
EnKF type schemes

  2EnKF type schemes
  4# External imports
  5import numpy as np
  6from scipy.linalg import solve
  7from copy import deepcopy
  8from geostat.decomp import Cholesky                     # Making realizations
 10# Internal imports
 11from pipt.loop.ensemble import Ensemble
 12# Misc. tools used in analysis schemes
 13from pipt.misc_tools import analysis_tools as at
 15from pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.approx_update import approx_update
 16from pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.full_update import full_update
 17from pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.subspace_update import subspace_update
 20class enkfMixIn(Ensemble):
 21    """
 22    Straightforward EnKF analysis scheme implementation. The sequential updating can be done with general grouping and
 23    ordering of data. If only one-step EnKF is to be done, use `es` instead.
 24    """
 26    def __init__(self, keys_da, keys_fwd, sim):
 27        """
 28        The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in
 29        `pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile`.
 31        Parameters
 32        ----------
 33        init_file: str
 34            PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
 36        """
 37        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
 38        super().__init__(keys_da, keys_fwd, sim)
 40        self.prev_data_misfit = None
 42        if self.restart is False:
 43            self.prior_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 44            self.list_states = list(self.state.keys())
 45            # At the moment, the iterative loop is threated as an iterative smoother an thus we check if assim. indices
 46            # are given as in the Simultaneous loop.
 47            self.check_assimindex_sequential()
 49            # Extract no. assimilation steps from MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part of init. file and set this equal to
 50            # the number of iterations pluss one. Need one additional because the iter=0 is the prior run.
 51            self.max_iter = len(self.keys_da['assimindex'])+1
 52            self.iteration = 0
 53            self.lam = 0  # set LM lamda to zero as we are doing one full update.
 54            if 'energy' in self.keys_da:
 55                # initial energy (Remember to extract this)
 56                self.trunc_energy = self.keys_da['energy']
 57                if self.trunc_energy > 1:  # ensure that it is given as percentage
 58                    self.trunc_energy /= 100.
 59            else:
 60                self.trunc_energy = 0.98
 61            self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 63            self.state_scaling = at.calc_scaling(
 64                self.prior_state, self.list_states, self.prior_info)
 66    def calc_analysis(self):
 67        """
 68        Calculate the analysis step of the EnKF procedure. The updating is done using the Kalman filter equations, using
 69        svd for numerical stability. Localization is available.
 70        """
 71        # If this is initial analysis we calculate the objective function for all data. In the final convergence check
 72        # we calculate the posterior objective function for all data
 73        if not hasattr(self, 'prior_data_misfit'):
 74            assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], list(
 75                np.concatenate(self.keys_da['assimindex']))]
 76            list_datatypes, list_active_dataypes = at.get_list_data_types(
 77                self.obs_data, assim_index)
 78            if not hasattr(self, 'cov_data'):
 79                self.full_cov_data = at.gen_covdata(
 80                    self.datavar, assim_index, list_datatypes)
 81            else:
 82                self.full_cov_data = self.cov_data
 83            obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(
 84                self.obs_data, self.pred_data, assim_index, list_datatypes)
 85            # Generate realizations of the observed data
 86            init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
 87            self.full_real_obs_data = init_en.gen_real(
 88                obs_data_vector, self.full_cov_data, self.ne)
 90            # Calc. misfit for the initial iteration
 91            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
 92                self.full_real_obs_data, pred_data, self.full_cov_data)
 94            # Store the (mean) data misfit (also for conv. check)
 95            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
 96            self.prior_data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
 97            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
 99            self.logger.info(
100                f'Prior run complete with data misfit: {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f}.')
102        # Get assimilation order as a list
103        # must subtract one to be inline
104        self.assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'],
105                            self.keys_da['assimindex'][self.iteration-1]]
107        # Get list of data types to be assimilated and of the free states. Do this once, because listing keys from a
108        # Python dictionary just when needed (in different places) may not yield the same list!
109        self.list_datatypes, list_active_dataypes = at.get_list_data_types(
110            self.obs_data, self.assim_index)
112        # Augment observed and predicted data
113        self.obs_data_vector, self.aug_pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
114                                                                        self.list_datatypes)
115        self.cov_data = at.gen_covdata(
116            self.datavar, self.assim_index, self.list_datatypes)
118        init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
119        self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
120        self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector, self.cov_data, self.ne,
121                                                               return_chol=True)
123        self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
125        if 'localanalysis' in self.keys_da:
126            self.local_analysis_update()
127        else:
128            # Mean pred_data and perturbation matrix with scaling
129            if len(self.scale_data.shape) == 1:
130                self.pert_preddata = np.dot(np.expand_dims(self.scale_data ** (-1), axis=1),
131                                            np.ones((1, self.ne))) * np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj)
132            else:
133                self.pert_preddata = solve(
134                    self.scale_data, np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj))
136            aug_state = at.aug_state(self.current_state, self.list_states)
137            self.update()
138            if hasattr(self, 'step'):
139                aug_state_upd = aug_state + self.step
140            if hasattr(self, 'w_step'):
141                self.W = self.current_W + self.w_step
142                aug_prior_state = at.aug_state(self.prior_state, self.list_states)
143                aug_state_upd = np.dot(aug_prior_state, (np.eye(
144                    self.ne) + self.W / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)))
145            # Extract updated state variables from aug_update
146            self.state = at.update_state(aug_state_upd, self.state, self.list_states)
147            self.state = at.limits(self.state, self.prior_info)
149    def check_convergence(self):
150        """
151        Calculate the "convergence" of the method. Important to
152        """
153        self.prev_data_misfit = self.prior_data_misfit
154        # only calulate for the final (posterior) estimate
155        if self.iteration == len(self.keys_da['assimindex']):
156            assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], list(
157                np.concatenate(self.keys_da['assimindex']))]
158            list_datatypes = self.list_datatypes
159            obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, assim_index,
160                                                              list_datatypes)
162            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
163                self.full_real_obs_data, pred_data, self.full_cov_data)
164            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
165            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
167        else:  # sequential updates not finished. Misfit is not relevant
168            self.data_misfit = self.prior_data_misfit
170        # Logical variables for conv. criteria
171        why_stop = {'rel_data_misfit': 1 - (self.data_misfit / self.prev_data_misfit),
172                    'data_misfit': self.data_misfit,
173                    'prev_data_misfit': self.prev_data_misfit}
175        self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
176        if self.data_misfit == self.prev_data_misfit:
177            self.logger.info(
178                f'EnKF update {self.iteration} complete!')
179        else:
180            if self.data_misfit < self.prior_data_misfit:
181                self.logger.info(
182                    f'EnKF update complete! Objective function decreased from {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
183            else:
184                self.logger.info(
185                    f'EnKF update complete! Objective function increased from {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
186        # Return conv = False, why_stop var.
187        return False, True, why_stop
190class enkf_approx(enkfMixIn, approx_update):
191    """
192    MixIn the main EnKF update class with the standard analysis scheme.
193    """
194    pass
197class enkf_full(enkfMixIn, approx_update):
198    """
199    MixIn the main EnKF update class with the standard analysis scheme. Note that this class is only included for
200    completness. The EnKF does not iterate, and the standard scheme is therefor always applied.
201    """
202    pass
205class enkf_subspace(enkfMixIn, subspace_update):
206    """
207    MixIn the main EnKF update class with the subspace analysis scheme.
208    """
209    pass
class enkfMixIn(pipt.loop.ensemble.Ensemble):
 21class enkfMixIn(Ensemble):
 22    """
 23    Straightforward EnKF analysis scheme implementation. The sequential updating can be done with general grouping and
 24    ordering of data. If only one-step EnKF is to be done, use `es` instead.
 25    """
 27    def __init__(self, keys_da, keys_fwd, sim):
 28        """
 29        The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in
 30        `pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile`.
 32        Parameters
 33        ----------
 34        init_file: str
 35            PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
 37        """
 38        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
 39        super().__init__(keys_da, keys_fwd, sim)
 41        self.prev_data_misfit = None
 43        if self.restart is False:
 44            self.prior_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 45            self.list_states = list(self.state.keys())
 46            # At the moment, the iterative loop is threated as an iterative smoother an thus we check if assim. indices
 47            # are given as in the Simultaneous loop.
 48            self.check_assimindex_sequential()
 50            # Extract no. assimilation steps from MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part of init. file and set this equal to
 51            # the number of iterations pluss one. Need one additional because the iter=0 is the prior run.
 52            self.max_iter = len(self.keys_da['assimindex'])+1
 53            self.iteration = 0
 54            self.lam = 0  # set LM lamda to zero as we are doing one full update.
 55            if 'energy' in self.keys_da:
 56                # initial energy (Remember to extract this)
 57                self.trunc_energy = self.keys_da['energy']
 58                if self.trunc_energy > 1:  # ensure that it is given as percentage
 59                    self.trunc_energy /= 100.
 60            else:
 61                self.trunc_energy = 0.98
 62            self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 64            self.state_scaling = at.calc_scaling(
 65                self.prior_state, self.list_states, self.prior_info)
 67    def calc_analysis(self):
 68        """
 69        Calculate the analysis step of the EnKF procedure. The updating is done using the Kalman filter equations, using
 70        svd for numerical stability. Localization is available.
 71        """
 72        # If this is initial analysis we calculate the objective function for all data. In the final convergence check
 73        # we calculate the posterior objective function for all data
 74        if not hasattr(self, 'prior_data_misfit'):
 75            assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], list(
 76                np.concatenate(self.keys_da['assimindex']))]
 77            list_datatypes, list_active_dataypes = at.get_list_data_types(
 78                self.obs_data, assim_index)
 79            if not hasattr(self, 'cov_data'):
 80                self.full_cov_data = at.gen_covdata(
 81                    self.datavar, assim_index, list_datatypes)
 82            else:
 83                self.full_cov_data = self.cov_data
 84            obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(
 85                self.obs_data, self.pred_data, assim_index, list_datatypes)
 86            # Generate realizations of the observed data
 87            init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
 88            self.full_real_obs_data = init_en.gen_real(
 89                obs_data_vector, self.full_cov_data, self.ne)
 91            # Calc. misfit for the initial iteration
 92            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
 93                self.full_real_obs_data, pred_data, self.full_cov_data)
 95            # Store the (mean) data misfit (also for conv. check)
 96            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
 97            self.prior_data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
 98            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
100            self.logger.info(
101                f'Prior run complete with data misfit: {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f}.')
103        # Get assimilation order as a list
104        # must subtract one to be inline
105        self.assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'],
106                            self.keys_da['assimindex'][self.iteration-1]]
108        # Get list of data types to be assimilated and of the free states. Do this once, because listing keys from a
109        # Python dictionary just when needed (in different places) may not yield the same list!
110        self.list_datatypes, list_active_dataypes = at.get_list_data_types(
111            self.obs_data, self.assim_index)
113        # Augment observed and predicted data
114        self.obs_data_vector, self.aug_pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
115                                                                        self.list_datatypes)
116        self.cov_data = at.gen_covdata(
117            self.datavar, self.assim_index, self.list_datatypes)
119        init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
120        self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
121        self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector, self.cov_data, self.ne,
122                                                               return_chol=True)
124        self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
126        if 'localanalysis' in self.keys_da:
127            self.local_analysis_update()
128        else:
129            # Mean pred_data and perturbation matrix with scaling
130            if len(self.scale_data.shape) == 1:
131                self.pert_preddata = np.dot(np.expand_dims(self.scale_data ** (-1), axis=1),
132                                            np.ones((1, self.ne))) * np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj)
133            else:
134                self.pert_preddata = solve(
135                    self.scale_data, np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj))
137            aug_state = at.aug_state(self.current_state, self.list_states)
138            self.update()
139            if hasattr(self, 'step'):
140                aug_state_upd = aug_state + self.step
141            if hasattr(self, 'w_step'):
142                self.W = self.current_W + self.w_step
143                aug_prior_state = at.aug_state(self.prior_state, self.list_states)
144                aug_state_upd = np.dot(aug_prior_state, (np.eye(
145                    self.ne) + self.W / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)))
146            # Extract updated state variables from aug_update
147            self.state = at.update_state(aug_state_upd, self.state, self.list_states)
148            self.state = at.limits(self.state, self.prior_info)
150    def check_convergence(self):
151        """
152        Calculate the "convergence" of the method. Important to
153        """
154        self.prev_data_misfit = self.prior_data_misfit
155        # only calulate for the final (posterior) estimate
156        if self.iteration == len(self.keys_da['assimindex']):
157            assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], list(
158                np.concatenate(self.keys_da['assimindex']))]
159            list_datatypes = self.list_datatypes
160            obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, assim_index,
161                                                              list_datatypes)
163            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
164                self.full_real_obs_data, pred_data, self.full_cov_data)
165            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
166            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
168        else:  # sequential updates not finished. Misfit is not relevant
169            self.data_misfit = self.prior_data_misfit
171        # Logical variables for conv. criteria
172        why_stop = {'rel_data_misfit': 1 - (self.data_misfit / self.prev_data_misfit),
173                    'data_misfit': self.data_misfit,
174                    'prev_data_misfit': self.prev_data_misfit}
176        self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
177        if self.data_misfit == self.prev_data_misfit:
178            self.logger.info(
179                f'EnKF update {self.iteration} complete!')
180        else:
181            if self.data_misfit < self.prior_data_misfit:
182                self.logger.info(
183                    f'EnKF update complete! Objective function decreased from {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
184            else:
185                self.logger.info(
186                    f'EnKF update complete! Objective function increased from {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
187        # Return conv = False, why_stop var.
188        return False, True, why_stop

Straightforward EnKF analysis scheme implementation. The sequential updating can be done with general grouping and ordering of data. If only one-step EnKF is to be done, use es instead.

enkfMixIn(keys_da, keys_fwd, sim)
27    def __init__(self, keys_da, keys_fwd, sim):
28        """
29        The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in
30        `pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile`.
32        Parameters
33        ----------
34        init_file: str
35            PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
37        """
38        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
39        super().__init__(keys_da, keys_fwd, sim)
41        self.prev_data_misfit = None
43        if self.restart is False:
44            self.prior_state = deepcopy(self.state)
45            self.list_states = list(self.state.keys())
46            # At the moment, the iterative loop is threated as an iterative smoother an thus we check if assim. indices
47            # are given as in the Simultaneous loop.
48            self.check_assimindex_sequential()
50            # Extract no. assimilation steps from MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part of init. file and set this equal to
51            # the number of iterations pluss one. Need one additional because the iter=0 is the prior run.
52            self.max_iter = len(self.keys_da['assimindex'])+1
53            self.iteration = 0
54            self.lam = 0  # set LM lamda to zero as we are doing one full update.
55            if 'energy' in self.keys_da:
56                # initial energy (Remember to extract this)
57                self.trunc_energy = self.keys_da['energy']
58                if self.trunc_energy > 1:  # ensure that it is given as percentage
59                    self.trunc_energy /= 100.
60            else:
61                self.trunc_energy = 0.98
62            self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
64            self.state_scaling = at.calc_scaling(
65                self.prior_state, self.list_states, self.prior_info)

The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile.

  • init_file (str): PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
def calc_analysis(self):
 67    def calc_analysis(self):
 68        """
 69        Calculate the analysis step of the EnKF procedure. The updating is done using the Kalman filter equations, using
 70        svd for numerical stability. Localization is available.
 71        """
 72        # If this is initial analysis we calculate the objective function for all data. In the final convergence check
 73        # we calculate the posterior objective function for all data
 74        if not hasattr(self, 'prior_data_misfit'):
 75            assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], list(
 76                np.concatenate(self.keys_da['assimindex']))]
 77            list_datatypes, list_active_dataypes = at.get_list_data_types(
 78                self.obs_data, assim_index)
 79            if not hasattr(self, 'cov_data'):
 80                self.full_cov_data = at.gen_covdata(
 81                    self.datavar, assim_index, list_datatypes)
 82            else:
 83                self.full_cov_data = self.cov_data
 84            obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(
 85                self.obs_data, self.pred_data, assim_index, list_datatypes)
 86            # Generate realizations of the observed data
 87            init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
 88            self.full_real_obs_data = init_en.gen_real(
 89                obs_data_vector, self.full_cov_data, self.ne)
 91            # Calc. misfit for the initial iteration
 92            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
 93                self.full_real_obs_data, pred_data, self.full_cov_data)
 95            # Store the (mean) data misfit (also for conv. check)
 96            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
 97            self.prior_data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
 98            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
100            self.logger.info(
101                f'Prior run complete with data misfit: {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f}.')
103        # Get assimilation order as a list
104        # must subtract one to be inline
105        self.assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'],
106                            self.keys_da['assimindex'][self.iteration-1]]
108        # Get list of data types to be assimilated and of the free states. Do this once, because listing keys from a
109        # Python dictionary just when needed (in different places) may not yield the same list!
110        self.list_datatypes, list_active_dataypes = at.get_list_data_types(
111            self.obs_data, self.assim_index)
113        # Augment observed and predicted data
114        self.obs_data_vector, self.aug_pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
115                                                                        self.list_datatypes)
116        self.cov_data = at.gen_covdata(
117            self.datavar, self.assim_index, self.list_datatypes)
119        init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
120        self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
121        self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector, self.cov_data, self.ne,
122                                                               return_chol=True)
124        self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
126        if 'localanalysis' in self.keys_da:
127            self.local_analysis_update()
128        else:
129            # Mean pred_data and perturbation matrix with scaling
130            if len(self.scale_data.shape) == 1:
131                self.pert_preddata = np.dot(np.expand_dims(self.scale_data ** (-1), axis=1),
132                                            np.ones((1, self.ne))) * np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj)
133            else:
134                self.pert_preddata = solve(
135                    self.scale_data, np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj))
137            aug_state = at.aug_state(self.current_state, self.list_states)
138            self.update()
139            if hasattr(self, 'step'):
140                aug_state_upd = aug_state + self.step
141            if hasattr(self, 'w_step'):
142                self.W = self.current_W + self.w_step
143                aug_prior_state = at.aug_state(self.prior_state, self.list_states)
144                aug_state_upd = np.dot(aug_prior_state, (np.eye(
145                    self.ne) + self.W / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)))
146            # Extract updated state variables from aug_update
147            self.state = at.update_state(aug_state_upd, self.state, self.list_states)
148            self.state = at.limits(self.state, self.prior_info)

Calculate the analysis step of the EnKF procedure. The updating is done using the Kalman filter equations, using svd for numerical stability. Localization is available.

def check_convergence(self):
150    def check_convergence(self):
151        """
152        Calculate the "convergence" of the method. Important to
153        """
154        self.prev_data_misfit = self.prior_data_misfit
155        # only calulate for the final (posterior) estimate
156        if self.iteration == len(self.keys_da['assimindex']):
157            assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], list(
158                np.concatenate(self.keys_da['assimindex']))]
159            list_datatypes = self.list_datatypes
160            obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, assim_index,
161                                                              list_datatypes)
163            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
164                self.full_real_obs_data, pred_data, self.full_cov_data)
165            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
166            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
168        else:  # sequential updates not finished. Misfit is not relevant
169            self.data_misfit = self.prior_data_misfit
171        # Logical variables for conv. criteria
172        why_stop = {'rel_data_misfit': 1 - (self.data_misfit / self.prev_data_misfit),
173                    'data_misfit': self.data_misfit,
174                    'prev_data_misfit': self.prev_data_misfit}
176        self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
177        if self.data_misfit == self.prev_data_misfit:
178            self.logger.info(
179                f'EnKF update {self.iteration} complete!')
180        else:
181            if self.data_misfit < self.prior_data_misfit:
182                self.logger.info(
183                    f'EnKF update complete! Objective function decreased from {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
184            else:
185                self.logger.info(
186                    f'EnKF update complete! Objective function increased from {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
187        # Return conv = False, why_stop var.
188        return False, True, why_stop

Calculate the "convergence" of the method. Important to

class enkf_approx(enkfMixIn, pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.approx_update.approx_update):
191class enkf_approx(enkfMixIn, approx_update):
192    """
193    MixIn the main EnKF update class with the standard analysis scheme.
194    """
195    pass

MixIn the main EnKF update class with the standard analysis scheme.

class enkf_full(enkfMixIn, pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.approx_update.approx_update):
198class enkf_full(enkfMixIn, approx_update):
199    """
200    MixIn the main EnKF update class with the standard analysis scheme. Note that this class is only included for
201    completness. The EnKF does not iterate, and the standard scheme is therefor always applied.
202    """
203    pass

MixIn the main EnKF update class with the standard analysis scheme. Note that this class is only included for completness. The EnKF does not iterate, and the standard scheme is therefor always applied.

class enkf_subspace(enkfMixIn, pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.subspace_update.subspace_update):
206class enkf_subspace(enkfMixIn, subspace_update):
207    """
208    MixIn the main EnKF update class with the subspace analysis scheme.
209    """
210    pass

MixIn the main EnKF update class with the subspace analysis scheme.