
  1import numpy as np
  2import sys
  5Collection of simple, yet useful Python tools
  9def index2d(list2d, value):
 10    """
 11    Search in a 2D list for pattern or value and return is (i, j) index. If the
 12    pattern/value is not found, (None, None) is returned
 14    Example:
 16    >>> l = [['string1', 1], ['string2', 2]]
 17    >>> print index2d(l, 'string1')
 18    (0, 0)
 20    Parameters
 21    ----------
 22    list2d : list of lists
 23        2D list.
 25    value : object
 26        Pattern or value to search for.
 28    Returns
 29    -------
 30    ind : tuple
 31        Indices (i, j) of the value.
 32    """
 33    return next(((i, j) for i, lst in enumerate(list2d) for j, x in enumerate(lst) if x == value), None)
 36def read_file(val_type, filename):
 37    """
 38    Read an eclipse file with specified keyword.
 39    Example:
 40        read_file('PERMX','filename.permx')
 42    Input:
 43        - val_type:         keyword or property
 44        - filename:         the file that is read
 46    Output:
 47        - values:           a vector with values for each cell
 48    """
 50    file = open(filename, 'r')
 51    lines = file.readlines()
 52    key = ''
 53    line_idx = 0
 54    while key != val_type:
 55        line = lines[line_idx]
 56        if not line:
 57            print('Error: Keyword not found')
 58            sys.exit(1)
 60        line_idx += 1
 61        if len(line):
 62            key = line.split()
 63            if key:
 64                key = key[0]
 65    data = []
 66    finished = False
 67    while line_idx < len(lines) and not finished:
 68        line = lines[line_idx]
 69        line_idx += 1
 70        if line == '\n' or line[:2] == '--':
 71            continue
 72        if line == '':
 73            break
 74        if line.strip() == '/':
 75            finished = True
 76        sub_str = line.split()
 77        for s in sub_str:
 78            if '*' in s:
 79                num_val = s.split('*')
 80                v = float(num_val[1]) * np.ones(int(num_val[0]))
 81                data.append(v)
 82            elif '/' in s:
 83                finished = True
 84                break
 85            else:
 86                data.append(float(s))
 88    values = np.hstack(data)
 89    return values
 92def write_file(filename, val_type, data):
 93    """
 94    Write an eclipse file with specified keyword.
 95    Example:
 96        write_file('filename.permx','PERMX',data_vec)
 98    Input:
 99        - filename:         the file that is read
100        - val_type:         keyword or property
101        - data    :         data written to file
102    """
104    file = open(filename, 'w')
105    file.writelines(val_type + '\n')
106    if data.dtype == 'int64':
107        np.savetxt(file, data, fmt='%i')
108    else:
109        np.savetxt(file, data)
110    file.writelines('/' + '\n')
111    file.close()
def index2d(list2d, value):
10def index2d(list2d, value):
11    """
12    Search in a 2D list for pattern or value and return is (i, j) index. If the
13    pattern/value is not found, (None, None) is returned
15    Example:
17    >>> l = [['string1', 1], ['string2', 2]]
18    >>> print index2d(l, 'string1')
19    (0, 0)
21    Parameters
22    ----------
23    list2d : list of lists
24        2D list.
26    value : object
27        Pattern or value to search for.
29    Returns
30    -------
31    ind : tuple
32        Indices (i, j) of the value.
33    """
34    return next(((i, j) for i, lst in enumerate(list2d) for j, x in enumerate(lst) if x == value), None)

Search in a 2D list for pattern or value and return is (i, j) index. If the pattern/value is not found, (None, None) is returned


>>> l = [['string1', 1], ['string2', 2]]
>>> print index2d(l, 'string1')
(0, 0)
  • list2d (list of lists): 2D list.
  • value (object): Pattern or value to search for.
  • ind (tuple): Indices (i, j) of the value.
def read_file(val_type, filename):
37def read_file(val_type, filename):
38    """
39    Read an eclipse file with specified keyword.
40    Example:
41        read_file('PERMX','filename.permx')
43    Input:
44        - val_type:         keyword or property
45        - filename:         the file that is read
47    Output:
48        - values:           a vector with values for each cell
49    """
51    file = open(filename, 'r')
52    lines = file.readlines()
53    key = ''
54    line_idx = 0
55    while key != val_type:
56        line = lines[line_idx]
57        if not line:
58            print('Error: Keyword not found')
59            sys.exit(1)
61        line_idx += 1
62        if len(line):
63            key = line.split()
64            if key:
65                key = key[0]
66    data = []
67    finished = False
68    while line_idx < len(lines) and not finished:
69        line = lines[line_idx]
70        line_idx += 1
71        if line == '\n' or line[:2] == '--':
72            continue
73        if line == '':
74            break
75        if line.strip() == '/':
76            finished = True
77        sub_str = line.split()
78        for s in sub_str:
79            if '*' in s:
80                num_val = s.split('*')
81                v = float(num_val[1]) * np.ones(int(num_val[0]))
82                data.append(v)
83            elif '/' in s:
84                finished = True
85                break
86            else:
87                data.append(float(s))
89    values = np.hstack(data)
90    return values

Read an eclipse file with specified keyword. Example: read_file('PERMX','filename.permx')

Input: - val_type: keyword or property - filename: the file that is read

Output: - values: a vector with values for each cell

def write_file(filename, val_type, data):
 93def write_file(filename, val_type, data):
 94    """
 95    Write an eclipse file with specified keyword.
 96    Example:
 97        write_file('filename.permx','PERMX',data_vec)
 99    Input:
100        - filename:         the file that is read
101        - val_type:         keyword or property
102        - data    :         data written to file
103    """
105    file = open(filename, 'w')
106    file.writelines(val_type + '\n')
107    if data.dtype == 'int64':
108        np.savetxt(file, data, fmt='%i')
109    else:
110        np.savetxt(file, data)
111    file.writelines('/' + '\n')
112    file.close()

Write an eclipse file with specified keyword. Example: write_file('filename.permx','PERMX',data_vec)

Input: - filename: the file that is read - val_type: keyword or property - data : data written to file