
Read Schlumberger Eclipse output files.

   1"""Read Schlumberger Eclipse output files.
   3from __future__ import division
   4import argparse
   5import codecs
   6import collections
   7import datetime
   8import fnmatch
   9import logging
  10import numpy
  11import numpy.ma
  12import os
  13import os.path as path
  14import struct
  15import sys
  18# import these from the common package, since we may need to use the same
  19# enumeration across file formats
  20from .ecl_common import Phase, Prop
  23# add a valid log in case we are not run through the main program which
  24# sets up one for us
  25log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  29# each keyword record in the file is associated with a name and an index
  30# (since a keyword may occur more than once)
  31_DataKey = collections.namedtuple('_DataKey', [
  32    'kwd',  # keyword present at this position
  33    'seq',  # sequence number (occurrence in file)
  37# for every (indexed) keyword, we want to know where to read the data
  38# in the file, as well as how much data there is
  39_DataDescr = collections.namedtuple('_DataDescr', [
  40    'pos',  # file position of this record
  41    'num',  # number of elements
  42    'typ',  # type of data
  43    'rcs',  # number of records containing data
  47def _read_descr(fileobj):
  48    """Read the the opened file and build a descriptor record of the
  49    following data array.
  51    :param fileobj: File object opened in binary reading mode.
  52    :returns:       Tuple of keyword, file position, number of items,
  53                    and their type.
  54    :rtype:         (str, int, int, str)
  55    """
  56    # read the length of this record, as a signed quad; if we encounter
  57    # end of file, then return None as the sentinel descriptor
  58    quad = bytes(fileobj.read(4))
  59    if len(quad) == 0:
  60        return None, None, None, None
  61    rec_len, = struct.unpack('>i', quad)
  63    # sub-records should not occur
  64    assert (rec_len == 16)
  66    # read the next 16 bytes as descriptor
  67    kwd, = struct.unpack('8s', fileobj.read(8))
  68    num, = struct.unpack('>i', fileobj.read(4))
  69    typ, = struct.unpack('4s', fileobj.read(4))
  71    # for Python 3 compatibility
  72    kwd = codecs.ascii_decode(kwd)[0]
  73    typ = codecs.ascii_decode(typ)[0]
  75    # seek forward to the end of the record
  76    fileobj.seek(abs(rec_len) - 16, 1)
  78    # read the trailing length as well
  79    trail, = struct.unpack('>i', fileobj.read(4))
  81    # verify that the trailing length is the same as the
  82    assert (trail == rec_len)
  84    # get the position of the next record in the file; this is where
  85    # we want to seek to, to start reading the data array
  86    pos = fileobj.tell()
  88    # return the descriptor of this array
  89    return (kwd, pos, num, typ)
  92# for each type of data, we need to know how much to read
  93_DataType = collections.namedtuple('_DataType', [
  94    'siz',  # number of bytes
  95    'fmt',  # struct formatting string
  96    'nch',  # not character type, which needs special processing
  97    'dsk',  # NumPy data type when stored on disk (big-endian)
  98    'mem',  # corresponding NumPy data type in memory
 102# Python 3 uses Unicode for characters
 103_STR_TYPE = 'S' if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000 else 'U'
 106# actual data types found in Eclipse files
 107_TYPES = {
 108    'INTE': _DataType(siz=4, fmt='i', nch=True,
 109                      dsk=numpy.dtype('>i4'), mem=numpy.int32),
 110    'REAL': _DataType(siz=4, fmt='f', nch=True,
 111                      dsk=numpy.dtype('>f4'), mem=numpy.float32),
 112    'LOGI': _DataType(siz=4, fmt='i', nch=True,
 113                      dsk=numpy.dtype('>i4'), mem=numpy.int32),
 114    'DOUB': _DataType(siz=8, fmt='d', nch=True,
 115                      dsk=numpy.dtype('>f8'), mem=numpy.float64),
 116    'CHAR': _DataType(siz=8, fmt='c', nch=False,
 117                      dsk=numpy.dtype('|S8'), mem=(
 118                          numpy.dtype('<' + _STR_TYPE + '8'))),
 119    'MESS': _DataType(siz=0, fmt='x', nch=True,
 120                      dsk=numpy.void, mem=numpy.void),
 124def _skip_rec(fileobj, num, typ):
 125    """Skip one or more records for a certain number of entries.
 127    :param fileobj: File object opened in binary read mode.
 128    :param num:     Number of items that should be skipped.
 129    :param typ:     Data type of the entries.
 130    :returns:       Number of data records that were skipped.
 131    """
 132    # total number of bytes to be skipped
 133    remaining = num * _TYPES[typ].siz
 135    # number of records these bytes were stored in
 136    rcs = 0
 138    # read until we have processed the entire data array
 139    while remaining > 0:
 140        # read the number of bytes in this record
 141        rec_len, = struct.unpack('>i', fileobj.read(4))
 143        # this part of the data array is now read
 144        remaining -= rec_len
 145        rcs += 1
 147        # actually skip those bytes, plus the trailing record length
 148        fileobj.seek(rec_len + 4, os.SEEK_CUR)
 150    # we should not end up in the middle of a record!
 151    assert (remaining == 0)
 153    # store the number of records so that we know exactly how many
 154    # records to read next time
 155    return rcs
 158def _build_cat(fileobj):
 159    """Build a catalog over where in the data file each record is.
 161    :param fileobj:  File object opened in binary read mode.
 162    :returns:        Tuple of dictionaries with the number of occurrences
 163    :rtype:          (dict [str] -> int, dict [_DataKey] -> _DataDescr)
 164    """
 165    cnt = {}  # number of types we have seen each keyword
 166    cat = {}  # where is the file each keyword is located
 167    while True:
 168        # read the record containing the data descriptor first
 169        kwd, pos, num, typ = _read_descr(fileobj)
 171        # stop once we have reached the end of the file (no more records)
 172        if kwd is None:
 173            break
 175        # skip over the data records for this key; we are only interested
 176        # in building the index at this stage
 177        rcs = _skip_rec(fileobj, num, typ)
 179        # update the number of occurrences of this keyword
 180        cnt[kwd] = cnt[kwd] + 1 if kwd in cnt else 1
 182        # create a descriptor for this record
 183        cat[_DataKey(kwd=kwd, seq=cnt[kwd] - 1)] = (
 184            _DataDescr(pos=pos, num=num, typ=typ, rcs=rcs))
 186    return (cnt, cat)
 189def _read_rec(fileobj, descr):
 190    """Read a set of records for a descriptor.
 192    :param fileobj:  File object opened in binary read mode.
 193    :param descr:    Descriptor for where the property is stored.
 194    :type descr:     _DataDescr
 195    """
 196    # seek to the appropriate place in the file
 197    fileobj.seek(descr.pos, os.SEEK_SET)
 199    # get a description of the type of data
 200    rec_typ = _TYPES[descr.typ]
 202    # pre-allocate an array so we can just read straight into it
 203    data = numpy.empty(descr.num, dtype=rec_typ.dsk)
 205    # start reading into the front of the array
 206    fst = 0
 208    # read as many records as needed from here on
 209    for rec_ndx in range(descr.rcs):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
 210        # how many bytes are there in this particular record
 211        rec_siz, = struct.unpack('>i', fileobj.read(4))
 213        # an item cannot be split over two physical records
 214        assert (rec_siz % rec_typ.siz == 0)
 216        # how many *items* are there in this record
 217        rec_num = int(abs(rec_siz) / rec_typ.siz)
 219        # now we know which range we are going to read into;
 220        # bulk load it directly from file. character records need special
 221        # handling.
 222        if rec_typ.nch:
 223            data[fst:(fst + rec_num)] = (
 224                numpy.fromfile(fileobj, dtype=rec_typ.dsk, count=rec_num))
 225        else:
 226            # load the characters as uint8 raw bytes from the file
 227            raw = numpy.fromfile(fileobj, dtype=numpy.uint8,
 228                                 count=rec_num * rec_typ.siz)
 229            for item_ndx in range(rec_num):
 230                # start and end iterator for where in the raw array the bytes
 231                # for this particular item in the array is; each of the strings
 232                # are considered to be *exactly* 8 bytes by Eclipse
 233                beg = (item_ndx + 0) * rec_typ.siz
 234                end = (item_ndx + 1) * rec_typ.siz
 236                # convert these raw characters into a sensible string, and
 237                # store them in the output array
 238                str_val = codecs.ascii_decode(bytearray(raw[beg: end]))[0]
 239                data[fst + item_ndx] = str_val.rstrip()
 241        # skip the trailing record size
 242        fileobj.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR)
 244        # move to the next window
 245        fst += rec_num
 247    # if we loaded big-endian data on a little-endian machine,
 248    # swap the entire array in-place now, and then cast it
 249    # (with a view) to the native type so we see the bits as
 250    # the right values again
 251    if rec_typ.nch:
 252        if sys.byteorder != 'big':
 253            data.byteswap(True)
 254        data = data.view(rec_typ.mem)
 255    else:
 256        # character data cannot be casted, but must be converted into the
 257        # correct number of bytes per character
 258        data = data.astype(rec_typ.mem)
 260    return data
 263class EclipseFile (object):
 264    """Low-level class to read records from binary files.
 266    Access to this object must be within a monitor (`with`-statement).
 267    """
 269    def __init__(self, root, ext):
 270        """Initialize file object from a path in the filesystem.
 272        :param root:  Stem of the file name (including directory)
 273        :param ext:   Extension of the file to read from.
 274        """
 275        # keep the file open (and locked) to read from it
 276        self.filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(root, ext.upper())
 277        self.fileobj = open(self.filename, 'rb')
 279        # index the file so that we can find properties easily
 280        log.debug("Indexing data file \"%s\"", self.filename)
 281        self.cnt, self.cat = _build_cat(self.fileobj)
 283    def __enter__(self):
 284        self.fileobj.__enter__()
 285        return self
 287    def __exit__(self, typ, val, traceback):
 288        """Close the underlaying file object when we go out of scope."""
 289        self.fileobj.__exit__(typ, val, traceback)
 291    def get(self, kwd, seq=0):
 292        """Read a (potentially indexed) keyword from file.
 294        :param kwd:  Keyword.
 295        :type kwd:   str
 296        :param seq:  Sequence number, starting from zero.
 297        :type seq:   int
 299        >>> with EclipseFile ('foo', 'EGRID') as grid:
 300        >>>     zcorn = grid.get ('ZCORN')
 301        """
 302        # make sure that the keyword is exactly 8 chars
 303        kwd = "{0:<8s}".format(kwd[:8].upper())
 305        # locate the data in the file and read them there, returning
 306        # None if we didn't find any matching record in the catalog
 307        key = _DataKey(kwd=kwd, seq=seq)
 308        if key in self.cat:
 309            descr = self.cat[key]
 310            data = _read_rec(self.fileobj, descr)
 311            return data
 312        else:
 313            return None
 315    def dump(self, positional=False, fileobj=sys.stdout):
 316        """Dump catalog contents of records in the datafile.
 318        :param positional:  True if the keywords should be sorted
 319                            on position in the file.
 320        :type positional:   bool
 322        >>> f = EclipseFile ("foo", 'INIT')
 323        >>> f.dump ()
 324        """
 325        if positional:
 326            # build a dictionary of positions and they record that
 327            # are at each of those positions. by using the position
 328            # as the key of the dictionary, we can sort them and then
 329            # retrive the keys in positionally sorted order
 330            by_pos = {}
 331            for key in self.cat.keys():
 332                descr = self.cat[key]
 333                by_pos[descr.pos] = key
 334            key_list = [by_pos[pos] for pos in sorted(by_pos.keys())]
 335        else:
 336            # sort the list of keywords alphabetically and then
 337            # by sequence number
 338            key_list = sorted(self.cat.keys())
 340        # write each entry in the catalog to the console
 341        for key in key_list:
 342            kwd, seq = key
 343            descr = self.cat[key]
 344            total = self.cnt[kwd]
 346            # print different text if there is only one of this keyword
 347            if total == 1:
 348                fmt = '{0:<8s}  {5:7s}  {2:>8d} * {3:4s}\n'
 349            else:
 350                fmt = '{0:<8s}  {1:03d}/{4:03d}  {2:>8d} * {3:4s}\n'
 352            # write information for this record
 353            fileobj.write(fmt.format(
 354                kwd, seq + 1, descr.num, descr.typ, total, ''))
 357# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
 358class EclipseGrid (object):
 359    """Corner-point geometry data from an Eclipse Extensive Grid file."""
 361    def __init__(self, root):
 362        # save the root variable for later
 363        self.root = root
 365        # read the extent of the grid right away since we need that for
 366        # later (when reading properties).
 367        with EclipseFile(root, "EGRID") as egrid:
 368            # read the grid header
 369            grid_head = egrid.get('GRIDHEAD')
 371            # only corner-point grids are supported
 372            assert (grid_head[0] == 1)
 374            # get dimensions of the grid
 375            self.ni = grid_head[1]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 376            self.nj = grid_head[2]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 377            self.nk = grid_head[3]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 378            log.info("Grid dimension is %d x %d x %d",
 379                     self.ni, self.nj, self.nk)
 381            # also store a shape tuple which describes the grid cube
 382            self.shape = (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni)
 384            # read the structure of the grid
 385            log.debug("Reading pillar coordinates")
 386            coord = egrid.get('COORD')
 387            self.coord = numpy.reshape(coord,
 388                                       (self.nj + 1, self.ni + 1, 2, 3))
 390            log.debug("Reading corner depths")
 391            zcorn = egrid.get('ZCORN')
 392            self.zcorn = numpy.reshape(zcorn,
 393                                       (self.nk, 2, self.nj, 2, self.ni, 2))
 395            log.debug("Reading active flag")
 396            actnum = egrid.get('ACTNUM')
 398            # make it a true flag, so we can use it for binary indexing
 399            actnum = actnum.astype(bool)
 401            # now we keep the actnum array in its proper shape,
 402            # corresponding to the grid cube
 403            self.actnum = numpy.reshape(actnum, self.shape)
 405            # create a common mask in the grid that we can use in
 406            # masked arrays for other properties.
 407            self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.actnum)
 409            # restart properties are only saved for the active elements,
 410            # so we can cache this number to compare
 411            self.num_active = numpy.sum(self.actnum)
 412            log.info("Grid has %d active cells", self.num_active)
 414    def grid(self):
 415        """\
 416        Create a grid structure from the information read from file.
 418        :return:  Grid structure
 419        :rtype:   dict
 421        >>> # convert from .EGRID to .grdecl:
 422        >>> import pyresito.io.ecl as ecl
 423        >>> import pyresito.io.grdecl as grdecl
 424        >>> grdecl.write('foo.grdecl', ecl.EclipseGrid('FOO').grid())
 425        """
 426        # we have all the information that is required in the correct
 427        # format already as soon as we read it from file
 428        dimens = numpy.array([self.shape[2],
 429                              self.shape[1],
 430                              self.shape[0]], dtype=numpy.int32)
 432        # return grid in the same format as if it was read directly from
 433        # the original corner-point grid definition (.grdecl)
 434        return {'DIMENS': dimens,
 435                'COORD':  self.coord.copy(),
 436                'ZCORN':  self.zcorn.copy(),
 437                'ACTNUM': self.actnum.copy(),
 438                }
 441# Eclipse 300 on Windows initialize the intehead array to this value
 442# and doesn't bother to write all values
 443_UNINITIALIZED = -2345
 446def _intehead_date(intehead):
 447    """Get the date coded in the file header."""
 448    year = intehead[66]
 449    month = intehead[65]
 450    day = intehead[64]
 452    # libecl used in OPM seems to write only date information, not time,
 453    # unless it is necessary; the header will then be only 95 integers long
 454    # see function ecl_init_file_alloc_INTEHEAD at lines 56-59 in file
 455    # lib/ecl/ecl_init_file.cpp in libecl release 2018.10 commit 77ca7d5
 456    if (len(intehead) > 208):
 457        hour = intehead[206]
 458        minute = intehead[207]
 460        # take into account special values that indicate uninitialized field
 461        hour = 0 if hour == _UNINITIALIZED else hour
 462        minute = 0 if minute == _UNINITIALIZED else minute
 463    else:
 464        hour = 0
 465        minute = 0
 467    # init files from the Windows version doesn't have this field (?)
 468    if (len(intehead) >= 411):
 469        msecs = intehead[410]
 470    else:
 471        msecs = 0
 473    # split microseconds into seconds and remaining microseconds
 474    secs = int(msecs / 1e6)
 476    # spurious values found in this field which makes it unaligned with
 477    # the start date; better just drop the microsecond field
 478    msecs = 0   # msecs -= int (secs * 1e6)
 480    return datetime.datetime(year, month, day,
 481                             hour, minute, secs, msecs)
 484# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
 485class EclipseData (object):
 486    """Base class for both static and recurrent data."""
 488    def __init__(self, grid, root, ext):
 489        self.grid = grid  # grid extent information
 490        self.root = root  # underlaying file name
 491        self.ext = ext    # connected file with extent of grid
 493        # list of components isn't loaded yet (and may never be)
 494        self.comp = None
 496    def components(self):
 497        """Components that exist in the restart file. Components used in the
 498        simulation are stored in all the restart files instead of once in the
 499        init file, since it is the restart file that hold component fields.
 500        """
 501        # delay-load the list of components; if it already is loaded,
 502        # then just return the stored one. we cache component names since
 503        # they are needed to lookup property names.
 504        if self.comp is None:
 505            # load that datafile
 506            with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 507                raw_comp = store.get('ZCOMPS')
 509            # create a dictionary over all the components, in the order they
 510            # were specified in the file, since component-based properties have
 511            # this index as part of their name.
 512            self.comp = collections.OrderedDict(
 513                [(str(nom), ndx + 1) for ndx, nom in enumerate(raw_comp)])
 515        return self.comp
 517    def _comp_phase(self, selector):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
 518        """Code indicating the phase, when we are asking for a component-based
 519        property. This code is different than when asking for a phase-based
 520        property.
 521        """
 522        # second argument is the component, (optional) third argument is
 523        # the phase. when it comes to listing mole fractions, simulators (for
 524        # some unknown reason) uses other mnemonics than O, W, G to designate
 525        # phases.
 526        if len(selector) == 2:
 527            mph = 'Z'
 528        elif selector[2] == Phase.oil:
 529            mph = 'X'
 530        elif selector[2] == Phase.wat:
 531            mph = 'A'
 532        elif selector[2] == Phase.gas:
 533            mph = 'Y'
 534        else:
 535            assert False
 537        return mph
 539    def _get_prop_name(self, selector):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
 540        """Compose an internal name for the property as specified by a
 541        high-level selector.
 543        :param selector:  Selector tuple, e.g. (Prop.mole, 'CO2', Phase.gas)
 544        :param names:     Dictionary of defined names in the case. There must
 545                          be an entry "components" containing the names of the
 546                          components in the case files.
 547        :returns:         Name of the property to be queried, e.g. "ZMF2"
 548        """
 549        # if the selector is a tuple, then use the first member to get a
 550        # function that can parse the others
 551        if isinstance(selector, tuple):
 552            # take the full selector (and the name dictionary to supplement)
 553            # and compose the final name. the selector can therefore be thought
 554            # of as an s-expr which is evaluated here
 555            if selector[0] == Prop.pres:
 556                name = 'PRESSURE'
 557            elif selector[0] == Prop.sat:
 558                # second argument is the phase
 559                name = 'S' + selector[1]
 560            elif selector[1] == Prop.mole:
 561                # get the phase scope of the component property
 562                scope = self._comp_phase(selector)
 564                # use dictionary to find the component index number
 565                ndx = ('' if selector[1] is None
 566                       else str(self.components()[selector[1]]))
 568                name = scope + 'MF' + ndx
 569            else:
 570                assert False
 572        else:
 573            # if it is not a selector, then it is (probably) a string, and
 574            # we forward it without any formatting, for compatibility
 575            name = selector
 577        return name
 579    def cell_data(self, selector):
 580        """Get a field property for every cell at this restart step.
 582        :param selector: Specification of the property to be loaded. This is a
 583                         tuple starting with a Prop, and then some context-
 584                         dependent items.
 585        :returns:        Array of the data with inactive cells masked off.
 587        >>> pres = case.cell_data ((Prop.pres,))
 588        >>> swat = case.cell_data ((Prop.sat, Phase.wat))
 589        >>> xco2 = case.cell_data ((Prop.mole, 'CO2', Phase.gas))
 590        """
 591        # get the internal name of the property requested
 592        propname = self._get_prop_name(selector)
 594        # load the data itself
 595        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 596            active_data = store.get(propname)
 598        # if there is a fully specified array, then just use the data
 599        if active_data.shape[0] == numpy.prod(self.grid.shape):
 600            data = numpy.reshape(active_data, self.grid.shape)
 602        # if the data is "compressed", i.e. only the active elements are
 603        # stored, then uncompress it before storing it in a masked array
 604        elif active_data.shape[0] == self.grid.num_active:
 605            # allocate an array to hold the entire array. fill with zeros
 606            # since this value exists for all datatypes (nan doesn't)
 607            data = numpy.zeros(self.grid.shape, dtype=active_data.dtype)
 609            # assign only the values that are actually active
 610            data[self.grid.actnum] = active_data
 611        else:
 612            assert (False)
 614        # return an array where the non-active elements are masked away
 615        return numpy.ma.array(data=data, dtype=data.dtype,
 616                              mask=self.grid.mask)
 618    def field_data(self, propname):
 619        """Get a property for the entire field at this restart step.
 621        :param propname: Name of the property to be loaded.
 622        :returns:        Array of the data.
 623        """
 624        # load the data itself
 625        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 626            return store.get(propname)
 628    def summary_data(self, propname):
 629        """Get a property from the summary file at this restart step.
 631        :param propname: Name of the property to be loaded. This is on the form
 632                         'mnemonic well', e.g. 'WWIR I05'. Alternatively, one
 633                         propname can be either only well or only mnemonic.
 634                         Then the value for all mnememonics or all wells are
 635                         given, e.g., propname='WWIR' returns WWIR for all
 636                         wells.
 637        :returns:        Array of the data.
 638        """
 639        # need to find the mneumonics and well info from the specification file
 640        with EclipseFile(self.root, 'SMSPEC') as store:
 641            mnemonic = store.get('KEYWORDS')
 642            well = store.get('WGNAMES')
 644        # split the propname
 645        prop_elem = propname.upper().split()
 647        assert len(prop_elem) < 3
 649        if len(prop_elem) == 1:  # only well or mnemonic is given
 650            if prop_elem in mnemonic:
 651                ind = numpy.where(mnemonic == prop_elem)
 652            elif prop_elem in well:
 653                ind = numpy.where(well == prop_elem)
 655        elif len(prop_elem) == 2:
 656            # find all indexes for the mnemonic
 657            tmp_ind = numpy.where(mnemonic == prop_elem[0])
 659            # fine all indexes for the well
 660            tmp_ind2 = numpy.where(well == prop_elem[1])
 662            # only one element is equal
 663            ind = tmp_ind[0][numpy.array(
 664                [elem in tmp_ind2[0] for elem in tmp_ind[0]])]
 666        # The challenge with the summary files is that it contains vectors of
 667        # values for all "ministeps" controlled by the internal time stepping
 668        # procedure. We are only interested in values at the report time, e.g.,
 669        # the final "ministep". It it, however, possible to collect all values,
 670        # e.g., for number of newton iterations.
 671        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 672            # Since we do not know the number of timesteps we must find how
 673            # many times the PARAM keyword has been given
 674            total = store.cnt['PARAMS  ']  # Gives number of ministeps
 676            # Get the final instance, need to remove one since python counts
 677            # from zero
 678            vec_dat = store.get(kwd='PARAMS  ', seq=total-1)
 680        return vec_dat[ind]
 683def _intehead_phases(intehead):
 684    """Get list of faces from the integer header"""
 685    # no phases discovered yet
 686    phs = []
 688    # build list of phases from the flags in the header
 689    if intehead[14] & 1 == 1:  # bit 0 set if oil present
 690        phs.append(Phase.oil)
 691    if intehead[14] & 2 == 2:  # bit 1 set if water present
 692        phs.append(Phase.wat)
 693    if intehead[14] & 4 == 4:  # bit 2 set if gas present
 694        phs.append(Phase.gas)
 696    return phs
 699# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
 700class EclipseInit (EclipseData):
 701    """Read information from static data (init) file."""
 703    def __init__(self, root):
 704        # bootstrap ourself; if the base class is reading a property
 705        # that require reformatting, then we have all the information
 706        # needed right here!
 707        super(EclipseInit, self).__init__(self, root, 'INIT')
 709        # read properties from file (notice that file is closed afterwards)
 710        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 711            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
 712            porv = store.get('PORV')
 714        # get the dimensions from the grid
 715        self.ni = intehead[8]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 716        self.nj = intehead[9]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 717        self.nk = intehead[10]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 719        # notice that we store the grid in C order, i.e. the dimensions
 720        # are swapped compared with what they are in Eclipse (Fortran)
 721        self.shape = (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni)
 723        # get the starting date of the simulation
 724        self.start_date = _intehead_date(intehead)
 726        # get the phases in the simulation
 727        self.phases = _intehead_phases(intehead)
 729        # number of active elements is explicitly listed
 730        self.num_active = intehead[11]
 732        # get the pore volume and reformat it into the shape of the grid
 733        self.pore_vol = numpy.reshape(porv, self.shape)
 735        # create a mask and actnum array based on the pore volume
 736        # (active cells must have strictly positive volume)
 737        self.actnum = numpy.greater(self.pore_vol, 0.)
 738        self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.actnum)
 739        assert (numpy.sum(self.actnum.ravel()) == self.num_active)
 742class EclipseRestart (EclipseData):
 743    """Read information from a recurrent data (restart) file."""
 745    def __init__(self, grid, seq):
 746        """
 747        :param grid:  Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
 748        :type grid:   EclipseInit (or EclipseGrid)
 749        :param seq:   Run number.
 750        :type seq:    int
 751        """
 752        super(EclipseRestart, self).__init__(grid, grid.root,
 753                                             "X{0:04d}".format(seq))
 755    def date(self):
 756        """Simulation date the restart file is created for."""
 757        # dates are stored in the header
 758        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 759            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
 761        # convert Eclipse date field to a Python date object
 762        return _intehead_date(intehead)
 765class EclipseSummary (EclipseData):
 766    """Read information from a recurrent data (summary) file."""
 768    def __init__(self, grid, seq):
 769        """
 770        :param grid:  Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
 771        :type grid:   EclipseInit (or EclipseGrid)
 772        :param seq:   Run number.
 773        :type seq:    int
 774        """
 775        super(EclipseSummary, self).__init__(grid, grid.root,
 776                                             "S{0:04d}".format(seq))
 778    def date(self):
 779        """Simulation date the restart file is created for."""
 780        # dates are stored in the header
 781        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
 782            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
 784        # convert Eclipse date field to a Python date object
 785        return _intehead_date(intehead)
 788def _quick_date(fileobj):
 789    """Quick scan of a restart file to determine its date.
 791    :param fileobj:  File object opened in binary read mode.
 792    """
 793    # INTEHEAD record is always placed first in the file; we have to read
 794    # four sectors; first sector contains the signature, second sector
 795    # (around 24 + 64*4 = 280) contains the day and (around 24 + 206*4 = 848)
 796    # time and fourth sector (around 24 + 410*4 = 1664) contains the seconds
 797    # we thus read four sectors continuously from the start of the file to
 798    # get maximum efficient I/O (remember we are trying to scan a lot of
 799    # files very quickly to build an index)
 800    fileobj.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
 801    block = fileobj.read(512 * 4)
 803    # verify the signature with 4 bytes leading length
 804    signature = codecs.ascii_decode(block[4:12])[0]
 805    assert (signature == 'INTEHEAD')
 807    # first record with the descriptor is 4 + 16 + 4 = 24 bytes long;
 808    # integer array is prefixed with another 4 bytes length, so the data
 809    # itself starts at 24 + 4 = 28 bytes (skipping 28 / 4 = 7 items --
 810    # they really didn't have aligned access in mind).
 811    # we don't care about the actual length of the block, as long as we
 812    # at least cover the number of items needed to extract the date
 813    intehead = numpy.frombuffer(block[28:],
 814                                dtype=numpy.dtype('>i4'),
 815                                count=512 - 7).copy()
 817    # the data we read was big-endian; convert it into a native format
 818    # for this architecture
 819    if sys.byteorder != 'big':
 820        intehead.byteswap(True)
 821    intehead = intehead.view(numpy.int32)
 823    # get the date for this header
 824    return _intehead_date(intehead)
 827class EclipseCase (object):
 828    """Read data for an Eclipse simulation case."""
 830    def __init__(self, casename):
 831        """
 832        :param casename:  Path to the case, with or without extension.
 833        :type casename:   str
 834        """
 835        # keys of this dictionary will be dates, the values are the sequence
 836        # numbers that are associated with those dates
 837        self.by_date = {}
 839        # get the directory of the file, using dot for current one if
 840        # no directory has been specified
 841        dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(casename)
 842        dir_name = '.' if dir_name == '' else path.expanduser(dir_name)
 844        # further remove the extension from the filename
 845        root, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
 847        # get a list of all restart files that are in this directory
 848        log.debug("Indexing restart files")
 849        for fname in os.listdir(dir_name):
 850            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname,
 851                               '{0}.X[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'.format(root)):
 852                # last four characters of the filename is the sequence number;
 853                # using int does not cause it to be interpreted octal even if
 854                # it starts with zero, fortunately
 855                seq = int(fname[-4:])
 857                # quickly scan this file to determine the correlation between
 858                with open(os.path.join(dir_name, fname), 'rb') as fileobj:
 859                    this_date = _quick_date(fileobj)
 860                self.by_date[this_date] = seq
 861        log.debug("Found %d restart files", len(self.by_date))
 863        # read the initial file to get the size of the grid and the
 864        # active flags, to load other properties
 865        self.root = os.path.join(dir_name, root)
 866        self.init = EclipseInit(self.root)
 868        # we haven't loaded any grid or recurrent data yet
 869        self._grid = None
 870        self.recur = {}
 871        self.sum = {}
 872        self.comp = None
 874    def shape(self):
 875        """\
 876        Get shape of returned field data.
 878        :return:  (num_k, num_j, num_i)
 879        :rtype:   (int, int, int)
 880        """
 881        return self.init.shape
 883    def start_date(self):
 884        """Starting date of the simulation"""
 885        return self.init.start_date
 887    def components(self):
 888        """Components that exist in the restart file.
 890        >>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
 891        >>> comps = case.components ()
 892        >>> print ("Number of components is %d" % (len (comps)))
 893        >>> for num, name in enumerate (comps):
 894        >>>     print ("%d : %s" % (num, name))
 895        """
 896        # get the last report date, and the index of that. the last
 897        # is selected because it is the most likely timestep to be
 898        # loaded by the user code (end results), and the number of
 899        # components shouldn't change during the run.
 900        lst_dat = max(self.by_date.keys())
 901        lst_seq = self.by_date[lst_dat]
 902        log.debug("Loading component list at date %s (step %04d)",
 903                  lst_dat.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), lst_seq)
 904        restart = self._delay_load(lst_seq)
 905        return restart.components()
 907    def phases(self):
 908        """Phases that exist in the restart file.
 910        >>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
 911        >>> phs = case.phases ()
 912        >>> print ("Number of phases is %d" % (len (phs)))
 913        >>> print ("Keyword for first phase is %s" % ("S" + phs [0]))
 914        >>> if Phase.oil in phs:
 915        >>>     print ("Oil is present")
 916        >>> else:
 917        >>>     print ("Oil is not present")
 918        """
 919        return self.init.phases
 921    def report_dates(self):
 922        """List of all the report dates that are available in this
 923        case. Items from this list can be used as a parameter to `at`
 924        to get the case for that particular report step.
 926        :returns: List of available report dates in sequence
 927        :rtype:   list [datetime.datetime]
 929        >>> for rstp in case.report_dates ():
 930                print (case.at (rstp).this_date)
 932        .. seealso:: at
 933        """
 934        return sorted(self.by_date.keys())
 936    def _delay_load(self, seq):
 937        """Make sure that recurrent data for a sequence step is loaded
 938        into memory.
 940        :param seq:   Sequence number of the restart
 941        :type seq:    int
 942        """
 943        # check if we have loaded the data file yet. since we need
 944        # to index the file while reading from it, we maintain a
 945        # cache of all the files that has been loaded.
 946        if seq in self.recur:
 947            restart = self.recur[seq]
 948        else:
 949            restart = EclipseRestart(self.init, seq)
 950            self.recur[seq] = restart
 952        return restart
 954    def at(self, when):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 955        """Recurrent data for a certain timestep. The result of this
 956        method is usually passed to function that need to calculate
 957        something using several properties.
 959        :param when:  Date of the property.
 960        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
 961        :returns:     Object containing properties for this timestep
 962        :rtype:       EclipseRestart
 963        """
 964        # get the sequence number of the report step; this is either
 965        # specified directly as an int, or given as a date
 966        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
 967            assert (when in self.by_date)
 968            seq = self.by_date[when]
 969        else:
 970            seq = when
 972        restart = self._delay_load(seq)
 973        return restart
 975    def atsm(self, when):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 976        """Recurrent data from summary file for a certain timestep. The result
 977        of this method is usually passed to function that need to calculate
 978        something using several properties.
 980        :param when:  Date of the property.
 981        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
 982        :returns:     Object containing summary properties for this timestep
 983        :rtype:       EclipseSummary
 984        """
 985        # get the sequence number of the report step; this is either
 986        # specified directly as an int, or given as a date
 987        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
 988            assert (when in self.by_date)
 989            seq = self.by_date[when]
 990        else:
 991            seq = when
 993        # check if we have loaded the data file yet. since we need
 994        # to index the file while reading from it, we maintain a
 995        # cache of all the files that has been loaded.
 996        if seq in self.sum:
 997            summary = self.sum[seq]
 998        else:
 999            summary = EclipseSummary(self.init, seq)
1000            self.sum[seq] = summary
1002        return summary
1004    def cell_data(self, prop, when=None):
1005        """Read cell-wise data from case. This can be either static information
1006        or recurrent information for a certain date.
1008        :param prop:  Name of the property, e.g. 'SWAT'
1009        :type prop:   str
1010        :param when:  Date of the property, or None if static
1011        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1012        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1013        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1015        :example:
1016        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1017        >>> zmf2 = case.cell_data ('ZMF2', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1018        """
1019        # if it is static property, it is found in the initial file
1020        if when is None:
1021            return self.init.cell_data(prop)
1022        else:
1023            # ask the restart file for the data
1024            return self.at(when).cell_data(prop)
1026    def field_data(self, prop, when=None):
1027        """Read field-wise data from case. This can be either static information
1028        or recurrent information for a certain date.
1030        :param prop:  Name of the property, e.g. 'ZPHASE'
1031        :type prop:   str
1032        :param when:  Date of the property, or None if static
1033        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1034        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1035        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1037        :example:
1038        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1039        >>> zphase = case.cell_data ('ZPHASE', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1040        """
1041        # if it is static property, it is found in the initial file
1042        if when is None:
1043            return self.init.field_data(prop)
1044        else:
1045            # ask the restart file for the data
1046            return self.at(when).field_data(prop)
1048    def summary_data(self, prop, when):
1049        """Read summary data from case. This is typically well data, but can
1050        also be e.g., newton iterations.
1052        :param prop: Name of the property, e.g., 'WWPR PRO1'.
1053        :type prop:  str
1054        :param when: Date of the property
1055        :type when:  :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1056        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1057        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1058        :example:
1059        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1060        >>> data = case.cell_data ('WWIR INJ-5',
1061                                   datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1062        """
1063        # Summary data is a bit more tricky than restart data. Mostly because
1064        # all specifications are given in the SMSPEC file. We must therefore
1065        # start by loading the mnemonic and the well associated with each data
1066        # vector
1067        return self.atsm(when).summary_data(prop)
1069    def grid(self):
1070        """Grid structure for simulation case."""
1071        # on-demand load the grid file
1072        if self._grid is None:
1073            self._grid = EclipseGrid(self.init.root)
1075        # offload this routine to the grid object
1076        return self._grid.grid()
1079class EclipseRFT (object):
1080    """Read data from an Eclipse RFT file."""
1082    def __init__(self, casename):
1083        """
1084        :param casename:  Path to the case, with or without extension.
1085        :type casename:   str
1086        """
1087        # get the directory of the file, using dot for current one if
1088        # no directory has been specified
1089        dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(casename)
1090        dir_name = '.' if dir_name == '' else dir_name
1092        # further remove the extension from the filename
1093        root, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
1095        # read the initial file to get the size of the grid and the
1096        # active flags, to load other properties
1097        self.root = os.path.join(dir_name, root)
1099        self.recur = {}
1100        self.sum = {}
1102    def rft_data(self, well, prop):
1103        """
1104        Read the rft data for the requested well
1105        :param well: Name of well, e.g. 'PRO-1'
1106        :param prop: Type of property (depth, pressure, swat, or sgas)
1107        :type well: str
1108        :type prop: str
1109        :return: Loaded array for the property.
1110        :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1111        >>> case = EclipseRFT (cmd_args.filename)
1112        >>> data = case.rft_data (well='INJ-5', prop='PRESSURE')
1113        """
1114        with EclipseFile(self.root, 'RFT') as eclf:
1115            vec_dat = None
1116            # Find the array from the current well
1117            for index in range(eclf.cnt['WELLETC ']):
1118                # well name for current index
1119                if eclf.get(kwd='WELLETC', seq=index)[1] == well.upper():
1120                    # check that this well has RFT data
1121                    assert 'R' in eclf.get(kwd='WELLETC', seq=index)[5]
1122                    vec_dat = eclf.get(kwd=prop, seq=index)
1123                    break
1125        return vec_dat
1128def main(*args):
1129    """Read a data file to see if it parses OK."""
1130    # setup simple logging where we prefix each line with a letter code
1131    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
1132                        format="%(levelname).1s: %(message).76s")
1134    # parse command-line arguments
1135    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
1136    parser.add_argument("filename")
1137    cmd_args = parser.parse_args(*args)
1139    # process file
1140    root, ext = os.path.splitext(cmd_args.filename)
1141    with EclipseFile(root, ext[1:]) as eclf:
1142        eclf.dump(True)
1145# executable library
1146if __name__ == "__main__":
1147    main(sys.argv[1:])
log = <Logger misc.ecl (WARNING)>
class EclipseFile:
264class EclipseFile (object):
265    """Low-level class to read records from binary files.
267    Access to this object must be within a monitor (`with`-statement).
268    """
270    def __init__(self, root, ext):
271        """Initialize file object from a path in the filesystem.
273        :param root:  Stem of the file name (including directory)
274        :param ext:   Extension of the file to read from.
275        """
276        # keep the file open (and locked) to read from it
277        self.filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(root, ext.upper())
278        self.fileobj = open(self.filename, 'rb')
280        # index the file so that we can find properties easily
281        log.debug("Indexing data file \"%s\"", self.filename)
282        self.cnt, self.cat = _build_cat(self.fileobj)
284    def __enter__(self):
285        self.fileobj.__enter__()
286        return self
288    def __exit__(self, typ, val, traceback):
289        """Close the underlaying file object when we go out of scope."""
290        self.fileobj.__exit__(typ, val, traceback)
292    def get(self, kwd, seq=0):
293        """Read a (potentially indexed) keyword from file.
295        :param kwd:  Keyword.
296        :type kwd:   str
297        :param seq:  Sequence number, starting from zero.
298        :type seq:   int
300        >>> with EclipseFile ('foo', 'EGRID') as grid:
301        >>>     zcorn = grid.get ('ZCORN')
302        """
303        # make sure that the keyword is exactly 8 chars
304        kwd = "{0:<8s}".format(kwd[:8].upper())
306        # locate the data in the file and read them there, returning
307        # None if we didn't find any matching record in the catalog
308        key = _DataKey(kwd=kwd, seq=seq)
309        if key in self.cat:
310            descr = self.cat[key]
311            data = _read_rec(self.fileobj, descr)
312            return data
313        else:
314            return None
316    def dump(self, positional=False, fileobj=sys.stdout):
317        """Dump catalog contents of records in the datafile.
319        :param positional:  True if the keywords should be sorted
320                            on position in the file.
321        :type positional:   bool
323        >>> f = EclipseFile ("foo", 'INIT')
324        >>> f.dump ()
325        """
326        if positional:
327            # build a dictionary of positions and they record that
328            # are at each of those positions. by using the position
329            # as the key of the dictionary, we can sort them and then
330            # retrive the keys in positionally sorted order
331            by_pos = {}
332            for key in self.cat.keys():
333                descr = self.cat[key]
334                by_pos[descr.pos] = key
335            key_list = [by_pos[pos] for pos in sorted(by_pos.keys())]
336        else:
337            # sort the list of keywords alphabetically and then
338            # by sequence number
339            key_list = sorted(self.cat.keys())
341        # write each entry in the catalog to the console
342        for key in key_list:
343            kwd, seq = key
344            descr = self.cat[key]
345            total = self.cnt[kwd]
347            # print different text if there is only one of this keyword
348            if total == 1:
349                fmt = '{0:<8s}  {5:7s}  {2:>8d} * {3:4s}\n'
350            else:
351                fmt = '{0:<8s}  {1:03d}/{4:03d}  {2:>8d} * {3:4s}\n'
353            # write information for this record
354            fileobj.write(fmt.format(
355                kwd, seq + 1, descr.num, descr.typ, total, ''))

Low-level class to read records from binary files.

Access to this object must be within a monitor (with-statement).

EclipseFile(root, ext)
270    def __init__(self, root, ext):
271        """Initialize file object from a path in the filesystem.
273        :param root:  Stem of the file name (including directory)
274        :param ext:   Extension of the file to read from.
275        """
276        # keep the file open (and locked) to read from it
277        self.filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(root, ext.upper())
278        self.fileobj = open(self.filename, 'rb')
280        # index the file so that we can find properties easily
281        log.debug("Indexing data file \"%s\"", self.filename)
282        self.cnt, self.cat = _build_cat(self.fileobj)

Initialize file object from a path in the filesystem.

  • root: Stem of the file name (including directory)
  • ext: Extension of the file to read from.
def get(self, kwd, seq=0):
292    def get(self, kwd, seq=0):
293        """Read a (potentially indexed) keyword from file.
295        :param kwd:  Keyword.
296        :type kwd:   str
297        :param seq:  Sequence number, starting from zero.
298        :type seq:   int
300        >>> with EclipseFile ('foo', 'EGRID') as grid:
301        >>>     zcorn = grid.get ('ZCORN')
302        """
303        # make sure that the keyword is exactly 8 chars
304        kwd = "{0:<8s}".format(kwd[:8].upper())
306        # locate the data in the file and read them there, returning
307        # None if we didn't find any matching record in the catalog
308        key = _DataKey(kwd=kwd, seq=seq)
309        if key in self.cat:
310            descr = self.cat[key]
311            data = _read_rec(self.fileobj, descr)
312            return data
313        else:
314            return None

Read a (potentially indexed) keyword from file.

  • kwd: Keyword.
  • seq: Sequence number, starting from zero.
>>> with EclipseFile ('foo', 'EGRID') as grid:
>>>     zcorn = grid.get ('ZCORN')
def dump(self, positional=False, fileobj=<_io.StringIO object>):
316    def dump(self, positional=False, fileobj=sys.stdout):
317        """Dump catalog contents of records in the datafile.
319        :param positional:  True if the keywords should be sorted
320                            on position in the file.
321        :type positional:   bool
323        >>> f = EclipseFile ("foo", 'INIT')
324        >>> f.dump ()
325        """
326        if positional:
327            # build a dictionary of positions and they record that
328            # are at each of those positions. by using the position
329            # as the key of the dictionary, we can sort them and then
330            # retrive the keys in positionally sorted order
331            by_pos = {}
332            for key in self.cat.keys():
333                descr = self.cat[key]
334                by_pos[descr.pos] = key
335            key_list = [by_pos[pos] for pos in sorted(by_pos.keys())]
336        else:
337            # sort the list of keywords alphabetically and then
338            # by sequence number
339            key_list = sorted(self.cat.keys())
341        # write each entry in the catalog to the console
342        for key in key_list:
343            kwd, seq = key
344            descr = self.cat[key]
345            total = self.cnt[kwd]
347            # print different text if there is only one of this keyword
348            if total == 1:
349                fmt = '{0:<8s}  {5:7s}  {2:>8d} * {3:4s}\n'
350            else:
351                fmt = '{0:<8s}  {1:03d}/{4:03d}  {2:>8d} * {3:4s}\n'
353            # write information for this record
354            fileobj.write(fmt.format(
355                kwd, seq + 1, descr.num, descr.typ, total, ''))

Dump catalog contents of records in the datafile.

  • positional: True if the keywords should be sorted on position in the file.
>>> f = EclipseFile ("foo", 'INIT')
>>> f.dump ()
class EclipseGrid:
359class EclipseGrid (object):
360    """Corner-point geometry data from an Eclipse Extensive Grid file."""
362    def __init__(self, root):
363        # save the root variable for later
364        self.root = root
366        # read the extent of the grid right away since we need that for
367        # later (when reading properties).
368        with EclipseFile(root, "EGRID") as egrid:
369            # read the grid header
370            grid_head = egrid.get('GRIDHEAD')
372            # only corner-point grids are supported
373            assert (grid_head[0] == 1)
375            # get dimensions of the grid
376            self.ni = grid_head[1]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
377            self.nj = grid_head[2]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
378            self.nk = grid_head[3]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
379            log.info("Grid dimension is %d x %d x %d",
380                     self.ni, self.nj, self.nk)
382            # also store a shape tuple which describes the grid cube
383            self.shape = (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni)
385            # read the structure of the grid
386            log.debug("Reading pillar coordinates")
387            coord = egrid.get('COORD')
388            self.coord = numpy.reshape(coord,
389                                       (self.nj + 1, self.ni + 1, 2, 3))
391            log.debug("Reading corner depths")
392            zcorn = egrid.get('ZCORN')
393            self.zcorn = numpy.reshape(zcorn,
394                                       (self.nk, 2, self.nj, 2, self.ni, 2))
396            log.debug("Reading active flag")
397            actnum = egrid.get('ACTNUM')
399            # make it a true flag, so we can use it for binary indexing
400            actnum = actnum.astype(bool)
402            # now we keep the actnum array in its proper shape,
403            # corresponding to the grid cube
404            self.actnum = numpy.reshape(actnum, self.shape)
406            # create a common mask in the grid that we can use in
407            # masked arrays for other properties.
408            self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.actnum)
410            # restart properties are only saved for the active elements,
411            # so we can cache this number to compare
412            self.num_active = numpy.sum(self.actnum)
413            log.info("Grid has %d active cells", self.num_active)
415    def grid(self):
416        """\
417        Create a grid structure from the information read from file.
419        :return:  Grid structure
420        :rtype:   dict
422        >>> # convert from .EGRID to .grdecl:
423        >>> import pyresito.io.ecl as ecl
424        >>> import pyresito.io.grdecl as grdecl
425        >>> grdecl.write('foo.grdecl', ecl.EclipseGrid('FOO').grid())
426        """
427        # we have all the information that is required in the correct
428        # format already as soon as we read it from file
429        dimens = numpy.array([self.shape[2],
430                              self.shape[1],
431                              self.shape[0]], dtype=numpy.int32)
433        # return grid in the same format as if it was read directly from
434        # the original corner-point grid definition (.grdecl)
435        return {'DIMENS': dimens,
436                'COORD':  self.coord.copy(),
437                'ZCORN':  self.zcorn.copy(),
438                'ACTNUM': self.actnum.copy(),
439                }

Corner-point geometry data from an Eclipse Extensive Grid file.

362    def __init__(self, root):
363        # save the root variable for later
364        self.root = root
366        # read the extent of the grid right away since we need that for
367        # later (when reading properties).
368        with EclipseFile(root, "EGRID") as egrid:
369            # read the grid header
370            grid_head = egrid.get('GRIDHEAD')
372            # only corner-point grids are supported
373            assert (grid_head[0] == 1)
375            # get dimensions of the grid
376            self.ni = grid_head[1]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
377            self.nj = grid_head[2]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
378            self.nk = grid_head[3]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
379            log.info("Grid dimension is %d x %d x %d",
380                     self.ni, self.nj, self.nk)
382            # also store a shape tuple which describes the grid cube
383            self.shape = (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni)
385            # read the structure of the grid
386            log.debug("Reading pillar coordinates")
387            coord = egrid.get('COORD')
388            self.coord = numpy.reshape(coord,
389                                       (self.nj + 1, self.ni + 1, 2, 3))
391            log.debug("Reading corner depths")
392            zcorn = egrid.get('ZCORN')
393            self.zcorn = numpy.reshape(zcorn,
394                                       (self.nk, 2, self.nj, 2, self.ni, 2))
396            log.debug("Reading active flag")
397            actnum = egrid.get('ACTNUM')
399            # make it a true flag, so we can use it for binary indexing
400            actnum = actnum.astype(bool)
402            # now we keep the actnum array in its proper shape,
403            # corresponding to the grid cube
404            self.actnum = numpy.reshape(actnum, self.shape)
406            # create a common mask in the grid that we can use in
407            # masked arrays for other properties.
408            self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.actnum)
410            # restart properties are only saved for the active elements,
411            # so we can cache this number to compare
412            self.num_active = numpy.sum(self.actnum)
413            log.info("Grid has %d active cells", self.num_active)
def grid(self):
415    def grid(self):
416        """\
417        Create a grid structure from the information read from file.
419        :return:  Grid structure
420        :rtype:   dict
422        >>> # convert from .EGRID to .grdecl:
423        >>> import pyresito.io.ecl as ecl
424        >>> import pyresito.io.grdecl as grdecl
425        >>> grdecl.write('foo.grdecl', ecl.EclipseGrid('FOO').grid())
426        """
427        # we have all the information that is required in the correct
428        # format already as soon as we read it from file
429        dimens = numpy.array([self.shape[2],
430                              self.shape[1],
431                              self.shape[0]], dtype=numpy.int32)
433        # return grid in the same format as if it was read directly from
434        # the original corner-point grid definition (.grdecl)
435        return {'DIMENS': dimens,
436                'COORD':  self.coord.copy(),
437                'ZCORN':  self.zcorn.copy(),
438                'ACTNUM': self.actnum.copy(),
439                }

Create a grid structure from the information read from file.


Grid structure

>>> # convert from .EGRID to misc.grdecl:
>>> import pyresito.io.ecl as ecl
>>> import pyresito.io.grdecl as grdecl
>>> grdecl.write('foo.grdecl', ecl.EclipseGrid('FOO')misc.grid())
class EclipseData:
486class EclipseData (object):
487    """Base class for both static and recurrent data."""
489    def __init__(self, grid, root, ext):
490        self.grid = grid  # grid extent information
491        self.root = root  # underlaying file name
492        self.ext = ext    # connected file with extent of grid
494        # list of components isn't loaded yet (and may never be)
495        self.comp = None
497    def components(self):
498        """Components that exist in the restart file. Components used in the
499        simulation are stored in all the restart files instead of once in the
500        init file, since it is the restart file that hold component fields.
501        """
502        # delay-load the list of components; if it already is loaded,
503        # then just return the stored one. we cache component names since
504        # they are needed to lookup property names.
505        if self.comp is None:
506            # load that datafile
507            with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
508                raw_comp = store.get('ZCOMPS')
510            # create a dictionary over all the components, in the order they
511            # were specified in the file, since component-based properties have
512            # this index as part of their name.
513            self.comp = collections.OrderedDict(
514                [(str(nom), ndx + 1) for ndx, nom in enumerate(raw_comp)])
516        return self.comp
518    def _comp_phase(self, selector):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
519        """Code indicating the phase, when we are asking for a component-based
520        property. This code is different than when asking for a phase-based
521        property.
522        """
523        # second argument is the component, (optional) third argument is
524        # the phase. when it comes to listing mole fractions, simulators (for
525        # some unknown reason) uses other mnemonics than O, W, G to designate
526        # phases.
527        if len(selector) == 2:
528            mph = 'Z'
529        elif selector[2] == Phase.oil:
530            mph = 'X'
531        elif selector[2] == Phase.wat:
532            mph = 'A'
533        elif selector[2] == Phase.gas:
534            mph = 'Y'
535        else:
536            assert False
538        return mph
540    def _get_prop_name(self, selector):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
541        """Compose an internal name for the property as specified by a
542        high-level selector.
544        :param selector:  Selector tuple, e.g. (Prop.mole, 'CO2', Phase.gas)
545        :param names:     Dictionary of defined names in the case. There must
546                          be an entry "components" containing the names of the
547                          components in the case files.
548        :returns:         Name of the property to be queried, e.g. "ZMF2"
549        """
550        # if the selector is a tuple, then use the first member to get a
551        # function that can parse the others
552        if isinstance(selector, tuple):
553            # take the full selector (and the name dictionary to supplement)
554            # and compose the final name. the selector can therefore be thought
555            # of as an s-expr which is evaluated here
556            if selector[0] == Prop.pres:
557                name = 'PRESSURE'
558            elif selector[0] == Prop.sat:
559                # second argument is the phase
560                name = 'S' + selector[1]
561            elif selector[1] == Prop.mole:
562                # get the phase scope of the component property
563                scope = self._comp_phase(selector)
565                # use dictionary to find the component index number
566                ndx = ('' if selector[1] is None
567                       else str(self.components()[selector[1]]))
569                name = scope + 'MF' + ndx
570            else:
571                assert False
573        else:
574            # if it is not a selector, then it is (probably) a string, and
575            # we forward it without any formatting, for compatibility
576            name = selector
578        return name
580    def cell_data(self, selector):
581        """Get a field property for every cell at this restart step.
583        :param selector: Specification of the property to be loaded. This is a
584                         tuple starting with a Prop, and then some context-
585                         dependent items.
586        :returns:        Array of the data with inactive cells masked off.
588        >>> pres = case.cell_data ((Prop.pres,))
589        >>> swat = case.cell_data ((Prop.sat, Phase.wat))
590        >>> xco2 = case.cell_data ((Prop.mole, 'CO2', Phase.gas))
591        """
592        # get the internal name of the property requested
593        propname = self._get_prop_name(selector)
595        # load the data itself
596        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
597            active_data = store.get(propname)
599        # if there is a fully specified array, then just use the data
600        if active_data.shape[0] == numpy.prod(self.grid.shape):
601            data = numpy.reshape(active_data, self.grid.shape)
603        # if the data is "compressed", i.e. only the active elements are
604        # stored, then uncompress it before storing it in a masked array
605        elif active_data.shape[0] == self.grid.num_active:
606            # allocate an array to hold the entire array. fill with zeros
607            # since this value exists for all datatypes (nan doesn't)
608            data = numpy.zeros(self.grid.shape, dtype=active_data.dtype)
610            # assign only the values that are actually active
611            data[self.grid.actnum] = active_data
612        else:
613            assert (False)
615        # return an array where the non-active elements are masked away
616        return numpy.ma.array(data=data, dtype=data.dtype,
617                              mask=self.grid.mask)
619    def field_data(self, propname):
620        """Get a property for the entire field at this restart step.
622        :param propname: Name of the property to be loaded.
623        :returns:        Array of the data.
624        """
625        # load the data itself
626        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
627            return store.get(propname)
629    def summary_data(self, propname):
630        """Get a property from the summary file at this restart step.
632        :param propname: Name of the property to be loaded. This is on the form
633                         'mnemonic well', e.g. 'WWIR I05'. Alternatively, one
634                         propname can be either only well or only mnemonic.
635                         Then the value for all mnememonics or all wells are
636                         given, e.g., propname='WWIR' returns WWIR for all
637                         wells.
638        :returns:        Array of the data.
639        """
640        # need to find the mneumonics and well info from the specification file
641        with EclipseFile(self.root, 'SMSPEC') as store:
642            mnemonic = store.get('KEYWORDS')
643            well = store.get('WGNAMES')
645        # split the propname
646        prop_elem = propname.upper().split()
648        assert len(prop_elem) < 3
650        if len(prop_elem) == 1:  # only well or mnemonic is given
651            if prop_elem in mnemonic:
652                ind = numpy.where(mnemonic == prop_elem)
653            elif prop_elem in well:
654                ind = numpy.where(well == prop_elem)
656        elif len(prop_elem) == 2:
657            # find all indexes for the mnemonic
658            tmp_ind = numpy.where(mnemonic == prop_elem[0])
660            # fine all indexes for the well
661            tmp_ind2 = numpy.where(well == prop_elem[1])
663            # only one element is equal
664            ind = tmp_ind[0][numpy.array(
665                [elem in tmp_ind2[0] for elem in tmp_ind[0]])]
667        # The challenge with the summary files is that it contains vectors of
668        # values for all "ministeps" controlled by the internal time stepping
669        # procedure. We are only interested in values at the report time, e.g.,
670        # the final "ministep". It it, however, possible to collect all values,
671        # e.g., for number of newton iterations.
672        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
673            # Since we do not know the number of timesteps we must find how
674            # many times the PARAM keyword has been given
675            total = store.cnt['PARAMS  ']  # Gives number of ministeps
677            # Get the final instance, need to remove one since python counts
678            # from zero
679            vec_dat = store.get(kwd='PARAMS  ', seq=total-1)
681        return vec_dat[ind]

Base class for both static and recurrent data.

EclipseData(grid, root, ext)
489    def __init__(self, grid, root, ext):
490        self.grid = grid  # grid extent information
491        self.root = root  # underlaying file name
492        self.ext = ext    # connected file with extent of grid
494        # list of components isn't loaded yet (and may never be)
495        self.comp = None
def components(self):
497    def components(self):
498        """Components that exist in the restart file. Components used in the
499        simulation are stored in all the restart files instead of once in the
500        init file, since it is the restart file that hold component fields.
501        """
502        # delay-load the list of components; if it already is loaded,
503        # then just return the stored one. we cache component names since
504        # they are needed to lookup property names.
505        if self.comp is None:
506            # load that datafile
507            with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
508                raw_comp = store.get('ZCOMPS')
510            # create a dictionary over all the components, in the order they
511            # were specified in the file, since component-based properties have
512            # this index as part of their name.
513            self.comp = collections.OrderedDict(
514                [(str(nom), ndx + 1) for ndx, nom in enumerate(raw_comp)])
516        return self.comp

Components that exist in the restart file. Components used in the simulation are stored in all the restart files instead of once in the init file, since it is the restart file that hold component fields.

def cell_data(self, selector):
580    def cell_data(self, selector):
581        """Get a field property for every cell at this restart step.
583        :param selector: Specification of the property to be loaded. This is a
584                         tuple starting with a Prop, and then some context-
585                         dependent items.
586        :returns:        Array of the data with inactive cells masked off.
588        >>> pres = case.cell_data ((Prop.pres,))
589        >>> swat = case.cell_data ((Prop.sat, Phase.wat))
590        >>> xco2 = case.cell_data ((Prop.mole, 'CO2', Phase.gas))
591        """
592        # get the internal name of the property requested
593        propname = self._get_prop_name(selector)
595        # load the data itself
596        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
597            active_data = store.get(propname)
599        # if there is a fully specified array, then just use the data
600        if active_data.shape[0] == numpy.prod(self.grid.shape):
601            data = numpy.reshape(active_data, self.grid.shape)
603        # if the data is "compressed", i.e. only the active elements are
604        # stored, then uncompress it before storing it in a masked array
605        elif active_data.shape[0] == self.grid.num_active:
606            # allocate an array to hold the entire array. fill with zeros
607            # since this value exists for all datatypes (nan doesn't)
608            data = numpy.zeros(self.grid.shape, dtype=active_data.dtype)
610            # assign only the values that are actually active
611            data[self.grid.actnum] = active_data
612        else:
613            assert (False)
615        # return an array where the non-active elements are masked away
616        return numpy.ma.array(data=data, dtype=data.dtype,
617                              mask=self.grid.mask)

Get a field property for every cell at this restart step.

  • selector: Specification of the property to be loaded. This is a tuple starting with a Prop, and then some context- dependent items. :returns: Array of the data with inactive cells masked off.
>>> pres = case.cell_data ((Prop.pres,))
>>> swat = case.cell_data ((Prop.sat, Phase.wat))
>>> xco2 = case.cell_data ((Prop.mole, 'CO2', Phase.gas))
def field_data(self, propname):
619    def field_data(self, propname):
620        """Get a property for the entire field at this restart step.
622        :param propname: Name of the property to be loaded.
623        :returns:        Array of the data.
624        """
625        # load the data itself
626        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
627            return store.get(propname)

Get a property for the entire field at this restart step.

  • propname: Name of the property to be loaded. :returns: Array of the data.
def summary_data(self, propname):
629    def summary_data(self, propname):
630        """Get a property from the summary file at this restart step.
632        :param propname: Name of the property to be loaded. This is on the form
633                         'mnemonic well', e.g. 'WWIR I05'. Alternatively, one
634                         propname can be either only well or only mnemonic.
635                         Then the value for all mnememonics or all wells are
636                         given, e.g., propname='WWIR' returns WWIR for all
637                         wells.
638        :returns:        Array of the data.
639        """
640        # need to find the mneumonics and well info from the specification file
641        with EclipseFile(self.root, 'SMSPEC') as store:
642            mnemonic = store.get('KEYWORDS')
643            well = store.get('WGNAMES')
645        # split the propname
646        prop_elem = propname.upper().split()
648        assert len(prop_elem) < 3
650        if len(prop_elem) == 1:  # only well or mnemonic is given
651            if prop_elem in mnemonic:
652                ind = numpy.where(mnemonic == prop_elem)
653            elif prop_elem in well:
654                ind = numpy.where(well == prop_elem)
656        elif len(prop_elem) == 2:
657            # find all indexes for the mnemonic
658            tmp_ind = numpy.where(mnemonic == prop_elem[0])
660            # fine all indexes for the well
661            tmp_ind2 = numpy.where(well == prop_elem[1])
663            # only one element is equal
664            ind = tmp_ind[0][numpy.array(
665                [elem in tmp_ind2[0] for elem in tmp_ind[0]])]
667        # The challenge with the summary files is that it contains vectors of
668        # values for all "ministeps" controlled by the internal time stepping
669        # procedure. We are only interested in values at the report time, e.g.,
670        # the final "ministep". It it, however, possible to collect all values,
671        # e.g., for number of newton iterations.
672        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
673            # Since we do not know the number of timesteps we must find how
674            # many times the PARAM keyword has been given
675            total = store.cnt['PARAMS  ']  # Gives number of ministeps
677            # Get the final instance, need to remove one since python counts
678            # from zero
679            vec_dat = store.get(kwd='PARAMS  ', seq=total-1)
681        return vec_dat[ind]

Get a property from the summary file at this restart step.

  • propname: Name of the property to be loaded. This is on the form 'mnemonic well', e.g. 'WWIR I05'. Alternatively, one propname can be either only well or only mnemonic. Then the value for all mnememonics or all wells are given, e.g., propname='WWIR' returns WWIR for all wells. :returns: Array of the data.
class EclipseInit(EclipseData):
701class EclipseInit (EclipseData):
702    """Read information from static data (init) file."""
704    def __init__(self, root):
705        # bootstrap ourself; if the base class is reading a property
706        # that require reformatting, then we have all the information
707        # needed right here!
708        super(EclipseInit, self).__init__(self, root, 'INIT')
710        # read properties from file (notice that file is closed afterwards)
711        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
712            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
713            porv = store.get('PORV')
715        # get the dimensions from the grid
716        self.ni = intehead[8]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
717        self.nj = intehead[9]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
718        self.nk = intehead[10]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
720        # notice that we store the grid in C order, i.e. the dimensions
721        # are swapped compared with what they are in Eclipse (Fortran)
722        self.shape = (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni)
724        # get the starting date of the simulation
725        self.start_date = _intehead_date(intehead)
727        # get the phases in the simulation
728        self.phases = _intehead_phases(intehead)
730        # number of active elements is explicitly listed
731        self.num_active = intehead[11]
733        # get the pore volume and reformat it into the shape of the grid
734        self.pore_vol = numpy.reshape(porv, self.shape)
736        # create a mask and actnum array based on the pore volume
737        # (active cells must have strictly positive volume)
738        self.actnum = numpy.greater(self.pore_vol, 0.)
739        self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.actnum)
740        assert (numpy.sum(self.actnum.ravel()) == self.num_active)

Read information from static data (init) file.

704    def __init__(self, root):
705        # bootstrap ourself; if the base class is reading a property
706        # that require reformatting, then we have all the information
707        # needed right here!
708        super(EclipseInit, self).__init__(self, root, 'INIT')
710        # read properties from file (notice that file is closed afterwards)
711        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
712            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
713            porv = store.get('PORV')
715        # get the dimensions from the grid
716        self.ni = intehead[8]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
717        self.nj = intehead[9]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
718        self.nk = intehead[10]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
720        # notice that we store the grid in C order, i.e. the dimensions
721        # are swapped compared with what they are in Eclipse (Fortran)
722        self.shape = (self.nk, self.nj, self.ni)
724        # get the starting date of the simulation
725        self.start_date = _intehead_date(intehead)
727        # get the phases in the simulation
728        self.phases = _intehead_phases(intehead)
730        # number of active elements is explicitly listed
731        self.num_active = intehead[11]
733        # get the pore volume and reformat it into the shape of the grid
734        self.pore_vol = numpy.reshape(porv, self.shape)
736        # create a mask and actnum array based on the pore volume
737        # (active cells must have strictly positive volume)
738        self.actnum = numpy.greater(self.pore_vol, 0.)
739        self.mask = numpy.logical_not(self.actnum)
740        assert (numpy.sum(self.actnum.ravel()) == self.num_active)
class EclipseRestart(EclipseData):
743class EclipseRestart (EclipseData):
744    """Read information from a recurrent data (restart) file."""
746    def __init__(self, grid, seq):
747        """
748        :param grid:  Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
749        :type grid:   EclipseInit (or EclipseGrid)
750        :param seq:   Run number.
751        :type seq:    int
752        """
753        super(EclipseRestart, self).__init__(grid, grid.root,
754                                             "X{0:04d}".format(seq))
756    def date(self):
757        """Simulation date the restart file is created for."""
758        # dates are stored in the header
759        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
760            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
762        # convert Eclipse date field to a Python date object
763        return _intehead_date(intehead)

Read information from a recurrent data (restart) file.

EclipseRestart(grid, seq)
746    def __init__(self, grid, seq):
747        """
748        :param grid:  Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
749        :type grid:   EclipseInit (or EclipseGrid)
750        :param seq:   Run number.
751        :type seq:    int
752        """
753        super(EclipseRestart, self).__init__(grid, grid.root,
754                                             "X{0:04d}".format(seq))
  • grid: Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
  • seq: Run number.
def date(self):
756    def date(self):
757        """Simulation date the restart file is created for."""
758        # dates are stored in the header
759        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
760            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
762        # convert Eclipse date field to a Python date object
763        return _intehead_date(intehead)

Simulation date the restart file is created for.

class EclipseSummary(EclipseData):
766class EclipseSummary (EclipseData):
767    """Read information from a recurrent data (summary) file."""
769    def __init__(self, grid, seq):
770        """
771        :param grid:  Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
772        :type grid:   EclipseInit (or EclipseGrid)
773        :param seq:   Run number.
774        :type seq:    int
775        """
776        super(EclipseSummary, self).__init__(grid, grid.root,
777                                             "S{0:04d}".format(seq))
779    def date(self):
780        """Simulation date the restart file is created for."""
781        # dates are stored in the header
782        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
783            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
785        # convert Eclipse date field to a Python date object
786        return _intehead_date(intehead)

Read information from a recurrent data (summary) file.

EclipseSummary(grid, seq)
769    def __init__(self, grid, seq):
770        """
771        :param grid:  Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
772        :type grid:   EclipseInit (or EclipseGrid)
773        :param seq:   Run number.
774        :type seq:    int
775        """
776        super(EclipseSummary, self).__init__(grid, grid.root,
777                                             "S{0:04d}".format(seq))
  • grid: Initialization file which contains grid dimensions.
  • seq: Run number.
def date(self):
779    def date(self):
780        """Simulation date the restart file is created for."""
781        # dates are stored in the header
782        with EclipseFile(self.root, self.ext) as store:
783            intehead = store.get('INTEHEAD')
785        # convert Eclipse date field to a Python date object
786        return _intehead_date(intehead)

Simulation date the restart file is created for.

class EclipseCase:
 828class EclipseCase (object):
 829    """Read data for an Eclipse simulation case."""
 831    def __init__(self, casename):
 832        """
 833        :param casename:  Path to the case, with or without extension.
 834        :type casename:   str
 835        """
 836        # keys of this dictionary will be dates, the values are the sequence
 837        # numbers that are associated with those dates
 838        self.by_date = {}
 840        # get the directory of the file, using dot for current one if
 841        # no directory has been specified
 842        dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(casename)
 843        dir_name = '.' if dir_name == '' else path.expanduser(dir_name)
 845        # further remove the extension from the filename
 846        root, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
 848        # get a list of all restart files that are in this directory
 849        log.debug("Indexing restart files")
 850        for fname in os.listdir(dir_name):
 851            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname,
 852                               '{0}.X[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'.format(root)):
 853                # last four characters of the filename is the sequence number;
 854                # using int does not cause it to be interpreted octal even if
 855                # it starts with zero, fortunately
 856                seq = int(fname[-4:])
 858                # quickly scan this file to determine the correlation between
 859                with open(os.path.join(dir_name, fname), 'rb') as fileobj:
 860                    this_date = _quick_date(fileobj)
 861                self.by_date[this_date] = seq
 862        log.debug("Found %d restart files", len(self.by_date))
 864        # read the initial file to get the size of the grid and the
 865        # active flags, to load other properties
 866        self.root = os.path.join(dir_name, root)
 867        self.init = EclipseInit(self.root)
 869        # we haven't loaded any grid or recurrent data yet
 870        self._grid = None
 871        self.recur = {}
 872        self.sum = {}
 873        self.comp = None
 875    def shape(self):
 876        """\
 877        Get shape of returned field data.
 879        :return:  (num_k, num_j, num_i)
 880        :rtype:   (int, int, int)
 881        """
 882        return self.init.shape
 884    def start_date(self):
 885        """Starting date of the simulation"""
 886        return self.init.start_date
 888    def components(self):
 889        """Components that exist in the restart file.
 891        >>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
 892        >>> comps = case.components ()
 893        >>> print ("Number of components is %d" % (len (comps)))
 894        >>> for num, name in enumerate (comps):
 895        >>>     print ("%d : %s" % (num, name))
 896        """
 897        # get the last report date, and the index of that. the last
 898        # is selected because it is the most likely timestep to be
 899        # loaded by the user code (end results), and the number of
 900        # components shouldn't change during the run.
 901        lst_dat = max(self.by_date.keys())
 902        lst_seq = self.by_date[lst_dat]
 903        log.debug("Loading component list at date %s (step %04d)",
 904                  lst_dat.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), lst_seq)
 905        restart = self._delay_load(lst_seq)
 906        return restart.components()
 908    def phases(self):
 909        """Phases that exist in the restart file.
 911        >>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
 912        >>> phs = case.phases ()
 913        >>> print ("Number of phases is %d" % (len (phs)))
 914        >>> print ("Keyword for first phase is %s" % ("S" + phs [0]))
 915        >>> if Phase.oil in phs:
 916        >>>     print ("Oil is present")
 917        >>> else:
 918        >>>     print ("Oil is not present")
 919        """
 920        return self.init.phases
 922    def report_dates(self):
 923        """List of all the report dates that are available in this
 924        case. Items from this list can be used as a parameter to `at`
 925        to get the case for that particular report step.
 927        :returns: List of available report dates in sequence
 928        :rtype:   list [datetime.datetime]
 930        >>> for rstp in case.report_dates ():
 931                print (case.at (rstp).this_date)
 933        .. seealso:: at
 934        """
 935        return sorted(self.by_date.keys())
 937    def _delay_load(self, seq):
 938        """Make sure that recurrent data for a sequence step is loaded
 939        into memory.
 941        :param seq:   Sequence number of the restart
 942        :type seq:    int
 943        """
 944        # check if we have loaded the data file yet. since we need
 945        # to index the file while reading from it, we maintain a
 946        # cache of all the files that has been loaded.
 947        if seq in self.recur:
 948            restart = self.recur[seq]
 949        else:
 950            restart = EclipseRestart(self.init, seq)
 951            self.recur[seq] = restart
 953        return restart
 955    def at(self, when):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 956        """Recurrent data for a certain timestep. The result of this
 957        method is usually passed to function that need to calculate
 958        something using several properties.
 960        :param when:  Date of the property.
 961        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
 962        :returns:     Object containing properties for this timestep
 963        :rtype:       EclipseRestart
 964        """
 965        # get the sequence number of the report step; this is either
 966        # specified directly as an int, or given as a date
 967        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
 968            assert (when in self.by_date)
 969            seq = self.by_date[when]
 970        else:
 971            seq = when
 973        restart = self._delay_load(seq)
 974        return restart
 976    def atsm(self, when):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 977        """Recurrent data from summary file for a certain timestep. The result
 978        of this method is usually passed to function that need to calculate
 979        something using several properties.
 981        :param when:  Date of the property.
 982        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
 983        :returns:     Object containing summary properties for this timestep
 984        :rtype:       EclipseSummary
 985        """
 986        # get the sequence number of the report step; this is either
 987        # specified directly as an int, or given as a date
 988        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
 989            assert (when in self.by_date)
 990            seq = self.by_date[when]
 991        else:
 992            seq = when
 994        # check if we have loaded the data file yet. since we need
 995        # to index the file while reading from it, we maintain a
 996        # cache of all the files that has been loaded.
 997        if seq in self.sum:
 998            summary = self.sum[seq]
 999        else:
1000            summary = EclipseSummary(self.init, seq)
1001            self.sum[seq] = summary
1003        return summary
1005    def cell_data(self, prop, when=None):
1006        """Read cell-wise data from case. This can be either static information
1007        or recurrent information for a certain date.
1009        :param prop:  Name of the property, e.g. 'SWAT'
1010        :type prop:   str
1011        :param when:  Date of the property, or None if static
1012        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1013        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1014        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1016        :example:
1017        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1018        >>> zmf2 = case.cell_data ('ZMF2', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1019        """
1020        # if it is static property, it is found in the initial file
1021        if when is None:
1022            return self.init.cell_data(prop)
1023        else:
1024            # ask the restart file for the data
1025            return self.at(when).cell_data(prop)
1027    def field_data(self, prop, when=None):
1028        """Read field-wise data from case. This can be either static information
1029        or recurrent information for a certain date.
1031        :param prop:  Name of the property, e.g. 'ZPHASE'
1032        :type prop:   str
1033        :param when:  Date of the property, or None if static
1034        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1035        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1036        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1038        :example:
1039        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1040        >>> zphase = case.cell_data ('ZPHASE', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1041        """
1042        # if it is static property, it is found in the initial file
1043        if when is None:
1044            return self.init.field_data(prop)
1045        else:
1046            # ask the restart file for the data
1047            return self.at(when).field_data(prop)
1049    def summary_data(self, prop, when):
1050        """Read summary data from case. This is typically well data, but can
1051        also be e.g., newton iterations.
1053        :param prop: Name of the property, e.g., 'WWPR PRO1'.
1054        :type prop:  str
1055        :param when: Date of the property
1056        :type when:  :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1057        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1058        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1059        :example:
1060        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1061        >>> data = case.cell_data ('WWIR INJ-5',
1062                                   datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1063        """
1064        # Summary data is a bit more tricky than restart data. Mostly because
1065        # all specifications are given in the SMSPEC file. We must therefore
1066        # start by loading the mnemonic and the well associated with each data
1067        # vector
1068        return self.atsm(when).summary_data(prop)
1070    def grid(self):
1071        """Grid structure for simulation case."""
1072        # on-demand load the grid file
1073        if self._grid is None:
1074            self._grid = EclipseGrid(self.init.root)
1076        # offload this routine to the grid object
1077        return self._grid.grid()

Read data for an Eclipse simulation case.

831    def __init__(self, casename):
832        """
833        :param casename:  Path to the case, with or without extension.
834        :type casename:   str
835        """
836        # keys of this dictionary will be dates, the values are the sequence
837        # numbers that are associated with those dates
838        self.by_date = {}
840        # get the directory of the file, using dot for current one if
841        # no directory has been specified
842        dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(casename)
843        dir_name = '.' if dir_name == '' else path.expanduser(dir_name)
845        # further remove the extension from the filename
846        root, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
848        # get a list of all restart files that are in this directory
849        log.debug("Indexing restart files")
850        for fname in os.listdir(dir_name):
851            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname,
852                               '{0}.X[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'.format(root)):
853                # last four characters of the filename is the sequence number;
854                # using int does not cause it to be interpreted octal even if
855                # it starts with zero, fortunately
856                seq = int(fname[-4:])
858                # quickly scan this file to determine the correlation between
859                with open(os.path.join(dir_name, fname), 'rb') as fileobj:
860                    this_date = _quick_date(fileobj)
861                self.by_date[this_date] = seq
862        log.debug("Found %d restart files", len(self.by_date))
864        # read the initial file to get the size of the grid and the
865        # active flags, to load other properties
866        self.root = os.path.join(dir_name, root)
867        self.init = EclipseInit(self.root)
869        # we haven't loaded any grid or recurrent data yet
870        self._grid = None
871        self.recur = {}
872        self.sum = {}
873        self.comp = None
  • casename: Path to the case, with or without extension.
def shape(self):
875    def shape(self):
876        """\
877        Get shape of returned field data.
879        :return:  (num_k, num_j, num_i)
880        :rtype:   (int, int, int)
881        """
882        return self.init.shape

Get shape of returned field data.


(num_k, num_j, num_i)

def start_date(self):
884    def start_date(self):
885        """Starting date of the simulation"""
886        return self.init.start_date

Starting date of the simulation

def components(self):
888    def components(self):
889        """Components that exist in the restart file.
891        >>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
892        >>> comps = case.components ()
893        >>> print ("Number of components is %d" % (len (comps)))
894        >>> for num, name in enumerate (comps):
895        >>>     print ("%d : %s" % (num, name))
896        """
897        # get the last report date, and the index of that. the last
898        # is selected because it is the most likely timestep to be
899        # loaded by the user code (end results), and the number of
900        # components shouldn't change during the run.
901        lst_dat = max(self.by_date.keys())
902        lst_seq = self.by_date[lst_dat]
903        log.debug("Loading component list at date %s (step %04d)",
904                  lst_dat.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), lst_seq)
905        restart = self._delay_load(lst_seq)
906        return restart.components()

Components that exist in the restart file.

>>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
>>> comps = case.components ()
>>> print ("Number of components is %d" % (len (comps)))
>>> for num, name in enumerate (comps):
>>>     print ("%d : %s" % (num, name))
def phases(self):
908    def phases(self):
909        """Phases that exist in the restart file.
911        >>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
912        >>> phs = case.phases ()
913        >>> print ("Number of phases is %d" % (len (phs)))
914        >>> print ("Keyword for first phase is %s" % ("S" + phs [0]))
915        >>> if Phase.oil in phs:
916        >>>     print ("Oil is present")
917        >>> else:
918        >>>     print ("Oil is not present")
919        """
920        return self.init.phases

Phases that exist in the restart file.

>>> case = EclipseCase (filename)
>>> phs = case.phases ()
>>> print ("Number of phases is %d" % (len (phs)))
>>> print ("Keyword for first phase is %s" % ("S" + phs [0]))
>>> if Phase.oil in phs:
>>>     print ("Oil is present")
>>> else:
>>>     print ("Oil is not present")
def report_dates(self):
922    def report_dates(self):
923        """List of all the report dates that are available in this
924        case. Items from this list can be used as a parameter to `at`
925        to get the case for that particular report step.
927        :returns: List of available report dates in sequence
928        :rtype:   list [datetime.datetime]
930        >>> for rstp in case.report_dates ():
931                print (case.at (rstp).this_date)
933        .. seealso:: at
934        """
935        return sorted(self.by_date.keys())

List of all the report dates that are available in this case. Items from this list can be used as a parameter to at to get the case for that particular report step.

:returns: List of available report dates in sequence

>>> for rstp in case.report_dates ():
        print (case.at (rstp).this_date)

seealso at.

def at(self, when):
955    def at(self, when):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
956        """Recurrent data for a certain timestep. The result of this
957        method is usually passed to function that need to calculate
958        something using several properties.
960        :param when:  Date of the property.
961        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
962        :returns:     Object containing properties for this timestep
963        :rtype:       EclipseRestart
964        """
965        # get the sequence number of the report step; this is either
966        # specified directly as an int, or given as a date
967        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
968            assert (when in self.by_date)
969            seq = self.by_date[when]
970        else:
971            seq = when
973        restart = self._delay_load(seq)
974        return restart

Recurrent data for a certain timestep. The result of this method is usually passed to function that need to calculate something using several properties.

  • when: Date of the property. :returns: Object containing properties for this timestep
def atsm(self, when):
 976    def atsm(self, when):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 977        """Recurrent data from summary file for a certain timestep. The result
 978        of this method is usually passed to function that need to calculate
 979        something using several properties.
 981        :param when:  Date of the property.
 982        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
 983        :returns:     Object containing summary properties for this timestep
 984        :rtype:       EclipseSummary
 985        """
 986        # get the sequence number of the report step; this is either
 987        # specified directly as an int, or given as a date
 988        if isinstance(when, datetime.datetime):
 989            assert (when in self.by_date)
 990            seq = self.by_date[when]
 991        else:
 992            seq = when
 994        # check if we have loaded the data file yet. since we need
 995        # to index the file while reading from it, we maintain a
 996        # cache of all the files that has been loaded.
 997        if seq in self.sum:
 998            summary = self.sum[seq]
 999        else:
1000            summary = EclipseSummary(self.init, seq)
1001            self.sum[seq] = summary
1003        return summary

Recurrent data from summary file for a certain timestep. The result of this method is usually passed to function that need to calculate something using several properties.

  • when: Date of the property. :returns: Object containing summary properties for this timestep
def cell_data(self, prop, when=None):
1005    def cell_data(self, prop, when=None):
1006        """Read cell-wise data from case. This can be either static information
1007        or recurrent information for a certain date.
1009        :param prop:  Name of the property, e.g. 'SWAT'
1010        :type prop:   str
1011        :param when:  Date of the property, or None if static
1012        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1013        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1014        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1016        :example:
1017        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1018        >>> zmf2 = case.cell_data ('ZMF2', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1019        """
1020        # if it is static property, it is found in the initial file
1021        if when is None:
1022            return self.init.cell_data(prop)
1023        else:
1024            # ask the restart file for the data
1025            return self.at(when).cell_data(prop)

Read cell-wise data from case. This can be either static information or recurrent information for a certain date.

  • prop: Name of the property, e.g. 'SWAT'
  • when: Date of the property, or None if static :returns: Loaded array for the property.


>>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
>>> zmf2 = case.cell_data ('ZMF2', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
def field_data(self, prop, when=None):
1027    def field_data(self, prop, when=None):
1028        """Read field-wise data from case. This can be either static information
1029        or recurrent information for a certain date.
1031        :param prop:  Name of the property, e.g. 'ZPHASE'
1032        :type prop:   str
1033        :param when:  Date of the property, or None if static
1034        :type when:   :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1035        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1036        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1038        :example:
1039        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1040        >>> zphase = case.cell_data ('ZPHASE', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1041        """
1042        # if it is static property, it is found in the initial file
1043        if when is None:
1044            return self.init.field_data(prop)
1045        else:
1046            # ask the restart file for the data
1047            return self.at(when).field_data(prop)

Read field-wise data from case. This can be either static information or recurrent information for a certain date.

  • prop: Name of the property, e.g. 'ZPHASE'
  • when: Date of the property, or None if static :returns: Loaded array for the property.


>>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
>>> zphase = case.cell_data ('ZPHASE', datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
def summary_data(self, prop, when):
1049    def summary_data(self, prop, when):
1050        """Read summary data from case. This is typically well data, but can
1051        also be e.g., newton iterations.
1053        :param prop: Name of the property, e.g., 'WWPR PRO1'.
1054        :type prop:  str
1055        :param when: Date of the property
1056        :type when:  :class:`datetime.datetime` or int
1057        :returns:     Loaded array for the property.
1058        :rtype:       :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1059        :example:
1060        >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
1061        >>> data = case.cell_data ('WWIR INJ-5',
1062                                   datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
1063        """
1064        # Summary data is a bit more tricky than restart data. Mostly because
1065        # all specifications are given in the SMSPEC file. We must therefore
1066        # start by loading the mnemonic and the well associated with each data
1067        # vector
1068        return self.atsm(when).summary_data(prop)

Read summary data from case. This is typically well data, but can also be e.g., newton iterations.

  • prop: Name of the property, e.g., 'WWPR PRO1'.
  • when: Date of the property :returns: Loaded array for the property. :example:
    >>> case = EclipseCase (cmd_args.filename)
    >>> data = case.cell_data ('WWIR INJ-5',
    datetime.datetime (2054, 7, 1))
def grid(self):
1070    def grid(self):
1071        """Grid structure for simulation case."""
1072        # on-demand load the grid file
1073        if self._grid is None:
1074            self._grid = EclipseGrid(self.init.root)
1076        # offload this routine to the grid object
1077        return self._grid.grid()

Grid structure for simulation case.

class EclipseRFT:
1080class EclipseRFT (object):
1081    """Read data from an Eclipse RFT file."""
1083    def __init__(self, casename):
1084        """
1085        :param casename:  Path to the case, with or without extension.
1086        :type casename:   str
1087        """
1088        # get the directory of the file, using dot for current one if
1089        # no directory has been specified
1090        dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(casename)
1091        dir_name = '.' if dir_name == '' else dir_name
1093        # further remove the extension from the filename
1094        root, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
1096        # read the initial file to get the size of the grid and the
1097        # active flags, to load other properties
1098        self.root = os.path.join(dir_name, root)
1100        self.recur = {}
1101        self.sum = {}
1103    def rft_data(self, well, prop):
1104        """
1105        Read the rft data for the requested well
1106        :param well: Name of well, e.g. 'PRO-1'
1107        :param prop: Type of property (depth, pressure, swat, or sgas)
1108        :type well: str
1109        :type prop: str
1110        :return: Loaded array for the property.
1111        :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1112        >>> case = EclipseRFT (cmd_args.filename)
1113        >>> data = case.rft_data (well='INJ-5', prop='PRESSURE')
1114        """
1115        with EclipseFile(self.root, 'RFT') as eclf:
1116            vec_dat = None
1117            # Find the array from the current well
1118            for index in range(eclf.cnt['WELLETC ']):
1119                # well name for current index
1120                if eclf.get(kwd='WELLETC', seq=index)[1] == well.upper():
1121                    # check that this well has RFT data
1122                    assert 'R' in eclf.get(kwd='WELLETC', seq=index)[5]
1123                    vec_dat = eclf.get(kwd=prop, seq=index)
1124                    break
1126        return vec_dat

Read data from an Eclipse RFT file.

1083    def __init__(self, casename):
1084        """
1085        :param casename:  Path to the case, with or without extension.
1086        :type casename:   str
1087        """
1088        # get the directory of the file, using dot for current one if
1089        # no directory has been specified
1090        dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(casename)
1091        dir_name = '.' if dir_name == '' else dir_name
1093        # further remove the extension from the filename
1094        root, _ = os.path.splitext(file_name)
1096        # read the initial file to get the size of the grid and the
1097        # active flags, to load other properties
1098        self.root = os.path.join(dir_name, root)
1100        self.recur = {}
1101        self.sum = {}
  • casename: Path to the case, with or without extension.
def rft_data(self, well, prop):
1103    def rft_data(self, well, prop):
1104        """
1105        Read the rft data for the requested well
1106        :param well: Name of well, e.g. 'PRO-1'
1107        :param prop: Type of property (depth, pressure, swat, or sgas)
1108        :type well: str
1109        :type prop: str
1110        :return: Loaded array for the property.
1111        :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
1112        >>> case = EclipseRFT (cmd_args.filename)
1113        >>> data = case.rft_data (well='INJ-5', prop='PRESSURE')
1114        """
1115        with EclipseFile(self.root, 'RFT') as eclf:
1116            vec_dat = None
1117            # Find the array from the current well
1118            for index in range(eclf.cnt['WELLETC ']):
1119                # well name for current index
1120                if eclf.get(kwd='WELLETC', seq=index)[1] == well.upper():
1121                    # check that this well has RFT data
1122                    assert 'R' in eclf.get(kwd='WELLETC', seq=index)[5]
1123                    vec_dat = eclf.get(kwd=prop, seq=index)
1124                    break
1126        return vec_dat

Read the rft data for the requested well

  • well: Name of well, e.g. 'PRO-1'
  • prop: Type of property (depth, pressure, swat, or sgas)

Loaded array for the property.

>>> case = EclipseRFT (cmd_args.filename)
>>> data = case.rft_data (well='INJ-5', prop='PRESSURE')
def main(*args):
1129def main(*args):
1130    """Read a data file to see if it parses OK."""
1131    # setup simple logging where we prefix each line with a letter code
1132    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
1133                        format="%(levelname).1s: %(message).76s")
1135    # parse command-line arguments
1136    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
1137    parser.add_argument("filename")
1138    cmd_args = parser.parse_args(*args)
1140    # process file
1141    root, ext = os.path.splitext(cmd_args.filename)
1142    with EclipseFile(root, ext[1:]) as eclf:
1143        eclf.dump(True)

Read a data file to see if it parses OK.