
ES-MDA type schemes

  2ES-MDA type schemes
  5# External imports
  6import scipy.linalg as scilinalg
  7from copy import deepcopy
  8import numpy as np
  9from geostat.decomp import Cholesky
 11# Internal imports
 12from pipt.loop.ensemble import Ensemble
 13import pipt.misc_tools.analysis_tools as at
 15# import update schemes
 16from pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.approx_update import approx_update
 17from pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.full_update import full_update
 18from pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.subspace_update import subspace_update
 21class esmdaMixIn(Ensemble):
 22    """
 23    This is the implementation of the ES-MDA algorithm given in [1]. This algorithm have been implemented mostly to
 24    illustrate how a algorithm using the Mda loop can be implemented.
 25    """
 27    def __init__(self, keys_da, keys_en, sim):
 28        """
 29        The class is initialized by passing the keywords and simulator object upwards in the hierarchy.
 31        Parameters
 32        ----------
 33        keys_da['mda']: list
 34            - tot_assim_steps: total number of iterations in MDA, e.g., 3
 35            - inflation_param: covariance inflation factors, e.g., [2, 4, 4]
 37        keys_en : dict
 39        sim : callable
 41        References
 42        ----------
 43        [1] A. Emerick & A. Reynods, Computers & Geosciences, 55, p. 3-15, 2013
 44        """
 45        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
 46        super().__init__(keys_da, keys_en, sim)
 48        self.prev_data_misfit = None
 50        if self.restart is False:
 51            self.prior_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 52            self.list_states = list(self.state.keys())
 53            # At the moment, the iterative loop is threated as an iterative smoother an thus we check if assim. indices
 54            # are given as in the Simultaneous loop.
 55            self.check_assimindex_simultaneous()
 56            self.assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], self.keys_da['assimindex'][0]]
 57            self.list_datatypes, self.list_act_datatypes = at.get_list_data_types(
 58                self.obs_data, self.assim_index)
 60            # Extract no. assimilation steps from MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part of init. file and set this equal to
 61            # the number of iterations pluss one. Need one additional because the iter=0 is the prior run.
 62            self.max_iter = len(self._ext_assim_steps())+1
 63            self.iteration = 0
 64            self.lam = 0  # set LM lamda to zero as we are doing one full update.
 65            if 'energy' in self.keys_da:
 66                # initial energy (Remember to extract this)
 67                self.trunc_energy = self.keys_da['energy']
 68                if self.trunc_energy > 1:  # ensure that it is given as percentage
 69                    self.trunc_energy /= 100.
 70            else:
 71                self.trunc_energy = 0.98
 72            # Get the perturbed observations and observation scaling
 73            self._ext_obs()
 74            self.real_obs_data_conv = deepcopy(self.real_obs_data)
 75            # Get state scaling and svd of scaled prior
 76            self._ext_state()
 77            self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 78        # Extract the inflation parameter from MDA keyword
 79        self.alpha = self._ext_inflation_param()
 81        self.prev_data_misfit = None
 83    def calc_analysis(self):
 84        r"""
 85        Analysis step of ES-MDA. The analysis algorithm is similar to EnKF analysis, only difference is that the data
 86        covariance matrix is inflated with an inflation parameter alpha. The update is done as an iterative smoother
 87        where all data is assimilated at once.
 89        Parameters:
 90        -------------------------------------------------------------
 91            assim_step: int
 92                Current assimilation step
 94        Notes:
 95        -----
 96        ES-MDA is an iterative ensemble smoother with a predefined number of iterations, where the updates is done with
 97        the EnKF update equations but where the data covariance matrix have been inflated:
 99        .. math::
100            d_{obs} = d_{true} + \sqrt{\alpha}C_d^{1/2}Z \\
101            m = m_{prior} + C_{md}(C_g + \alpha C_d)^{-1}(g(m) - d_{obs})
104        where $d_{true}$ is the true observed data, $\alpha$ is the inflation factor, $C_d$ is the data covariance
105        matrix, $Z$ is a standard normal random variable, $C_{md}$ and $C_{g}$ are sample covariance matrices,
106        $m$ is the model parameter, and $g(\)$ is the predicted data. Note that $\alpha$ can have a different
107        value in each assimilation step and must fulfill:
109        .. math::
110            \sum_{i=1}^{N_a} \frac{1}{\alpha} = 1
113        where $N_a$ being the total number of assimilation steps.
114        """
115        # Get assimilation order as a list
116        # reformat predicted data
117        _, self.aug_pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
118                                                     self.list_datatypes)
120        init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
121        if self.iteration == 1:  # first iteration
122            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
123                self.real_obs_data_conv, self.aug_pred_data, self.cov_data)
125            # Store the (mean) data misfit (also for conv. check)
126            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
127            self.prior_data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
128            self.prior_data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
129            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
130            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
132            self.logger.info(
133                f'Prior run complete with data misfit: {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f}.')
134            self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
135            self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector,
136                                                                   self.alpha[self.iteration-1] *
137                                                                   self.cov_data, self.ne,
138                                                                   return_chol=True)
139            self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
140        else:
141            self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
142            self.obs_data_vector, _ = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
143                                                           self.list_datatypes)
144            self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector,
145                                                                   self.alpha[self.iteration -
146                                                                              1] * self.cov_data,
147                                                                   self.ne,
148                                                                   return_chol=True)
149            self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
151        if 'localanalysis' in self.keys_da:
152            self.local_analysis_update()
153        else:
154            if len(self.scale_data.shape) == 1:
155                self.pert_preddata = np.dot(np.expand_dims(self.scale_data ** (-1), axis=1),
156                                            np.ones((1, self.ne))) * np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj)
157            else:
158                self.pert_preddata = scilinalg.solve(
159                    self.scale_data, np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj))
161            aug_state = at.aug_state(self.current_state, self.list_states)
163            self.update()
164            if hasattr(self, 'step'):
165                aug_state_upd = aug_state + self.step
166            if hasattr(self, 'w_step'):
167                self.W = self.current_W + self.w_step
168                aug_prior_state = at.aug_state(self.prior_state, self.list_states)
169                aug_state_upd = np.dot(aug_prior_state, (np.eye(
170                    self.ne) + self.W / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)))
172            # Extract updated state variables from aug_update
173            self.state = at.update_state(aug_state_upd, self.state, self.list_states)
174            self.state = at.limits(self.state, self.prior_info)
176    def check_convergence(self):
177        """
178        Check if LM-EnRML have converged based on evaluation of change sizes of objective function, state and damping
179        parameter.
181        Returns
182        -------
183        bool
184            Logic variable telling if algorithm has converged
185        dict
186            Dict. with keys corresponding to conv. criteria, with logical variable telling which of them that has been
187            met
188        """
190        self.prev_data_misfit = self.data_misfit
191        self.prev_data_misfit_std = self.data_misfit_std
193        # Prelude to calc. conv. check (everything done below is from calc_analysis)
194        obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
195                                                          self.list_datatypes)
197        data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
198            self.real_obs_data_conv, pred_data, self.cov_data)
199        self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
200        self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
202        # Logical variables for conv. criteria
203        why_stop = {'rel_data_misfit': 1 - (self.data_misfit / self.prev_data_misfit),
204                    'data_misfit': self.data_misfit,
205                    'prev_data_misfit': self.prev_data_misfit}
207        if self.data_misfit < self.prev_data_misfit:
208            self.logger.info(
209                f'MDA iteration number {self.iteration}! Objective function reduced from {self.prev_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
210        else:
211            self.logger.info(
212                f'MDA iteration number {self.iteration}! Objective function increased from {self.prev_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
213        # Return conv = False, why_stop var.
214        self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
215        if hasattr(self, 'W'):
216            self.current_W = deepcopy(self.W)
218        return False, True, why_stop
220    def _ext_inflation_param(self):
221        r"""
222        Extract the data covariance inflation parameter from the MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part. Also, we check that
223        the criterion:
225        .. math::
226            \sum_{i=1}^{N_a} \frac{1}{\alpha} = 1
228        is fulfilled for the inflation factor, alpha. If the keyword for inflation parameter -- INFLATION_PARAM -- is
229        not provided, we set the default $\alpha_i = N_a$, where $N_a$ is the tot. no. of MDA assimilation steps (the
230        criterion is fulfilled with this value).
232        Returns
233        -------
234        alpha: list
235            Data covariance inflation factor
236        """
237        # Make sure MDA is a list
238        if not isinstance(self.keys_da['mda'][0], list):
239            mda_opts = [self.keys_da['mda']]
240        else:
241            mda_opts = self.keys_da['mda']
243        # Check if INFLATION_PARAM has been provided, and if so, extract the value(s). If not, we set alpha to the
244        # default value equal to the tot. no. assim. steps
245        if 'inflation_param' in list(zip(*mda_opts))[0]:
246            # Extract value
247            alpha_tmp = [item[1] for item in mda_opts if item[0] == 'inflation_param'][0]
249            # If one value is given, we copy it to all assim. steps. If multiple values are given, we check the
250            # number of parameters corresponds to tot. no. assim. steps
251            if not isinstance(alpha_tmp, list):  # Single input
252                alpha = [alpha_tmp] * len(self._ext_assim_steps())  # Copy value
254            else:
255                assert len(alpha_tmp) == len(self._ext_assim_steps()), 'Number of parameters given in INFLATION_PARAM in MDA does ' \
256                    'not match the total number of assimilation steps given by ' \
257                    'TOT_ASSIM_STEPS in same keyword!'
259                # Inflation parameters for each assimilation step given directly
260                alpha = alpha_tmp
262        else:  # Give alpha by default value
263            alpha = [len(self._ext_assim_steps())] * len(self._ext_assim_steps())
265        # Check if alpha fulfills the criterion to machine precision
266        assert 1 - np.finfo(float).eps <= sum([(1 / x) for x in alpha]) <= 1 + np.finfo(float).eps, \
267            'The sum of the inverse of the inflation parameters given in INFLATION_PARAM does not add up to 1!'
269        # Return inflation parameter
270        return alpha
272    def _ext_assim_steps(self):
273        """
274        Extract list of assimilation steps to perform in MDA loop from the MDA keyword (mandatory for
275        MDA class) in DATAASSIM part. (This method is similar to Iterative._ext_max_iter)
277        Parameters
278        ----------
279        keys_da: dict
280            all keywords from DATAASSIM part
281        mda': info
282            for MDA methods
284        Returns
285        -------
286        int
287            Total number of MDA assimilation steps
289        Changelog
290        ---------
291        - ST 7/6-16
292        - ST 1/3-17: Changed to output list of assim. steps instead of just tot. assim. steps
293        """
294        # Make sure MDA is a list
295        if not isinstance(self.keys_da['mda'][0], list):
296            mda_opts = [self.keys_da['mda']]
297        else:
298            mda_opts = self.keys_da['mda']
300        # Check if 'max_iter' has been given; if not, give error (mandatory in ITERATION)
301        assert 'tot_assim_steps' in list(
302            zip(*mda_opts))[0], 'TOT_ASSIM_STEPS has not been given in MDA!'
304        # Extract max. iter
305        tot_no_assim = int([item[1]
306                           for item in mda_opts if item[0] == 'tot_assim_steps'][0])
308        # Make a list of assim. steps
309        assim_steps = list(range(tot_no_assim))
311        # If it is a restart run, we remove simulations already done
312        if self.restart is True:
313            # List simulations we already have done. Do this by checking pred_data.
314            # OBS: Minus 1 here do to the aborted simulation is also not None.
315            # TODO: Relying on loop_ind may not be the best strategy (?)
316            sim_done = list(range(self.loop_ind))
318            # Update list of assim. steps by removing simulations we have done
319            assim_steps = [ind for ind in assim_steps if ind not in sim_done]
321        # Return list assim. steps
322        return assim_steps
325class esmda_approx(esmdaMixIn, approx_update):
326    pass
329class esmda_full(esmdaMixIn, full_update):
330    pass
333class esmda_subspace(esmdaMixIn, subspace_update):
334    pass
337class esmda_geo(esmda_approx):
338    """
339    This is the implementation of the ES-MDA-GEO algorithm from [1]. The main analysis step in this algorithm is the
340    same as the standard ES-MDA algorithm (implemented in the `es_mda` class). The difference between this and the
341    standard algorithm is the calculation of the inflation factor.
342    """
344    def __init__(self, keys_da):
345        """
346        The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in
347        `pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile`.
349        Parameters
350        ----------
351        init_file: str
352            PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
354        References
355        ----------
356        [1] J. Rafiee & A. Reynolds, Inverse Problems 33 (11), 2017
357        """
358        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
359        super().__init__(keys_da)
361        # Within
362        self.alpha = [None] * self.tot_assim
364    def _calc_inflation_factor(self, pert_preddata, cov_data, energy=99):
365        """
366        We calculate the inflation factor, follow the procedure laid out in Algorithm 1 in [1].
368        Parameters
369        ----------
370        pert_preddata: ndarray
371            Predicted data (fwd. run) ensemble matrix perturbed with its mean
372        cov_data: ndarray
373            Data covariance matrix
374        energy: float, optional
375            Percentage of energy kept in (T)SVD decompostion of 'sensitivity' matrix (default is 99%)
377        Returns
378        -------
379        alpha: float
380            Inflation factor
381        beta: float
382            Geometric factor
383        """
384        # Need the square-root of the data covariance matrix
385        if np.count_nonzero(cov_data - np.diagonal(cov_data)) == 0:
386            l = np.sqrt(cov_data)  # only variance (diagonal) term
387        else:
388            # Cholesky decomposition
389            l = scilinalg.cholesky(cov_data)  # cov. matrix has off-diag. terms
391        # Calculate the 'sensitivity' matrix:
392        sens = (1 / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)) * np.dot(l, pert_preddata)
394        # Perform SVD on sensitivtiy matrix
395        _, s_d, _ = np.linalg.svd(sens, full_matrices=False)
397        # If no. measurements is more than ne - 1, we only keep ne - 1 sing. val.
398        if sens.shape[0] >= self.ne:
399            s_d = s_d[:-1].copy()
401        # If energy is less than 100 we truncate the SVD matrices
402        if energy < 100:
403            ti = (np.cumsum(s_d) / sum(s_d)) * 100 <= energy
404            s_d = s_d[ti].copy()
406        # Calc average singular value
407        avg_s_d = s_d.mean()
409        # The inflation factor is chosen as the maximum of the average singular value (squared) and max. no. of
410        # iterations
411        alpha = np.max((avg_s_d ** 2, self.tot_assim))
413        # We calculate the geometric (reduction) factor (called 'common ratio' in the article). The formula is given
414        # as (1 - beta**-n) / (1 - beta**-1) = alpha (it is actually incorrect in the article, and should be as
415        # written here), with n=tot. assim. steps. Rewritten:
416        #
417        # (1-alpha)*beta**n + alpha*beta**(n-1) - 1 = 0
418        #
419        # This is of course a nasty polynomial root problem, but we use Numpy.roots, extract the real
420        # root less than 1, and hope for the best :p
421        root_coeff = np.zeros(self.tot_assim + 1)
422        root_coeff[0] = 1 - alpha  # first coeff. in polynomial
423        root_coeff[1] = alpha  # sec. coeff in polynomial
424        root_coeff[-1] = -1
425        roots = np.roots(root_coeff)
427        # Most likely the first root will be 1, and the second one will be the one we want. Due to numerical
428        # imprecision, the first root will not be exactly one, so we us Numpy.min to get the second root.
429        beta = np.min([x.real for x in roots if x.imag == 0 and x.real < 1])
431        # Return inflation and geometric factor
432        return alpha, beta
class esmdaMixIn(pipt.loop.ensemble.Ensemble):
 22class esmdaMixIn(Ensemble):
 23    """
 24    This is the implementation of the ES-MDA algorithm given in [1]. This algorithm have been implemented mostly to
 25    illustrate how a algorithm using the Mda loop can be implemented.
 26    """
 28    def __init__(self, keys_da, keys_en, sim):
 29        """
 30        The class is initialized by passing the keywords and simulator object upwards in the hierarchy.
 32        Parameters
 33        ----------
 34        keys_da['mda']: list
 35            - tot_assim_steps: total number of iterations in MDA, e.g., 3
 36            - inflation_param: covariance inflation factors, e.g., [2, 4, 4]
 38        keys_en : dict
 40        sim : callable
 42        References
 43        ----------
 44        [1] A. Emerick & A. Reynods, Computers & Geosciences, 55, p. 3-15, 2013
 45        """
 46        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
 47        super().__init__(keys_da, keys_en, sim)
 49        self.prev_data_misfit = None
 51        if self.restart is False:
 52            self.prior_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 53            self.list_states = list(self.state.keys())
 54            # At the moment, the iterative loop is threated as an iterative smoother an thus we check if assim. indices
 55            # are given as in the Simultaneous loop.
 56            self.check_assimindex_simultaneous()
 57            self.assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], self.keys_da['assimindex'][0]]
 58            self.list_datatypes, self.list_act_datatypes = at.get_list_data_types(
 59                self.obs_data, self.assim_index)
 61            # Extract no. assimilation steps from MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part of init. file and set this equal to
 62            # the number of iterations pluss one. Need one additional because the iter=0 is the prior run.
 63            self.max_iter = len(self._ext_assim_steps())+1
 64            self.iteration = 0
 65            self.lam = 0  # set LM lamda to zero as we are doing one full update.
 66            if 'energy' in self.keys_da:
 67                # initial energy (Remember to extract this)
 68                self.trunc_energy = self.keys_da['energy']
 69                if self.trunc_energy > 1:  # ensure that it is given as percentage
 70                    self.trunc_energy /= 100.
 71            else:
 72                self.trunc_energy = 0.98
 73            # Get the perturbed observations and observation scaling
 74            self._ext_obs()
 75            self.real_obs_data_conv = deepcopy(self.real_obs_data)
 76            # Get state scaling and svd of scaled prior
 77            self._ext_state()
 78            self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
 79        # Extract the inflation parameter from MDA keyword
 80        self.alpha = self._ext_inflation_param()
 82        self.prev_data_misfit = None
 84    def calc_analysis(self):
 85        r"""
 86        Analysis step of ES-MDA. The analysis algorithm is similar to EnKF analysis, only difference is that the data
 87        covariance matrix is inflated with an inflation parameter alpha. The update is done as an iterative smoother
 88        where all data is assimilated at once.
 90        Parameters:
 91        -------------------------------------------------------------
 92            assim_step: int
 93                Current assimilation step
 95        Notes:
 96        -----
 97        ES-MDA is an iterative ensemble smoother with a predefined number of iterations, where the updates is done with
 98        the EnKF update equations but where the data covariance matrix have been inflated:
100        .. math::
101            d_{obs} = d_{true} + \sqrt{\alpha}C_d^{1/2}Z \\
102            m = m_{prior} + C_{md}(C_g + \alpha C_d)^{-1}(g(m) - d_{obs})
105        where $d_{true}$ is the true observed data, $\alpha$ is the inflation factor, $C_d$ is the data covariance
106        matrix, $Z$ is a standard normal random variable, $C_{md}$ and $C_{g}$ are sample covariance matrices,
107        $m$ is the model parameter, and $g(\)$ is the predicted data. Note that $\alpha$ can have a different
108        value in each assimilation step and must fulfill:
110        .. math::
111            \sum_{i=1}^{N_a} \frac{1}{\alpha} = 1
114        where $N_a$ being the total number of assimilation steps.
115        """
116        # Get assimilation order as a list
117        # reformat predicted data
118        _, self.aug_pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
119                                                     self.list_datatypes)
121        init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
122        if self.iteration == 1:  # first iteration
123            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
124                self.real_obs_data_conv, self.aug_pred_data, self.cov_data)
126            # Store the (mean) data misfit (also for conv. check)
127            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
128            self.prior_data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
129            self.prior_data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
130            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
131            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
133            self.logger.info(
134                f'Prior run complete with data misfit: {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f}.')
135            self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
136            self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector,
137                                                                   self.alpha[self.iteration-1] *
138                                                                   self.cov_data, self.ne,
139                                                                   return_chol=True)
140            self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
141        else:
142            self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
143            self.obs_data_vector, _ = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
144                                                           self.list_datatypes)
145            self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector,
146                                                                   self.alpha[self.iteration -
147                                                                              1] * self.cov_data,
148                                                                   self.ne,
149                                                                   return_chol=True)
150            self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
152        if 'localanalysis' in self.keys_da:
153            self.local_analysis_update()
154        else:
155            if len(self.scale_data.shape) == 1:
156                self.pert_preddata = np.dot(np.expand_dims(self.scale_data ** (-1), axis=1),
157                                            np.ones((1, self.ne))) * np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj)
158            else:
159                self.pert_preddata = scilinalg.solve(
160                    self.scale_data, np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj))
162            aug_state = at.aug_state(self.current_state, self.list_states)
164            self.update()
165            if hasattr(self, 'step'):
166                aug_state_upd = aug_state + self.step
167            if hasattr(self, 'w_step'):
168                self.W = self.current_W + self.w_step
169                aug_prior_state = at.aug_state(self.prior_state, self.list_states)
170                aug_state_upd = np.dot(aug_prior_state, (np.eye(
171                    self.ne) + self.W / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)))
173            # Extract updated state variables from aug_update
174            self.state = at.update_state(aug_state_upd, self.state, self.list_states)
175            self.state = at.limits(self.state, self.prior_info)
177    def check_convergence(self):
178        """
179        Check if LM-EnRML have converged based on evaluation of change sizes of objective function, state and damping
180        parameter.
182        Returns
183        -------
184        bool
185            Logic variable telling if algorithm has converged
186        dict
187            Dict. with keys corresponding to conv. criteria, with logical variable telling which of them that has been
188            met
189        """
191        self.prev_data_misfit = self.data_misfit
192        self.prev_data_misfit_std = self.data_misfit_std
194        # Prelude to calc. conv. check (everything done below is from calc_analysis)
195        obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
196                                                          self.list_datatypes)
198        data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
199            self.real_obs_data_conv, pred_data, self.cov_data)
200        self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
201        self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
203        # Logical variables for conv. criteria
204        why_stop = {'rel_data_misfit': 1 - (self.data_misfit / self.prev_data_misfit),
205                    'data_misfit': self.data_misfit,
206                    'prev_data_misfit': self.prev_data_misfit}
208        if self.data_misfit < self.prev_data_misfit:
209            self.logger.info(
210                f'MDA iteration number {self.iteration}! Objective function reduced from {self.prev_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
211        else:
212            self.logger.info(
213                f'MDA iteration number {self.iteration}! Objective function increased from {self.prev_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
214        # Return conv = False, why_stop var.
215        self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
216        if hasattr(self, 'W'):
217            self.current_W = deepcopy(self.W)
219        return False, True, why_stop
221    def _ext_inflation_param(self):
222        r"""
223        Extract the data covariance inflation parameter from the MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part. Also, we check that
224        the criterion:
226        .. math::
227            \sum_{i=1}^{N_a} \frac{1}{\alpha} = 1
229        is fulfilled for the inflation factor, alpha. If the keyword for inflation parameter -- INFLATION_PARAM -- is
230        not provided, we set the default $\alpha_i = N_a$, where $N_a$ is the tot. no. of MDA assimilation steps (the
231        criterion is fulfilled with this value).
233        Returns
234        -------
235        alpha: list
236            Data covariance inflation factor
237        """
238        # Make sure MDA is a list
239        if not isinstance(self.keys_da['mda'][0], list):
240            mda_opts = [self.keys_da['mda']]
241        else:
242            mda_opts = self.keys_da['mda']
244        # Check if INFLATION_PARAM has been provided, and if so, extract the value(s). If not, we set alpha to the
245        # default value equal to the tot. no. assim. steps
246        if 'inflation_param' in list(zip(*mda_opts))[0]:
247            # Extract value
248            alpha_tmp = [item[1] for item in mda_opts if item[0] == 'inflation_param'][0]
250            # If one value is given, we copy it to all assim. steps. If multiple values are given, we check the
251            # number of parameters corresponds to tot. no. assim. steps
252            if not isinstance(alpha_tmp, list):  # Single input
253                alpha = [alpha_tmp] * len(self._ext_assim_steps())  # Copy value
255            else:
256                assert len(alpha_tmp) == len(self._ext_assim_steps()), 'Number of parameters given in INFLATION_PARAM in MDA does ' \
257                    'not match the total number of assimilation steps given by ' \
258                    'TOT_ASSIM_STEPS in same keyword!'
260                # Inflation parameters for each assimilation step given directly
261                alpha = alpha_tmp
263        else:  # Give alpha by default value
264            alpha = [len(self._ext_assim_steps())] * len(self._ext_assim_steps())
266        # Check if alpha fulfills the criterion to machine precision
267        assert 1 - np.finfo(float).eps <= sum([(1 / x) for x in alpha]) <= 1 + np.finfo(float).eps, \
268            'The sum of the inverse of the inflation parameters given in INFLATION_PARAM does not add up to 1!'
270        # Return inflation parameter
271        return alpha
273    def _ext_assim_steps(self):
274        """
275        Extract list of assimilation steps to perform in MDA loop from the MDA keyword (mandatory for
276        MDA class) in DATAASSIM part. (This method is similar to Iterative._ext_max_iter)
278        Parameters
279        ----------
280        keys_da: dict
281            all keywords from DATAASSIM part
282        mda': info
283            for MDA methods
285        Returns
286        -------
287        int
288            Total number of MDA assimilation steps
290        Changelog
291        ---------
292        - ST 7/6-16
293        - ST 1/3-17: Changed to output list of assim. steps instead of just tot. assim. steps
294        """
295        # Make sure MDA is a list
296        if not isinstance(self.keys_da['mda'][0], list):
297            mda_opts = [self.keys_da['mda']]
298        else:
299            mda_opts = self.keys_da['mda']
301        # Check if 'max_iter' has been given; if not, give error (mandatory in ITERATION)
302        assert 'tot_assim_steps' in list(
303            zip(*mda_opts))[0], 'TOT_ASSIM_STEPS has not been given in MDA!'
305        # Extract max. iter
306        tot_no_assim = int([item[1]
307                           for item in mda_opts if item[0] == 'tot_assim_steps'][0])
309        # Make a list of assim. steps
310        assim_steps = list(range(tot_no_assim))
312        # If it is a restart run, we remove simulations already done
313        if self.restart is True:
314            # List simulations we already have done. Do this by checking pred_data.
315            # OBS: Minus 1 here do to the aborted simulation is also not None.
316            # TODO: Relying on loop_ind may not be the best strategy (?)
317            sim_done = list(range(self.loop_ind))
319            # Update list of assim. steps by removing simulations we have done
320            assim_steps = [ind for ind in assim_steps if ind not in sim_done]
322        # Return list assim. steps
323        return assim_steps

This is the implementation of the ES-MDA algorithm given in [1]. This algorithm have been implemented mostly to illustrate how a algorithm using the Mda loop can be implemented.

esmdaMixIn(keys_da, keys_en, sim)
28    def __init__(self, keys_da, keys_en, sim):
29        """
30        The class is initialized by passing the keywords and simulator object upwards in the hierarchy.
32        Parameters
33        ----------
34        keys_da['mda']: list
35            - tot_assim_steps: total number of iterations in MDA, e.g., 3
36            - inflation_param: covariance inflation factors, e.g., [2, 4, 4]
38        keys_en : dict
40        sim : callable
42        References
43        ----------
44        [1] A. Emerick & A. Reynods, Computers & Geosciences, 55, p. 3-15, 2013
45        """
46        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
47        super().__init__(keys_da, keys_en, sim)
49        self.prev_data_misfit = None
51        if self.restart is False:
52            self.prior_state = deepcopy(self.state)
53            self.list_states = list(self.state.keys())
54            # At the moment, the iterative loop is threated as an iterative smoother an thus we check if assim. indices
55            # are given as in the Simultaneous loop.
56            self.check_assimindex_simultaneous()
57            self.assim_index = [self.keys_da['obsname'], self.keys_da['assimindex'][0]]
58            self.list_datatypes, self.list_act_datatypes = at.get_list_data_types(
59                self.obs_data, self.assim_index)
61            # Extract no. assimilation steps from MDA keyword in DATAASSIM part of init. file and set this equal to
62            # the number of iterations pluss one. Need one additional because the iter=0 is the prior run.
63            self.max_iter = len(self._ext_assim_steps())+1
64            self.iteration = 0
65            self.lam = 0  # set LM lamda to zero as we are doing one full update.
66            if 'energy' in self.keys_da:
67                # initial energy (Remember to extract this)
68                self.trunc_energy = self.keys_da['energy']
69                if self.trunc_energy > 1:  # ensure that it is given as percentage
70                    self.trunc_energy /= 100.
71            else:
72                self.trunc_energy = 0.98
73            # Get the perturbed observations and observation scaling
74            self._ext_obs()
75            self.real_obs_data_conv = deepcopy(self.real_obs_data)
76            # Get state scaling and svd of scaled prior
77            self._ext_state()
78            self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
79        # Extract the inflation parameter from MDA keyword
80        self.alpha = self._ext_inflation_param()
82        self.prev_data_misfit = None

The class is initialized by passing the keywords and simulator object upwards in the hierarchy.

  • keys_da['mda'] (list):
    • tot_assim_steps: total number of iterations in MDA, e.g., 3
    • inflation_param: covariance inflation factors, e.g., [2, 4, 4]
  • keys_en (dict):

  • sim (callable):


[1] A. Emerick & A. Reynods, Computers & Geosciences, 55, p. 3-15, 2013

def calc_analysis(self):
 84    def calc_analysis(self):
 85        r"""
 86        Analysis step of ES-MDA. The analysis algorithm is similar to EnKF analysis, only difference is that the data
 87        covariance matrix is inflated with an inflation parameter alpha. The update is done as an iterative smoother
 88        where all data is assimilated at once.
 90        Parameters:
 91        -------------------------------------------------------------
 92            assim_step: int
 93                Current assimilation step
 95        Notes:
 96        -----
 97        ES-MDA is an iterative ensemble smoother with a predefined number of iterations, where the updates is done with
 98        the EnKF update equations but where the data covariance matrix have been inflated:
100        .. math::
101            d_{obs} = d_{true} + \sqrt{\alpha}C_d^{1/2}Z \\
102            m = m_{prior} + C_{md}(C_g + \alpha C_d)^{-1}(g(m) - d_{obs})
105        where $d_{true}$ is the true observed data, $\alpha$ is the inflation factor, $C_d$ is the data covariance
106        matrix, $Z$ is a standard normal random variable, $C_{md}$ and $C_{g}$ are sample covariance matrices,
107        $m$ is the model parameter, and $g(\)$ is the predicted data. Note that $\alpha$ can have a different
108        value in each assimilation step and must fulfill:
110        .. math::
111            \sum_{i=1}^{N_a} \frac{1}{\alpha} = 1
114        where $N_a$ being the total number of assimilation steps.
115        """
116        # Get assimilation order as a list
117        # reformat predicted data
118        _, self.aug_pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
119                                                     self.list_datatypes)
121        init_en = Cholesky()  # Initialize GeoStat class for generating realizations
122        if self.iteration == 1:  # first iteration
123            data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
124                self.real_obs_data_conv, self.aug_pred_data, self.cov_data)
126            # Store the (mean) data misfit (also for conv. check)
127            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
128            self.prior_data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
129            self.prior_data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
130            self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
131            self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
133            self.logger.info(
134                f'Prior run complete with data misfit: {self.prior_data_misfit:0.1f}.')
135            self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
136            self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector,
137                                                                   self.alpha[self.iteration-1] *
138                                                                   self.cov_data, self.ne,
139                                                                   return_chol=True)
140            self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
141        else:
142            self.data_random_state = deepcopy(np.random.get_state())
143            self.obs_data_vector, _ = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
144                                                           self.list_datatypes)
145            self.real_obs_data, self.scale_data = init_en.gen_real(self.obs_data_vector,
146                                                                   self.alpha[self.iteration -
147                                                                              1] * self.cov_data,
148                                                                   self.ne,
149                                                                   return_chol=True)
150            self.E = np.dot(self.real_obs_data, self.proj)
152        if 'localanalysis' in self.keys_da:
153            self.local_analysis_update()
154        else:
155            if len(self.scale_data.shape) == 1:
156                self.pert_preddata = np.dot(np.expand_dims(self.scale_data ** (-1), axis=1),
157                                            np.ones((1, self.ne))) * np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj)
158            else:
159                self.pert_preddata = scilinalg.solve(
160                    self.scale_data, np.dot(self.aug_pred_data, self.proj))
162            aug_state = at.aug_state(self.current_state, self.list_states)
164            self.update()
165            if hasattr(self, 'step'):
166                aug_state_upd = aug_state + self.step
167            if hasattr(self, 'w_step'):
168                self.W = self.current_W + self.w_step
169                aug_prior_state = at.aug_state(self.prior_state, self.list_states)
170                aug_state_upd = np.dot(aug_prior_state, (np.eye(
171                    self.ne) + self.W / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)))
173            # Extract updated state variables from aug_update
174            self.state = at.update_state(aug_state_upd, self.state, self.list_states)
175            self.state = at.limits(self.state, self.prior_info)

Analysis step of ES-MDA. The analysis algorithm is similar to EnKF analysis, only difference is that the data covariance matrix is inflated with an inflation parameter alpha. The update is done as an iterative smoother where all data is assimilated at once.


assim_step: int
    Current assimilation step


ES-MDA is an iterative ensemble smoother with a predefined number of iterations, where the updates is done with the EnKF update equations but where the data covariance matrix have been inflated:

$$d_{obs} = d_{true} + \sqrt{\alpha}C_d^{1/2}Z \ m = m_{prior} + C_{md}(C_g + \alpha C_d)^{-1}(g(m) - d_{obs})$$

where $d_{true}$ is the true observed data, $\alpha$ is the inflation factor, $C_d$ is the data covariance matrix, $Z$ is a standard normal random variable, $C_{md}$ and $C_{g}$ are sample covariance matrices, $m$ is the model parameter, and $g()$ is the predicted data. Note that $\alpha$ can have a different value in each assimilation step and must fulfill:

$$\sum_{i=1}^{N_a} \frac{1}{\alpha} = 1$$

where $N_a$ being the total number of assimilation steps.

def check_convergence(self):
177    def check_convergence(self):
178        """
179        Check if LM-EnRML have converged based on evaluation of change sizes of objective function, state and damping
180        parameter.
182        Returns
183        -------
184        bool
185            Logic variable telling if algorithm has converged
186        dict
187            Dict. with keys corresponding to conv. criteria, with logical variable telling which of them that has been
188            met
189        """
191        self.prev_data_misfit = self.data_misfit
192        self.prev_data_misfit_std = self.data_misfit_std
194        # Prelude to calc. conv. check (everything done below is from calc_analysis)
195        obs_data_vector, pred_data = at.aug_obs_pred_data(self.obs_data, self.pred_data, self.assim_index,
196                                                          self.list_datatypes)
198        data_misfit = at.calc_objectivefun(
199            self.real_obs_data_conv, pred_data, self.cov_data)
200        self.data_misfit = np.mean(data_misfit)
201        self.data_misfit_std = np.std(data_misfit)
203        # Logical variables for conv. criteria
204        why_stop = {'rel_data_misfit': 1 - (self.data_misfit / self.prev_data_misfit),
205                    'data_misfit': self.data_misfit,
206                    'prev_data_misfit': self.prev_data_misfit}
208        if self.data_misfit < self.prev_data_misfit:
209            self.logger.info(
210                f'MDA iteration number {self.iteration}! Objective function reduced from {self.prev_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
211        else:
212            self.logger.info(
213                f'MDA iteration number {self.iteration}! Objective function increased from {self.prev_data_misfit:0.1f} to {self.data_misfit:0.1f}.')
214        # Return conv = False, why_stop var.
215        self.current_state = deepcopy(self.state)
216        if hasattr(self, 'W'):
217            self.current_W = deepcopy(self.W)
219        return False, True, why_stop

Check if LM-EnRML have converged based on evaluation of change sizes of objective function, state and damping parameter.

  • bool: Logic variable telling if algorithm has converged
  • dict: Dict. with keys corresponding to conv. criteria, with logical variable telling which of them that has been met
class esmda_approx(esmdaMixIn, pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.approx_update.approx_update):
326class esmda_approx(esmdaMixIn, approx_update):
327    pass

This is the implementation of the ES-MDA algorithm given in [1]. This algorithm have been implemented mostly to illustrate how a algorithm using the Mda loop can be implemented.

class esmda_full(esmdaMixIn, pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.full_update.full_update):
330class esmda_full(esmdaMixIn, full_update):
331    pass

This is the implementation of the ES-MDA algorithm given in [1]. This algorithm have been implemented mostly to illustrate how a algorithm using the Mda loop can be implemented.

class esmda_subspace(esmdaMixIn, pipt.update_schemes.update_methods_ns.subspace_update.subspace_update):
334class esmda_subspace(esmdaMixIn, subspace_update):
335    pass

This is the implementation of the ES-MDA algorithm given in [1]. This algorithm have been implemented mostly to illustrate how a algorithm using the Mda loop can be implemented.

class esmda_geo(esmda_approx):
338class esmda_geo(esmda_approx):
339    """
340    This is the implementation of the ES-MDA-GEO algorithm from [1]. The main analysis step in this algorithm is the
341    same as the standard ES-MDA algorithm (implemented in the `es_mda` class). The difference between this and the
342    standard algorithm is the calculation of the inflation factor.
343    """
345    def __init__(self, keys_da):
346        """
347        The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in
348        `pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile`.
350        Parameters
351        ----------
352        init_file: str
353            PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
355        References
356        ----------
357        [1] J. Rafiee & A. Reynolds, Inverse Problems 33 (11), 2017
358        """
359        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
360        super().__init__(keys_da)
362        # Within
363        self.alpha = [None] * self.tot_assim
365    def _calc_inflation_factor(self, pert_preddata, cov_data, energy=99):
366        """
367        We calculate the inflation factor, follow the procedure laid out in Algorithm 1 in [1].
369        Parameters
370        ----------
371        pert_preddata: ndarray
372            Predicted data (fwd. run) ensemble matrix perturbed with its mean
373        cov_data: ndarray
374            Data covariance matrix
375        energy: float, optional
376            Percentage of energy kept in (T)SVD decompostion of 'sensitivity' matrix (default is 99%)
378        Returns
379        -------
380        alpha: float
381            Inflation factor
382        beta: float
383            Geometric factor
384        """
385        # Need the square-root of the data covariance matrix
386        if np.count_nonzero(cov_data - np.diagonal(cov_data)) == 0:
387            l = np.sqrt(cov_data)  # only variance (diagonal) term
388        else:
389            # Cholesky decomposition
390            l = scilinalg.cholesky(cov_data)  # cov. matrix has off-diag. terms
392        # Calculate the 'sensitivity' matrix:
393        sens = (1 / np.sqrt(self.ne - 1)) * np.dot(l, pert_preddata)
395        # Perform SVD on sensitivtiy matrix
396        _, s_d, _ = np.linalg.svd(sens, full_matrices=False)
398        # If no. measurements is more than ne - 1, we only keep ne - 1 sing. val.
399        if sens.shape[0] >= self.ne:
400            s_d = s_d[:-1].copy()
402        # If energy is less than 100 we truncate the SVD matrices
403        if energy < 100:
404            ti = (np.cumsum(s_d) / sum(s_d)) * 100 <= energy
405            s_d = s_d[ti].copy()
407        # Calc average singular value
408        avg_s_d = s_d.mean()
410        # The inflation factor is chosen as the maximum of the average singular value (squared) and max. no. of
411        # iterations
412        alpha = np.max((avg_s_d ** 2, self.tot_assim))
414        # We calculate the geometric (reduction) factor (called 'common ratio' in the article). The formula is given
415        # as (1 - beta**-n) / (1 - beta**-1) = alpha (it is actually incorrect in the article, and should be as
416        # written here), with n=tot. assim. steps. Rewritten:
417        #
418        # (1-alpha)*beta**n + alpha*beta**(n-1) - 1 = 0
419        #
420        # This is of course a nasty polynomial root problem, but we use Numpy.roots, extract the real
421        # root less than 1, and hope for the best :p
422        root_coeff = np.zeros(self.tot_assim + 1)
423        root_coeff[0] = 1 - alpha  # first coeff. in polynomial
424        root_coeff[1] = alpha  # sec. coeff in polynomial
425        root_coeff[-1] = -1
426        roots = np.roots(root_coeff)
428        # Most likely the first root will be 1, and the second one will be the one we want. Due to numerical
429        # imprecision, the first root will not be exactly one, so we us Numpy.min to get the second root.
430        beta = np.min([x.real for x in roots if x.imag == 0 and x.real < 1])
432        # Return inflation and geometric factor
433        return alpha, beta

This is the implementation of the ES-MDA-GEO algorithm from [1]. The main analysis step in this algorithm is the same as the standard ES-MDA algorithm (implemented in the es_mda class). The difference between this and the standard algorithm is the calculation of the inflation factor.

345    def __init__(self, keys_da):
346        """
347        The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in
348        `pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile`.
350        Parameters
351        ----------
352        init_file: str
353            PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm
355        References
356        ----------
357        [1] J. Rafiee & A. Reynolds, Inverse Problems 33 (11), 2017
358        """
359        # Pass the init_file upwards in the hierarchy
360        super().__init__(keys_da)
362        # Within
363        self.alpha = [None] * self.tot_assim

The class is initialized by passing the PIPT init. file upwards in the hierarchy to be read and parsed in pipt.input_output.pipt_init.ReadInitFile.

  • init_file (str): PIPT init. file containing info. to run the inversion algorithm

[1] J. Rafiee & A. Reynolds, Inverse Problems 33 (11), 2017
