
Sparse representation of seismic data using wavelet compression.

Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NORCE, All Rights Reserved. 4DSEIS

  2Sparse representation of seismic data using wavelet compression.
  4Copyright (c) 2019-2022 NORCE, All Rights Reserved. 4DSEIS
  6import pywt
  7import numpy as np
  8import sys
  9from copy import deepcopy
 10import warnings
 13class SparseRepresentation:
 15    # Initialize
 16    def __init__(self, options):
 17        # options: dim, actnum, level, wname, colored_noise, threshold_rule, th_mult,
 18        #          use_hard_th, keep_ca, inactive_value
 19        # dim must be given as (nz,ny,nx)
 20        self.options = options
 21        self.num_grid = np.prod(self.options['dim'])
 23        self.est_noise = np.array([])
 24        self.est_noise_level = []  # this is a scalar for each subband
 25        self.mask = []
 26        self.threshold = []
 27        self.num_total_coeff = None
 28        self.cd_leading_index = None
 29        self.cd_leading_coeff = None
 30        self.ca_leading_index = None
 31        self.ca_leading_coeff = None
 33    # Function to doing image compression. If the function is called without threshold, then the leading indices must
 34    # be defined in the class. Typically, this is done by running the compression on true data with a given threshold.
 35    def compress(self, data, th_mult=None):
 36        if ('inactive_value' not in self.options) or (self.options['inactive_value'] is None):
 37            self.options['inactive_value'] = np.mean(data)
 38        signal = np.zeros(self.num_grid)
 39        signal[~self.options['mask']] = self.options['inactive_value']
 40        signal[self.options['mask']] = data
 41        if 'order' not in self.options:
 42            self.options['order'] = 'C'
 43        if 'min_noise' not in self.options:
 44            self.options['min_noise'] = 1.0e-9
 45        signal = signal.reshape(self.options['dim'], order=self.options['order'])
 46        # get the signal back into its original shape (nx,ny,nz)
 47        signal = signal.transpose((2, 1, 0))
 48        # pywt throws a warning in case of single-dimentional entries in the shape of the signal.
 49        with warnings.catch_warnings():
 50            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
 51            wdec = pywt.wavedecn(
 52                signal, self.options['wname'], 'symmetric', int(self.options['level']))
 53        wdec_rec = deepcopy(wdec)
 55        # Perform thresholding if the threshold is given as input.
 56        do_thresholding = False
 57        est_noise_level = None
 58        true_data = False
 59        if th_mult is not None and th_mult >= 0:
 60            do_thresholding = True
 61            if not self.est_noise.size:  # assume that the true data is input
 62                true_data = True
 63            else:
 64                self.est_noise = np.array([])  # this will be rebuilt
 66        # Initialize
 67        # Note: the keys below are organized the same way as in Matlab.
 68        keys = ['daa', 'ada', 'dda', 'aad', 'dad', 'add', 'ddd']
 69        if true_data:
 70            for level in range(0, int(self.options['level'])+1):
 71                num_subband = 1 if level == 0 else len(keys)
 72                for subband in range(0, num_subband):
 73                    if level == 0:
 74                        self.mask.append(False)
 75                        self.est_noise_level.append(0)
 76                        self.threshold.append(0)
 77                    else:
 78                        if subband == 0:
 79                            self.mask.append({})
 80                            self.est_noise_level.append({})
 81                            self.threshold.append({})
 82                        self.mask[level][keys[subband]] = False
 83                        self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]] = 0
 84                        self.threshold[level][keys[subband]] = 0
 86        # In the white noise case estimated std is based on the high (hhh) subband only
 87        if true_data and not self.options['colored_noise']:
 88            subband_hhh = wdec[-1]['ddd'].flatten()
 89            est_noise_level = np.median(
 90                np.abs(subband_hhh - np.median(subband_hhh))) / 0.6745  # estimated noise std
 91            est_noise_level = np.maximum(est_noise_level, self.options['min_noise'])
 92            # Threshold based on universal rule
 93            current_threshold = th_mult * \
 94                np.sqrt(2 * np.log(np.size(data))) * est_noise_level
 95            self.threshold[0] = current_threshold
 97        # Loop over all levels and subbands (including the lll subband)
 98        ca_in_vec = np.array([])
 99        cd_in_vec = np.array([])
100        for level in range(0, int(self.options['level'])+1):
101            num_subband = 1 if level == 0 else len(keys)
102            for subband in range(0, num_subband):
103                coeffs = wdec[level] if level == 0 else wdec[level][keys[subband]]
104                coeffs = coeffs.flatten()
106                # In the colored noise case estimated std is based on all subbands
107                if true_data and self.options['colored_noise']:
108                    est_noise_level = np.median(
109                        np.abs(coeffs - np.median(coeffs))) / 0.6745
110                    est_noise_level = np.maximum(
111                        est_noise_level, self.options['min_noise'])
112                    # threshold based on universal rule
113                    if self.options['threshold_rule'] == 'universal':
114                        current_threshold = np.sqrt(
115                            2 * np.log(np.size(coeffs))) * est_noise_level
116                    # threshold based on bayesian rule
117                    elif self.options['threshold_rule'] == 'bayesian':
118                        std_data = np.linalg.norm(coeffs, 2) / len(coeffs)
119                        current_threshold = est_noise_level**2 / \
120                            np.sqrt(np.abs(std_data**2 - est_noise_level**2))
121                    else:
122                        print('Thresholding rule not implemented')
123                        sys.exit(1)
124                    current_threshold = th_mult * current_threshold
125                    if level == 0:
126                        self.threshold[level] = current_threshold
127                    else:
128                        self.threshold[level][keys[subband]] = current_threshold
129                    # self.threshold = np.append(self.threshold, current_threshold)
131                # Perform thresholding
132                if do_thresholding:
133                    if level == 0 or not self.options['colored_noise']:
134                        current_threshold = self.threshold[0]
135                    else:
136                        current_threshold = self.threshold[level][keys[subband]]
137                    if level > 0 or (level == 0 and not self.options['keep_ca']):
138                        if self.options['use_hard_th']:  # use hard thresholding
139                            zero_index = np.abs(coeffs) < current_threshold
140                            coeffs[zero_index] = 0
141                        else:  # use soft thresholding
142                            coeffs = np.sign(
143                                coeffs) * np.maximum(np.abs(coeffs) - current_threshold, 0)
144                            zero_index = coeffs == 0
145                    else:
146                        zero_index = np.zeros(coeffs.size).astype(bool)
148                    # Construct the mask for each subband and estimate the noise level
149                    if level == 0:
150                        self.mask[level] = np.invert(zero_index) + self.mask[level]
151                        if true_data:
152                            self.est_noise_level[level] = est_noise_level
153                    else:
154                        self.mask[level][keys[subband]] = np.invert(
155                            zero_index) + self.mask[level][keys[subband]]
156                        if true_data:
157                            self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]] = est_noise_level
159                    # Build the noise for the compressed signal
160                    if level == 0:
161                        num_el = np.sum(self.mask[level])
162                        current_noise_level = self.est_noise_level[level]
163                        self.est_noise = np.append(
164                            self.est_noise, current_noise_level * np.ones(num_el))
165                    else:
166                        num_el = np.sum(self.mask[level][keys[subband]])
167                        current_noise_level = self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]]
168                        self.est_noise = np.append(
169                            self.est_noise, current_noise_level * np.ones(num_el))
171                if level == 0:
172                    ca_in_vec = coeffs
173                else:
174                    cd_in_vec = np.append(cd_in_vec, coeffs)
176        # Compute the leading indices and compressed signal
177        if do_thresholding:
178            self.num_total_coeff = ca_in_vec.size + cd_in_vec.size
179            if self.cd_leading_index is not None:
180                self.cd_leading_index = np.union1d(
181                    self.cd_leading_index, np.nonzero(cd_in_vec)[0])
182            else:
183                self.cd_leading_index = np.nonzero(cd_in_vec)[0]
184            self.cd_leading_coeff = cd_in_vec[self.cd_leading_index]
185            if self.options['keep_ca']:
186                if self.ca_leading_index is None:
187                    self.ca_leading_index = np.arange(wdec[0].size)
188            else:
189                if self.ca_leading_index is None:
190                    self.ca_leading_index = np.nonzero(ca_in_vec)[0]
191                else:
192                    self.ca_leading_index = np.union1d(
193                        self.ca_leading_index, np.nonzero(ca_in_vec)[0])
194            self.ca_leading_coeff = ca_in_vec[self.ca_leading_index]
195            compressed_data = np.append(self.ca_leading_coeff, self.cd_leading_coeff)
196        else:
197            if self.ca_leading_index is None or self.cd_leading_index is None:
198                print('Leading indices not defined')
199                sys.exit(1)
200            compressed_data = np.append(
201                ca_in_vec[self.ca_leading_index], cd_in_vec[self.cd_leading_index])
203        # Construct wdec_rec
204        for level in range(0, int(self.options['level']) + 1):
205            if level == 0:
206                shape = wdec_rec[level].shape
207                coeff = wdec_rec[level].flatten()
208                coeff[~self.mask[level]] = 0
209                wdec_rec[level] = coeff.reshape(shape)
210            else:
211                num_subband = len(keys)
212                for subband in range(0, num_subband):
213                    shape = wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]].shape
214                    coeff = wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]].flatten()
215                    coeff[~self.mask[level][keys[subband]]] = 0
216                    wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]] = coeff.reshape(shape)
218        return compressed_data, wdec_rec
220    # Reconstruct the current compressed dataset.
221    def reconstruct(self, wdec_rec):
223        if wdec_rec is None:
224            print('No signal to reconstruct')
225            sys.exit(1)
227        data_rec = pywt.waverecn(wdec_rec, self.options['wname'], 'symmetric')
228        data_rec = data_rec.transpose((2, 1, 0))  # flip the axes
229        dim = self.options['dim']
230        data_rec = data_rec[0:dim[0], 0:dim[1], 0:dim[2]]  # severe issure here
231        data_rec = data_rec.flatten(order=self.options['order'])
232        data_rec = data_rec[self.options['mask']]
234        return data_rec
class SparseRepresentation:
 14class SparseRepresentation:
 16    # Initialize
 17    def __init__(self, options):
 18        # options: dim, actnum, level, wname, colored_noise, threshold_rule, th_mult,
 19        #          use_hard_th, keep_ca, inactive_value
 20        # dim must be given as (nz,ny,nx)
 21        self.options = options
 22        self.num_grid = np.prod(self.options['dim'])
 24        self.est_noise = np.array([])
 25        self.est_noise_level = []  # this is a scalar for each subband
 26        self.mask = []
 27        self.threshold = []
 28        self.num_total_coeff = None
 29        self.cd_leading_index = None
 30        self.cd_leading_coeff = None
 31        self.ca_leading_index = None
 32        self.ca_leading_coeff = None
 34    # Function to doing image compression. If the function is called without threshold, then the leading indices must
 35    # be defined in the class. Typically, this is done by running the compression on true data with a given threshold.
 36    def compress(self, data, th_mult=None):
 37        if ('inactive_value' not in self.options) or (self.options['inactive_value'] is None):
 38            self.options['inactive_value'] = np.mean(data)
 39        signal = np.zeros(self.num_grid)
 40        signal[~self.options['mask']] = self.options['inactive_value']
 41        signal[self.options['mask']] = data
 42        if 'order' not in self.options:
 43            self.options['order'] = 'C'
 44        if 'min_noise' not in self.options:
 45            self.options['min_noise'] = 1.0e-9
 46        signal = signal.reshape(self.options['dim'], order=self.options['order'])
 47        # get the signal back into its original shape (nx,ny,nz)
 48        signal = signal.transpose((2, 1, 0))
 49        # pywt throws a warning in case of single-dimentional entries in the shape of the signal.
 50        with warnings.catch_warnings():
 51            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
 52            wdec = pywt.wavedecn(
 53                signal, self.options['wname'], 'symmetric', int(self.options['level']))
 54        wdec_rec = deepcopy(wdec)
 56        # Perform thresholding if the threshold is given as input.
 57        do_thresholding = False
 58        est_noise_level = None
 59        true_data = False
 60        if th_mult is not None and th_mult >= 0:
 61            do_thresholding = True
 62            if not self.est_noise.size:  # assume that the true data is input
 63                true_data = True
 64            else:
 65                self.est_noise = np.array([])  # this will be rebuilt
 67        # Initialize
 68        # Note: the keys below are organized the same way as in Matlab.
 69        keys = ['daa', 'ada', 'dda', 'aad', 'dad', 'add', 'ddd']
 70        if true_data:
 71            for level in range(0, int(self.options['level'])+1):
 72                num_subband = 1 if level == 0 else len(keys)
 73                for subband in range(0, num_subband):
 74                    if level == 0:
 75                        self.mask.append(False)
 76                        self.est_noise_level.append(0)
 77                        self.threshold.append(0)
 78                    else:
 79                        if subband == 0:
 80                            self.mask.append({})
 81                            self.est_noise_level.append({})
 82                            self.threshold.append({})
 83                        self.mask[level][keys[subband]] = False
 84                        self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]] = 0
 85                        self.threshold[level][keys[subband]] = 0
 87        # In the white noise case estimated std is based on the high (hhh) subband only
 88        if true_data and not self.options['colored_noise']:
 89            subband_hhh = wdec[-1]['ddd'].flatten()
 90            est_noise_level = np.median(
 91                np.abs(subband_hhh - np.median(subband_hhh))) / 0.6745  # estimated noise std
 92            est_noise_level = np.maximum(est_noise_level, self.options['min_noise'])
 93            # Threshold based on universal rule
 94            current_threshold = th_mult * \
 95                np.sqrt(2 * np.log(np.size(data))) * est_noise_level
 96            self.threshold[0] = current_threshold
 98        # Loop over all levels and subbands (including the lll subband)
 99        ca_in_vec = np.array([])
100        cd_in_vec = np.array([])
101        for level in range(0, int(self.options['level'])+1):
102            num_subband = 1 if level == 0 else len(keys)
103            for subband in range(0, num_subband):
104                coeffs = wdec[level] if level == 0 else wdec[level][keys[subband]]
105                coeffs = coeffs.flatten()
107                # In the colored noise case estimated std is based on all subbands
108                if true_data and self.options['colored_noise']:
109                    est_noise_level = np.median(
110                        np.abs(coeffs - np.median(coeffs))) / 0.6745
111                    est_noise_level = np.maximum(
112                        est_noise_level, self.options['min_noise'])
113                    # threshold based on universal rule
114                    if self.options['threshold_rule'] == 'universal':
115                        current_threshold = np.sqrt(
116                            2 * np.log(np.size(coeffs))) * est_noise_level
117                    # threshold based on bayesian rule
118                    elif self.options['threshold_rule'] == 'bayesian':
119                        std_data = np.linalg.norm(coeffs, 2) / len(coeffs)
120                        current_threshold = est_noise_level**2 / \
121                            np.sqrt(np.abs(std_data**2 - est_noise_level**2))
122                    else:
123                        print('Thresholding rule not implemented')
124                        sys.exit(1)
125                    current_threshold = th_mult * current_threshold
126                    if level == 0:
127                        self.threshold[level] = current_threshold
128                    else:
129                        self.threshold[level][keys[subband]] = current_threshold
130                    # self.threshold = np.append(self.threshold, current_threshold)
132                # Perform thresholding
133                if do_thresholding:
134                    if level == 0 or not self.options['colored_noise']:
135                        current_threshold = self.threshold[0]
136                    else:
137                        current_threshold = self.threshold[level][keys[subband]]
138                    if level > 0 or (level == 0 and not self.options['keep_ca']):
139                        if self.options['use_hard_th']:  # use hard thresholding
140                            zero_index = np.abs(coeffs) < current_threshold
141                            coeffs[zero_index] = 0
142                        else:  # use soft thresholding
143                            coeffs = np.sign(
144                                coeffs) * np.maximum(np.abs(coeffs) - current_threshold, 0)
145                            zero_index = coeffs == 0
146                    else:
147                        zero_index = np.zeros(coeffs.size).astype(bool)
149                    # Construct the mask for each subband and estimate the noise level
150                    if level == 0:
151                        self.mask[level] = np.invert(zero_index) + self.mask[level]
152                        if true_data:
153                            self.est_noise_level[level] = est_noise_level
154                    else:
155                        self.mask[level][keys[subband]] = np.invert(
156                            zero_index) + self.mask[level][keys[subband]]
157                        if true_data:
158                            self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]] = est_noise_level
160                    # Build the noise for the compressed signal
161                    if level == 0:
162                        num_el = np.sum(self.mask[level])
163                        current_noise_level = self.est_noise_level[level]
164                        self.est_noise = np.append(
165                            self.est_noise, current_noise_level * np.ones(num_el))
166                    else:
167                        num_el = np.sum(self.mask[level][keys[subband]])
168                        current_noise_level = self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]]
169                        self.est_noise = np.append(
170                            self.est_noise, current_noise_level * np.ones(num_el))
172                if level == 0:
173                    ca_in_vec = coeffs
174                else:
175                    cd_in_vec = np.append(cd_in_vec, coeffs)
177        # Compute the leading indices and compressed signal
178        if do_thresholding:
179            self.num_total_coeff = ca_in_vec.size + cd_in_vec.size
180            if self.cd_leading_index is not None:
181                self.cd_leading_index = np.union1d(
182                    self.cd_leading_index, np.nonzero(cd_in_vec)[0])
183            else:
184                self.cd_leading_index = np.nonzero(cd_in_vec)[0]
185            self.cd_leading_coeff = cd_in_vec[self.cd_leading_index]
186            if self.options['keep_ca']:
187                if self.ca_leading_index is None:
188                    self.ca_leading_index = np.arange(wdec[0].size)
189            else:
190                if self.ca_leading_index is None:
191                    self.ca_leading_index = np.nonzero(ca_in_vec)[0]
192                else:
193                    self.ca_leading_index = np.union1d(
194                        self.ca_leading_index, np.nonzero(ca_in_vec)[0])
195            self.ca_leading_coeff = ca_in_vec[self.ca_leading_index]
196            compressed_data = np.append(self.ca_leading_coeff, self.cd_leading_coeff)
197        else:
198            if self.ca_leading_index is None or self.cd_leading_index is None:
199                print('Leading indices not defined')
200                sys.exit(1)
201            compressed_data = np.append(
202                ca_in_vec[self.ca_leading_index], cd_in_vec[self.cd_leading_index])
204        # Construct wdec_rec
205        for level in range(0, int(self.options['level']) + 1):
206            if level == 0:
207                shape = wdec_rec[level].shape
208                coeff = wdec_rec[level].flatten()
209                coeff[~self.mask[level]] = 0
210                wdec_rec[level] = coeff.reshape(shape)
211            else:
212                num_subband = len(keys)
213                for subband in range(0, num_subband):
214                    shape = wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]].shape
215                    coeff = wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]].flatten()
216                    coeff[~self.mask[level][keys[subband]]] = 0
217                    wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]] = coeff.reshape(shape)
219        return compressed_data, wdec_rec
221    # Reconstruct the current compressed dataset.
222    def reconstruct(self, wdec_rec):
224        if wdec_rec is None:
225            print('No signal to reconstruct')
226            sys.exit(1)
228        data_rec = pywt.waverecn(wdec_rec, self.options['wname'], 'symmetric')
229        data_rec = data_rec.transpose((2, 1, 0))  # flip the axes
230        dim = self.options['dim']
231        data_rec = data_rec[0:dim[0], 0:dim[1], 0:dim[2]]  # severe issure here
232        data_rec = data_rec.flatten(order=self.options['order'])
233        data_rec = data_rec[self.options['mask']]
235        return data_rec
17    def __init__(self, options):
18        # options: dim, actnum, level, wname, colored_noise, threshold_rule, th_mult,
19        #          use_hard_th, keep_ca, inactive_value
20        # dim must be given as (nz,ny,nx)
21        self.options = options
22        self.num_grid = np.prod(self.options['dim'])
24        self.est_noise = np.array([])
25        self.est_noise_level = []  # this is a scalar for each subband
26        self.mask = []
27        self.threshold = []
28        self.num_total_coeff = None
29        self.cd_leading_index = None
30        self.cd_leading_coeff = None
31        self.ca_leading_index = None
32        self.ca_leading_coeff = None
def compress(self, data, th_mult=None):
 36    def compress(self, data, th_mult=None):
 37        if ('inactive_value' not in self.options) or (self.options['inactive_value'] is None):
 38            self.options['inactive_value'] = np.mean(data)
 39        signal = np.zeros(self.num_grid)
 40        signal[~self.options['mask']] = self.options['inactive_value']
 41        signal[self.options['mask']] = data
 42        if 'order' not in self.options:
 43            self.options['order'] = 'C'
 44        if 'min_noise' not in self.options:
 45            self.options['min_noise'] = 1.0e-9
 46        signal = signal.reshape(self.options['dim'], order=self.options['order'])
 47        # get the signal back into its original shape (nx,ny,nz)
 48        signal = signal.transpose((2, 1, 0))
 49        # pywt throws a warning in case of single-dimentional entries in the shape of the signal.
 50        with warnings.catch_warnings():
 51            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
 52            wdec = pywt.wavedecn(
 53                signal, self.options['wname'], 'symmetric', int(self.options['level']))
 54        wdec_rec = deepcopy(wdec)
 56        # Perform thresholding if the threshold is given as input.
 57        do_thresholding = False
 58        est_noise_level = None
 59        true_data = False
 60        if th_mult is not None and th_mult >= 0:
 61            do_thresholding = True
 62            if not self.est_noise.size:  # assume that the true data is input
 63                true_data = True
 64            else:
 65                self.est_noise = np.array([])  # this will be rebuilt
 67        # Initialize
 68        # Note: the keys below are organized the same way as in Matlab.
 69        keys = ['daa', 'ada', 'dda', 'aad', 'dad', 'add', 'ddd']
 70        if true_data:
 71            for level in range(0, int(self.options['level'])+1):
 72                num_subband = 1 if level == 0 else len(keys)
 73                for subband in range(0, num_subband):
 74                    if level == 0:
 75                        self.mask.append(False)
 76                        self.est_noise_level.append(0)
 77                        self.threshold.append(0)
 78                    else:
 79                        if subband == 0:
 80                            self.mask.append({})
 81                            self.est_noise_level.append({})
 82                            self.threshold.append({})
 83                        self.mask[level][keys[subband]] = False
 84                        self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]] = 0
 85                        self.threshold[level][keys[subband]] = 0
 87        # In the white noise case estimated std is based on the high (hhh) subband only
 88        if true_data and not self.options['colored_noise']:
 89            subband_hhh = wdec[-1]['ddd'].flatten()
 90            est_noise_level = np.median(
 91                np.abs(subband_hhh - np.median(subband_hhh))) / 0.6745  # estimated noise std
 92            est_noise_level = np.maximum(est_noise_level, self.options['min_noise'])
 93            # Threshold based on universal rule
 94            current_threshold = th_mult * \
 95                np.sqrt(2 * np.log(np.size(data))) * est_noise_level
 96            self.threshold[0] = current_threshold
 98        # Loop over all levels and subbands (including the lll subband)
 99        ca_in_vec = np.array([])
100        cd_in_vec = np.array([])
101        for level in range(0, int(self.options['level'])+1):
102            num_subband = 1 if level == 0 else len(keys)
103            for subband in range(0, num_subband):
104                coeffs = wdec[level] if level == 0 else wdec[level][keys[subband]]
105                coeffs = coeffs.flatten()
107                # In the colored noise case estimated std is based on all subbands
108                if true_data and self.options['colored_noise']:
109                    est_noise_level = np.median(
110                        np.abs(coeffs - np.median(coeffs))) / 0.6745
111                    est_noise_level = np.maximum(
112                        est_noise_level, self.options['min_noise'])
113                    # threshold based on universal rule
114                    if self.options['threshold_rule'] == 'universal':
115                        current_threshold = np.sqrt(
116                            2 * np.log(np.size(coeffs))) * est_noise_level
117                    # threshold based on bayesian rule
118                    elif self.options['threshold_rule'] == 'bayesian':
119                        std_data = np.linalg.norm(coeffs, 2) / len(coeffs)
120                        current_threshold = est_noise_level**2 / \
121                            np.sqrt(np.abs(std_data**2 - est_noise_level**2))
122                    else:
123                        print('Thresholding rule not implemented')
124                        sys.exit(1)
125                    current_threshold = th_mult * current_threshold
126                    if level == 0:
127                        self.threshold[level] = current_threshold
128                    else:
129                        self.threshold[level][keys[subband]] = current_threshold
130                    # self.threshold = np.append(self.threshold, current_threshold)
132                # Perform thresholding
133                if do_thresholding:
134                    if level == 0 or not self.options['colored_noise']:
135                        current_threshold = self.threshold[0]
136                    else:
137                        current_threshold = self.threshold[level][keys[subband]]
138                    if level > 0 or (level == 0 and not self.options['keep_ca']):
139                        if self.options['use_hard_th']:  # use hard thresholding
140                            zero_index = np.abs(coeffs) < current_threshold
141                            coeffs[zero_index] = 0
142                        else:  # use soft thresholding
143                            coeffs = np.sign(
144                                coeffs) * np.maximum(np.abs(coeffs) - current_threshold, 0)
145                            zero_index = coeffs == 0
146                    else:
147                        zero_index = np.zeros(coeffs.size).astype(bool)
149                    # Construct the mask for each subband and estimate the noise level
150                    if level == 0:
151                        self.mask[level] = np.invert(zero_index) + self.mask[level]
152                        if true_data:
153                            self.est_noise_level[level] = est_noise_level
154                    else:
155                        self.mask[level][keys[subband]] = np.invert(
156                            zero_index) + self.mask[level][keys[subband]]
157                        if true_data:
158                            self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]] = est_noise_level
160                    # Build the noise for the compressed signal
161                    if level == 0:
162                        num_el = np.sum(self.mask[level])
163                        current_noise_level = self.est_noise_level[level]
164                        self.est_noise = np.append(
165                            self.est_noise, current_noise_level * np.ones(num_el))
166                    else:
167                        num_el = np.sum(self.mask[level][keys[subband]])
168                        current_noise_level = self.est_noise_level[level][keys[subband]]
169                        self.est_noise = np.append(
170                            self.est_noise, current_noise_level * np.ones(num_el))
172                if level == 0:
173                    ca_in_vec = coeffs
174                else:
175                    cd_in_vec = np.append(cd_in_vec, coeffs)
177        # Compute the leading indices and compressed signal
178        if do_thresholding:
179            self.num_total_coeff = ca_in_vec.size + cd_in_vec.size
180            if self.cd_leading_index is not None:
181                self.cd_leading_index = np.union1d(
182                    self.cd_leading_index, np.nonzero(cd_in_vec)[0])
183            else:
184                self.cd_leading_index = np.nonzero(cd_in_vec)[0]
185            self.cd_leading_coeff = cd_in_vec[self.cd_leading_index]
186            if self.options['keep_ca']:
187                if self.ca_leading_index is None:
188                    self.ca_leading_index = np.arange(wdec[0].size)
189            else:
190                if self.ca_leading_index is None:
191                    self.ca_leading_index = np.nonzero(ca_in_vec)[0]
192                else:
193                    self.ca_leading_index = np.union1d(
194                        self.ca_leading_index, np.nonzero(ca_in_vec)[0])
195            self.ca_leading_coeff = ca_in_vec[self.ca_leading_index]
196            compressed_data = np.append(self.ca_leading_coeff, self.cd_leading_coeff)
197        else:
198            if self.ca_leading_index is None or self.cd_leading_index is None:
199                print('Leading indices not defined')
200                sys.exit(1)
201            compressed_data = np.append(
202                ca_in_vec[self.ca_leading_index], cd_in_vec[self.cd_leading_index])
204        # Construct wdec_rec
205        for level in range(0, int(self.options['level']) + 1):
206            if level == 0:
207                shape = wdec_rec[level].shape
208                coeff = wdec_rec[level].flatten()
209                coeff[~self.mask[level]] = 0
210                wdec_rec[level] = coeff.reshape(shape)
211            else:
212                num_subband = len(keys)
213                for subband in range(0, num_subband):
214                    shape = wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]].shape
215                    coeff = wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]].flatten()
216                    coeff[~self.mask[level][keys[subband]]] = 0
217                    wdec_rec[level][keys[subband]] = coeff.reshape(shape)
219        return compressed_data, wdec_rec
def reconstruct(self, wdec_rec):
222    def reconstruct(self, wdec_rec):
224        if wdec_rec is None:
225            print('No signal to reconstruct')
226            sys.exit(1)
228        data_rec = pywt.waverecn(wdec_rec, self.options['wname'], 'symmetric')
229        data_rec = data_rec.transpose((2, 1, 0))  # flip the axes
230        dim = self.options['dim']
231        data_rec = data_rec[0:dim[0], 0:dim[1], 0:dim[2]]  # severe issure here
232        data_rec = data_rec.flatten(order=self.options['order'])
233        data_rec = data_rec[self.options['mask']]
235        return data_rec