that determines if the position is unique.
719    current_data_list : list
720        List containing the names of the data that should be evaluated.
722    assim_index : int
723        The index of the data to be evaluated.
725    obs_data : list of dict
726        List of dictionaries containing the data.
728    pred_data : list of dict
729        List of dictionaries containing the predictions.
731    param_pos : list of tuple
732        List of tuples representing the position of the parameters.
734    Returns:
735        - dist: list of euclidean distance between the data/parameter pair.
736    """
737    # distance to data if distance based localization
738    if index_unique == False:
739        dist = []
740        for dat in current_data_list:
741            for indx in assim_index[1]:
742                indx_data_pos = data_pos[dat][indx]
743                if obs_data[indx] is not None and obs_data[indx][dat] is not None:
744                    # add shortest distance
745                    dist.append(min(distance.cdist(indx_data_pos, param_pos).flatten()))
746    else:
747        dist = []
748        for data in current_data_list:
749            elem_data_pos = data_pos[data]
750            obs, _ = at.aug_obs_pred_data(obs_data, pred_data, assim_index, [data])
751            dist.extend(
752                len(obs)*[min(distance.cdist(elem_data_pos, param_pos).flatten())])
754    return dist
757def _calc_loc(max_dist, distance, prior_info, loc_type, ne):
758    # given the parameter type (to get the prior info) and the range to the data points we can calculate the
759    # localization mask
760    variance = prior_info['variance'][0]
761    mask = np.zeros(len(distance))
762    if loc_type == 'fb':
763        # assume that FB localization is utilized. Here vi can add all different localization functions
764        for i in range(len(distance)):
765            if distance[i] < max_dist:
766                tmp = variance - variance * (
767                    1.5 * np.abs(distance[i]) / max_dist - .5 * (distance[i] / max_dist) ** 3)
768            else:
769                tmp = 0
771            mask[i] = (ne * tmp ** 2) / ((tmp ** 2) * (ne + 1) + variance ** 2)
772    elif loc_type == 'gc':
773        for count, i in enumerate(np.abs(distance)):
774            if (i <= max_dist):
775                tmp = -(1. / 4.) * (i / max_dist) ** 5 + (1. / 2.) * (i / max_dist) ** 4 + (5. / 8.) * (
776                    i / max_dist) ** 3 - (5. / 3.) * (i / max_dist) ** 2 + 1
777            elif (i <= 2 * max_dist):
778                tmp = (1. / 12.) * (i / max_dist) ** 5 - (1. / 2.) * (i / max_dist) ** 4 + (5. / 8.) * (
779                    i / max_dist) ** 3 + (5. / 3.) * (i / max_dist) ** 2 - 5. * (i / max_dist) + 4. - (
780                    2. / 3.) * (max_dist / i)
781            else:
782                tmp = 0.
783            mask[count] = tmp
785    return mask[np.newaxis, :]
class localization:
 45class localization():
 46    #####
 47    # TODO: Check field dimensions, should always ensure that we can provide i ,j ,k (x, y, z)
 48    ###
 50    def __init__(self, parsed_info, assimIndex, data_typ, free_parameter, ne):
 51        """
 52        Format the parsed info from the input file, and generate the unique localization masks
 53        """
 54        # if the next element is a .p file (pickle), assume that this has been correctly formated and can be automatically
 55        # imported. NB: it is important that we use the pickle format since we have a dictionary containing dictionaries
 57        # to make this as robust as possible, we always try to load the file
 58        try:
 59            if parsed_info[1][0].upper() == 'AUTOADALOC':
 60                init_local = {}
 61                init_local['autoadaloc'] = True
 62                init_local['nstd'] = parsed_info[1][1]
 63                if parsed_info[2][0] == 'type':
 64                    init_local['type'] = parsed_info[2][1]
 65            elif parsed_info[1][0].upper() == 'LOCALANALYSIS':
 66                init_local = {}
 67                init_local['localanalysis'] = True
 68                for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*parsed_info))[0]):
 69                    if opt.lower() == 'type':
 70                        init_local['type'] = parsed_info[i][1]
 71                    if opt.lower() == 'range':
 72                        init_local['range'] = float(parsed_info[i][1])
 73            else:
 74                init_local = pickle.load(open(parsed_info[1][0], 'rb'))
 75        except:
 76            # no file could be loaded
 77            # initiallize the outer dictionary
 78            init_local = {}
 79            for time in assimIndex:
 80                for datum in data_typ:
 81                    for parameter in free_parameter:
 82                        init_local[(datum, time, parameter)] = {
 83                            'taper_func': None,
 84                            'position': None,
 85                            'anisotropi': None,
 86                            'range': None
 87                        }
 88            # insert the values that are defined
 89            # check if data are provided through a .csv file
 90            if parsed_info[1][0].endswith('.csv'):
 91                with open(parsed_info[1][0]) as csv_file:
 92                    # get all lines
 93                    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
 94                    info = [elem for elem in reader]
 95                # collapse
 96                info = [item for sublist in info for item in sublist]
 97            else:
 98                info = parsed_info[1][0].split(',')
 99            for elem in info:
100                #
101                # If a predefined mask is to be imported the localization keyword must be
102                # [import filename.npz]
103                # where filename is the name of the .npz file to be uploaded.
104                tmp_info = elem.split()
106                # format the data and time elements
107                if len(tmp_info) == 11:  # data has only one name
108                    name = (tmp_info[8].lower(), float(tmp_info[9]), tmp_info[10].lower())
109                else:
110                    name = (tmp_info[8].lower() + ' ' + tmp_info[9].lower(),
111                            float(tmp_info[10]), tmp_info[11].lower())
113                # assert if the data to be localized actually exists
114                if name in init_local.keys():
116                    # input the correct info into the localization dictionary
117                    init_local[name]['taper_func'] = tmp_info[0]
118                    if tmp_info[0] == 'import':
119                        # if a predefined mask is to be imported, the name is the following element.
120                        init_local[name]['file'] = tmp_info[1]
121                    else:
122                        # the position can span over multiple cells, e.g., 55:100. Hence keep this input as a string
123                        init_local[name]['position'] = [
124                            [int(float(tmp_info[1])), int(float(tmp_info[2])), int(float(tmp_info[3]))]]
125                        init_local[name]['range'] = [int(tmp_info[4]), int(
126                            tmp_info[5])]  # the range is always an integer
127                        init_local[name]['anisotropi'] = [
128                            float(tmp_info[6]), float(tmp_info[7])]
130        # fist element of the parsed info is field size
131        assert parsed_info[0][0].upper() == 'FIELD'
132        init_local['field'] = [int(elem) for elem in parsed_info[0][1]]
134        # check if final parsed info is the actnum
135        try:
136            if parsed_info[2][0].upper() == 'ACTNUM':
137                assert parsed_info[2][1].endswith('.npz')  # this must be a .npz file!!
138                tmp_file = np.load(parsed_info[2][1])
139                init_local['actnum'] = tmp_file['actnum']
140            else:
141                init_local['actnum'] = None
142        except:
143            init_local['actnum'] = None
145        # generate the unique localization masks. Recall that the parameters: "taper_type", "anisotropi", and "range"
146        # gives a unique mask.
148        init_local['mask'] = {}
149        # loop over all localization info to ensure that all the masks have been generated
150        # Store masks with the key ('taper_function', 'anisotropi', 'range')
151        loc_mask_info = [(init_local[el]['taper_func'], init_local[el]['anisotropi'][0], init_local[el]
152                          ['anisotropi'][1], init_local[el]['range']) for el in init_local.keys() if len(el) == 3]
153        for test_key in loc_mask_info:
154            if not len(init_local['mask']):
155                if test_key[0] == 'region':
156                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
157                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3][0],
158                                   test_key[3][1], test_key[3][2])
159                    else:
160                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3])
161                    init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
162                                                                     anisotropi=[
163                                                                         test_key[1], test_key[2]],
164                                                                     loc_range=test_key[3],
165                                                                     field_size=init_local['field'],
166                                                                     ne=ne
167                                                                     )
168                else:
169                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
170                        new_key = (test_key[0], test_key[1],
171                                   test_key[2], test_key[3][0], test_key[3][1])
172                    else:
173                        new_key = test_key
174                    init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
175                                                                     anisotropi=[
176                                                                         test_key[1], test_key[2]],
177                                                                     loc_range=test_key[3][0],
178                                                                     field_size=init_local['field'],
179                                                                     ne=ne
180                                                                     )
181            else:
182                # if loc = region, anisotropi has no meaning.
183                if test_key[0] == 'region':
184                    # If region there are two options:
185                    # 1: file. Unique parameters ('region', filename)
186                    # 2: area. Unique parameters ('region', 'x', 'y','z')
187                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
188                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3][0],
189                                   test_key[3][1], test_key[3][2])
190                    else:
191                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3])
193                    if new_key not in init_local['mask']:
194                        # generate this mask
195                        init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
196                                                                         anisotropi=[
197                                                                             test_key[1], test_key[2]],
198                                                                         loc_range=test_key[3],
199                                                                         field_size=init_local['field'],
200                                                                         ne=ne
201                                                                         )
203                else:
204                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
205                        new_key = (test_key[0], test_key[1],
206                                   test_key[2], test_key[3][0], test_key[3][1])
207                    else:
208                        new_key = test_key
210                    if new_key not in init_local['mask']:
211                        # generate this mask
212                        init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
213                                                                         anisotropi=[
214                                                                             test_key[1], test_key[2]],
215                                                                         loc_range=test_key[3][0],
216                                                                         field_size=init_local['field'],
217                                                                         ne=ne
218                                                                         )
219        self.loc_info = init_local
221    def localize(self, curr_data, curr_time, curr_param, ne, prior_info, data_size):
222        # generate the full localization mask
223        # potentially: current_time, curr_param, and curr_data are lists. Must loop over:
224        # curr_time, curr_data and curr param to generate localization mask
225        # rho = n_m (size of total parameters) x n_d (size of all data)
227        loc = []
228        for time_count, time in enumerate(curr_time):
229            for count, data in enumerate(curr_data):
230                if data_size[time_count][count] > 0:
231                    tmp_loc = [[] for _ in range(data_size[time_count][count])]
232                    for param in curr_param:
233                        # Check if this parameter should be localized
234                        if (data, time, param) in self.loc_info:
235                            if not self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'] == 'region':
236                                if isinstance(self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'], list):
237                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
238                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
239                                                         ]['anisotropi'][0],
240                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
241                                                         ]['anisotropi'][1],
242                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][0],
243                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1])
244                                    mask = self._repos_locmask(self.loc_info['mask'][key],
245                                                               [[el[0], el[1], el[2]] for el in
246                                                                self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['position']],
247                                                               z_range=self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1])
248                                else:
249                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
250                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
251                                                         ]['anisotropi'][0],
252                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
253                                                         ]['anisotropi'][1],
254                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'])
255                                    mask = self._repos_locmask(self.loc_info['mask'][key],
256                                                               [[el[0], el[1]] for el in
257                                                                self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['position']])
258                                # if len(mask.shape) == 2: # this is field data
259                                #     # check that first axis is data, i.e., n_d X n_m
260                                #     if mask.shape[0] == data_size[time_count][count]:
261                                #         for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
262                                #             tmp_loc[i].append(mask[i, :])
263                                #         # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask)) if tmp_loc.size else mask # trick
264                                #     else:
265                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
266                                    tmp_loc[i].append(mask)
267                                    # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask.T)) if tmp_loc.size else mask.T
268                                # else:
269                                #     tmp_loc[0].append(mask)
270                                # tmp_loc = np.append(tmp_loc, mask)
271                                # np.savez('local_mask_upd/' + str(param) + ':' + str(time) + ':' + str(data).replace(' ', ':')
272                                #          + '.npz', loc=mask)
273                            elif self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'] == 'region':
274                                if isinstance(self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'], list):
275                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
276                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][0],
277                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1],
278                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][2])
279                                else:
280                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
281                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'])
283                                mask = self.loc_info['mask'][key]
284                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
285                                    tmp_loc[i].append(mask)
286                        else:
287                            # if no localization has been defined, assume that we do not update
288                            if data_size[time_count][count] > 1:
289                                # must make a field mask of zeros
290                                mask = np.zeros((data_size[time_count][count], prior_info[param]['nx'] *
291                                                 prior_info[param]['ny'] *
292                                                 prior_info[param]['nz']))
293                                # set the localization mask to zeros for this parameter
294                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
295                                    if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
296                                        tmp_loc[i].append(
297                                            mask[i, self.loc_info['actnum']])
298                                    else:
299                                        tmp_loc[i].append(mask[i, :])
300                                # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask)) if tmp_loc.size else mask
301                            else:
302                                mask = np.zeros(prior_info[param]['nx'] *
303                                                prior_info[param]['ny'] *
304                                                prior_info[param]['nz'])
305                                if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
306                                    tmp_loc[0].append(mask[self.loc_info['actnum']])
307                                else:
308                                    tmp_loc[0].append(mask)
309                    # if data_size[count] == 1:
310                    #     loc = np.append(loc, np.array([tmp_loc, ]).T, axis=1) if loc.size else np.array([tmp_loc, ]).T
311                    # elif data_size[count] > 1:
312                    #     loc = np.concatenate((loc, tmp_loc.T), axis=1) if loc.size else tmp_loc.T
313                    for el in tmp_loc:
314                        if len(el) > 1:
315                            loc.append(sparse.hstack(el))
316                        else:
317                            loc.append(sparse.csc_matrix(el))
318        return sparse.vstack(loc).transpose()
319        # return np.array(loc).T
321    def auto_ada_loc(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data, curr_param, **kwargs):
322        if 'prior_info' in kwargs:
323            prior_info = kwargs['prior_info']
324        else:
325            prior_info = {key: None for key in curr_param}
327        step = []
329        ne = pert_state.shape[1]
330        rp_index = np.random.permutation(ne)
331        shuffled_ensemble = pert_state[:, rp_index]
332        corr_mtx = self.get_corr_mtx(pert_state, proj_pred_data)
333        corr_mtx_shuffled = self.get_corr_mtx(shuffled_ensemble, proj_pred_data)
335        tapering_matrix = np.ones(corr_mtx.shape)
337        if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
338            num_active = np.sum(self.loc_info['actnum'])
339        else:
340            num_active = np.prod(self.loc_info['field'])
341        count = 0
342        for param in curr_param:
343            if param == 'NA':
344                num_active = tapering_matrix.shape[0]
345            else:
346                if 'active' in prior_info[param]:  # if this is defined
347                    num_active = int(prior_info[param]['active'])
348            prop_index = np.arange(num_active) + count
349            current_tapering = self.tapering_function(
350                corr_mtx[prop_index, :], corr_mtx_shuffled[prop_index, :])
351            tapering_matrix[prop_index, :] = current_tapering
352            count += num_active
353        step = np.dot(np.multiply(tapering_matrix, pert_state), proj_pred_data)
355        return step
357    def tapering_function(self, cf, cf_s):
359        nstd = 1
360        if self.loc_info['nstd'] is not None:
361            nstd = self.loc_info['nstd']
363        tc = np.zeros(cf.shape)
365        for i in range(cf.shape[1]):
366            current_cf = cf[:, i]
367            est_noise_std = np.median(np.absolute(cf_s[:, i]), axis=0) / 0.6745
368            cutoff_point = np.sqrt(2*np.log(np.prod(current_cf.shape))) * est_noise_std
369            cutoff_point = nstd * est_noise_std
370            if 'type' in self.loc_info and self.loc_info['type'] == 'soft':
371                current_tc = self.rational_function(1-np.absolute(current_cf),
372                                                    1 - cutoff_point)
373            elif 'type' in self.loc_info and self.loc_info['type'] == 'sigm':
374                current_tc = self.rational_function_sigmoid(np.absolute(current_cf),
375                                                            nstd)
376            else:  # default to hard thresholding
377                set_upper = np.where(np.absolute(current_cf) > cutoff_point)
378                current_tc = np.zeros(current_cf.shape)
379                current_tc[set_upper] = 1  # this is hard thresholding
380            tc[:, i] = current_tc.flatten()
382        return tc
384    def rational_function(self, dist, lc):
386        z = np.absolute(dist) / lc
387        index_1 = np.where(z <= 1)
388        index_2 = np.where(z <= 2)
389        index_12 = np.setdiff1d(index_2, index_1)
391        y = np.zeros(len(z))
393        y[index_1] = 1 - (np.power(z[index_1], 5) / 4) \
394            + (np.power(z[index_1], 4) / 2) \
395            + (5*np.power(z[index_1], 3) / 8) \
396            - (5*np.power(z[index_1], 2) / 3)
398        y[index_12] = (np.power(z[index_12], 5) / 12) \
399            - (np.power(z[index_12], 4) / 2) \
400            + (5 * np.power(z[index_12], 3) / 8) \
401            + (5 * np.power(z[index_12], 2) / 3) \
402            - 5*z[index_12] \
403            - np.divide(2, 3*z[index_12]) + 4
405        return y
407    def rational_function_sigmoid(self, dist, lc):
408        steepness = 50  # define how steep the transition is
409        y = expit((dist-(1-lc))*steepness)
411        return y
413    def get_corr_mtx(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data):
415        # compute correlation matrix
417        ne = pert_state.shape[1]
419        std_model = np.std(pert_state, axis=1)
420        std_model[std_model < 10 ** -6] = 10 ** -6
421        std_data = np.std(proj_pred_data, axis=1)
422        std_data[std_data < 10 ** -6] = 10 ** -6
423        # model_zero_spread_index = np.find(std_model<10**-6)
424        # data_zero_spread_index = np.find(std_data<10**-6)
426        C1 = np.mean(pert_state, axis=1)
427        A1 = np.outer(C1, np.ones(ne))
428        B1 = np.outer(std_model, np.ones(ne))
429        normalized_ensemble = np.divide((pert_state - A1), B1)
431        C2 = np.mean(proj_pred_data, axis=1)
432        A2 = np.outer(C2, np.ones(ne))
433        B2 = np.outer(std_data, np.ones(ne))
434        normalized_simData = np.divide((proj_pred_data - A2), B2)
436        corr_mtx = np.divide(
437            np.dot(normalized_ensemble, np.transpose(normalized_simData)), ne)
439        corr_mtx[std_model < 10 ** -6, :] = 0
440        corr_mtx[:, std_data < 10 ** -6] = 0
442        return corr_mtx
444    def _gen_loc_mask(self, taper_function=None, anisotropi=None, loc_range=None, field_size=None, ne=None):
446        # redesign the old _gen_loc_mask
448        if taper_function == 'gc':  # if the taper function is Gaspari-Kohn.
450            # rotation matrix
451            rotate = np.array([[np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)],
452                               [-np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)]])
453            # Scale matrix
454            scale = np.array([[1 / anisotropi[0], 0], [0, 1]])
456            # tot_range = [int(el) for el in np.dot(np.dot(scale, rotate), np.array([loc_range, loc_range]))]
457            tot_range = [int(el) for el in np.array([loc_range, loc_range])]
459            # preallocate a mask sufficiantly large
460            mask = np.zeros((2 * field_size[1], 2 * field_size[2]))  # 2D
462            center = [int(mask.shape[0] / 2), int(mask.shape[1] / 2)]
463            length = np.empty(2)
464            for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
465                for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
466                    # subtract 1 and switch element to make python and ecl equivalent
467                    length[0] = (center[0]) - i
468                    length[1] = (center[1]) - j
469                    lt = np.dot(np.dot(scale, rotate), length)
470                    # d = np.sqrt(np.sum(lt**2))
472                    # Gaspari-Chon
473                    ratio = np.sqrt((lt[0] / tot_range[0]) ** 2 +
474                                    (lt[1] / tot_range[1]) ** 2)
475                    h1 = ratio
476                    h2 = np.sqrt((lt[0] / (2 * tot_range[0])) ** 2 +
477                                 (lt[1] / (2 * tot_range[1])) ** 2)
479                    if ((h1 <= 1) & (h2 <= 1)):  # check that this layer should be localized
480                        mask[i, j] = (-1 / 4) * ratio ** 5 + (1 / 2) * ratio ** 4 + (5 / 8) * ratio ** 3 - \
481                                     (5 / 3) * ratio ** 2 + 1
482                    elif ((h1 > 1) & (h2 <= 1)):  # check that this layer should be localized
483                        mask[i, j] = (1 / 12) * ratio ** 5 - (1 / 2) * ratio ** 4 + (5 / 8) * ratio ** 3 + \
484                                     (5 / 3) * ratio ** 2 - 5 * \
485                            ratio + 4 - (2 / 3) * ratio ** (-1)
486                    elif (h1 > 1) & (h2 > 1):
487                        mask[i, j] = 0
488            # only return non-zero part
489            return mask[mask.nonzero()[0].min():mask.nonzero()[0].max() + 1,
490                        mask.nonzero()[1].min():mask.nonzero()[1].max() + 1]
492        # Taper function based on a covariance structure, as defined by eq (23) in "R.Furrer and
493        if taper_function == 'fb':
494            # T.Bengtsson, Estimation of high-dimensional prior and posterior covariance matrices
495            # in Kalman filter variants, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2007."
497            # rotation matrix
498            rotate = np.array([[np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)],
499                               [-np.sin((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi), np.cos((anisotropi[1] / 180) * np.pi)]])
500            # Scale matrix
501            scale = np.array([[1 / anisotropi[0], 0], [0, 1]])
503            # preallocate a mask sufficiantly large
504            mask = np.zeros((2 * field_size[1], 2 * field_size[2]))  # 2D
506            center = [int(mask.shape[0] / 2), int(mask.shape[1] / 2)]
507            length = np.empty(2)
509            # transform the position into values
510            for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
511                for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
512                    #
513                    length[0] = (center[0]) - i
514                    length[1] = (center[1]) - j
515                    lt = np.dot(np.dot(scale, rotate), length)
516                    # Calc the distance
517                    d = np.sqrt(np.sum(lt ** 2))
518                    # The fb function is now dependent on finding the covariance function. We use the same variogram
519                    # function as the prior, that is, a spherical model.
520                    # Todo: Include different variogram models
521                    tmp = 0
522                    if (d < loc_range):
523                        tmp = 1 - 1 * (1.5 * np.abs(d) / loc_range - .5 *
524                                       (d / loc_range) ** 3)
525                    # eq (23) of Furrer and Bengtsson
526                    tmp_mask = (ne * tmp ** 2) / ((tmp ** 2) * (ne + 1) + 1 ** 2)
527                    if mask[i, j] < tmp_mask:
528                        mask[i, j] = tmp_mask
530            return mask[mask.nonzero()[0].min():mask.nonzero()[0].max() + 1,
531                        mask.nonzero()[1].min():mask.nonzero()[1].max() + 1]
533        if taper_function == 'region':
534            # since this matrix always is field size, store as sparse
535            return np.ones(1)
537    def _repos_locmask(self, mask, data_pos, z_range=None):
538        # input:
539        # mask: The default localization mask. This has dimensions equal to its range. Note that all anisotropi is already
540        #       taken care of during the creation of the mask.
541        # grid_dim: tuple providing the dimensions of the grid.
542        # data_pos: List of tuple values (X,Y,Z) giving positioning of the data
544        grid_dim = self.loc_info['field']
545        if len(data_pos) > 1:  # if more than one position is defined for this data
546            loc_mask = np.zeros(grid_dim)
548            for data in data_pos:
549                loc_mask = np.maximum(loc_mask, self._repos_mask(mask, data))
550        elif len(data_pos) == 1:  # single position
551            loc_mask = self._repos_mask(mask, data_pos[0])
552        else:  # no data pos, i.e. this data should not update this parameter
553            loc_mask = np.zeros(grid_dim)
555        if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
556            if z_range == ':':
557                return loc_mask.flatten()[self.loc_info['actnum']]
558            else:
559                new_loc_mask = loc_mask[z_range, :, :]
560                new_actnum = self.loc_info['actnum'].reshape(grid_dim)[z_range, :, :]
561                return new_loc_mask.flatten()[new_actnum.flatten()]
562        else:
563            if z_range == ':':
564                return loc_mask.flatten()
565            else:
566                return loc_mask[z_range, :, :].flatten()
568    def _repos_mask(self, mask, data_pos):
569        grid_dim = self.loc_info['field'][1:]
570        mask_dimX = mask.shape[0]
571        mask_dimY = mask.shape[1]
573        # If the mask is placed sufficiently inside the grid, it only requires padding
575        if ((grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + mask_dimX / 2) > 0) and data_pos[1] - mask_dimX / 2 > 0) \
576                and (((grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + mask_dimY / 2) > 0)) and (data_pos[0] - mask_dimY / 2 > 0)):
577            # x padding
578            pad_x_l = data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2)
579            pad_x_r = grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
580            # y padding
581            pad_y_d = data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2)
582            pad_y_u = grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
584            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(
585                mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')
587        elif ((grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + mask_dimX / 2) > 0) and data_pos[1] - mask_dimX / 2 > 0) \
588                and not (((grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + mask_dimY / 2) > 0)) and (data_pos[0] - mask_dimY / 2 > 0)):
589            # x padding
590            pad_x_l = data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2)
591            pad_x_r = grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
593            pad_y_u = 0
594            # y padding
595            if data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2) <= 0:
596                pad_y_d = 0
597                pad_y_u = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
598                pos_y1 = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
599            else:
600                pad_y_d = grid_dim[1] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))
601                pos_y1 = 0
602            if grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))) <= 0:
603                pad_y_u = 0
604                pad_y_d += (data_pos[0] - grid_dim[1]) + 1
605                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1]
606            else:
607                pad_y_u += grid_dim[1] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
608                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1] + abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
610            # check if negative padding, if true the mask is larger than the field. Need to update the coordinates,
611            # and remove negative padding.
612            if pad_y_d < 0:
613                pad_y_d = 0
614                pos_y2 += pos_y1
615            if pos_y1 == pos_y2:
616                pos_y2 += 1
618            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')[
619                :, pos_y1:pos_y2]
621        elif not ((grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + mask_dimX / 2) > 0) and data_pos[1] - mask_dimX / 2 > 0) \
622                and (((grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + mask_dimY / 2) > 0)) and (data_pos[0] - mask_dimY / 2 > 0)):
623            # x padding
624            pad_x_r = 0
625            if data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2) <= 0:
626                pad_x_l = 0
627                pad_x_r = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
628                pos_x1 = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
629            else:
630                pad_x_l = grid_dim[0] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))
631                pos_x1 = 0
632            if grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))) <= 0:
633                pad_x_r = 0
634                pad_x_l += (data_pos[1] - grid_dim[0]) + 1
635                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0]
636            else:
637                pad_x_r += grid_dim[0] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
638                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0] + abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
639            # y padding
640            pad_y_d = data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2)
641            pad_y_u = grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
643            # check if negative padding, if true the mask is larger than the field. Need to update the coordinates,
644            # and remove negative padding.
645            if pad_x_l < 0:
646                pad_x_l = 0
647                pos_x2 += pos_x1
648            if pos_x1 == pos_x2:
649                pos_x2 += 1
651            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')[
652                pos_x1:pos_x2, :]
653        else:
654            pad_x_r = 0
655            pad_y_u = 0
657            if data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2) <= 0:
658                pad_x_l = 0
659                pad_x_r = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
660                pos_x1 = abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
661            else:
662                pad_x_l = grid_dim[0] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))
663                pos_x1 = 0
664            if grid_dim[0] - (data_pos[1] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2))) <= 0:
665                pad_x_r = 0
666                pad_x_l += (data_pos[1] - grid_dim[0]) + 1
667                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0]
668            else:
669                pad_x_r += grid_dim[0] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimX / 2)))
670                pos_x2 = grid_dim[0] + abs(data_pos[1] - int(mask_dimX / 2))
672            # y padding
673            if data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2) <= 0:
674                pad_y_d = 0
675                pad_y_u = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
676                pos_y1 = abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
677            else:
678                pad_y_d = grid_dim[1] - int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))
679                pos_y1 = 0
680            if grid_dim[1] - (data_pos[0] + int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2))) <= 0:
681                pad_y_u = 0
682                pad_y_d += (data_pos[0] - grid_dim[1]) + 1
683                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1]
684            else:
685                pad_y_u += grid_dim[1] - (int(np.ceil(mask_dimY / 2)))
686                pos_y2 = grid_dim[1] + abs(data_pos[0] - int(mask_dimY / 2))
688            # check if negative padding, if true the mask is larger than the field. Need to update the coordinates,
689            # and remove negative padding.
690            if pad_y_d < 0:
691                pad_y_d = 0
692                pos_y2 += pos_y1
693            if pad_x_l < 0:
694                pad_x_l = 0
695                pos_x2 += pos_x1
696            if pos_x1 == pos_x2:
697                pos_x2 += 1
698            if pos_y1 == pos_y2:
699                pos_y2 += 1
700            loc_2d_mask = np.pad(mask, ((pad_x_l, pad_x_r), (pad_y_d, pad_y_u)), 'constant')[
701                pos_x1:pos_x2, pos_y1:pos_y2]
703        loc_mask = np.zeros(self.loc_info['field'])
704        loc_mask[data_pos[2], :, :] = loc_2d_mask
705        return loc_mask
localization(parsed_info, assimIndex, data_typ, free_parameter, ne)
 50    def __init__(self, parsed_info, assimIndex, data_typ, free_parameter, ne):
 51        """
 52        Format the parsed info from the input file, and generate the unique localization masks
 53        """
 54        # if the next element is a .p file (pickle), assume that this has been correctly formated and can be automatically
 55        # imported. NB: it is important that we use the pickle format since we have a dictionary containing dictionaries
 57        # to make this as robust as possible, we always try to load the file
 58        try:
 59            if parsed_info[1][0].upper() == 'AUTOADALOC':
 60                init_local = {}
 61                init_local['autoadaloc'] = True
 62                init_local['nstd'] = parsed_info[1][1]
 63                if parsed_info[2][0] == 'type':
 64                    init_local['type'] = parsed_info[2][1]
 65            elif parsed_info[1][0].upper() == 'LOCALANALYSIS':
 66                init_local = {}
 67                init_local['localanalysis'] = True
 68                for i, opt in enumerate(list(zip(*parsed_info))[0]):
 69                    if opt.lower() == 'type':
 70                        init_local['type'] = parsed_info[i][1]
 71                    if opt.lower() == 'range':
 72                        init_local['range'] = float(parsed_info[i][1])
 73            else:
 74                init_local = pickle.load(open(parsed_info[1][0], 'rb'))
 75        except:
 76            # no file could be loaded
 77            # initiallize the outer dictionary
 78            init_local = {}
 79            for time in assimIndex:
 80                for datum in data_typ:
 81                    for parameter in free_parameter:
 82                        init_local[(datum, time, parameter)] = {
 83                            'taper_func': None,
 84                            'position': None,
 85                            'anisotropi': None,
 86                            'range': None
 87                        }
 88            # insert the values that are defined
 89            # check if data are provided through a .csv file
 90            if parsed_info[1][0].endswith('.csv'):
 91                with open(parsed_info[1][0]) as csv_file:
 92                    # get all lines
 93                    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
 94                    info = [elem for elem in reader]
 95                # collapse
 96                info = [item for sublist in info for item in sublist]
 97            else:
 98                info = parsed_info[1][0].split(',')
 99            for elem in info:
100                #
101                # If a predefined mask is to be imported the localization keyword must be
102                # [import filename.npz]
103                # where filename is the name of the .npz file to be uploaded.
104                tmp_info = elem.split()
106                # format the data and time elements
107                if len(tmp_info) == 11:  # data has only one name
108                    name = (tmp_info[8].lower(), float(tmp_info[9]), tmp_info[10].lower())
109                else:
110                    name = (tmp_info[8].lower() + ' ' + tmp_info[9].lower(),
111                            float(tmp_info[10]), tmp_info[11].lower())
113                # assert if the data to be localized actually exists
114                if name in init_local.keys():
116                    # input the correct info into the localization dictionary
117                    init_local[name]['taper_func'] = tmp_info[0]
118                    if tmp_info[0] == 'import':
119                        # if a predefined mask is to be imported, the name is the following element.
120                        init_local[name]['file'] = tmp_info[1]
121                    else:
122                        # the position can span over multiple cells, e.g., 55:100. Hence keep this input as a string
123                        init_local[name]['position'] = [
124                            [int(float(tmp_info[1])), int(float(tmp_info[2])), int(float(tmp_info[3]))]]
125                        init_local[name]['range'] = [int(tmp_info[4]), int(
126                            tmp_info[5])]  # the range is always an integer
127                        init_local[name]['anisotropi'] = [
128                            float(tmp_info[6]), float(tmp_info[7])]
130        # fist element of the parsed info is field size
131        assert parsed_info[0][0].upper() == 'FIELD'
132        init_local['field'] = [int(elem) for elem in parsed_info[0][1]]
134        # check if final parsed info is the actnum
135        try:
136            if parsed_info[2][0].upper() == 'ACTNUM':
137                assert parsed_info[2][1].endswith('.npz')  # this must be a .npz file!!
138                tmp_file = np.load(parsed_info[2][1])
139                init_local['actnum'] = tmp_file['actnum']
140            else:
141                init_local['actnum'] = None
142        except:
143            init_local['actnum'] = None
145        # generate the unique localization masks. Recall that the parameters: "taper_type", "anisotropi", and "range"
146        # gives a unique mask.
148        init_local['mask'] = {}
149        # loop over all localization info to ensure that all the masks have been generated
150        # Store masks with the key ('taper_function', 'anisotropi', 'range')
151        loc_mask_info = [(init_local[el]['taper_func'], init_local[el]['anisotropi'][0], init_local[el]
152                          ['anisotropi'][1], init_local[el]['range']) for el in init_local.keys() if len(el) == 3]
153        for test_key in loc_mask_info:
154            if not len(init_local['mask']):
155                if test_key[0] == 'region':
156                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
157                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3][0],
158                                   test_key[3][1], test_key[3][2])
159                    else:
160                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3])
161                    init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
162                                                                     anisotropi=[
163                                                                         test_key[1], test_key[2]],
164                                                                     loc_range=test_key[3],
165                                                                     field_size=init_local['field'],
166                                                                     ne=ne
167                                                                     )
168                else:
169                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
170                        new_key = (test_key[0], test_key[1],
171                                   test_key[2], test_key[3][0], test_key[3][1])
172                    else:
173                        new_key = test_key
174                    init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
175                                                                     anisotropi=[
176                                                                         test_key[1], test_key[2]],
177                                                                     loc_range=test_key[3][0],
178                                                                     field_size=init_local['field'],
179                                                                     ne=ne
180                                                                     )
181            else:
182                # if loc = region, anisotropi has no meaning.
183                if test_key[0] == 'region':
184                    # If region there are two options:
185                    # 1: file. Unique parameters ('region', filename)
186                    # 2: area. Unique parameters ('region', 'x', 'y','z')
187                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
188                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3][0],
189                                   test_key[3][1], test_key[3][2])
190                    else:
191                        new_key = ('region', test_key[3])
193                    if new_key not in init_local['mask']:
194                        # generate this mask
195                        init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
196                                                                         anisotropi=[
197                                                                             test_key[1], test_key[2]],
198                                                                         loc_range=test_key[3],
199                                                                         field_size=init_local['field'],
200                                                                         ne=ne
201                                                                         )
203                else:
204                    if isinstance(test_key[3], list):
205                        new_key = (test_key[0], test_key[1],
206                                   test_key[2], test_key[3][0], test_key[3][1])
207                    else:
208                        new_key = test_key
210                    if new_key not in init_local['mask']:
211                        # generate this mask
212                        init_local['mask'][new_key] = self._gen_loc_mask(taper_function=test_key[0],
213                                                                         anisotropi=[
214                                                                             test_key[1], test_key[2]],
215                                                                         loc_range=test_key[3][0],
216                                                                         field_size=init_local['field'],
217                                                                         ne=ne
218                                                                         )
219        self.loc_info = init_local

Format the parsed info from the input file, and generate the unique localization masks

def localize(self, curr_data, curr_time, curr_param, ne, prior_info, data_size):
221    def localize(self, curr_data, curr_time, curr_param, ne, prior_info, data_size):
222        # generate the full localization mask
223        # potentially: current_time, curr_param, and curr_data are lists. Must loop over:
224        # curr_time, curr_data and curr param to generate localization mask
225        # rho = n_m (size of total parameters) x n_d (size of all data)
227        loc = []
228        for time_count, time in enumerate(curr_time):
229            for count, data in enumerate(curr_data):
230                if data_size[time_count][count] > 0:
231                    tmp_loc = [[] for _ in range(data_size[time_count][count])]
232                    for param in curr_param:
233                        # Check if this parameter should be localized
234                        if (data, time, param) in self.loc_info:
235                            if not self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'] == 'region':
236                                if isinstance(self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'], list):
237                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
238                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
239                                                         ]['anisotropi'][0],
240                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
241                                                         ]['anisotropi'][1],
242                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][0],
243                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1])
244                                    mask = self._repos_locmask(self.loc_info['mask'][key],
245                                                               [[el[0], el[1], el[2]] for el in
246                                                                self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['position']],
247                                                               z_range=self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1])
248                                else:
249                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
250                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
251                                                         ]['anisotropi'][0],
252                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)
253                                                         ]['anisotropi'][1],
254                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'])
255                                    mask = self._repos_locmask(self.loc_info['mask'][key],
256                                                               [[el[0], el[1]] for el in
257                                                                self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['position']])
258                                # if len(mask.shape) == 2: # this is field data
259                                #     # check that first axis is data, i.e., n_d X n_m
260                                #     if mask.shape[0] == data_size[time_count][count]:
261                                #         for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
262                                #             tmp_loc[i].append(mask[i, :])
263                                #         # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask)) if tmp_loc.size else mask # trick
264                                #     else:
265                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
266                                    tmp_loc[i].append(mask)
267                                    # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask.T)) if tmp_loc.size else mask.T
268                                # else:
269                                #     tmp_loc[0].append(mask)
270                                # tmp_loc = np.append(tmp_loc, mask)
271                                # np.savez('local_mask_upd/' + str(param) + ':' + str(time) + ':' + str(data).replace(' ', ':')
272                                #          + '.npz', loc=mask)
273                            elif self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'] == 'region':
274                                if isinstance(self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'], list):
275                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
276                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][0],
277                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][1],
278                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'][2])
279                                else:
280                                    key = (self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['taper_func'],
281                                           self.loc_info[(data, time, param)]['range'])
283                                mask = self.loc_info['mask'][key]
284                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
285                                    tmp_loc[i].append(mask)
286                        else:
287                            # if no localization has been defined, assume that we do not update
288                            if data_size[time_count][count] > 1:
289                                # must make a field mask of zeros
290                                mask = np.zeros((data_size[time_count][count], prior_info[param]['nx'] *
291                                                 prior_info[param]['ny'] *
292                                                 prior_info[param]['nz']))
293                                # set the localization mask to zeros for this parameter
294                                for i in range(data_size[time_count][count]):
295                                    if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
296                                        tmp_loc[i].append(
297                                            mask[i, self.loc_info['actnum']])
298                                    else:
299                                        tmp_loc[i].append(mask[i, :])
300                                # tmp_loc = np.hstack((tmp_loc, mask)) if tmp_loc.size else mask
301                            else:
302                                mask = np.zeros(prior_info[param]['nx'] *
303                                                prior_info[param]['ny'] *
304                                                prior_info[param]['nz'])
305                                if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
306                                    tmp_loc[0].append(mask[self.loc_info['actnum']])
307                                else:
308                                    tmp_loc[0].append(mask)
309                    # if data_size[count] == 1:
310                    #     loc = np.append(loc, np.array([tmp_loc, ]).T, axis=1) if loc.size else np.array([tmp_loc, ]).T
311                    # elif data_size[count] > 1:
312                    #     loc = np.concatenate((loc, tmp_loc.T), axis=1) if loc.size else tmp_loc.T
313                    for el in tmp_loc:
314                        if len(el) > 1:
315                            loc.append(sparse.hstack(el))
316                        else:
317                            loc.append(sparse.csc_matrix(el))
318        return sparse.vstack(loc).transpose()
319        # return np.array(loc).T
def auto_ada_loc(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data, curr_param, **kwargs):
321    def auto_ada_loc(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data, curr_param, **kwargs):
322        if 'prior_info' in kwargs:
323            prior_info = kwargs['prior_info']
324        else:
325            prior_info = {key: None for key in curr_param}
327        step = []
329        ne = pert_state.shape[1]
330        rp_index = np.random.permutation(ne)
331        shuffled_ensemble = pert_state[:, rp_index]
332        corr_mtx = self.get_corr_mtx(pert_state, proj_pred_data)
333        corr_mtx_shuffled = self.get_corr_mtx(shuffled_ensemble, proj_pred_data)
335        tapering_matrix = np.ones(corr_mtx.shape)
337        if self.loc_info['actnum'] is not None:
338            num_active = np.sum(self.loc_info['actnum'])
339        else:
340            num_active = np.prod(self.loc_info['field'])
341        count = 0
342        for param in curr_param:
343            if param == 'NA':
344                num_active = tapering_matrix.shape[0]
345            else:
346                if 'active' in prior_info[param]:  # if this is defined
347                    num_active = int(prior_info[param]['active'])
348            prop_index = np.arange(num_active) + count
349            current_tapering = self.tapering_function(
350                corr_mtx[prop_index, :], corr_mtx_shuffled[prop_index, :])
351            tapering_matrix[prop_index, :] = current_tapering
352            count += num_active
353        step = np.dot(np.multiply(tapering_matrix, pert_state), proj_pred_data)
355        return step
def tapering_function(self, cf, cf_s):
357    def tapering_function(self, cf, cf_s):
359        nstd = 1
360        if self.loc_info['nstd'] is not None:
361            nstd = self.loc_info['nstd']
363        tc = np.zeros(cf.shape)
365        for i in range(cf.shape[1]):
366            current_cf = cf[:, i]
367            est_noise_std = np.median(np.absolute(cf_s[:, i]), axis=0) / 0.6745
368            cutoff_point = np.sqrt(2*np.log(np.prod(current_cf.shape))) * est_noise_std
369            cutoff_point = nstd * est_noise_std
370            if 'type' in self.loc_info and self.loc_info['type'] == 'soft':
371                current_tc = self.rational_function(1-np.absolute(current_cf),
372                                                    1 - cutoff_point)
373            elif 'type' in self.loc_info and self.loc_info['type'] == 'sigm':
374                current_tc = self.rational_function_sigmoid(np.absolute(current_cf),
375                                                            nstd)
376            else:  # default to hard thresholding
377                set_upper = np.where(np.absolute(current_cf) > cutoff_point)
378                current_tc = np.zeros(current_cf.shape)
379                current_tc[set_upper] = 1  # this is hard thresholding
380            tc[:, i] = current_tc.flatten()
382        return tc
def rational_function(self, dist, lc):
384    def rational_function(self, dist, lc):
386        z = np.absolute(dist) / lc
387        index_1 = np.where(z <= 1)
388        index_2 = np.where(z <= 2)
389        index_12 = np.setdiff1d(index_2, index_1)
391        y = np.zeros(len(z))
393        y[index_1] = 1 - (np.power(z[index_1], 5) / 4) \
394            + (np.power(z[index_1], 4) / 2) \
395            + (5*np.power(z[index_1], 3) / 8) \
396            - (5*np.power(z[index_1], 2) / 3)
398        y[index_12] = (np.power(z[index_12], 5) / 12) \
399            - (np.power(z[index_12], 4) / 2) \
400            + (5 * np.power(z[index_12], 3) / 8) \
401            + (5 * np.power(z[index_12], 2) / 3) \
402            - 5*z[index_12] \
403            - np.divide(2, 3*z[index_12]) + 4
405        return y
def rational_function_sigmoid(self, dist, lc):
407    def rational_function_sigmoid(self, dist, lc):
408        steepness = 50  # define how steep the transition is
409        y = expit((dist-(1-lc))*steepness)
411        return y
def get_corr_mtx(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data):
413    def get_corr_mtx(self, pert_state, proj_pred_data):
415        # compute correlation matrix
417        ne = pert_state.shape[1]
419        std_model = np.std(pert_state, axis=1)
420        std_model[std_model < 10 ** -6] = 10 ** -6
421        std_data = np.std(proj_pred_data, axis=1)
422        std_data[std_data < 10 ** -6] = 10 ** -6
423        # model_zero_spread_index = np.find(std_model<10**-6)
424        # data_zero_spread_index = np.find(std_data<10**-6)
426        C1 = np.mean(pert_state, axis=1)
427        A1 = np.outer(C1, np.ones(ne))
428        B1 = np.outer(std_model, np.ones(ne))
429        normalized_ensemble = np.divide((pert_state - A1), B1)
431        C2 = np.mean(proj_pred_data, axis=1)
432        A2 = np.outer(C2, np.ones(ne))
433        B2 = np.outer(std_data, np.ones(ne))
434        normalized_simData = np.divide((proj_pred_data - A2), B2)
436        corr_mtx = np.divide(
437            np.dot(normalized_ensemble, np.transpose(normalized_simData)), ne)
439        corr_mtx[std_model < 10 ** -6, :] = 0
440        corr_mtx[:, std_data < 10 ** -6] = 0
442        return corr_mtx